Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/136

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Hours VH03a; IX-626d; and Louis XII X-682b; mar- riage dispensation I-292a_; St. Claude, pilgrimage to XIII- 341d: tomb XI-^88a

Anne of Cleves IV-olb

— of Denmark, cliaplain VI-GlCc; conversion XIII-620a

—of France II-779d; IV-163d

— of Jesus. See Lobera, Ann

— of Orleans, Abbess of Fonte- vrault VI-130C

— of Russia, Queen of France XVI-63d

— of St. Bartholomew, Venerable. See Garcia, Aune

— of Savoy, B\'zautine empress Ill-nid

— of the Cross, Blessed X-197c

— Petras, Blessed XIV-517b

Annesi (Annesos), monastery II-331a; VII-615a; X-46Sb

Annet, Peter, deist IV-GS3a

Annianus, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria I-301a; V-351d; 352a; 353c; IX-673c; in Lit- urgy of Apostolic Constitutions 1-57 Ic


—GIUSEPPE D', cardinal I- 540d; on bigamy II-561d: ApostolicEE Sedia, commentary on I-646d

Annidha. See Anidha

Annihilation V-533c; Adventist teaching I-166d; Buddhist teaching III-29d; Catharist teaching III-437a

Annio, Gian Domenico, Bishop of Bovino II-724C

Anniston, Alaijama. population I-241d; college at I-242a

ANNITJS OF VITERBO I-541a; and Monies PieLatis X-536b; Virgin ^Iarv, genealogy of VI- 411b; XV-164EC

Anniversary, Requiem Mass XII- 7S0b

Anno I, Bishop of Cologne IV- 117d

— n (HANNO), SAINT, Arch- bishop of Cologne I-541b; IV- 118a; Alexander II I-2S6c; Augsburg, synod of II-78c; XI-765b; and Henry IV VI- 489c; VII-230b; pallium XI- 429a; uprising IV-llGd

Anno, Bishop of Freising X-631b

— Bishop of Minden, Germany X-323C

Annobertus, Saint, Bishop of Sens XIll-71ild

Annolied VI-518a

Annona, Roman congregation XIV-34b

Annonay, Basilian college II- 324d

Annonciade, L', monastery, ChA- teauncul XI-32(lb

Annuaire complet du clerge beige XlV-272a

— pontifical catholique XIV-272a

Aimuario ecclesiastico V-26d; XI-685b; XIV-272a

— pontificio XIV-271b

Amiuarium der rom. kath. Stu- denten, periodical XI-681b

Annulment, of marriage IX-692C

Annulus Piscatoris. See Ring of the Fisherman

Annum ingressi. Encyclical of Leo XIII I.X-7S6d

Annunak, deity I-480d; II-188d

Annunciagao, Agostino da. Arch- bishop of Goa VI-004b




Annunciatio Christi (Dominica). See Annunciation of 1 lio Blessed Virgin Mary, feast of

Annunciation, Braganca, cathe- dral II-730a; Lircy, church XV- f>7d; Moscow, cathedral X- 592d; 595d; Nazareth, church X-72Ca; 726d; New Orleans, church XI-12C; Orihuela, ca- thedral XI-31->d; Philadcl- phin. cliur.h \l 7'l.-,c; \V,il- Silll'li.'.rii. .■Iiurri, Mil 7i;(ld

— ARCHCONFRATERNITY OF THE I .-,130; Urban VII, be- quest of XV-21Sd

— Brothers of Our Lady of the XI-2ii(id


ANNUNCIATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY I-541d; in Acathistus I-93a; Angelas bells I-488b

— in art: Angeiico I-4S4a ; Angelico (ill.) I-facing 482; Ambrosian basilica I-389c; Baldovinetti II-219d; Baroccio II-303c; in catacombs I-485a; III-i22c; 515a; Cavallini (ill.) X-590a; CossaIV-417a;Co3sa (itl.)VII- facing 110; Donatello V-116a; the Van Eycks (ill.) Vll-facing 112; Francia VI-207a; Ghirlan- dajo VI-546C; Holbein the Elder VII-385C; Lippi (ill.) IX-27SC; Lochner IX-320b; Master of Liesborn IX-23Sb; Muller X-629d; Parmigiano XI-507a; Pinturicchio XII- 104a; Pollajuolo XII-216c; Portiuncula, altar-piece XII- 286b; Robbia (ill.) II-342b; Rosselino XVI-73c: Sabiati XIII-171b; St. Mary Major, Rome I-485C; del Sarto, XIII- 479b; San .Sepolcro XIII-451b; Souvigny Bible (ill.) IX-626a; Vanni XV-272c; Verrocchio XV-365d; Vinci XV-441a

— hour of I-487a; 488c; St. John Damascene, writings on VIII- 461b; miraculous image I-307c; novena XI -143d; witnesses XV-448d

ANNUNCIATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, FEAST OF I-542c; XV-464Fc; Ambrosian Rite I-398a; Anglo- Saxon Church IV-173b; anti- phons I-575c; Book of Com- mon Prayer II-679d; in Byzan- tine Rite IV-315c; calendars, ancient III-163a; Charity, Sisters of, profession III-605d; Coptic Liturgy XVI-28d; date I-542d; early observance III- 160c; Franciscan crown IV- 540b; in Greek Church I-70d; 71b; 623d; indulgence VII- 788d; Mozarabio Rite X-616c; as New Year's Day III-739b; XI-20a; octave I-543a; office I-542d; Requiem Mass for- bidden XII-779d; in Russian Church I-71c; 314b; Salve Regina XIII-109C

Annunziata, (Servites) I-543d; church, Florence III-490a; V- lOld; VI-545C; Genoa, church XII-283C; Palermo, church XI- 419c; Parma, church XI-505b; Rome, chapel XIII-172d; Sa- lerno, church XIII-396C; Sul- mona, church XV-264d; Tra- pani, sanctuary XV-23b

—Knights of .X-306c; chaplains III-207C

Annunzio, Gabriele d', writer VIII-253a

Annus Mirabilis (Dryden) V- 16Sa

Annus qui nunc vertentem. En- cyclical of Benedict XIV X- 65Sc

Annus Sanctus. See Jubilee Year

Anoa y Busto, Francisco Ignacio, Bishop of Pamplona XI-13Sb

Anointed, Messias X-212d

Anointing, baptismal I-196a; in confirmation IV-215c; of cross IV-536d; by deaconesses IV- 6.52d; in Gnosticism VI-,597a; in Greek Church IV-320b; in orders XII-ilBc; power of III- .Wnc; of the sick IV-061d; XV-712a; .Syrian Rite, East XlV-410d; 417b

Anomalistic Month, Babylonian II-25C

Anomoeans. See Eunomianism

Anonatea, Huron town VII-571a

Anonymus Salernitanus XIII- 397c

Anos. See .\nu

ANOUETIL, LOUIS-PIERRE I- .'.13d; ill li.inis XII 729d

— Duperron, Abraham-Hyacinthe I-544a; Avesta 11-1528

Anrich, G., on Discipline of the

Secret V-33d; on Gnosticism VI-392d Anro Mainyu. See Ahriman Ans, Ruth d', Jansenist IX-201d Ansaima Indians X-372a Ansaldi, Carlo Agostino, work I-

544b — CASTO INNOCENZIO I-544a — Pietro Tommaso, work I-544C ANSALONI, GIORDANO I-544c Ansanus, Saint II-203b; XIII-

78 la Ansar, deity ll-514c; IV-406b;

VII-311b Ansar, El Vin-093d Ansbacb, Principality of XII-526a Ansbert, Saint, Bishop of Rouen

XIII-209C; 211d Ansbertina, family I-267b Anscarius, of Ivrea VIII-258b ANSCHAR, SAINT I-544d; II- 756d; VI-790a; VII-121b; Bib- lia Pauperum II-547d; at Cor- bie II-457C; at Corvey VII- 128b; in Denmark IV-724b; 727a; Hamburg episcopate XVI-76C; hospital VII-481C; at Ribe X\'I-70c; Scandinavia, description of VI-448a; in Schleswig XIII-542d; in .Swe- den XIV-348b Anschar, .\rchbishop of Lund

IX-434d Anscheric, Bishop of Paris XI-

4S2b ANSE, COUNCILS OF I-545b; (994) I-545b; (1025) I-545b; (1076) I-545b; (1100) I-545b; (1112) I-.545b Anseau, founder XV-366C ANSEGISUS, SAINT I-545c; Capitulars I-546a; III-311b; and Fontenelle VI-129a; and Luxeuil IX-467d ANSEGISUS, .\rchbishop of Sens

l-54ab;XIII-717a ANSELM, SAINT, abbot I-550a;

