Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/135

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Bison I-519d; Bittern I-519d; Blast I-519d; Blindworni I- 525a: Bruchus l-520a; Bubale I-517d; Buffalo I-o2Ua; Buffle I-520a: Bull I-51Sd: Bullock I-51Sd; Buzzard I-a20a; Cat I-520b; Camel I-S20b; Camel- opardalus I-520b; .^Canker- worm I-520C; Cat I-o20c: Cat- erpillar I-526d; Cattle I-520C, Centipede I-526d: Cerastes 1- 518a; Chameleon 1-a.uc, Chamois I-520b; Charadnon I-520d; CherogriUus I-520a, classification I-517b; Cobra 1- 518a; Cochineal I-520d; Cock I-521a; Cockatrice l-a2la; Colt 1-52 la: Coney I-o20d: Coral I-521a; Cormorant 1- 519d; Cow I-521b; Crane I- 521b; Cricket I-519d; 521b, 625a; Crocodile I-521b; Cuckoo I-521b; Daman I-520d; Deer I-521c: Demons I-521C; De\Tl3 I-521C; Dipsas I-521c; Dog I- 521c; Dog-fly I-522d; Donkey I-51Sa: Dormice I-o25b; Uove I-521d; Dragons I-519b; Drom- edary I-522a: Dugong I- S19a; Dyed-bird I-159d; Lagle I-522a- Eagle-owl I-524b; Eg5-ptian vulture I-523b; Ele- phant I-522b; Ericms I-o—b, Ewe I-522c; Falcon 1-522C, Fallow-deer I-522c; Faun I- 522c: Fig-faun I-o22d; F ea 1- 522d; Flock I-522d; Fly I- 522d; Fowl I-523a: Fox I- 523a: Francolin I-525c: Frog I-523a: Gad-flies I-623a: Ga- Klle I-517d; 523b; Gecko I- 53b- Gier-eagle I-523b; Gi- raffe' I-520b: Glede I-520a; Gnat I-523a; Goats I-522d, Grasshopper l-523c; Griffon I- 523c; Griffon-vulture I-523C, Grype I-523c; Haje I-523d, Hamsters I-525b: Hare I- 523d: Hart I-523b; Hawk I- 523d: Hedgehog I-522b; Hen I-521a; Heron I-520d: 523d; Hind I-521c: Hippopotamus I-5l9c; Hobby I-524a; Hoo- poe I-524a: Hornet I'^-if- Horse I-524a; Horse-leech I- 524d; Houp I-524a; House-fly I-523a; Hyena I-519d; Ibex I- 624b: Ibis I-524b: Ichneumon I-524b; Irchin I-524b; Jackal I-522a; Jay I-525d: Jerboa I- 624c: Kestrel I-524c; Kid I- 524c; Kine I-524c; Kite I- 520a; 524c; Lamb I-524c; La- mia I-524c: Lammergeyer I- 624c; Landmonitor I-520d: Lapwing I-524b; Larus I-o24d; Leopard I-524d; Leviathan 1- 522a; Lion I-524d: Lizard I- 620d; 525a; Locust 1-518(1; 525a; Louse I-525a: ^Iagpl6 I-525d; Merlin I-523d; Mil- dew I-525a: Mole I-52oa: r.lole-rat I-525a; Monitor 1- 525a; Mosquito I-52ob: Moth I-525a ; Mouflon I-520C; Mouse I-525b: Mule I-625b; Night- hawk I-523d; Night-raven 1- 526a: Ophiomachus l-o2oD; Oryx I-517d: Osprey J-g^b; Ostrich I-525b: Owl I-523d; Palmerworm I-520c; Partndge I-525c: Peacock l-525c; Peli- can I-519d; Pharao's Hen I- 623b; Phoenix I-525c: Plunger I-525a; Pigeons I-521d; Pole- cat I-526c; Porcupine I-p2oc; Porphyrion I-525c; Porpoise 1- 522a; Poultry I-521a; Plgarf I-517d- Quail I-525d: Rabbit I-520d: 525d: Rats I-S25b; Raven I-525d; Rhinoceros 1- 518d; Ringtail I-526a; Rock- doves I-521d; Roe I-517d; Roe- buck I-517d; Sand-grouse I- 525c; Satyr I-526a: Scarlet I- 526a: Sciniph I-526a: Scor- pion I-526a; Scytale I-ol8«: Sea-gulls I-521b: Seal I-ol9a; Sea-monster I-524d: Serpents I-517d: Shear-water I-o21b; Sheep I-522c; Shrew I-526a; Bhrew-mouse I-523b; Singing- bird I-519d; Siren I-o2f.a; Snail I-52Cb: Snake I-51/d; Sparrow I-526b: Sparrow-hawk I-523d: Spcckled-bird l-519d;

Spider I-526b: Stellio I-525a: Stork I-524a; 526b; Swallow l-521b: 526b: Swan I-o2oc: Swine I-526c; Thrush I-526a: Tiger I-526c; Turtle-dove 1- 521d; Unicorn I-518d; Viper I- 61Sa: Vulture I-526c: Wasps I-524a: Water-hen I-526c: Weasel I-526c; Whale I-526c: Wild-ass I-518c: Wild-beast 1- 519b; Wild-boar I-520a: Wijd- goat I-517d: Wild Ox I-51/d; Wild-sheep I-520c: Wolf 1- 526d; Worms I-52Cd Animal Spirits, Cartesian theory

