Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/192

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Henrj- III VI-4SSd; Honorius III VII-i58b; Maximilian VI- 498b; under nobles VI^96a; nobles and clergj- revolt XIII- 784d; and Poland VI-591a; XII-182C; Premvslian dynasty II-123C; and Silesia II-762b; Thirty Years War XIV-649b; 725a; under Thun-Hohenstein XIV-712a; Utraquist riots VII-588a (BOHEMIA), Legislation: bunal laws Il-tilod; marriage and divorce II-615b; testamentary II-615d — Literature IV-598d; Balbmus II-216b; Barrande II-30Sa; periodicals XI-669d; 670a; 670b — Religions and sects: Abrahamite heresy I-57d ; Hussites II-124a; VI-496C; VII-586a; Lutheran- ism II-125b; 126a; Neo-Adam- ites I-135b; Waldenses XV- saoa; Wyclif XV-723d • — Manor, Maryland, Catholic school VI-45SC; mission II- 228d; XV-64Gd BOHEMIAN BRETHREN II- eilia; 622b; I-179C; 365d; in America II-619d; Amosltes II-617b; ApocatastasisI-eOOd; Augusta II-617c; baptism of infants I-445c; Boehler II- 619b; and Calixtines II-617a; at Cape of Good Hope I-187b ; communism II-617a; IV-180c; and Czech literature IV-599C; in England II-617d: 61Sc; 619a; faith, confession of II- 125c; 126a; 617c; 618d; founda- tions Il-eiSc; in Georgia II- 61fld; German statistics II- 62ua; government of II-617a; in Greenland VI-778C; history II-616b; and Luther II-617b; and Lutherans II-617d; mis- sions I-lS7d; II-618b; 620a; VIII-170c;inMoraviaX-563a; in Nebraska X-733a; in New York XI-617c; organization II-618b; in Pennsylvania II- 619d; persecutions II-617a; in Poland II-617d; XII-708a; in Posen VI-591b; present condi- tions II-619d; Schwenkfelders II-619d; societies II-621b; m South Dakota XIV-162b; Spangenberg II-619c; Tolt- schig II-619b; in United King- dom II-620a; in United States XIV-51b; 280a; and Waldenses II-617a; XV-529d; 530a; Wes- ley II-619a; women in ministry XV-696a; Zinzendorf II-61Sa; IX-459C; See Moravnans ^College, Rome XII-135c;

BOHEMIANS OF THE UNITED STATES ll-r.20b; Catholic, in Nebraska X-732C; census (1900) XIV-51a; communities and churches II-621d; Illinois VII-656a; Michigan X-282b; Missouri X-399c; Nebraska X-732b; present missions II- 620a; press II-fi21d; schools II-621C; XIII-5S4b; statistics II-620d

Bohemund I, Norman Duke \ I- 625a; VII-73C; in Byzantine wars Ill-UOd; Crusade IV- M6c; XIV-442c; at Gallipoli VI-367a; oath Ill-llla; tomb III-222a; and Urban II XV- 210b

— m. Prince of Antioch \I-5iOb

Bohemus, Albertus. See Bchaim, Albert von

Boher, Ireland, pilgrimage XII- 89a

Bohic, Henry de XIII-651a

Bohier, Petrus. See Bocri

—Thomas VIlI-.571d

Bohl, Edward, Biblical writer XI- 654d

— T., editor XI-6Sla

BBhlau, Helene, writer VI-52SC

Bohl de Faber, Cecilia. See Ca- balloro, Kcrnan

BShm. Charles, Hungarian priest


■ — Johann, Hussite impostor VII-

700b — Julius, Biblical scholar IV-



Bohme, Jacob, philosopher VI- .521d; and Baader II-173a; on immanence VII-6S3b; mysti- cismX-664d; on pessimism XI- 741c; religious tenets XII- 709c; as theosophist X-279b; XIV-626d Bobmer, Johann Friederich, his- torian VI-6Sa; VII-507a; VIII- 2S5b; X-625d Bohnisch, member of Bohemian

Brethren VI-779b Bohomolec, Francis, dramatist

XII-198a Bohringer, Georg Friedrich II-

88d; 93c Bohun, Humphrey, Earl of Here- ford IV-446d —Margaret IV-446d — Reginald de. Bishop of Bath

and Wells II-347d Bohusz, Stanislaus Siectrzence- wicz, Archbishop of Mohileff Xin-375c Boiamund, canon, in Scotland

XIII-616C Boiamund's Roll, Scotland XIII-


(■>22d BOIARDO, MATTEO MARIA II-622d; poems VIII-249b; portrait VIII-249 — Nicol5, Bishop of Modena X-

