Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/157

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—Vennanduorum XIV-132a rimil-e.-dramaust VI-20«. ana V^nde|i«rum^ n_-73c

_- .1 atnlic nf Uhanghi XV-

,d VI-fi84a

Apostolic nf Uhanghi X\-

-dI(; (1530) II 75b; IX^53b; Bucer III-26a; Campeggio III- 234a: Ecky-2-2c; Vakl«_«XV 249d: Wimpma Xy 6Wa^

^ (^vS ^« 


— Rrfioious Peace (15oo) AV

„3a; 603c; and Brandenburg

II-739d: contcnta XU-iuoa,

representativeVIII-obW, 1 om

tion, feast of II-^.'a; Braun 3 writings on Il-vlJD -^a^1™U.™i;so"thd'o'or

-^techiVrV- 87d; Dominican ^urch, V-742a; education 11- 77b; episcopal throne XI \ 709d; Franciscan Convent x v 718d- French Revolution U- 76b; history H'^Sc; inst.tu- lions II-77C; map VI-fac,ng 514- Passion Play Xl-S*5a. Rationale XII-651d;. Reforma- tion II-73a; secularization 11- 76b; seminary VII-2d; statis-

-Davii'o^" See David of Augs-

-IyNODS of II-78b; (952) II- 78c; (1062) I-2S6C; II-'8c;

-SnJe'sion V-760C; 760d; IX- 4o3b; Anglicans I-50U. S^".'"' Augustine II-93c; Bohemian Brethren II-618d; Calvinism Ill-198b; 203d; communion if saints IV-173c;Commumon

""fiJma^it 'v-222a';^Eck V- S^^c'rcrm^;^ XnW99-

^;?:s'e'^n?e""xV^-U?b'°safn'i^. fntercession of VII I -72c; state stipends I-342C; ^wod^n XIV 349d; variations of l*,7:>-;»^' Wimpina XV-649d; Witten- berg XIII-300b; Worms, con- ference of V-36a . ,

iJlsburger _Postzejtung period- ical XI-*')"Sa; 6/9b; X\-o'« 

Augsburg Interim Il-CO^a; Ul- 62Sc; VIII-77d; X-lo3a; X\-

Augst, Diocese of Il-338d Augurinus, name X-b(4a AuKurius, Saint, martvr V1-311D ASISrs V-49a St, of Aries I-443b; Fiesole Vl-i.Ub, temple houn.laries. determina-

aJ^"'^^'^ Totemism


AUGUSTA, '^^ ."*' V 'r-Tc

Augusta, Blessed XI^-^

—Empress, policy V-64ob

—John II-617C

—Sister, arrest XI\ -539b

— Asturica 1 1 -79a

— Ascorum Il-fiid

— Batavorum II-<9a

— Emerita II 79a ,, ,.,, ,

Augustalis, of Frederick II (ill-)

-Bilhop of Totlon VI„270a Auguslamnica I-30)d. Xlr^na Aulustan. architecture IX-7'3<J Augustana Synode XI-<-od Augusta Pra!toria I'-'.^a „j — Rauracorum 11-i'ia. JJoo — Suessonum II -79a — Taurinorum 1 1 -79a — Trajana II 14a — Trevirorum 1 1 -79a — Trinobantum II-79a

71Sd; 719d „ „„ .

—I, Abbot of Ems.edeln V-367d —Bishop of Marciane IX-6.45C -sSnt, Bishop of Trondhjem

-^houtisters of Saint II-199c — Dom. See Lestrange, Louis

-HStt^of Saint. See Hermits of St. Augustine , „ - .„

-Mother, Sister of Precious Blood xn-37.5a

-Pseudo I^OBc; dramatic ser- mon I-798d; on lay confession

-grCAATE^^URt'lMNT TT-Slb- British bishops, con- ference with II-83d; commun- ity I-507c; consecration U S3a; educational work 11- 457a; England, mission to U- |2a; and Ethelbert of I^ent II- 81d- and St. Lawrence IX-90d, aDdSt.MellitusX-169a;nnra- cles X-346a; pallium .II-83c. Psalter Kill.) If-^fVfiofd: Rochester, See <>' XIII-,!"!": and "Romana Version . of Psalms XV-516d; singing fctS I-578b;^ and Welsh -^f'-^J^^o^clrgssed IV-5UC —OF HIPPO, SAINT II-S4b, on \dam U-99a; on Adamites I-135a; and .\deodalu3 1 lild- on Afer XV-414C, Afnc'an Synods H -87c; and Alexander of. Hales I-29^*_^ and Alexandrian School XU 31d; and St Alypius I-374d. and St. Ambrose I-3S4d, li 85c- on Ambrosian hymns I- 393k; on angels of the churches I-486a; on antipodes l-ti«ia. on Apocatastasis I-600b ; apol- ogetic writings 11-890. ou Aquarians I-661aj Aranda, mj terpretation of I-678b, ana

A,.,QTii,*m II— 89a .

