Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/188

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(BISHOP), consecTotion II-585b; IV-277<i; in Apostolic Consti- tutions I-637b; Aries, decree I- 727b; in Britain XV-58-ta; By- zantine Rite IV-479d; cere- monies I-491d; deacon's office IV-649a; Leo XIII on I-497a; Litany of the Saints IX-292a; minister of IV-277b; 281a; 0£fertorv- II-750a; by popes 11-159(1 — consistori' IV-286a;Consi3tory, Congregation of XIII-139d; Constantine IV-299C; corner- stone, laying of XIV-303b; and Council, Congregation of XIII-141d; and councils, pro- vincial XII-SlSc; cowl used by IV^63c; credence IV-t76d

crosier IV-515b; in heraldry

(ill.) VII-246 — cross IV-534a; consecration, blessed by IV-535C; pectoral IV-534b; XI-601a — cure of souls IV-572b; dalmatic used by IV-60Sb; deacon of IV-648C; deacons' ordination IV-650d; death of, legislation regarding see XV-402a; dedi- cation, minister IV-673C; dele- gate IV-696C; deposition V-4b; desertion IV-750b; devolutive ri^ht IV-768b; "Didache" III- 74Sb; IV-780b; Didascalia Apostolorum IV-7S1C; digm- ties II-583b; dimissorial let- ters IV-797C; and diocesan congregations XI-168c; diocese ■V-la; disability of I-143c; dis- pensation, powers of V-41d; 43d; in early church I-196c — in Eastern Church X-470b; celibacy II I-4SSa; East Syrian XIV-417b —election V-377d; capitulations III-311d; and diocesan coun- cil IV-323b; early II-583c; Germany VI-516b; mode of II-584b; Worms, concordat of IV-lSGa; WClrtemberg XV- 717d — enthronization V-479a; ex- communication, absolution, power of V-685a; excommuni- cations reserved to V-690b; ex- empt II-584b; V-706d; ex- empt, precedence, order of XII-371d; faldstool V-770b; False Decretals on V-775b; 777a; false witness against IV- 691d; French, appointment of desaervants IV-756a; Gallican claims VI-352b; general coun- cils IV-426d; VII-795d; genu- flexion before VI-427b; Gloria recited by VI-5S3d; gloves \ I- 589b; Gospel VI-661a; 662c; as Gospel reader VI-660d —in Greek Church I-695c; VI- 741b; consecration of altar I- 359d; (ill.) XV-391C; pectorale XI-601b; throne I-3o9b —hat, in heraldry VII-245c; m hier.archv VII - 323c; 323d; 324d; 3ild; holy oils, blessing of II-220b; VH-423a; Hob- orders XII-417a; in Hob- Roman Empire VIII-8.5a; Holy See, delegates of IX-llSc; hospitality VII-'176a; Humeral Veil VII-542c; illegitimacy dis- pensations II-580C; and impo- sition of hands VII-69Sc; incardination and excardina- tion VI I-704d; indulgences II- 587c; VII-784a; infallibility VII-795b; 798d; XV-lOd; in partibus infidelium VII-32.'ia; matallation, right of Vlll-IJOa; institution, right of Vlll-li.'id; intercession, right of XII-431b; investiture, civil V-432c: VIII-84C; invocation of, in Litanv of Saints IX-291C: Irish, action of English Govern- ment XV-393a; in Irish order of saints III-t95a; and irregu- larity dispensations II-504a; irremovability VIII-17.3c; 174b; in Irvingito Church Vlll-n.'ia —as judge II-,W7a: VIII-546d; in clerics' trial IV-078a; of heresy VIII-30d —junsdiction VII-324b; VIII- 568b; over curates lV-570c'


over deans I-69SC; in Durham V-212C; over irregularity VIII- 173b; over nuns XI-166d; 167c; 168a; over religious life I-144C; XII-753b; 759c; tem- poral XIII-652C — at Lavabo IX-45a; laws pro- mulgated by XII-454C; lega- cies IX-116a — legislation Il-5S4a; papa! con- stitutions XV^46b; power of II-5S6C — bgitimation, power of IX-132C — Letters of. IX-204a; in Vatican

Archives XV-2S8b; 2S9a —of Maronite Church IX-684c; marriage, in early Church III- 184d: marriage, assistance at IV-3b; Mass, application of X- 23b; Mass, celebrant of I- 346b; 351b; IX-799b; X-22b; XII-232d; Mass, Pontifical XII-232a; 232d; mensa X- 194a; in Methodist Church X- 238a; and metropolitan I-691a; minor orders, minister of X- 333c; missionary II-145b; mitre X— 104d; mitre in heraldry VII- 245d; monarchical II-582C; VII-33Sb; and monaaticism V- 706b; and Napoleon X-696b; at national synods XIV-389a; New Testament I-628C — nomination: in Argentina I- 704d; Bulls of III-57b; con- cordats IV-197c; and Congre- gation of consistory XI II-140a ; and French Concordat IV- 206a; by pope XII-269C — obligations of II-5S8b — office of: in Clementines IV-