414b Boiarii, tribe II-353c; early his- tory II-354C Boici, tribe XIV-48C Boieldieu, Frangois-Adrian, com- poser XIII-211b; and Le Play XII-162C Boii, Celtic tribe X-561b; XIV- 49c; in Bohemia II-613b; X- 561b Boil, Bernardo. See Bull — ^Juan Martin de. See Martin

of Valencia Boileau, Etieime VII-69a BOHEAU-DESPREAUX, NICH- OLAS II-623b; I-89b; VI- 19fib; IX-372d; Alegre's trans- lation I-281d; on Arnauld the Great I-744a; on Boulanger II-713d; on Bourdaloue II- 718a; bust of VI-570b; on the Cid IV-374d; and Mignard X- 290b; Moli&re on X-435a; and Port Royal XII-296b Boimus, Saint, in Cattaro legend

III-457b Boise, town. Idaho VII-628b; Polish population (1907) XII- 211b; U. S. charitable institu- tions XII-247a —DIOCESE OF II-623d; statis- tics XV- 176c BOISGELIN, JEAN DE DIEU- RAYMOND DE CUCE DE, cardinal, Archbishop of Tours n-624b; XV-2c; Bausset's work on 11-352; on ciril consti- tution XIII-llc; on property ecclesiastical Xlll-lOb Bois-Guillebert, Pierre Le Pesant

XII-68b BOISn., SAINT II-62.5a; at Mail-

ros IV-578C; vision V-325a Bois-le-Duc (Brabant) VII-387a; siege (1629) VII-289b; XIV- 652c BOIS-LE-DUC, DIOCESE OF II-625b; VII-391C; Carthusian monastery IV-736a; cathedral II-625d; "Synod (1865) II-625C Boislesve, Pierre X-694c Boislisle, Arthur-Andre-Gabriel

de XIII-376d Bois-Reymond, Emil du, physi- cian X-139b Boisrobert, Francois Le Metel de.

Academician I-S9a Bois-Seigneur-Isaac, monastery

Vl-lO.ic Boisseree, Sulpice IV -11 7c;

XIII-61C Boisset, Claudinc de XV-72,8a Boissonade, Jean Franjois IV-

114a Boissy d'Anglas, Fran{ois-An- toine, Rc\-olutionary leader XIII-15a Boistard, Protestant pastor VII-

535c Boistard, Claude, Maurist X-71d Boisy, Franjois de Sales de VI- 220a

Boite k Perrette, Jansenistic fund

VIII-292C; XI-68d Boivin, Scotist XIII-612d Bojano, Tommaso da, Fraticelli

leader VI-246a Bojesmen. See Bushmen Bokelzoon, John. See John of

Levdcn BOKENHAM (BOKENAM), OS- BERN II-625d Bokhara XII-217b; Jews I-779d; Mohammedans X-245d; and Russia XIII-250a Bokim, VI-346b; X-67Sb Bokkyng, Edward. Sec Bocking Bok-land VI-60b Boktisho, Gabriel, writer XIV-

411d Bokyngham, John, Bishop of Lm-


II-626b Bolanos, Luis de, Franciscan

VII-46a Bolard, Reginald, Bishop of Cov- entry and Lichfield IX-233a Bolarq'ue, Spain. Carmelite foxm-

dation ni-366a; XlV-660b Bolbet, Richard V-478a Bolckbaus, Zionite XV-761b Bolcseleti-Folyoirat,periodicalX-

749c Boldetti, Marc-Antoine, archaeol- ogist III-706b; 766b; X-112b; XII-295b Boldrino, Gregorio, Bishop of

Mantua IX-(313a Boldu, Giovanni, medallist XI—

15Sa Bolduc, John Baptist Z., mis- sionary II-593c; 792d; X- 381c; 390b; XI-635C; XII- 586b; 590a; XIII-666a; and Demers XV-412c; among Sanetch Indians XIII-439C; among Songish Indians XIV- 142a Bole, Richard, missionary IX-

29.5a Boleslaus I, Duke of Bohemia II- 122c; VI-590b; Breslau. Dio- cese of XIII-790d; Cracow, See of XIV-45SC; and Moravia X- 561d; Saint Wenceslaus II- 613d — n, Duke of Bohemia II-122C;

XII-338C — n, Duke of Cracow and San- domir. See Boleslaus V, Duke of Poland —I, Duke of Poland II-761b; XII-lS2d; XIV-4Sd; Bene- dictines XII-192d; missionaries received Ill-lSb — n. King of Poland XII-182d: Christianity XII-189c; and Henry II VI-488c; and St. Stanislaus XIV-246d — ED, King of Poland, and the Church XII-lS9c; coin XI- 157c; Poland divided XII- lS3a; Pomerania, conversion of XII-22.5C —IV, King of Poland XII-lS3b —V, Iving of Poland XII-lS3b; and Cunegundes IV-569a; Franciscans XII~532c — Chrobry. See Boleslaus I,