Ananism II-89a —in Art: Botticelli II-709b, Botticelli (ill.) Il-facing 00

GozzoU (ill-l,",^'T'°«J™'- Pinturicchio (ill.) Il-facing 100,

V'^"'"^v71m^XIV-C17c; on "~2strof|yII-21c;.on atonement ll-56c; Augustinism, phuo soohical II-99b; Augustimsm, ZScalll-lOOb; on au- thority of th« Chui-eh V-759a raX"8«^ ^IsSf'Tn

Vnrks II-522b; on Biblical in- Sion VIII-47b; birthplace V o.i,. VIV-.5.53b; and ht.

_j Vlll— 1'", l"'^"F'"'-

l\'-8"4b; XIV-553b; and fet

Boniface I II-659C; on Book oj^

LifeXII-38U; m B"*a"X\

584a- on Cielestius XMOob,

Cain's sacrifice 111 }, *- 2008- Calvinism Il-lOOd^ III 200a, Capgraves life of I"-308=: 1 V»ptin\ writings » ' '*» on Catholicity III^SOc; and St. Celestinc UI-^'^c; on cer- tainty V-141d;oncharit^IX 398b; on cherubim 1 }-«*»^. —on Christ: affections ^ "-of-

aanctitv VII-715d . ,

_on Christianity, antiquity of ^II-712c; Clerks Regular I\-; 12b- on Communion V-SSBC, Confessions of II-S9c; on confession XI-627a; on con- firmation IV-218d; on con- trition IV-338a; eonver'ion II-85d; on Creation ^^^^^°.\

Do agone Christiano XIV- 617d; death II,89b;"De Cm- tateDei" (facsimile) IX-615d, on Discipline of the Secret V- 33a; on bivme Nature ll-63d

as Doctor of th« Church II- 91b; Doctor of Grace II 88c, and Donatists II-b8a, 9Ua, V-127C; XIII-531b; doctrine II-93b- on Ecclcsiasticus V- 266b1 on the elect II-98a; em- blem II-94C; episcopate 11- 87b- on ethics V-559a; Euchar- istic teaching V-577c; on evolu- tion II-90c; exegesis II-90b, V-696c; VI-lOc; on fai* V- 755a; 755d; 756b; 757b; 757c: 75Sb; 758d; on faith, loss ol V-758C; on faith and woi-ks V- 758c; on the faithful y-7fa9b, on Fall II-96C; on fate V- 793cron fear II-65C; feast 111-1630; V-75a; on free will l"96cf 102a; VI-260a; on genealogy in First Gospel X\- 4e4Ec- on gift of tongues XI\ - 777a on good VI-637b; on •goodness, natural VI-694b: on Gospel VI-659C ^„d


-"lla^n^aTS. ir^-^.U^J-ij^^! VII-207d; on heresies l-^va• VII-61b; on heresy and schism III-757d; XIII-529b; heretics, {reatmenl of VIII-27a; 27b; 27d XIV-76Sd; hermeneutics II-90C- on the HexffimeronV II- 315c- on Holy Ghost, procession of VII-411b; 411c; .412b; on Holy Ghost, sin against Vll 4l4d; on Holy Orders XI 279d; Hosanna Vn-473a, hymn, definition of VII-595c^ a^ hymnodist VII-600d X 649a; on ideas VIl-bJ4c, on Immaculate Conception \ II fi76a; immanence theory vii 682b 685a; on imposition of hknds VII-698d; on in- pmialitv VI-708d; on infants, fa^Hh' of II-2700; influence

n-91c; S-^ai^^^H »la XIV- iubilus X-7b5c; Uala Xl\ 532d; and Jansenism VIU 286b and St. Jerome \ I-2b . 339d on St. Joseph, genealogy

tLYa^^VlVi-tsratrd'jrn r|lanumXI-^07c;on_)ust.

