Page:Catalog of Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.pdf/1649

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JAN.-JUN. 1977



Institute of America, Inc. HH: revisions.charles couture lONov-tS: Anna £. Crouse (U) AA107725. Timothy Crouse £ Lindsay Ann Crouse (C)

£661997. Otis BaioteaaQce reference book. Icticle 4.1.1. By fredeirick Philip SaDdstrom £ Herbert aobert otto. 26iuqlt9: AA129402. Otis Elevator company (PUB); 911ay77; R661997.


8661998. The Story Bible. Vol. 1. By Dorothy P. Zeliqs. lt0271. Dorothy F. O 70ctil9: Zeliqs (A): 1JIIay77: B661998. B662073. The i.atin American proceeding. By U. Scott Payne. 10llovt9: A38031. Inter-Dni»ersity Case Program, Inc. (PUH); 13May77; B662073. B6620 77. Collector's item. By Edgar Brooke. The American magazine. Not. 1949) 11IOVU9; B21S8V5. Edgar Brooke (A): 28Dec76; B662077.



£662141. Spring, nineteen-f if ty. By Carl Gustav Jung, James Isaac Kirsch £ Helen Henley. C 21Apr50: AA149055. Analytical Psychology Club of Hew York, Inc. (PCH) 6Jun77; £662141. £662144. Hink on weekdays, ermine on Sundays. By Felicia Lamport. 16HayS0; A44309. Felicia Lamport (A); 6Juu77; B662144.

£662078. Wonderful uedding. By Edgar Brooke. (In The American magazine, Dec. 1949) 2Dec49: Edgar Brooke (A); B220925. 280ec76: B662078.

fiaggedy Ann. By Johnny Gruelle Company, employer for hire of John Stanley. (In Baggedy Ann and Andy, Hay 1949) 12Apr49; B5-9642. The Bobbs-Herr ill Company, Inc. (PUB); 1Apr77; £662220.

B66208a. The Trouble with Harry. By Jack Trevor Story. U.S. ed. pub. 12Sep5a, Ait7075. 28April9; AI-2389. Jack Ireior Story 8662080. (A) : SApr77;

£662221. fiaggedy Ann. By Johnny Gruelle. (In Baggedy Ann and Andy, June 1949) O 10Hay49; B5-10010. The Bobbs-Herrill Company, Inc. (PWH); 120ct76; £662221.

£662083. Autobiography of BaJfim Gorky. Tc. 12Decil9: Isidor Schneider. A38985. Citadel Press, a division of Lyle Stuart, Inc. (PUil); 16aay77: £662083.

£662222. Baggedy Ann. By Johnny Gruelle. (In Baggedy Aon aad Andy, July 1949) l4Jun49; BS-11081. The Bobbs-Hecrill Company, Inc. (PKH); 120ct76; 8662222.

£662090. The Yearbook of psychoanalysis. Vol. 5. By Sandor Lorand. 23tlar50: AAI4579I. Saador Lorand (A); 18Hay77; B662090.

£662223. Eagqedy Ann. Oy Johnny Gruelle. (In Baggedy Ann and Andy, Aug. 1949) 12JU149; B5-11175. The Bobhs-Berr ill Company, Inc. (PWH); 120ct76; £662223.

£662092. Hister Jones, meet the Master; sermons & prayers of Peter Harshall. Author: Peter Harshall, compiler: Catherine Marshall (Catherine Harshall LeSourd) 2eilov49: A40767. Catherine Harshall LeSourd (A) & Fleminq H. Bevell Company (PPU of Peter Harshall) : 6Jun77: B662092.

£6620 93. Double, double. By Ellery Cueen, pseud, of Frederic Dancay £ Hanfred B. Lee. 16HayS0: A44014. Frederic Dannay (A) £ Catherine B. Lee (X) ; 18Hay77; B662093. £662096. Selective record guide. By Hoses Smith. IBAprSO; A42880. Sheila Thomas (C) 3Hay77: £662096.

£662097. An Introduction to Hew Testament thought. By Frederick c. Grant. BHaySO; A43890. Bobert H. Grant £ Eleanor Jean Grant Tombs (C) : 9aay77: £662097.

£662102. Kindling for revival fires. Benjamin Lawrence. O 1Hay50; Grace Lawrence (B) ; 17Hay77:

By John A4't981.

£662137. Off the beaten path. A lecture by Bussel a. Grouse, revisions by Newspaper


The Edge of doom. O 20Jun49; AJ3777. 16Bay77; £662351.

By Leo Brady. Leo Brady (A)

£662352. So matter what happens. By Hax Hiller. 19JU149; A34548. Hax Hiller (A) 16Hay77; S662352.

