Page:Catalog of Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.pdf/338

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JAN.-JUN. 1977


1826779. Reading and writinq about the chanqinq By Alice L. roles of men and Momen. 7a pflppl. au; The Department Sodowsky. of Ejiqlish, Oklahoma State University. e ilice L. SodoBsky £ The Department of English. Oklahoma State University; 5Jan77: A826779. 1826780. Editors: Vincent Culture as education. 278 pCrock enberq £ Richard LaBrecque. e Kendall/Hunt Publishinq Company; 4826780. 5Jan77:

A826781. Minor sexual deviance; diaqnosis and pastoral treatment. By Dale H. Eatliff. 54 p. O Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company; 2Dec76: A326781. A826782. The tlermaid*s head and the dragon's Edited by Lome H. Colter, John K. tail. Dunn, Richard C. Hespen, Harold E. Kinq 6 372 p. © Harold John E. Staton. 3rd ed. E. Kinq, Lome N. Colter, Richard CHespen, John R. Staton £ John K. Dunn; A82S782. 7Jan77;

4826783. Readinq and vriting about fiction. By Roland E. Sodousky. 92 p. Sppl. au: Department of English, Oklahoma State University. 3 Roland E. Sodousky £ The Department of English, Oklahoma State University; 5Jan77; 4826783. 482678lt.

Interpersonal communication; roles* By Dennis rules, strategies^, and games. 363 p. R. Smith fi L. Keith Williamson. d William C. Broun Company Publishers;


A826793. Administration of women's competitive sports. By Dorothy Deatherage fi C. 255 p. 9 William C. Brown Patricia Seid. 4826793. 7Jan77; Company Publishers;

4826794. Listeners guide to musical unders4th ed. 399 tanding. By Leon Dallin. 4Jan77; 4826794. a Leon Dallin;


California, land of contrast. By David W. lantis, Rodney Steiner fi 4rthttr E. 3rd ed. 486 p. 6 David W. Karinen. Lantis, 4rthur E. Karinen & Rodney 4826795. Steiner; 7Jan77

4826796. Vol. The Search for personal freedom. 1. By Neal tl. Cross, Robert c. Lamm fi Sth ed. 491 p. G William Rudy H. Turk. 12Jan77; c. Brown Company Publishers; 4826796. 4826797.

Situational _*ercises in cross-cultural awareness. By Richard 4. Nitsche £ Adele Green. 10 1 p. Q Bell and Howell Company; 4826797. 24Jan77; A826798. In spite of my resistance, I've learned 228 from children. By Thomas C. Lovitt. 21Jan77; 9 Bell and Howell Company; p. 4826798.

4826799. Physical science: a learning strategy for the laboratory; teacher's annotated 178 p. NM: ed. By Victor Como. revisions. 3 Bell and Howell Company 4826799. 3Jan77; a.k.a. Bell and Howell; 4826800.

Paleoanthropology and primate evolution. S William C. By James 4. Gavan. 64 p. 4Jan77; Broun Company Publishers; 4826785. 4826786. Religion in culture. By Fadwa El Guindi. 71 p. @ Hilliam c. Brown Company 4826786. Publishers; 4Jan77; 4826787. 4pproaches to paleoecology. By Akkaraju Sarma. Q Hilliam c. Broun Company 56 p. 4826787. Publishers; 4Jan77; 4826788. Sociocultural systems; an introduction to the structure of contemporary models. 68 p. By E. S. Whitney Thompson. Q Uilliam C. Broun Company Publishers; 5Jan77; 4826788.

Laboratory physics; teacher's annotated 250 p. HH: By James I. Murphy. @ Bell aud Houeli Company revisions. 3Jan77; 4826800. a.k.a. Bell and Houell ed.

4826790. Teaching creative thinking and problem solving. By John F. feldhusen fi Donald J. Treffinger. 144 p. 4ppl. au: Purdue Research Foundation. ^ Purdue Research Foundation; 5 Jan77 482679 0.

4826802. Classroom reading instruction, K-5. By Patricia Clarr Cunningham, Sharon V. 4rthur 303 p. e 0. C. James H. Cunningham. fi Heath and Company, a division of Raytheon 4826802. 10Feb77; Company;

4826803. Introductory algebra. By James Thomas McHale, Allan A. Christenson fi Keith J. Roberts. 408 p. e Addison- Wesley 3Feb77; Publishing Company, Inc.; 4826803.

482680 4. Introductory algebra: programmed. By Thomas J. tlcHale, Allan 4. Christenson fi Keith J. Roberts. 528 p. 6 AddisonWesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 18Jan77; 482680 4.

