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Beniamin goeth
with his brethren

1ANd the famine was ſore in the land.

2And it came to paſſe when they had eaten vp the corne, which they had brought out of Egypt, their father ſaid vnto them, Goe againe, buy vs a little foode.

3And Judah ſpake vnto him, ſaying, The man did †Heb. proteſting he proteſted. ſolemnly proteſt vnto vs, ſaying, Ye shall not ſee my face, except your ** Chap.42.20. brother be with you.

4If thou wilt ſend our brother with vs, we will goe downe and buy thee food.

5But if thou wilt not ſend him, we will not goe downe: for the man ſaide vnto vs, Ye ſhall not ſee my face, except your brother be with you.

6And Iſrael ſaid, Wherefore dealt ye ſo ill with me, as to tell the man whether ye had yet a brother?

7And they ſaid, The man †Heb. asking he asked vs. aſked vs ſtraitly of our ſtate, and of our kindred, ſaying, Is your father yet aliue? haue yee another brother? and we tolde him according to the †Heb. mouth tenour of theſe words: †Heb. knowing could we know? Could we certainely knowe that he would ſay, Bring your brother downe?

8And Judah ſaid vnto Iſrael his father, Send the lad with me, and wee will ariſe and go, that we may liue, and not die, both me, and thou, and alſo our little ones.

9I will be ſurety for him; of my hand ſhalt thou require him: ** Chap. 44. 32. if I bring him not vnto thee, and ſet him before thee, then let me beare the blame for euer.

10For except we had lingered, ſurely now wee had returned ‖Or, twice by this. this ſecond time.

11 And their father Iſrael ſaid vnto them, If it muſt bee ſo now, doe this: take of the beſt fruits in the land in your veſſels, and carie downe the man a present, a litle balme, and a litle honie, ſpices, and myrrhe, nuts, and almonds.

12 And take double money in your hand, and the money that was brought againe in the mouth of your ſackes: carie it againe in your hand, peraduenture it was an ouerſight.

13Take alſo your brother, and ariſe, go againe vnto the man.

14And God Almightie giue you mercie before the man, that he may ſend away your other brother, and Beniamin: ‖‖ Or, and I, as I haue bene &c. If I be bereaued of my children, I am bereaued.

15¶ And the men tooke that preſent, and they tooke touble money in their hand, and Beniamin, and roſe vp, and went downe to Egypt, and ſtood before Joſeph.

16And when Joſeph ſawe Beniamin with them, hee ſaid to the ruler of his houſe, Bring theſe men home, and †Heb. kill a killing. ſlay, and make ready: for theſe men ſhall †Hebr. eate. dine with me at noone.

17And the man did as Joſeph bade: and the man brought the men into Joſephs houſe.

18And the men were afraid, becauſe they were brought into Joſephs houſe, and they ſaid, Becauſe of the money that was returned in our ſackes at the first time are we brought in, that hee may †Heb. roll himſelfe vpon vs. ſeeke occaſion againſt vs, and fall vpon vs, and take vs for bondmen, and our aſſes.

19And they came neere to the ſteward of Joſephs houſe, and they communed with him at the doore of the houſe.

20And ſaid, O Sir, ** Cha.42.3Heb. comming downe we came downe we came indeed downe at the firſt time to buy food.

21And it came to paſſe when wee came to the Inne that wee opened our ſackes, and behold, euery mans money was in the mouth of his ſacke, our money in ful weight: and we haue brought it againe in our hand.

22And other money haue wee brought downe in our handes to buy food: we cannot tell who put our money in our ſackes.

23And he ſaid, peace be to you, feare not: your God, and the God of your father, hath giuen you treaſure in your ſackes: †Heb. your money came to mee. I had your money. And hee brought Simeon out vnto them.

24And the man brought the men into Joſephs houſe, and ** Chap.18.4. & 24.32. gaue them water, and they waſhed their feete, and he gaue their aſſes prouender.

25And they made ready the preſent againſt Joſeph came at noone: for they heard that they ſhould eate bread there.

26¶ And when Joſeph came home, they brought him the preſent which was in their hand, into the houſe, and bowed themſelues to him to the earth.

27And he aſked them of their welfare, and ſaid, Is your father well, the old man of whome ye ſpake: Is he yet aliue:

28¶ And