Page:Bischofs Waerferth von Worcester Übersetzung der Dialoge Gregors des grossen.djvu/39

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I Be Honorate þam cnihte, hu him wes gemeted fisc on þan munte.

(Hs. C.) Hit gelamp geo in Samni þære mægðe, þæt sumes (3b) rices mannes tun wæs, in ðam his gebur hæfde sunu, ⁊ þam wæs nama Honoratus. se higode symble þurh fæsten ⁊ forhæfdnesse of his cnihthade to þære lufan þes heofonlican eþles, ⁊ sona he þeah mid swa mycelre drohtnunge þæs clænan lifes, þæt he hine sylfnef þa geteah ⁊ gehæfde fram æghwilcum unnyttum worde, ⁊ swiþe his lichaman tæmede ⁊ swæncte þurh forhæfdnysee, swa ic ær beforan sæde. sume dæge hit gelamp, þæt his magas worhton gebeorsciþe heora neahgeburum ⁊ heora freondum. in þam gebeorscipe ‘wæron flæsc gegearwod mannmum to etanne. þa he þa sceolde niman ⁊ etan, þa wiðsoc he þæt flæsc for lufan þæs fæstenes. ⁊ hine ongunnon þa his magas bysmrian ⁊ cwædon to him: ‘et þu cniht þisne mete! cwyþst þu, þæt we magon niman fisc on þysum muntum ⁊ þe bringan to etanne?’ in þære stowe wæs gewuna, þæt man hwilum ymb fisc gehyrde sprecan, ⁊ þær næs næfre nan gesewen. ac þa se Honoratus wæs þus gebysmerod mid þysum word, semninga hit gelamp, þæt þær wæs wæter to lytel to manna þenunge in þam gebeorscipe. ⁊ þa arn an wencel mid treowenum æscene, swa hit þær ðeaw was. to þære wyllan, ⁊ sone swa hit þæt wæter hlod, þa becom an fisc in þone wæterstoppan. ⁊ þa sona swa þæt wencel ham gecyrred wes, hit ageat þone fisc mid þy wætre beforan heom eallum on þam gebeorscipe, ⁊ Honoratus þa hæfde genoh on ðam fisce to anse dæges bigleofan. ⁊ þa sona geswac eall seo bysmerung his maga, ⁊ hi ealle wundrigende ongunnon wurðian ⁊ herigan þa forhæfdnesse ⁊ þæt fæsten on Honorate, þe hi ær bysmerodon. ⁊ hit þa swa gelamp, þæt fram þam (4a) Godes men adrigde þa edwitu þære bysmrunge se fisc of þam munte. ða se Honoratus weox ⁊ þeah mid mycclum

fast ginslich unleserlich H 8 es O |] bom PEC 5 noms @ || hogade O 6 beofen!- G% þab ‘OT micele droht(nunge O 8 ba ingeteh 9 || wordum @ 9 -homan temode ⁊ swencte O||-nesse O 10 segde ai | hit lamþ þette O 11 hira @ 12 -wode mon- oun @ || etane C 18 cetan [| witisoc he þam for 1 @ 14 cwedan, uraþriing- lich eweban O 15 cwist O|| þisum O 16 þe tobringan to etanne O, etane C 17 mon bwilon O || gebirde sþre(de)can O [| nafre nenig ae 18 þþal 9 II gebyemrad @ 18—19 þissam wordnm [⁊fninge C |j -lo nf || Pen- treowene wacne @ 22 becom] ecde @ 2G þa ee ea awa f. O |] | Vee O %4 watere || beforan ondwearinesse iþ ymbsittendra on þ 26 ond þa Hon. hefde eae bigleofan} ondlifjns GO 26 geavael 4 fon 74 bysmrang O |j-driende O 27 herian þa forhe[]|dnease O 26 in Honorato @ PB þyenrodna on[jhit @ i] tomþ O 29 from O || þam f. C |] adrygde miclum
