Page:Ballantyne--The Dog Crusoe.djvu/104

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The same afternoon Crusoe, in a private hunting excursion of his own, caught a prairie-hen, which he proceeded to devour, when Dick whistled.

Obedience was engrained in every fibre of Crusoe’s being. He did not merely answer at once to the call—he sprang to it, leaving the prairie-hen untasted.

“Fetch it, pup,” cried Dick eagerly as the dog came up.

In a few moments the hen was at his feet. Dick’s circumstances could not brook the delay of cookery; he gashed the bird with his knife and drank the blood, and then gave the flesh to the dog, while he crept to the pool again for another draught. Ah! think not, reader, that although we have treated this subject in a slight vein of pleasantry, because it ended well, that therefore our tale is pure fiction. Not only are Indians glad to satisfy the urgent cravings of hunger with raw flesh, but many civilized and delicately nurtured men have done the same—ay, and doubtless will do the same again, as long as enterprising and fearless men shall go forth to dare the dangers of flood and field in the wild places of our world.

Crusoe had finished his share of the feast before Dick returned from the pool. Then master and dog lay down together and fell into a long, deep, peaceful slumber.

Chapter XV.—Dick “bags” a Buffalo.

DICK VARLEY’S fears and troubles, in the meantime, were ended. On the day following he awoke refreshed and happy—so happy and light at heart, as he felt the glow of returning health coursing through his veins, that he fancied he must have dreamed it all. In fact, he was so certain that his muscles were strong that he endeavoured to leap up, but was convinced of his condition by the miserable stagger that resulted from the effort.

However, he knew he was recovering, so he rose, and thanking God for his recovery, and for the new hope that was raised in his heart, he went down to the pool and drank deeply of its water. Then he returned, and, sitting down beside his dog, opened the Bible and read long—and, for the first time, earnestly—the story of Christ’s love for sinful man. He at last fell asleep, and when he awakened felt so much refreshed that he determined to pursue his journey.

He had not proceeded far when he came upon a colony of prairie-dogs. Upon this occasion he was little inclined to