Page:Barnes (1879) Poems of rural life in the Dorset dialect (combined).djvu/181

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An’ there in het, an’ there in wet,
 We tweil’d wi’ busy hands, John;
Vor ev’ry stroke o’ work we het,
 Did better our own lands, John.
But after me, ov all my kin,
 Not woone can hold em on;
Vor we can’t get a life put in
 Vor mine, when I’m a-gone
   Vrom thik wold brown
   Thatch ruf, a-boun’
By elem trees a-growèn roun’.

Ov eight good hwomes, where, I can mind
 Vo’k liv’d upon their land, John,
But dree be now a-left behind;
 The rest ha’ vell in hand, John,
An’ all the happy souls they ved
 Be scatter’d vur an’ wide.
An’ zome o’m be a-wantèn bread,
 Zome, better off, ha’ died,
   Noo mwore to ho,
   Vor homes below
The trees a-swaÿen to an’ fro.

An’ I could leäd ye now all round
 The parish, if I would, John,
An’ show ye still the very ground
 Where vive good housen stood, John,
In broken orcha’ds near the spot,
 A vew wold trees do stand;
But dew do vall where vo’k woonce zot
 About the burnèn brand
   In housen warm,
   A-kept vrom harm
By elems that did break the storm.