Page:By order of the Czar.djvu/306

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gestion crept into her soul to accept the incense Philip was ready to burn at her altar ; nay, to respond as her heart was inclined to his passion ! But better thoughts came almost simultaneously with the bad ones the antidote with the poison.

" I am so glad to see you," she said, taking Mrs. Mil- banke by the hand with special cordiality, u it is so good of you to come."

" It was so sweet of you to ask us," Jenny responded.

" How beautiful your sister is ! You English have such superb complexions ! "

Then receiving Dolly, she said, " My dear, I congratu- late Mr. Forsyth ; forgive one so much your elder for venturing to offer a criticism ; you are lovely, and what a becoming dress ! Ah ! here is your fiancee. Mr. Forsyth, I congratulate you ; how happy you must be ! And what do you think of Venice? Does it realize all you dreamt of? It is strangely beautiful and romantic, is it not ? "

" Indeed it is," said Philip, his hand trembling in hers, his voice quivering.

" Full of subjects for the painter ; and what tragedies in its history ! Ah, well you must not think of them ; light gay comedy is for you, is it not so? And this is Mr. Wal- ter Milbanke. I am sure I do not require an introduction, I have heard so much of him."

" You are very good to say so not too much, I hope," Walter replied. " But we must not keep you from your guests ; there are so many waiting for the pleasure of your recognition."

" Thank you," said the countess, bestowing a general smile upon the entire group, " we shall meet, no doubt, on the canal later ; the illuminations are something wonderful ; you know my gondola ; do not let us pass each other later without a salute. I shall be so delighted to see you all again."