4826791. Tennis. By Joan D. Johnson £ Paul J. Xauthos. 3rd ed. 96 p. 9 William C. Broun Company Publishers; 16Mov76; 4826791.

4826792. Heu approaches to behavioral objectives. By Richard W. Burns, iilus. by 41fonso Ruiz. 2nd ed. 159 p. 6 Hilliam C. Broun company Publishers; 4826792. 4Jan77;

A826807. Readings in sociology: contemporary perspectives. Edited by Ian Robertson, 1976-77 ed. ser. editor: Phillip Whitten. 320 p. Appl. au: Harper and Rou, Publishers, Inc. @ Harper and Rou, Publishers, Inc.; 5Apr76; 4826807. 4826808. Study guide to accompany An Introduction to 4merican Government, second edition, by Kenneth Prewitt and Sidney Verba. 239 p. Prepared by Raymond Tatalovich. 4826808. 10Feb76; e Raymond Tatalovich;

4826809. Social studies strategies: theory into practice. Edited by Peter H. Hartorella. 456 p. NH; compilation £ additional text. 4826809. 9 Peter H. Hartorella; 174ug76;

4826810. Core mathematics for occupational students. By Micheal £, Morgan, Dell L. Suearingen fi Glenn Cook. 363 p. e Kicheal E. Morgan, Dell L, Swearingen £ 4326810. 22llov76; Glenn (Bud) Cook; 4826811.

Instructor's manual to accompany Readings in abnormal psychology: contemporary perspectives. By Laurence 46 p. Appl. 411man 6 Dennis T. Jaffe.


Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc. 3 Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc.; 4826811. 16Mar76; au:

A826812. Instructor's manual to accompany Readings in sociology: contemporary Editor: Ian Robertson, 58 perspectives. Appl. au: Harper and Rou, Publishers, p. Inc. @ Harper and Rou, Publishers, Inc.; 5Apr76: A826812,

4626801. Life science: a learning strategy for the laboratory; teacher's annotated ed. By 41bert Kaskel, Marshall Browdy, Harold 194 p. HM: Bunkelmann £ Floyd Bittleman. revisions. 9 Bell and Houell Company 3Jan77: 4826801. a.k.a. Bell and Howell;


4826789. Tennis handbook. By Billy Jean Herzog. 3rd ed. 83 p. S Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company; 7Jan77; 4826789.




Harper and Rou, Publishers, Inc. 9 Harper 4May76; and Rou, Publishers, lac. 4826806.

4826805. Readings in abnormal psychology: Edited by contemporary perspectives. Laurence B. Allman £ Dennis T. Jaffe, ser. 1976-77 ed . 396 editor: Phillip Hhitten. and Rou, Publishers, Appl. au: Harper p. Inc. 9 Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc. ; 4826805. 161iar76:

4826806, Readings in social psychology: Edited by contemporary perspectives. Dennis Krebs, ser. editor: Phillip 1976-77 ed. 343 p. Appl. au: Hhitten.

A826813. Dimensions 3: a changing concept of health, third edition; instructor's resource book. By Kenneth L. Jones, Louis 407 p. H. Shaioberg fi Curtis 0. Byer. Add. ti: Instructor's resource book to accompany Dimensions 3: a changing concept BH: additional of health, third edition, 9 Kenneth L. Jones, text fi revisions. Louis ». Shainberg £ Curtis 0. Byer; 4826813. 17Har76;

A826814. Study guide/uorkbook to accompany General college chemistry, fifth edition, By by Keenan, Wood, and Kleinfelter. Donald C. Kleinfelter £ Joseph E. Donald c. Kleinfelter Peterson. 322 p. A826814. Joseph Peterson; ')feb76; £ E. A826815. Study guide for A Complete course in freshman English, seventh edition. By 90 p. VSl Sacklin Thomas S Harry Shaw, additional text £ revisions. 6 Macklin 4826815. Thomas £ harry Shau; 2Jan75;

A826816. Readings in educational psychology: Edited by contemporary perspectives. Robert A. Den tier 6 Bernard J. Shapiro, 1976-77 ed. ser. editor: Phillip Whitten. 360 p, Appl. au: Harper and Rou, Publishers, Inc. 9 Harper and Rou, A826816. Publishers, Inc.; 20May76; A826817. TAG: the transactional awareness game. Kit, 9 Thomas C, By Thomas C. oden . 1Sep76; A826817. Oden; A826818.

Study of the market for lawn and garden 211 p. Add, ti: equipment and supplies.


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These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.a'im djalal manaa from algeria