XIV-156b .,. ,

ANIMISM I-526d; in Africa I- lS3c; 190a; American Indians I-410d: of Arawaks I-681a: deity IV-687c; ethnological I- 527b; and fetishism \l-o3D; in India VII-72Sb; 728c; Lip- pert VI-53b; and mythology I-529b; and naturism X-i 1/b; XIII-319b: and philology 1- 529b: philosophical I-o2ba; 527a: principles I-528c: and religion I-529c; XI-38Sb; XII-- 745a: XIII-319b; 319d; and Shamanism XIII-750b: Spen- cer's teaching I-52Sb; and totemism XIV-7S9c^ 791d; Tylor's teaching 1-52 /c Animosi, academy I-84a Animosus, Bishop of Kildare.


530a; XI-273a —PAOLO I~.):iiib Anina, Bar, Rabbi and St. Jerome

XlV-71Ub Anirula, Jibaro leader VIII-405C ANISE I-530b: XII-151a Anishinabag. See Chippewa. Anishninabe Enamaid \ I-301C Anisole, Abbey of, founded IV-

54b Anisson, Jesuit, Indian grammar

XHI-401C Anito, deity XII-14d Anivitti, Vincenzo, academy

founded I-87d Aniwa, version XV-374a Anjou, Francis, Duke of, m Low

Countries VII-387a — cardinal of. See Guise — countship, droit de regale Xll- 713b: as English possession VII-221b; French possession Xn-2b .

— House of, and Byzantine tm- Dire III~112b; in Hungary II- 124c; in Naples VIII-232c: Salerno XIII-397b; in Spam XIV-lS4b ^ , ,

— John of. See John of Anjou Anklam, monastery XII-225d;

parish XII-226d Ankvicz, Skarbel, Archbishop of

Gnesen IX-U5C Anmchadh, Bishop of KJdare

VIH-639b Anmchara, in Irish Church XI-

i;32b Ann., abbr. I-23c Ann, name. See Anna; Anne Anna, name X-€76d —King of East Anglia V-554C;

XIII-747a ANNA, prophetess (New Testa- ment) I-530d; canoii I-*'3d; commemoration of, in Greek Church ni-166c — wife of John III, Vatatzes III- lUc; 112b , , ^^„

ANNA, mother of Samuel I-530C —eanlide I-530c: III-301d; in Ambrosian Oflice I-399a; m Breviary II-772b — power of prophecy XII-4/4a

Anna Ivanovna, empress XJJI- 248a: and Catholics XIII- 2.56d: and Jews VIlI-39/d: and monks XIII-2G3d; and St. Petersburg XIII-375b — ItUiana, Venerable, Archduch- ess of Austria IX-7.50C — Karenina (Tolstoi) XIII-274a — See Anne

Annalen der vereeniging, pe- riodical Xl-iisia Aima Leopoldovna, empress

XIII-24Sa Aimales Bertiniani I-533a; U-

522c — Bojorum XIV-713b — Cambriae I-.533b — Cantuarienses I-533b ^ — catholiques, periodical X-20Sb — consulares 1 1 1-73 la — Corbejenses IV— i02a — de la boime Sainte Anne I-

5-lOa ^ , ,,.

— de la Congregation de la Mis- sion lll-67ria , — de I'association des preties adorateurs .\II-423c

de philosophic chretienne 11-

677b; Xl-li77c .

— de St. Louis des Franjais V III- Ii3a

ANNA, wife of Tobias I-530d — Princess of Kieff IX^64c:

XIU-2.54b; XV-198b — Duchess of Lithuania XV-

■»331> . , ,_ .

— n, of Stolberg, Abbess of Quedlinburg I-lOa

— Amelia, princess. Abbess of Quedlinburg I-lOb

Annacharius, Saint II-14.'ia

ANNA COMNENA I-531a: Hi- ll Ob; VII -375a

Aimaes da PropagafSo da Fe, periodical Xl-OSda

Annaghdown, monastery VI-373b

—See of XV-SOd

— des pretres adorateurs Xll-

— des sciences religieuses I-320c • — ecclesiastici (Baronius) II-

304d; III-.535C — Fuldenses I-532d — Hibemiae I-534a — imperatorum et paparum V 11

23Sa — Laurissenses I-490C — Laurissenses majores I-532C — Laurissenses minores I-532a — Lindisfarnenses I-533b — Lithienses l-.532d; 53Gb — Maximiani I-532d — Mettenses I-533a — Mosellani I-532b — Murbacenses I-532C — Nordhumbrani I-533b —of Flavigny I-532d — ordinis minorum (» adding)

XV-523C . ,„

— ordinis praemonstratensis (Uu

go) VII-52(id — S. Amandi I-532c — Slavorum V 11-2 12b — Vedastini I-.i33a Annalia, tax I-537d .

