Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/182

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Bernard, Blessed, Abbot of St.

Victor IX-7Uid Archbishop of tialzburg Alll-

— Bishop of Savona XIII-490a —II, Duke of Saxe-Meimngen XIII-495b »« ••„

— heir apparent of haxe-Meinin-

gen XIII-495b . Duke of Saxe-Weimar, Bam- berg under II-244c; Bavaria in- vaded X-76c; and Nihus XI- 76c: portrait XIV-65-4a; m Thirty Years War XlV--654c; Wiirzburg under XV-; 20a — n, Duke of Saxony \ l-bSV},

ni, Duke of Saxony Xlll-

499b; XV-678d —Bishop of Sconen III-307a —Duke of Septimama I\-.bUa; —Bishop of Siena ^III-7,';15„„, — Bishop of Sigiienza Xlll-'»»a —Blessed. Abbot of Tu-on 111-

635c; XIU-96a —Archbishop of Toledo XIV- 756b; and Gregorj; \ III, anti- pope VI-795d; and Mozarabic Rite X-612C —Bishop of Toulouse XIV-56Sd —Bishop of Trani X\-17b —Saint, Abbot of Vallombrosa. See Bernard. St., Bishop of Parma , ,..

—Saint, Archbishop of ^'enne II-196a; VII-27c: XV-250d; at Ambronay I-383a — Bishop of Zamora XV-/^4bC — Abbg, in Iceland VII-617c; and

Philibert Vrau IX-252C — ALEXIS-XYSTE, Bishop of tot.

Hyacinthe II-496b — Chr., musician III-34Sa —CLAUDE, ecclesiastic II-496C —CLAUDE, physiologist 11- 497a; X-13Sa; 13Sd; XV-49ob: hfe theory IX-240b; as mor- phologist II-575C; portrait 11- 497a „ , .

—Father. See Dalgairns —John Henry, Biblical com- mentator IV-163a; on II Cor- inthians IV-369b . —Mother St. See Fourmer, \ ir-

—Samuel, Drevet's portrait V-

159b — Th., writer II-149C — Carvajal. See Carvajal — Chabert, Saint, Bishop of t,m-

hrun VI-37Sb , , „ •

—Circa. .See Bernard of Pavia -de Morlas. See Bernard of


Z^uTdONIS II-i9(d; St.

Fulcrans biography \ I-313b,

hagiography V.II-107a; history

VII-375b; on inquisitor V lii-

31a;Lod4veIX-204c; on popes


Bernardi, Michael XII-286d

Bemardin, Capuchm \III-344c

Bernardina, Sister M. See Dorn,


Bemardin de Picqmgny. See Picouio (a Piconio)

Bernardine, Xaverian XV ji-.»c

—Charter, of Pf?"" >t?)/ ».

-of Asti, Capuchin llf-S^d, at Trent, Council of IIl-323a

—of Bologna. .See Bernard of Bologna „„„T^ TT

—OF FELTRE, BLESSED II- 504d; Holy Sai-ramcnl confra- ternity XIV-121d; .Monies Pie-

-Of' FOSSA. BLESSED II- 50.5a; St. Bernardine of Siena 3 life by II-507a

—of Reggie, Capuchin III-322C

—of St. Agnes, J'ro-Vicar Apos- tolic of Manga ore IX- .iH9a

-OF SIENA. SAINT ll-50.5b; VI-2.S5b; 2S6b; VII-120c; and BI. Albert Bcrdini 1-2B1C

—in Art: Ara Call frescoes XIII-172a; Bonvicino U- 678d; Marescotti's medals X- 113d; Parmigiano XI-.i07a

—in Brescia lf-7U0d; er" ^,5"- 780a; on economy >^».'-^'-;»' on Guelphs and Ghibelllnes Vn-5Sc; Heart of Mary de- votion VII-169a; H oly Name

devotion VII-421b; XI-592b, and St. John Capistran VIH- 452b; XII-193a; St. Joseph devotion VIII-506a; htany ascribed to IX-290c; as mis- sionary X-393a; and mono- gram of Christ VII-649b; X- 489a; XIV-376d; and Pius II XII-126d; on Resurrection XV-l68d; and Richard XIII- 41b' Riformazione 11-oUoc; Scotism Xlll-eilc; sermons VIII-249b; tomb I-661b; on Virgin Mary XV-469d —Recollects II-507b BERNARDINES Il-oO/b; in Bayonne II-361a; as Euchar- istic society I-154b; in Pitts- burg XII-123a; in Poland XII- 193a , ,, .,,_.