8662331. The Seeker and the sought. Baumer. O 26Sep49i A36e67. (A): 9Ha777: £662331.

The Best of Alexander Haclaren. Edited, with an introd. by Gains Glenn Atkins. on introd. on p. vii-iix; 11Hay49; A32720. Robert H. Atkins, Helen Atkins £ Bichard A. Atkins (C) 5fl4y77; B662384.

8662385. Victory and the threshold of peace. Complied with special material £ explanatory notes by Samuel I. Bosenman. (The Public papers and addresses of franklin D. Boosevelt. 1944-1945 vol.) O l5FebSU: A41026. Dorothy Bosenmau (H); 5Hay77; 8662385.

By Harie

Harie Baumer

£662342. Sagebrush bandit. By Bliss Looax, pseud, of Harry Sinclair Orago. Prev. pub. in Double action western, Jan. 1949 as Bandit's bargain. 3Jiin49; A33726. Barry Sinclair Drago, using pen name: Bliss Lomax (A) ; 5Hay77; B662342.

8662386. The Tide turns. Compiled with special material £ explanatory notes by Samuel I. Bosenman. (The Public papers and addresses of Franklin D. Boosevelt, 1943 vol.) A41027. Dorothy C 15Feb50; Bosenman (U) ; 5Hay77; B662386.

£662387. Humanity on the defensive. Compiled with special material £ explanatory notes (The Public papers by Samuel I. Bosenmanand addresses of Franklin D. £oosevelt, 1942 vol.) U 15Feb50; A4ia28. Dorothy 5Hay77; B662387. fiosenman (B)

£662343. Uhere the snow was red. By Hugh Pentecost, pseud, of Judsou Philips. AJ3727. C 3Jun49; Judson Philips, pen name: Hugh Pentecost (A); 5Hay77; £66234 3.

8662388. The Call to battle stations. Compiled with special material £ explanatory notes (The Public papers by Samuel I. Bosenman. and addresses of Franklin D. Boosevelt, A41029. Dorothy 194 1 vol.) e 15Feb50: 8662388. Bosenman (U); 5Hay77:

£662344. Joan Foster, Junior. By Alice Boss Colver. 29Jun49; AJ4a38. Alice Boss Colver (A) ; 5Hay77; B662344. £662345. Heaven ran last. By Billiam P. HcGivern. e 29Jun49; A34039. Rilliam HcGivern (A) 5Hay77; £662345.

8662383. Aventuras de conversaciou. By Richard Brun, under the editorship of Alvaro Eduardo Heale-Silva. A33113. O 25Hay49; Hrs. Richard Brun (B) ; 11Hay77: B662383. £66 2384.

£662389. By John Orr Adventures in advertising. on pref. to vol., chap. 19, £ revisions £ enlargement in all chapters; A32286. John Orr Young (A) ; 27Apr49; 8662389. 26Apr77; Young. P.

£662346. The Best one-act plays of 1948-1949. By Hargaret Hayorga. O 9Hay49: AA117053. Hargaret Hayorga (A) ; 5Hay77; B662346.


£662135. Come unto He; a book for personal devotions. By Charles Franklin Parker. 1llav49: A38S39. Charles Franklin Parker (A); 9Hay77; E662135.


£662350. After the storm. By Garth Hale, pseud, of A. B. Cunningham. O 8Jun49; A33449. Jean Gregory Cunningham (H) ; 16Hay77; £662350.

H662354. The Pianist's approach to sight-reading and memorizing. By Beryl Bubinstein. 15Feb5a; AA143296. Ellen 8. Held £ B. David Bubinstein (C) ; t2Hay77; £662354.

B662091. Christ's parables for today. By Uilliam Ward Aver. 28Bav49; A4a766. Villiam Uard Ayer (A) 6Jun77: £662091.

A33408. Jim O'Hara, pseud, for Vernon Piuharty (A) ; 16Hay77; E662349.

£662145. Dear pen pal. By Alfred £. Van Vogt(In The Arkham sampler, winter 1949) 1Feb49; 8195501. Alfred E. Van Vogt £662145. (A) 19Apr77; B662220.


8662390. Saint among the hurons; the life of Jean By Francis kavier Talbot, De Brebeuf. Nellie Hyers, A33117. e 25Hay49; Elizabeth Talbot £ Anna Towers (NK) £662390. 10Hay77;

£662347. Augustus. By U. Somerset Haugham. O.S. pub. 2Apr53, A85459. (In The Cornhill magazine, winter 1949/1950) O 15Dec49; AI-2653. Elizaiieth Hary Lady Glendevon (C) 3Jan77; £662347.

B662391. By Barnaby Conrad Judgment by peers. Barnaby A36290. Keeney. C 20Sep49; Conrad Keeney (A) ; 9Hay77; B662391.

£662349. Trial by gonsmoke. By Jim O'Hara, pseud, of Vernon L. Fluharty. o 7Jun49;

£662392. By Alston A New introduction to Greek. NH: Hurd Chase £ Henry Phillips, Jr.


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These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.