XI-95a ANSELM, SAINT, .Archbishop of Canterbury I-.546b; III- 299d; and Adela of Blois I- 548c; Aguirre's commentaries on I-232c; and Altmann I- 367a; on angels, sin of IV-765a; Anse, Council of I-545b; on the atonement II-56c; 5Sa; and St. Augustine II-99c; axiom XIV-582b; at Bari I-548a; II-296a; at Bee I-546c; II- 379c; and Chester abbey XV- 588d; Dante, influence on IV- 631b; as deductionist XII- 30a; dialectic method IV-770d; on Divine relations XV-56c; and Eadmer V-224a; epithet V-74c; on existence of God XIV-570a; and Henry I I- 548b; and Hugh the Great VII-526b; on humility VII- 544c; as hymnodist VII-603a; and investitures I-54Sb; VIII- 88d; and Irish bishops V-173b; Lentulus, letter of IX-154C; on limbo IX-257b; ontological argument I-549b; VI-612C; on original sin XI-314a; and St. Osmund XI-340d; on papal supremacy I-643a; and Pas- chal II XI-515C; on penance I- 63a; as philosopher I-549b; XII-37a; Pius X, commemora- tion of XII-138C; primacy of VII-67a; Proslogium of I- ,549b; on Redemption XII- 679a; XIII-317a; and Roscclin XIII-189d; as Scholastic .XII- 32a; XIII-.548d; XIV-672b; seal XII-649b; seal (ill.) III- 299c; as theologian I-S4Sd; XIV-590a; title V-434a; Trini- tarian teaching XV-52d; Wales jurisdiction in XV-5S4c: West- minster, Council of I-548C; and William Rufus 1-54 7b, works I-549d Anselm, Abbot of Gemblours \'l-

40Sb —Archbishop of Milan II-500b;

VII-t56d — n, Bishop of Milan III-2S6a —Archbishop nf Naples X-(W7a —Saint, BiahoT) of Nice .XI-lSc — Bishui. of HavcTii.a XII-lllMid —Nicholas. S,r Ancelin ANSELME, ANTOINE I-,^^; genealogical researches I-476c

Aoselmi, Angelo Antonio, Bishop

of San Severino Xin^53a Anselmo. See Costadoni, Gio-

Anselm of Baggio. See Alexander II, Pope

— of Besata, philosopher XII-36d

—OF LAON I-550a; biblical commentary of I\'-160a: epi- thet V-74b: as glossarist VI- 588b; at Notre-Dame XI^95a

—OF LIEGE I-550b: annals I- 534b; on embassy III-670a

— of Lucca, the Elder. .See .Alex- ander II, Pope

—OF LUCCA, THE YOUNGER, SAINT I-550C; IX-406b; col- lection of III-286C; IV-392b; I.K-62b; Immaculate Concep- tion, feast of VII-67SC; reform, efforts for XI-765b

— of Meissen, Prince-Bishop of Ermland V-522a

Ansericus, Saint, Bishop of Sois- sons XIV-130d

Ansgar lAnsgarius). See Anschar

Anshan, Kingdom of II-184d

Anshar. S" .\>soros

Anshelm, Thomas, printer X- 151c

— Valerius II-508c

An-sich VII-192d

Ansion, monastery Xll-lSOa

Ansiulfo, Bishop of Oporto XI- 2e0b

Ansius, canon of Auxerre. See Hildebcrt


Ansoald (Ansoaldus), Bishop of Poitiers V-406a; IX-41.3a

—Bishop of Strasburg XIV-313b

Anson, Abbot of Lobbes IX-318b

Ansovinus, Saint, Bishop of Camerino III-216d


Ansuerus, Saint, Abbot of St. George. Ratzeburg XVI-70a

Ansuino da Forli, artist X-169d

Anstlrez, Fernando, Count of Castile III-411b

Ansuhus, Bishop of Orense XI— 295c

Ant., abbr. I-23c

Antse (ethnology) XIV-43C

— (archa?oIogT,-) XlV~497d

Antseus, legend XIV-736a

Antagonist, Druze theology V- 167b

Antakieh (Antioch) I-570b

Antalcidas, iieacc of XIV-506d

Antamori, Paolo, cardinal. Bish- op of Orvicto XI-332b

Antananarivo. See Tananarive

Antariates, tribe VII-663b

Ante-chapels III-575d

ANTEDILUVIANS I-o5Ic; lon- gevity I-552b: table I-552a

Antegnati, Bartolomeo XI-SOOc

— Costanzo .\I-300c

Battista XI-300C Francesco XI-300C Giacomo X1-300C

— Graziado XI-300C

Antelami, Benedetto XI-505b

Antelapsarians, redemption, the- ory of VI-699d

Antella, Benedetto dell', Servite Xni-73fia

Antelminelli, Castniccio degU. .See Castracane

Antelope, in Bible I-517d; 520d

Antemius, aubdeacon I-379b

Antemurale Christiaiiitatis IV- 512a

Antennfie, germ of II-741b

Antenor, tomb XI-3S6a

Antependium. See .-Mtar frontal

Antephelo (Antiphellos) I-57.'>a^

Antequera, Archdiocese of. See ( ):ixara

Anterius, Bishop of .Segorbe XI II- 6S4b

ANTERUS, SAINT, Pope I- .V.Sa; Xll-273a: epitaph III- 421d; 514a; VlII-43d; records I-69Cib

Antes, Saint X1II-397C

Anthedius, at Vcstma XI-C6SC

Antheia. See Snzopolis

Anthclia XI sOc

Anthelm, Saint, Bishop of Belley 11 u.-.c; 111 3'.na

Anthelme, Bishop of Patras XI- 547c

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.