Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/213

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Cajus. See Caius

Cakauans XIV— 4Sa

Cakcbiquel Indians VII-75Ga: XII-604a

Cake, marriage IX-704d

Calabar, town. Africa, Fetishism VI-S7b; Protestant mission I-lSSa

Calabasas, mission XIII-4C4b


Calabria, district, Italy, earth- quake (17S3) Vni-214a; Nor- mans in VII-73a; X-6S5a; patron III-16b: Saracen cam- paign VI-4SSb; Waldensea XV-o29d

Calah. See Chale

Calahorra, town, Spain, mart\Ts Xll-olSa

—AND LA CALZADA, DIO- CESE OF III-14Sa: X-721d; XIV-172d; cathedral III-14Sb; map (ill.) XIV-200; statistics III-413C

Calais, Saint, hermit IV-54b; IX-144b; at Micy XI-319a

— town, France, Brindholn, mar- tyr II-787C; Carmehteconyent III-356d: England, treaty with in-443d; English capture V- 321d; French recapture VII- 74d; IX-767d; siege (143(i) Ill-09a

—Maine, mission I-39d

CALAMA, See of III-148C; mon- astery Xll-318a

Calamello, episcopal palace X- 52Sd

Calami, in Celtic monasteries VIII-90b

Calamona, See of XIII-19c

Calamus, in Bible XII-152b

—liturgical III-562b

— Scriptorius I-458b

Calanca. See Misocco and Cal-


III-14Sd; on Peruvian religion XV-70C

Calandion, Bishop of Antioch I- 2Ild

— Bishop of Halicarnassus VII- 117c

Calandra, Giovanni Battista, mosaici-<t IX-4n2b

Calandrelli, Ignatius, mathema- tician XIl-7.sGd

— Joseph, mathematician XV- 310b

Calano rCalanne), town, Baby- loni.i Il-Ua; 179c; ISOa; ISuc; Vl-iaic: X-74Ib

Calanus, Bishop of Fiinfkirclien VI-322b

Calaris (Caralis) III-1.39C

Calaritana. See Cagliari

Calaritanus, Lucifer. See Lucifer of Cachari

Calas, Anne III-U9a

— Donat III-149a

—Jean III-149a

—Louis III-119a

— Marc-Antoine III-149a

—Pierre in~149a

—Rose lI-MOa

Calasanctius ( Calasanza) , Joseph, Saint. S' r .Jr,.spph C'ala-sanctiua

Calasanza, Pedro \ Ill-.'il.Sd

CALAS CASE lli-HOa; VII- .53 Id


Calata Hieronis. See Caltagirone

Calatanazor, Spain, battle (1002) Ill-Ulb: XIV-179b

Calatayud (Bilbilisl XIV-452b

—PEDRO DE III-149c; at Pamplona XI 4:isc

Calatia iCaiazzoi III-141d

Calatrava, Colegio de, Salamanca XVl-liic

—MILITARY ORDER OF III- 149d: X-3O.0b; XIII-3.i3d; XIV-18Sa: 4.-|3c; .Mrantara 1- 272a; Aviz, Order <.f 11 Iri2a: and Christ, (irderof III c.'.ixb: church, Madn.l (ill. l \ I V I s'.lb: founded XlV-lSla; (ill.) 111- 1.50a; and Montcaa, Order of X-334b: Morimond, jurisdic- tion of X-570a; rule II-404a; and St. James of Compostela. Order of XIIl-353b; nuns of, rule II^64a

—la Nueva, monastery III-150d

Calaveras Skull \II-74Sa

Calbayog, Diocese of XIII— 41.jd; XVI-34C; Lazarists X-367d; statistics XIII-416a; XV-177c

Calboli, Francesco, Bishop of Sarsina XIII-47Sd

Calcagnini, Celio, physicist XII- .53c; heliocentric theory VI- 451c; XII-54d

Calcar, Giovanni da. See Kalcker, Jan Stephanus van

Calcedonio, Alessio, Bishop of Gallipoli VI-367b

Calceofilo, Atanasio, Bishop of Gerace VI-464b; XI-262a

Calcerando, Fra, Bishop of Bisar- chio Il-oSla

Calchaqui Indians VII-7.5Sa ; Xll-604d; 60.5b; of Ar- gentina VII-757d; at Cholla XV-85c; language I— 411c