Duke of Bohemia — Krzywonsty. See Boleslaus III — of Liegnitz, Duke of Poland,

and Thomas III-761d — the Brave. See Boleslaus I,

Duke of Poland — the Curly-haired. See Boles- laus IV. King of Poland — the Great. Stc Boleslaus I,

Duke of Poland — the Intrepid. See Boleslaus I,

Duke of Poland —the Long (Tall). Duke of Siloia XIII -790d; Lcubus founded II-761d; lX-204b Boletin do Clero e do Professor- ado, periodical. Portugal XI- 689a — Ecclesiastico, periodical, S6o

Paulo XIII-J65d — Eclesiastico, periodical, Burgos

III I'lSa — Eclesiastico, periodical, Dur-

allgc) V-208d — Eclesiastico, periodical, Havana

\U-iru,a — Eclesiistico de la Diocesis, periodical. Barcelona II-290C

- — Militar, periodical, Mexico XI-

686c — Salesiano, periodical, Barcelona

n-290c Boleyn, Alice VI-146d — Arme IV-25d; V-445c; XI- 102a; and Blessed Adrian Fortescue VI-146d; crowned IV-26d; VII-224C; executed VII-225a: and Henrj- VIII IV-25d; VI-386d; VII-223a: and Blessed Thomas More XIV-691d; and Wolsey XV- 686c —Elizabeth, and Henry VIII

V-44.5d —Mary, and Henrv' VIII IV-26a;

V~14.5d; VIl-22.3a Bolgars. .^ct^ Bulgarians BOLGENI, GIOVANNI VIN-

CENZO n-626c; XIV-595b Bolger, Thomas III-775d Boli. See Bolou Bolina, Indian village, California

X-371d BoUngbroke, Viscount (Henry St.

John), deist IV-6S3a Bolionus, identity VII-268c Bolivar, Simon II-«29a: XIII- 382c; Carabobo. battle of XV- 328b; death XIII-458C; monu- ment IX-255C; peace projects XI-.596d; portrait XV-327C BOLIVIA III -627b; aborigines

II-629b; animal life II-628d — Church in II-629a; Armentia, mission of I-740a ; Copacavana, pilgrimage of IV-350d; Fran- ciscans Vl-298d; missions I- 681b; X-607b; papal represen- tative XI-161d: Poor Clares. Order of XII-254b; religious statistics XIV-2Sla; Salesian Society XIII-399b — Geography II-627b; Cocha- bamba IV-75b; lakes II-628a; La Paz VIII-795a; La Plata VIII-798d; mountains II- 628a: Santa Cruz de la Sierra XIII^56c — History I— llod; .\\-mar4, rising of II-165b; and Chile I-583b; III-663a — legislation II -629a; mineral resources II-62Sb ; natives II-164d; population (190.5) II- 627b; Takana Indians XIV- 427a Bolkhovitinotf, Eugene, Metro- politan of Kieff XIII-272C Boll, Barbara, Franciscan ter-

tiar,\- XIV-646b — Bernard, Archbishop of Frei- burg II-196b: XV-207a: 591b BoUaert, historian XII-605b BoUand, John van, hagiographer II-631b; Vn-107d; death II- 634a; and Gamans VI-375b; and Henschen VII-240c; por- trait II-631C BoUandist Museum II-633b BOLLANDISTS II-630a; Ba- rtius II-201b; Baert n-201d: Bolland II-631b; der Bosch II- 689c; on Saint Brendan II- 7.59a ; de Buck I II-26C ; and Car- mehtes II-634b; III-355b; crit- icism, historical XII-419C; on St. Emmeran XII-179b; Hen- schen II-632a; Legends of the SaintsIX-129a: Papebroch II- 633a; on Saint Placidus XII- 143a; publications II-63Sb: VII-107d; residence III-24a; Roswcvde II-630a; Vatican MSS. 'XV-292b; work sup- pressed II-636d BoUani, Domenico, Bishop of

Brescia n-760d BoUatico, script I-22b; 29c BoUe e Bandi, Vatican Archive XV-2sj»d; statistics XV-2S9b Bollene, Blessed Sacrament, Sis- ters of II-599a; martyrdom at XI-698d Bolletino 1 1 -0.5.5a BOLLIG, JOHANN II-639b Bologna, town, .\rnirsii. tomb of l-llllid; Alherti's history of I-2t>2d; Ale.ssi's work I-284b; battle (1363) XV-214d: Besmr- ion. governor of II-o2(a; Charles V, coronation Vl-50llb; Cignani, works III-7"1«; Costa, works IV-417b; Dante

Largo type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) — illustrations.