of Divine Providence U-oii.D

—of Esquernes in-2nb — of Flines ll-.^.ii,b; Ill-JUb — of LUle !I-.5n7b -of St. Francis XII-210a

ol the Precious Blood 11-5U< D

Bernardini, Martino IX-40.5d Bernardino, Mexican Indian V ll-

—Count of Colleraedio VIII-264a —Albizzeschi, Saint. See Ber- nardine of Siena — Caimi, Blessed XV-570a — da Feltre, Blessed. See Ber- nardine of Feltre

de Senna, Bishop of Vizeu

XV-!97b -Realini, Blessed Xiy-109d Bernardins, disciples of Montfau-

con X-MOb Bernandinus, Petnis. See Fetrus

Bernardinus Bernado. See Bernard (except as below) , r^ ^

— Balbi, Saint, Bishop of Cre- mona XI-593b — Calvo, Saint, chapel X\ -lObc — da Cruz, Dominican Xlll-.js-ic — da Monaco, Capuchin Xlll-


on Elias of Cortona V-3S4C; on

Franciscan tertiaries XI V-b41D —OF BOLOGNA II-198b —OF BOTONE II-498b; IV-

672b; VI-589b —of Brambach, Bishop of Passau

XI-519d ^ , ^

—of Chartres. See Sylvester.

-Of'cLAIRVAUX, saint II-

49Sd; and Abelard I-3/d; 38d; 63a; II-500c; at Afflinghem Abbey I-179d; on Alberic of Ostia I-259c; and Albero de Montreuil I-259d; Albigensian mission I-268C; and Alfonso I of Portugal XII-298d; on altar I-346a; on Antichrist I-5fald: and antiphonary I-578d; and Apostolici I-647c; and Armagh I-730b; Arnold of Bonneval s life of I-747b; and Arnold of Brescia I-748a; 748b; 749a_

in Art: Corneille I\-3/3d;

Lippi (ill.) Il-facing 498; Par- migiano XI-506d; Perugino (ill) Xl-facing 738; Sibbel XIII-767b — asceticism XIV-017c; 618a; on atonement I l-57b ; 58a ; Ave Maris Stella "-l^Ob; °n St Benedict's Rule MV;.61>a and Berenger H-iSila; B* heal acconimodat ion I-99d ; onBlark Fast II-59l)c; on Canticle of '^anticlea III-304a; Catharism Refuted III-436C; and Cclestine II III-478c; Chantelou s work III-573c; on charity III-598a: Cistercian reform VI-324b; and Cistercians in England XUl- .54b; XVI-2.5C; at Clteaux XIV-290d; Clairvaux founded ill-781b; Clemencct's life of IV- 12b; and Conrad III VI- 491b; Crusade llWXld; IV- ,54Sa; XIIl -71«b; Daiilt- int^^u- cnccd bv lV-li31b; X-UU.c; dialectic" method IV-770d; "Dies Irir" lV-78Sa; Dijon honours IV-795a; in "Divina Commedia" IV-630d; Doctor of the Church V-75c; epithet V-74C; and F.skil V-MOa; and Eugene III V-599d; Father of

the Church Vl-lb; at Freiburg iS Breisgau VI-264b; and Geoflrey of Clairjaux vI-42/ b; and Gilbert de a Porrfe VI- 655a; and St. Gilbert of Sem- pringham VI-5o7c; and Gui- des VII-66b; and Hameric II-499d; on heretics, treatment of VIII-2SC; and Hildebert of Lavardin VII-351a; and St. Hildegard VII-352d; Hob- Name devotion V 11-42 lb. homilies I-477C ; and Hugues de Montaigu XIII-718b; Humi!- iati under II^63d; on humility VII-543d; as hymnodist \ U- 603b; Imitation of Christ Vll- 674d; XIV-062c; Immaculate Conception feast VII-678d; on i-d"te?nces VII-7SCb; influ-

inaulgences '^f,;".^",'. j

ence II-500a; HI-TOld: and Innocent II I-447c; VUI-13b; IX-17a; XIII-534a; ^'Jesu Dulcis Memoria" X\I-4'C; on Jews VIII-393b; St. Joseph devotion VIII-505d; and Knights Templars II--464a; IV-547C; at Lille IX-25ld; and Louis VI of France XI-482c; on Lvons IX-4'5b; and St. Malachy V-173c;. IX-565b; XII-i76b: mysticism XIU- 648d; XIV-622b; at Notre Dame de Bonne Garde XV- 366d; obedience, religious XI- 183c; at Orleans XI-320a; on Paraclete XI-469b; Passion devotion XI-529C; as pastoral theologian XIV-612a; on per- fection XIV-614d; and Pe er Lombard XI-768c; and /eter of Montboisser X-52od; on plain chant XII-145d; on prayer XII-348b; on Pullcn XII-563a; Ratisbonne s life of XII-659d; and regale, droit de Xll-713b; at Reims Council VIII-12d; XII-728a; and Sts. Vincent and Anastasius Abbey XIII-3Sla; Salve Mundi Sal- utare" XIII-408b; "Salve Re- gina" XIII-409a; on sanctity XIII-429C; and S6nanque mon- astery XIII-713C; at Sept- Fons XIII-720d; sermon (fac- simile) VI-201; at Speyer XIV- 214d- "Stabat Mater Dolo- rosa" XIV-239d; and theology XIV-590b ; titles HI-' 8™ • and Tongerloo Abbey XIV- 776a; and Toscano XI-593C, at Troyes Council XIV-493b; vestment (ill.) II-499b; and Villers Abbey XV -431a; on Virgin Mary XV-468c; and St. William. Abp. of York XV- 629a; and William of Aciuitaine XII-181a; and WUliam of Champeaux XIII-388c; Wil- liam of St. Thierry's life of