^^Tn"owredf'vilM74d;on latin IX-20a; and Latm,

gjb- on limbus infantium TX-257a; literary value 1- iq3b ok literature, profane X 32b; on Uturgical psalms

^■^-,"v?^?V-6lT;%nYole'of on love J^iv ui***-. . tv- self IX-398C; on bing IX 470a; on Mammon IX'SfO?: on man, body and soul of IX 581b; ManichsBism II-»4a, R7c- 90a; and Marcellinus IX-- tsgbrok St. Mark's Gospel

IX-680d; on. ■"".f e? g'^els 709a- on marriage with mnaeia XII%42a; on Martj-rs, Acts ^/lxZ744b; on martyrs, vol-



Kief d ath" H-86d ; m'ono- theTsm'defense of X-SOlc; mor- al-theological work XIV_605.

mysticism U 9'\a^„,^. geb; neo-Platonism II -S?', """j it Norbert, aPP^ition to Xil-387d; on number seven V SlOd- and ontology Xl-.!-)80, oauo, ttu" ,, upj. .„^ Orosius ordination 11-860, ""i^, ^.,0^. VI-322a- on orphans X1-J.:,5d,

l^eX?63g'c3^.^|^: ophy ll-89c; 9,Sb;^lHj>ija,

on philosophers, Paean I-2(^b. on pilgrimages XII-87b: and S? pSssidius XII-31Sb; otj Power of Keys VIII-632a; XI- 60d- XII-266a; on prayer, attitudeforVI-425b;onprayer for the dead IV-655C; XII- 679a; as preacher II-.90d, VU 446a: and Preadamism XU- 371a; on predestination ll-»6a. 97d- XII-379b; and Prosper of Aqu'itaine XH-iS/f; P.^t^^*: ant appreciation II-9d 93c 99b; 101a; on Psalm tales XU 537a; on purgatory Xll-5i6a. 577d; 578a; 578c: on reason XII-674a; on redemption Vl 699dT ll-56a; XII-680c; on regeneration XII-715a; reho at Hippo . IV-295b; relig- ion, definition of XII-<39a^ religious discussions V-34a, on repintance, final IV-662b; on resurrection XII-792b- rmg of XIII-59C; on sacraments Alli- 295d: 296b; 303b ; on sacra- mental character III-5S7d, on sacrifice X-7d .

—on minis: communion pt iv 172c; cultus of II-364c; invoca- tion of VIII-72b; sinlessness of

-L'iatisfaetion XM29a; on Scripture I-477C ; V-699a ; 697b, and Sceptics V-507c: and Seho- fasticism II-93a; XI\-589<1 Semipelagian .eontroveroj XIII-703b; and Simplician 11

-^l^sin Il-lOlb: VI-696C; orig- inal II-98d; XI-312a; 315a; mortal XIV-5d; vernal VI-

-IndNixtus II XIV32C; soul conception of XIV-155'^ 0° soul, origin of .IV -476a, Spec ulum de .Scriptura ^-'20c. and Spiritualism XII-/80, XIV-229d; on Synoptics XIV - 392a; and Ten Commandments TV-l=i-?c- and Tertulliamsts XIV -,521a; New Testament citations XIV-533b; on New Testament text uniformity XlV-532a; on Old Testament III-272d; on Theodosius I I-3S6a; theology, dogmatic 11-


T-4S0b- on Tobias XlV-/aia, on tolerance XIV-767c; tomb

on tolerance xiv-ioi-, w^- vn-282c; tradition concerning IV-357b; XIV-469a; tran.sla-

267a- on St. Vincent XV -434c, and St. Vincent of Lerins X\- 439d- on Virgin Mary X\ - tilt 460d; 471d; .on virtue XV-472C; Voluntanstic teach- togs XV-505d; on Vulgate Xv'-515d; on "ealth, use of XV-572b; on will V-757b ■Wiseman on X V-b ' 1 « .^ "','^= ^lt^rshifv^^ll8b^^a?dV^Jr,f _^'F»ysTll.T,RULEOF II-79C; Alexian Brothers I-- 307b; Alexian nuns l-.iOt.o. Ambrosian Brotherhood I-

40*; ir Cetst at 1-543°; rnnuncfa;a.it04d';'Antonir.s t md- Anthony, Congregation if^St I-555d;\artholomites ll-317b; Boni Homines 11- 672d; canonesses lll--;5^»j Canons Regular I^-^fffi.^g'i. Carmelite . rule "' 3550,

^™\%^n-67id "!)'l>^r

of Divine Charity V-52a; Do- minicans V-108a; Donne Con- yertite della Ijladdalena XI iclirt- Gilbert nes Vl-55be, G«?<1 Shepherd VI-647C; Hau- drWtes Vll-150d; Hierow- m ites VII-345a; Hospital Sis- mites vw Mercy of Jesus V1!-4g8d HospHall?rsII-8OTc: St. James of Compostcla XI U

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page;