Page:Bischofs Waerferth von Worcester Übersetzung der Dialoge Gregors des grossen.djvu/57

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þære muneca on heora hlafordes æfweardnysse gan in þa gesam- nunge þara fæmenena, ⁊ mycle læs þæm wæs alyfed, þam þe niwan com, (10 b) ⁊ his lif wæs þa gyt uncuð eallre þære gesomnnge þara broðra. ⁊ þa sona sændon hi ærendracan to þam godes þeowe Equitie ⁊ him þæt bodedon, þæt seo nunne wære inhæted mid un- mætam feferadlum, ⁊ þæt heo geornlice bæde Basilies neosunge þæs muneces. sona swa se halga man þæs ærendu gehyrde, þa hloh he eall swylce he þæt spell ofer- hogode ⁊ þus cwæð: 'hwæt! ne sæde ic hit ær, þæt he wære deo- fol nalles munuc? gað nu to him ⁊ hine adrifað of þæm mynstre; ⁊ be þam godes mænnene þære nunnan, þe þær nearolice geþread wæs mid feferadle, ne þurfe ge na sorgian, forþon on þissere ylcan tide, þa ic þas word cweþe, na ma heo ne byþ winnende on fefer- adlum, ne heo no biddeþ Basilies tocymes.' ⁊ þa cyrde him ham se munuc, þe hit ærendode, ⁊ sona ongæt, þæt seo godes fæmne wæs gehæled in þa ylcan tide, þe se Godes þeow cyrde. þeah he feor wære, Æquitius þa he hire hæle gecwæþ ⁊ gehet. witodlice þes

^eera munuca on hyra ealdres hamsi^ S^n^an inn to )>fera tem-

nena jesonmunje, 3 micele lies se fe fa niwan com, 3 wtea his lif j?a jyt nncuJS J^ara liroSra 50- 5 8amnua5e. ac yn hKedlice wies äsend to ^am 5odes J>eowe .^qui- tie 3 hiffi jecydde, |>iet seo nunne wsere jetyrfed mid ormEetuwi fe- foradluHi, ] ptef heo raid anjsum- 10 nysse jeomliee biede Basilies neo- sunje [»res munuces. swa Jjo halja wer fis jehyrde, J>a smer- Code he swüce he ]ixt speU for- hojodeand Jjus cw«5S; 'hu, nesEöde 15 ic hit ser, j>ö?( he wtere deolol 3 na munuc? farai5 mi 3 hine adri- faS ut of jjam mynatre; 3 ne beo je na carfulle be ]3iere Sodea ]ieo- wene, [»e {iser swa anjaumlice wais 20 mid feforadle 5et>read, iarpa.m fe of >ysT6 ylcan tide ne biS heo na, swincende on fe(9a)foradlu»i, ne eac heo ne jyrneK Basilies to- cymea.' {»a ^ecyrde hi»i ham sa 25 munuc, ^e hit Krendode, 3 sona oncneow, J>«( seo Jodes fiemne wies jehteled on )Kere ylcan tide, fe se 3odes feow ^quitius hyre htele je- cw(pS,]3eahhefeorrw£ore. witodlice 30

1 Sara munuoa 1| hira 2 -nei ß 5 2iet 6 seaamnuncse 7 sead 10 aio O 11 hio 12 niosuncse O 1 hlohj ahloh O 16 eall f. swelce 16 — 17 cwieÖ hwtet ue Basde io hit «r aus a (7 II diofol 18 nales 2(J I bueha. (e?) r. C II nio|r03lie

. 24—25 B

hio II

ieO||-nc5eO 3 micle O 4 niowan .D 8 hie O 9 Equities || -dan ( -nuces II Lslega 14 -hierde 0 O II oferhosodej eall forhogode cwffiS ond sKjde ic est 0, e in ae ' meon 31 hinter pxr of {{ Sisse ilcan O

l| of 26 hio II ne f. bfedeÖ |i -üffia

to 28 EeQldode 29 ooseat 30 tide] tid O 31 cyrde f. ]] flor