Calchas, diviner XIII-C92a

Calchi, Sigismond de, missionary III-,S2b

Calchidians XII-717b

Calchut. See Chelsea

Calcidica, in basilica I-659d

Calcker, Jan Joost van. See Joest, Jan

Calculus (math.), Cauchy III- 457d; Galileo VI-343b; and geometry III— 46Sa; invention I.\-134c; Stevin XIV-29.3C

— William. See William of Ju- mi^ges

— of Probabilities I-!3Sa

Calcutb. See Chelsea

Calcutta, town, India, university VII-727d

—ARCHDIOCESE OF III-152b; cathedral lll-1.53b; chaplains, railway IIl-lo4d; chaplains, military ln-154d: council (1894) III-154b; double juris- diction III-lo4b; institutions III-154c; Jesuit observatory VI-453c; iiiissinns lil-1.54d; statislira lll-l,54b: \ll-730a


Caldara, Antonio, musician XI- 270d

— POLIDORO (DA CARAVAG- GIO) III-lo.5c; works XIH- 10.5d

Caldas, Francisco Jos6 de, scien- tist XIV-20ob; and Mutis X- ti.59c

— Sousa, poet XII-310b


Caldeira, Fernando, dramatist Xll-310d

— Marco. See Marco Caldeira

Caldeiras II-16Sb

Calder, monastery VI-324a

Calderon, Antonio, Bishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra XIII- 456c

—Fernandez, writer XIV-203C

— Gabriel Diaz Vara, Bishop of Santiago de Cuba VI-llSc; X-38.5b; in Florida IV-221d

—Pedro, in Florida IV-7.54b

— DE LA BARCA, PEDRO 111- 156a; XII ii5i,d: Xl\-Ui9a; Autos IMliia: in-l.56c; drama, Roman XlV-5.59d; and Mcndoza Xni-22:id; and Mo- reto y Cabafia X-567b; por- trait XIV-195a; Rojas y Zor- rilla XIII-118a

Calderwood, David, historian Vll-37na; Xlll-ti26c

Caldonius, Bishop IV-.584d

Caldwell, Lina III-156a

— Mary Gwendoline III-45,5b

—William S. XV-!57d

Caleb, name X-(i70c

— King of Ethiopia. .See Elea- baan, St., King of Ethiopia

CALEB, son of Hcsron 1 1 1- 1.57c

CALEB, son of Jephone III-157b; 1.57d; in Chanaan VIII- .536d; Hebron VII-1S4C; and Josuc III-130b: ami X- .597b; tomb VII-lS4b

CALEB, brother of Sua III- 157d



Calebites, tribe III-157d

Calecas, John, Patriarch of Con- stantinople IX-145C; deposed XIII-693a

— Manuel, theologian' VI-76Sb: Vim2a; X1V-702C

Caledonia, and the Romans XIII- 613b; St. Columba in VIII- 100c

Caledonius, martjT, and Emet^ rius III-14Sb

Calefactory, monastic I-13c

Calendffi IV-213c

Calendar, Chinese III -681b; 687b; controversy XIII-521C; reform III-40b;" XIII-520b; Rho, Giacomo XIII-20a

—CHRISTIAN III-158a; "Chro- nographus" I-531d; earliest III-161b; Easter Cycle III- 159a; Eastern III-166b; educa- tion, medieval I-763d ; English, ancient III-163b; growth III- 162d; Lilius IX-247d; metrical III-164a; modern III-165a; pagan influence XI-390d; poi>- ular III-16oa. See Chronology, General