41d; in poor-relief XII-240c — as order XI-279d; in Jacobite

Church XIV^19a — ordination: Gallican Rite VI- 365b; powers XII-417C; by priests VII-242C —origin I-629a; II-5Slb; III- 749b; non-Catholic theories III-7.50a — Orthodox, and protopope Xll- 504a; pallium, bestowal of XI- 428a; palUum used by XI- 427d; pastors, appointment of IV-209b; XI-53Sb: paten con- secrated by XI-541d; as Pa- triarch Xl-549b; pax XI- 595b; pectorale XI-601b; penance, minister of I-62a; 64a; XI-622b; 623c; pension, imposition of XI-645d; Pistoia on II-68d; at Plenary Council XII-165C; pooi^relief III-602b; XII-238C; and pope II-5S6a; 58Sc; XII-269c: 270a — pmoer o/XIII-530c; restricted II-583d; sole I-656d; temporal II-583a — as prelate XII-380d; as pres- byter II-5S2C; presentation, right of XII-399b: and priest VII-342a;XII-415b; and priest in primitive Church II-5S2b; priesthood, bearer of XI 1-4 14a; priesthood, fullness of XII- 406b; as primate XII-423d; primitive I-(); III-748c; privileges II-.")S9a; property, administrator of I-144b; XII- 473b; XV-626d; property, ec- clesiastical, in middle ages XII- 46Sa; Protestant conception of H91b;498a; and provostXII- 517a; Puritan attitude XII- .581c; rationale XII-651C; regu- lars, control of V-707b; regu- lars, secularization of XIII- 678b; regulations of, congrega- tion for XII-755d; 759d; XIII- 136c; removal, power of I- 437b; reservation, power of XII-784a — residence XII-786a; Carranza

on III-376C; law of II-588C

— resienafion V-4b

— rirji-i9 of- c-inonical provision

II ,s",c Ml .-,11-ib; Tridentine

Ir', l>i.iii II '.s3d; Wa-shing-

1,:,,, ,~i.ii,- ,il XV-.562b

— niiKs Xlll .'.'.Ic; ritual, bugia

I 34,Sb; ritual, candles I-348a;

Roman Congregation of XIV-

34b; Romanos Pontifices XIII-


—rural I-788b; II-583a; V-lc;

in Asia Minor I-78Sa; as auxil-

iaries II-145d; See Chorepis- copi — Saint-Cyran on V-219d; sana- tio, dispensation XV-257a; sandals XIII-434b; Saxon Eng- land I-169a; sealofXIII-64'Ja; secular importance XV-3N9c; See, arms (ill.) VII-244c;_sem- inaries, control of XIII-701b; Societies, Catholic XIV-70d; State stipends, Alsace-Lorraine I-342c; stole used by XIV- 301b; subsidies XIV-322b; of suburbicarian diocese XIV- 324b — suffragan: as auxiliary II-145c; in Byzantine hierarchy VI- 760b; precedence XII-371d — syncelli XIV-383b; synods, convocation of XIV-3S8b; teaching authority II-586a; term, use of VII-335c; 343d; theologian called I-556d; and Thomism XIV-667d; throne for III-437b; 439c; XIV-709b; title, early I-640d; title, non- Catholic use II-589a; XI-167C; 168a —titular II-14oa; 146b; 584a; appointment of VIII-25C; at general councils IV-426d; at pontifical Mass XII-233a; pre- cedence, order of XII-371d — translation V-4b; Tridentine discussion XV-32d; Uniat Church VI-746d; United States, citation of I-652a; United States oath II-240d_; and unity, ecclesiastical X-430b; and Valentinian I XV-255b; as vassal XIV-512d; Vatican Council, disciplinary decree of XV-304d; veil, bestowal of XV-321C — vestments XV-388b; blessed XV-391a; colour XII-777d; dispensation IV-73Sa; grem- iale VII-26b; Orthodox litur- gical IV-316b; pontifical XII- 232a — vicar capitular, power of XV- 402b: ivicar-general, power of XV-402d; virgins, consecra- tion of XI-164C; XV-459a; visitation II-588b: XV-480b; Visitation Nuns XV-482b ; and Volksverein XV-50Sc; vows, authority of XII-269c; among Waldenses XV-529a; washing of feet by XV-557d; welcome, by bells II— i22b; women_ in clerical dwellings under XV- 69Sa; zucchetto XV-765d — Auxiliary. See Auxiliary Bishop — Boy. ,Sfe Boy Bishop — Coadjutor. See Coadjutor

