Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/99

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through ordinary wire netting as a hot knife goes through butter.

While the cost was about $4 for each hutch, it was well worth the outlay of time and expense. It provided a damp-proof hutch for the winter months and still one that housed a large number of rabbits upon a small space of ground.

While some may object to the appearance of such a large rabbitry in the back yard, I wish to say in frankness that this rabbitry was not as ornamental as the others I have used. The picture was taken in the early spring months and does not show the possibilities of such a rabbitry.

In the summer flowers and vines on trellises were planted all around this rabbitry, both for shade and ornamentation, and it was not half as bare and forbidding as it looks here.

A hutch that will be much more satisfactory for the back yard fancier who wishes to keep only a few rabbits for the family table, or for the boy who wants a small number of rabbits