Page:Beauty for Ashes.djvu/100

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manner in which children are educated in heaven, and the results which are there realized. By following this instruction, we may stifle here below the hereditary evils of our children, and prevent them from ever becoming actual sins. This is the certain way to insure for them a happy and a useful life on earth, and the joys of heaven in the other world.

See what a contrast there is between the Old and the New doctrine on this subject, when placed side by side! See how they look respectively, when viewed in the light of reason and the Divine Word!

"Look here upon this picture, and on this."

Which bears most legibly the impress of heaven? Which looks like the offspring of Divine Wisdom, and which like the work of men's hands? Which is to be believed, and which denied? If the heavenly character and heavenly tendency of the New doctrine, do not clearly authenticate its heavenly origin, let it be rejected. But if they do, then its reception is sure to bring heavenly consolation.