Page:Boys of Columbia High on the Ice.djvu/222

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staggered. He just sat there and groaned as he looked at it, and wished he could only see you again to make it all up. We didn't tell him, because we wanted to make sure it was you. But take my advise, Bill, and skip up there in the morning the first thing. Sure there'll be a warm welcome for you."

"I'll do it. Lanky, and a thousand thanks to you and Frank Allen for bringing me this good news. I won't sleep a wink to-night; but it'll be happiness that keeps me awake, not grieving. Shake hands with me both of you. I'll never forget it, never!"

Neither of the boys at that moment regretted the additional effort they put forth in order to carry the happy news to the outcast of Rattail Island. He looked supremely overjoyed as he squeezed their hands.

"Tell us about this here cove. Bill; how did you happen to lay hands on him." asked Chief Hogg, at this juncture.

"Oh! he dropped into my camp a little while back, and wanted to run things just as he pleased. But you see, the boys had posted me about his ways, and watching my chance I nabbed the gentleman, and tied him up, thinkin' of that nice little reward that would be coming to me," answered Bill; while the man on the ground said a few things not at all complimentary to his captor.