Annali delle scienze religiose,

periodical XI~6S4c ANNALS, ECCLESIASTICAL I- 531b: Anglo-Norman I-o34d: authorship I-535d; Carlovin- gian I-532b; character I-53bb: and chronicles I-531d: con- sular I-531d; in England I- 533b; in Ireland I-o33b: in Italy I-533a: mendicant or- ders, influence of I-535c; mo- nastic I-534a; origin I-532a; Reichsannalen I-532c; in Spain I-533b; universal I-535a: use of I-536b: vernacular I-53dc — of Boyle I-533d — of Clomnacnoise I-534a —of Connaught I-533d —of Innisfallen I-..33d —of Loch Ce l-533d —of Multifaman I-.W4a —of Our Lady, p.-ncJical II-120b

of the Four Masters. .See I our

Masters _, . , of the Holy Childhood, period- ical Vll-400b

of the Propagation of the Faith,

periodical XI-07.'>b __

— of Tigernach I-.-)33c; XVI-.i.c —of Ulster I-533d

Aiinam, kingdom »« y,"7^6-^5 = 770b; Buddhism III-31d; eth- nology X I I-626d; French ex- pedition X-701b: Marco Poo XII-218C: martyrs of XU- 368Hb , , ■ , -V-

Annanius, Bishop of Antioch A-

16'd —of Gwynedd xni-122d of Hungary and Bohemia, em- press ll-124d —of Lorraine XII-764C Anna Petrovna XIII-248b Annapolis, Mar>land. church II- 230a; Redemptorist novitiate XII-684d

—Nova Scotia I-91a: Olc; M- 136b: XV-158C; Capuchin mission ni-327a: French set- tlement XI-135d ANNAS, high priest I-53fid: XIII-i45d: and Caiphas III- 143c; Christ, trial of VIII- 382a: deposition XII-40Sb: house of I-537b; palace VIII- 352d; and Sadducees I-118b —II, high priest I-537a Annastift, Augsburg II -77c;

Miinster IV-90c ANNAT, FRANCOIS I-537b Annatse, tax I-537d ANNATES I-537C; 634a; Basle II-337a; England IV-26c; V- 443a: 446b; VII-224b: in France VI-169b; present day I-5.38b; perpetual II-671d; substitute II-338b ANNE, SAINT, mother of Blessed Virgin I-530d: 538b: VIII- 487a; apparitions. Auray I- 539b — in art: Cornelisz IV--375b: Giordano XIII-172C; Knabl VIII-669d: Maffei IX-522b: Masaccio IX-768b; Qu??*}" Massvs X-38b; statuary Xlll- 645b;" da Vinci Xl-lOOd; X\-

  • 43a . ^ , ,,,

— communions in honour oi iv

774d —conception oj I-538d; feast I-

473d: III-166b; VII-677a —cult of XV^43a; home of XV- 464Ed; pardons I-539b: pat- ronage XI-566C; relics I-539d; sister V-388a — Saint, Sisters of III-236b — tSaint, Sisters of Providence of.

See Providence of St. Anne —Queen of England, Acadian policy I-91C; Maryland, action in II-22Sb; religion IX-399d; Scotland Established Church of XIII-628d —Duchess of Norfolk XI-102a —Duchess of York IV-640a — Boleyn. See Boleyn ANNECY, DIOCESE OF I-540b: Dominican convent ll-797a; St. Francis de Sales, tomb of VI-220d; St. Jane Frances de Chantal, tomb of VIII-2S3c; Lazarist foundations X-3o8a; map Vl-facing 188; seminary founded X-361b; Visitation convent XV-482b .

—Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales of. See Missionaries of St Francis d.> Sales of Annecy ANNE D'AURAY, SAINTE I- ,5.39b; XV -272a: archconfra- tprniT\- I-.'.3'tb Statue crowned I-Vf'ic stitu.^ burned I-539C -de' BEADPRE, SAINTE I-

— Church of I-235c; (ill.) Ill- facing 234: pilgrimage I-540a, rebuilt I X-46b: Redemptorista at XH-685a

—relics I-539d ,

Ann^e domimcaine, periocUcal XII-36SHd

— Utt^raire, periodical xl-b'oc

— liturgique (Gu«ranger) \ II-59b

Aimeessens, Frantois X-. biO


Annegray, monastery IV-138b

Anne Hanisset. Sec Marie-An- toinette Hanisset

—Marie - Madeleine Thouret, martvr XlV-.M7a

Annemundus, Saint, Bishop of Lvona IX-472d

Annendaonactia, Huron town VII-.i71a

Anne of Austria XIV-371d: at Ardilliers I-700d; and St. Anne d'Auray I-539b; foundation I- 154b; .and Bordeaux college V- 34c- VIII-161a; Huguenot polic'v VII-533d; an ^'^f""" 5{-92b- at Nantcrre; Radcgunde, tomb nf X 1 1- 1 MJb ; Toulouse College )!I.l7^'.'?' St Vincent dc Paul X\-4.iOC of Beaujeu. See Anne ot

—of Bohemia ni-643a —of Brittany, queen IJ-78UC. and Charles VIII IX-370<1,

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b. c, d. quarter of page.