Page:Biographical Sketches of Dekkan Poets.djvu/118

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The foregoing poem of the Vasoo Charitra was much admired by the contemporaries of Bhattu Murti, and became a model for after poets who composed in the Telugu language—Bhattu Murti, was highly rewarded by Terumala Roya for this and other works that he composed at the command of that monarch, so that he passed his days in peace and happiness until his death, which happened at his residence in the sixtieth year of his age.


This poet was by cast a Niyogi bramin of the Mukka tribe and a native of a village called Gannavarum, he flourished during the reign of Krishna Roya, King of Vijayanagar. He composed a work called "Parijata paharana," in which it is given out that Krishna Roya had procured the parijata flower from the garden of Indra for his consort Satya Bhama, the poem consists of three books written in a florid style, and the images and similes are very bold and striking.