Page:Babur-nama Vol 1.djvu/102

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Jahangir Mirza (aet. 9) and of begs, 'Ali-darwesh Beg, Mirza Quli Kukuldash, Muh. Baqir Beg and Shaikh 'Abdu'1-lah, Lord of the Gate. Wais Laghari and Mir Ghiyas Taghai had been there too, but being afraid of the (Akhsi) begs had gone off to Kasan, Wais Laghari's district, where, he being Nasir Mirza's guardian, the Mirza was.'^ They went over to SI. Mahmud Fol. lyd. Khan when he got near Akhsi ; Mir Ghiyas entered his service ; Wais Laghari took Nasir Mirza to SI. Ahmad Mirza, who entrusted him to Muh. Mazid Tarkhan's charge. The Khan, though he fought several times near Akhsi, could not effect any- thing because the Akhsi begs and braves made such splendid offering of their lives. Falling sick, being tired of fighting too, he returned to his own country {i.e. Tashkint).

For some years, Aba-bikr Kashghai Ddghlat,^ bowing the head to none, had been supreme in Kashgar and Khutan. He now, moved like the rest by desire for my country, came to the neighbourhood of Auzkint, built a fort and began to lay the land waste. Khwaja Qazi and several begs were appointed to drive him out. When they came near, he saw himself no match for such a force, made the Khwaja his mediator and, by a hundred wiles and tricks, got himself safely free.

Throughout these great events, 'Umar Shaikh Mirza's former begs and braves had held resolutely together and made daring offer of their lives. The Mirza's mother, Shah Sultan Begim,^ and Jahangir Mirza and the Haram household and the begs came from Akhsi to Andijan ; the customary mourning was fulfilled and food and victuals spread for the poor and destitute.^

Fol. 18. In the leisure from these important matters, attention was given to the administration of the country and the ordering of the army. The Andijan Government and control of my Gate were settled (rnukarrar) for Hasan (son) Oi Yaq'ub ; Aush was decided on (qardr) for Qasim Quchm; Akhsi and Marghinan assigned (ta'in) to Auzun Hasan and 'Ali-dost Taghai. For the rest of 'Umar Shaikh Mirza's begs and braves, to each accord-

1 beg ataka, lit. beg for father.

2 T.R. s.n. Aba-bikr.

3 Cf.i. 6b and note.

4 faqra u masakin, i.e. those who have food for one day and those who have none in hand. (Steingass.)