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Crowns I'll throw beneath thy feet,
thou on necks of kings ſhall tread;
Joys incircling, joys ſhall meet,
which way e'er thy fancy lead.
Let not ſpoils of empire fright;
toils of empire pleaſure are:
Thou ſhalt only know delight,
all the joy, but not the care.
Shepherd, if thou'lt yield the prize,
for the bleſſings I beſtow,
Joyful I'll aſcend the ſkies,
happy thou ſhalt reign below.
To its own Proper Tune.
T ARRY woo, tarry woo,
Tarry woo is ill to ſpin,
Card it well, card it well,
Card it well ere ye begin.
When 'tis carded, rov'd and ſpun,
Then the wark is haflens done;
But when woven, dreſt, and clean,
It may be cleading for a queen.
Sing my bonny harmleſs ſheep,
That feed upon the mountains ſteep
Bleating ſweetly as they go,