Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 11.djvu/873

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fatherly love of God, and the Christian brotherhood sketch of Philip as a naive, somewhat shy, sober-

of men: "For you are all the children of God by faith minded man. No additional characteristics are given

in Christ Jesus. Forasmany of youashavebeen bap- in the Gospels or the Acts, although he is mentioned

tized in Christ, have put on Christ. There is neither in the latter work (i, 13) as belonging to the Apostolic

Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free: there is College.

neither male nor female. For vou are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal., iii, 26-28; cf. Col., iii, 10-11). These fundamental Cliristian principles were the leaven which slowly and steadily spread throughout the

The second-century tradition concerning him is un- certain, inasmuch as a similar tradition is recorded concerning Philip the Deacon and Evangelist — a phenomenon which must be the result of confusion

whole empire. They curtailed the abuses of slavery caused by the existence of the two Philips. In his

ind finally destroyed it (Vincent, "Philippians and letter to St. Victor, written about 189-98, Bishop

Philemon", Cambridge, 1902, 167). Polycrates of Ephesus mentions among the "great

orks rpferrert to, consuR Intro.luctions^to the lights", whom the Lord will Seek On the "last day",

.„ ,„„„„„ .., .1. "Philip, one of the Twelve Apostles, who is buried in

iVlQOuROux. Diet, tie

(i /;,., s. ■, V. /-■' I '..■ ■ /" £p!(re d; Van Steekkiste,

(,,,,.,, /I, r I ■• r -/i, XI (Bruges, 189G); Allard,

y.,,s' ,,/,,(.. ./,/i/ 1. /,.. r.iH-, r"i>i I ; Prat, La Theologie de S. Paul (Paiia, litubt. ^.b-i ^Lj.; Nu.s-L atholic: Oltramare, Commen- taire sur les EpUres de S. Paul aux Colossiens, aux Ephlsienseli Philemon (Paris, 1891); ton Soden, Die Briefe an die Kolosser, Epkeser, Philemonin Hand-Commentar zum N. T-.ed. Holtzmann (Freiburg. 1893): Shaw, The Pauline Epislles (Edinburgh, 1904); WouLE, The Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon (Cambridge, 1902).

A. Camerlynck. Philibert, Saint. See Jumieges, Abbey of.

Philip, S.\iNT, Apostle. — Like the brothers, Peter and Andrew, Philip was a native of Bethsaida on Lake Genesareth (John, i, 44). He also was among

Hieropolis with his two daughters, who grew old as virgins", and a third daughter, who "led a life in the Holy Ghost and rests in Ephesus." On the other hand, according to the Dialogue of Caius, directed against a Montanist named Proclus, the latter de- clared that "there were four prophetesses, the daugh- ters of Philip, at Hieropolis in Asia, where their and their father's grave is still situated." The Acts (xxi, 8-9) does intleed mention four prophetesses, the daughters of the deacon and "Evangelist" Philip, as then living in Ciesarea with their father, and Eusebius, who gives the above-mentioned excerpts (Hist, eecl., _ III, xxxii), refers Proclus' statement to these latter, those surrounding the Baptist when the latter first The statement of BLshop Polycrates carries in itself pointed out Jesus as the Lamb of God. On the day more authority, but it is extraordinary that three after Peter's call, when about to set out for Galilee, virgin daughters of the Apostle Philip (two buried in Jesus met Philip and called him to the Apostolate with Hieropolis) should be mentioned, and that the deacon the words, "Follow me". Philip obeyetl the call, and Philip should also have four daughters, said to have alit tie later brought Nathaniel as a new disciple (John, been buried in Hieropolis. Here also perhaps we must i, 43-45). On the occasion of the selection and sending suppose a confusion of the two Philips to have taken out of the twelve, Philip is included among the Apos- place, although it is difficult to decide which of the ties proper. His name stands in the fifth place in the two, the Apostle or the deacon, was buried in Hiero- three lists (Matt., X, 2-4; Mark, iii, 14-19; Luke, vi, polls. Many modern historians believe that it was the 13-16) after the two pairs of brothers, Peter and deacon; it is, however, possible that the Apostle was Andrew, James and John. The Fourth Gospel records buried there and that the deacon also lived and worked three episodes concerning Philip which occurred dur- there and was there buried with three of his daughters, ing the epoch of the public teaching of the Saviour: and that the latter were afterwards erroneously re- (1) Before the miraculous feeding of the multitude, garded as the children of the Apostle. The apocryphal Christ turns towards Philip with the question: "ActsofPhihp," which are, however, purely legendary "Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat?" and a tissue of fables, also refer Philip's death to Hie- to which the Apostle answers: "Two hundred penny- ropolis. The remains of the PhiUp who was interred in worth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every Hieropolis were later translated (as those of the Apos- one may take a little" (vi, 5-7). (2) When some tie) to Constantinople and thence to the church of the heathens in Jerusalem came to Philip and exiiressed Dodici Apostoli in Rome. The feast of the Apostle is their desire to see Jesus, Philip reported the fact to celebrated in the Roman Church on 1 May (together Andrew and then both brought the news to the with that of James the Younger), and in the Greek Saviour (xii, 21-23). (3) When Philip, after Christ Church on 14 November.

.4rta .S.S., May. I, 11-2; BATiFFOj^in Analecta Bollandiana, IX (1890). 204 sqq.'; Lipsirs, Die apokryphen Aposlelgesrhichten und Apostellegenden, II, II (Brunswioli, 1884). 1 sqq.: Bibl. hagiogr. latina, II, 991; on the two Philips of. Zahn in Forsehtingen 2ur Cesch. des neutestamentl. Kanons. VI (firiangen, 1900). 1,58 sqq. J. P. KiRSCH.

had spoken to His Apostles of knowing and seeing the Father, said to Him: "Lord, shew us the Father, and it is enough for us", he received the answer: "He that seeth me, seeth the Father also" (xiv, 8-9). These three episodes furnish a consistent character-