-OF CLUNY II-501d; VII-6p3b


—OF COMPOSTELLA, JUN- IOR (MODERNUSl II-.502d; canonical collection H -393a

— of Constance II-512d

—of Corbario, Blessed, Merce- darian X-197d; and St. Mary de Cervellione IX-754a

—of Corbie IV-544C; XV-639d

— of Gordon, physician X-11 1 a

—of Hagen VIIr36c

of Hotun, Bishop of Dublm

—in of Ibbenbiiren. See Ibben- biiren , ,. ,

of Jesus, Vicar Apostolic ot

Verapolv X\ :(15d



50.3b; Annccy honours I-o4()b;

hospice ni-29.5b; VII-475d;

hospice (ill.) n-503

—of Milhau, cardinal XIII-IO81I

—of Morlaix. See Bernard of

Chiiiy —of Parma V-207b -OF PAVIA II-504a; IX-58a; 6:ta; 6'3b; decretals IV-071D; on impediments VII-695d —of Pisa. Sec Eugene III —of Ouintavalle, and Cffisar of Spever IIl-139b; and St. Francis VI-222d;226d

—of Rocafort XIV-lS2a

of Rochefort, Blessed Xl\-

797d of Rodez, Archbishop of Naples

— of St. Joseph. Bishop of Baby- lon III-363d

of St. Theresa. See Duval,


—of SicUy VI-246a

—of Thiron, Saint XI-320a

— of Tours. See Sylvester, Ber-

— of Uxells. Grana Prior of Cluny

II-499b —of Valence XV-251a

of Verdun, phvsicist XII— luo

of Waldeck, Bishop of Osna-

hruck XI-341d Bemardone, Giovanni. See i ran-

cis of Assisi, St. — Pietro Vl-221d Bernardoni. See FeuiUants Bernard Parmensis. See Bernard of Botone ^ „ . ^

— Ptolomei (Ptolemy). Saint.

See Bernard Tolomeo, St. —the Monk lV-545b; itinerarium VIII-255b; at Tanis XIV- 444a; at Thennesus XIV-5t).b

the Rich, of Ricmerstorp Xlll-

504c , , ^

the Saxon. Bishop of Bergen

XI-234a; XVI-9C —TOLOMEO, SAINT II-504b; at Accona I-702c; Gibraltar s patron VI-550c: Ohvetans II-161d; XI-244d Bernardus, John II-617d Bemat, on Copts I-66b Bematowicz, writer XII-199a Bernay, town, apses v-.iSMa, Perpetual Adoration Convent XI-699a; shrine V-671d Bemays, Jakob, on Philo .Judteus

XII-2:jd Bernburg, mission I-514b BERNE ll-507d; cathedral stalls XV-700d; Church in II-340b; Disputation of (1528) II-508C;

uisputanou ui v*"-"/_ ■

and Geneva IX-42b; m LeaPoe XIV-359C; M.asonry IX-7Sbb, minster V-479C; Old Catholics XI-236a; periodicals Xl-b91c; Protestantism XV-143b; 774a; Republic VII-1 19b; Lmversity II-50Sb .

Bernec, Peter, silversmith VI-

530b Berne Codex X-751b Berne-Heeswijk, Prcmonstraten-

sian Abbcv. See Heeswijk Bemerius of Verdun XI I-425c Bernero, sculptor IX-61-c Bernert, Franz, Vicar Apostolic

of Saxonv Xlll-SOld Bernetti, Thomas, cardinal Vll- 7a; IX-l_6Sd; at St. Petersburg

Bemeuxr martjT III-671a; IV-

362b ^ . , ,

Bemhard. See Bernard (except

as below) —Christopher, Bishop of MUnsi-

ter X-630b; 637d —Elizabeth von IX-571d Bemheim of Nancy, hs-pnotist VII-606b; on somnambulism VII-607d; as suggestionist IX- 390d Bemhold XV-124C Rpmhuser. inct:il-worker X-2.^dc bIrNL FRANCESCO II-509b:

Vlll'2,-.(ib .

— Guarniero, historian v U-o°c Bemice, in Clementines IV-^Oc Bemicia, kingdom I-o05d, V 11-

241d BERNIER,'"eTIENNE ALEX- ANDRE II-.W9C XI-319a (1801) l\-205b; and Napoleon IX-lbid; X-

Francis, explorer XIII-206d

— T editor Xl-073b -feanueLnussioiKiivXIII-fifiea Bemieres-Souvigny, Jean de Al-

BERNINI, DOMENICO Il-510a -GIOVANNI LORENZO II- 5 10a; X in- 169b; 64 6a; and Alexander VII 1- 295a, Barber- ini Palace. Home XlII-l;5d, St. Benedict's statue (ill.) XlV-facing 322; Chair of St.


type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics troatcd; (ill.) = iUustrationa.