Page:Beauty for Ashes.djvu/76

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are not excited, or aroused into activity. Here, they are often forced to be spectators of shocking scenes—scenes in which the very malignities of hell pour themselves forth in obscenity, vulgarity, profanity, cruel calumnies, stinging taunts, and acts of violence, hatred and cruelty: There, they witness no exhibitions of turbulent passions or evil feelings in those around them; they hear no vulgar, profane or angry words; they look upon no wicked deeds. On the contrary, they are encompassed with an atmosphere of tenderest love and purest wisdom. Love prompts, and wisdom directs, all that is done to them and for them. Love breathes in every tone they hear; love beams in every face they see; love moulds the forms, and prompts the words, and shapes the deeds of all around them. And even the gardens, trees and flowers, and all the innocent and beautiful objects which greet their senses and fill their souls with exquisite delight, are but the embodied and substantial forms of those angelic affections, which are poured forth in a constant, fresh and living stream, into their innocent and tender hearts.

They are also educated in a much wiser and more perfect manner than children in this world, and improve much faster. This might reasonably be inferred from what has already been said. They are instructed for the most part by representatives adapted to their age and capacities, the transcendant beauty of which, and their fulness of angelic wisdom, are said to exceed all belief. Objects indescribably beautiful and inter-