Bishop —Edmund XIII-71b; on Am- brosian Rite I-396d; on Book of Cerne XII-351a; on cappa clausa IV-351d; on Celtic Rite III-496a; on Lindisfarne Gos- pels XV-51Sd; on the Primer XIW25b; on Requiem a!ter- nara III-73d; on Roman Rite, original IX-312b — Samuel II-705c — Thomas V-177d — W. C, on Ambrosian Rite I- 396b; on Gallican Rite VI-35Sb — WILLIAM, Vicar ApostoUc of England II-589c; V-4.50b; IX- 34Sd; XI-236d; XIII-620b; and .\bhot in-450a; Archpriest controversy XVI-4c: 5b; Oath of Allegiance XI-178b — Assistant, at the Pontifical

Throne I-802a Bishopess Ill-485b Bishop-Eton, Redemptorists at

Xll-l'.scb Bishopric. .^'(V Diocese Bishops and prelates, Congrega- tion for XI1I-130C — and Regulars. Congregation of

XII-138d; XIlI-142b; adr nitions. instruction on I-144d; on alumnus I-370d; on aux- iliary bishops II-146d;_on ca- nonical age of religious r-20Sa: novitiate, age for XI-144b; nuns in V. S. XI-166d; Puis X, regulations of XII-13sd; Pius XI. Encyclical letter of XI-146d: religious life, juris- diction over XII-755d

Bishops' Bible II-142a; XV- 376d; in Prayer Book II-142C ■ — Crook. See Crosier Bishops-elect, examinations V-

074b Bishopsgate Street, London, pri- ory Il-:',.S7d Bishops-Priests, in New Testa- ment I-(i29a Bishop's Stortford, Redemptor-

i.sts at XII-6S6b Bishops' War, for Scottish Coven- ants IV— lo9d; of Strasburg XlV-314b Bisi, Bishop of Dunwich XI-121d Bisinus, Bishop of Granada V'l-

723c Biskupasogur Vll-OlSd Bisleti, Gaetano, cardinal XVI-

18a Bisley, George, Venerable. See

Beesiev BISMARCK, DIOCESE OF XVI- lOd; I'clish population (1907) XIl-211b; .statistics XV-176d ■ — Otto Edouard Leopold, Prince von X\l-2:;b; and Centre VIII-7(l5c; XVI-21b; Congo association IV-229b; dismissal VI-514C; and Ketteler VIII- 631b; and Leo XIII XI-455C; and Lieber IX-234a; and Na- poleon III X-702b; papacy, negotiations with lX-170d; and Poles XII-18Sd; policy. Catholic V-98d; VIII-706c; and Prussian Liberals VIII- 704c; as Prussian Minister VI- Slld; XII-o30b; in Russian Poland XII-200b; and Savigny and Schorlemer-Alst XIII- 589a; and Socialism XIV-64c; and Windthorat XV-656a_ — Archipelago VI-513d: X-7S3c; German Protectorate estab- lished XI-17d Bismarck - Bohlen. Frederick Alexander, Count von I-344b Bismaya. expedition II-9b BISOMUS n-590a Bison, m Bible I-519d Bisping, August, Biblical com- mentator II-492c; IV-161a; X-640b Bissalis, Arnolfo de. Bishop of

GalteUi-Xuovo VI-371b Bissel, John IX-30a Bissell, Edwin Cone IV-494c; Biblical introduction VIII-80d; on Pentateuch XI-654d -William H.. governor VII-657d Bissen. Heinrich Von II-579d — Hermann Wilhelm IV-732b Bisseni. trihi' \'II-547d Bisset, John Vll-}84c Bissey, priest X!II-563d Bissextile (Bissext; Bissextus), and Aztecs II-171b; in .lulian Cal.'iular Ill-lOSd Bissoni, G. B. Xl-SSCc Bissot, Claire-Franseise VIII-

49Gc Bissula, Ausonius, slave II-112C Bissus. Bernardo, on Rubrics

XIII-217b Bissy, Henri de. Bishop of Meaux X-98c; and Bouquet II-715b; Jansenism IX-201b; and Ursin V-207a — Thiard de. Bishop of Toul. at

St.-Die XIII-345a Bis temas horas explicans, hymn

I-3n3b; authorship IX-98a Bisticci, Vespasiano da VIII- 249a; on Saint Bernardine II- 505c Blstue, Diocese of II-696d Bisulas, Bishop of Germanocop-

olis VI-475b Bite, bishop, at Elphin V-394d Bitetto, Diocese of II-296a Biteus. Sir Bite Bithildis. Saint IX-550C Bithynia, Sainl Andrew's. apo9- tolato 1-I71c- Assuniptiomsts in Il-lOJb; Kingdom I-7S4d; province, civil >;ll-;-'"!'-.J'rr innce, ecclesiastical 1-(85D; 7S9a; Rome acquires l-7S5d Bithynium (Claudiopolis) IV-Sc Bitio. Gregorio II-317C Billis, province. Armenia, mi.ssion

1-739C Bito. Valerius, and Clement I, IV- 14a; 1.5b

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.