Page:Back to the Republic.djvu/41

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The Golden Mean

illustrate the importance and the soundness of the law of the golden mean. Other trinity classifications will doubtless occur to you:

Extreme Golden Mean Extreme
Autocracy REPUBLIC Democracy
Tyrants Statesmen Demagogues
Bondage Liberty License
Oppression Reason Impulse
Arbitrariness Arbitration Agitation
Submission Contentment Discontent
Coercion Justice Anarchy
Reaction Progress Chaos
Feudalism Property rights Socialism

You will observe from these classifications that the results of autocracy and democracy are undesirable extremes, and that the results of a republic are desirable golden means.

Autocracy results in tyranny, bondage, oppression, arbitrariness, coercion, submission, reaction.

Democracy results in demagogism, license, impulse, agitation, discontent, anarchy and chaos.

The republic, strictly and literally adhered to, results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, arbitration, justice, contentment and progress.

It is interesting to note how this natural law of the golden mean works in other fields of activity