— Ecclesiastical, Adam in I-132a; Ambrosian I-39Jd; 39Sb; ancient, feasts II-771a; Angli- can II-679C; Armenian Rite I X-304a ; Assemani I-794d; Benedictine congregations XIII-72c: Bulls, dating of XIII-151c; Byzantine X-22.5d; Carmehte Rite XIII-73d; Cis- tercian Rite XIII-74C; direc- tories V-25c; dominical letter V-109b: embolism V-40fla; cpact \'-4S0c: Ethiopian V- 570c; fast davs I!I-16Ba; Fran- ciscan Rite ■XIII-76d; Gauri- cus IX-249b; holidays III- 165d; metropohtan regulation I-691C; Missal X-355b; Mo- zarabic X-616c; Miiller, Jo- hann X-629a; oratories, semi- public XI-271d; origin I-197c; V-23d; VIII-561d; inPremon- stratensian Rite XIII-77c; Radulph of Rivo XII-C33b; reform II-775b; III-168b; Sa- rum use XIII-481a; Schism, Greek VI-76.5d; and Synaxa- rion XIV-3S2d; Svrian XIV- 679b: Svrian. Ea.-^t XIV-416C; Virgin Marv. feasts of III-162a

—Egyptian \'-332d

• — Gregorian. .See Calendar, Re- form of the, Gregorian; Chro- nology, General

—Indian I-411a; .\ztcc II-171a; Mazatec X-94a

—JEWISH H-29d; III-l,5.8a; 166d; XIV-341d: era III- 168a: fea«t XIV-42.5d: in He- brew inscriptions XIII-711b: tabulated III-167b; year, civil III-168a: year, sabbatical XIII-289a

— Jtdian. See Calendar, Reform of the, Julian; Chronology, General

— Macedonian, PalmjTa XI- 433d

—Pagan III-158a; XIII-310d

—Persian XI-.509b

— Philocalian I-531d: III-I61C: 511b; IX-224d: ChristmasUI- 72(;a: \"-l(«lc

—REFORM OF THE III-16Sb; 739c:\^.s2d:X-i,29a:d'Aillv's dissertation I-231'.c; Bianchini II-541b; Day lll-168b

—Gregorian lV~441b; V-4S2d; VII-3d; IX-24Sa; XIII-.372b; Clavius IV-9a; Copernicus IV-353b; Cycle V-480d; Danti IV-633C; Japan VIII-313b; Lilius IX-247d

—Julian III-168C; Orthodox Church IV-315C; Ruthenians \I-747a

—months, embolismic V-481c; Paul of Middleburg XI-.5S9a; Quainton thorn III-72.'<c; Year III-16.Sc

— Revolutionary III-740C; XIII- 14a

—Roman, Benedict XIV II-434c; Vigils V-617d

— .See Chronology, General

— of the Saints. See Martyrolog;*

Calendarii. Sec Kalands Breth-

Calendario, periodical XI-683c Calendarium, necrologies X-734b Calendar Stone, Aztec (ill.) X-



Calend fires in-72Sb Calendrier des Bergers (Shep- herds' Calendar) III-16.5a Calenius, Gerwin, and Ulenberg

XV-120b Calenum (Calvi) ni-195a Calenus, Henri, Jansenism VIII-


169c: XIV-419d Calepinus III-ir)9c; Fiicciolati

V-747d; Forcellini VI-134b Calepodius, Saint III-512d — Cemetery of III-5I2d: St. Cal-

listus. tomb of III-183d Cales (Calvi) III-195a Calf, in Bible I-520b — Golden. See Golden Calf —Winged, s\-mbol XIV-376c Calfhill, James, Frideswide, St., tomb of VI-303d; and Martial! IX-722C CALGARY, DIOCESE OF XVI-

34d;Grey Nuns VII-31d Calhoun, James S., governor

XI-2C — John C, Secretary of War XIII-363C; and Hughes VII- .517b; nullification XV-168b Call, Pieti by X-684a CaU, Diocese of XVI-16b; 34d CaUabria, Diocese of XIV-lSOc Caliachius, Nicol6 XI-387d Caliana, India, episcopal resi- dence XIV-681C Caliari, Carletto Ill-170a — Gabriele, sculptor IIl-lfi9d — Gabriele, artist III-170a —PAOLO (VERONESE) III- 169d: XV-340d; Catherine, St. (ill.) III-169; Christ, Head of (ill.) VIII-384; Esther (ill.) V-.549: paintings, religious XI- 401a; Paul, St. (ill.) III-169; portrait III-169; and Rimim XIII-57d; and Tintoretto XIV-737d — works of: Capitoline Museum, Rome XIII-165d; Piacenza XII-70b; Redeemer, Church, Venice XII-677c; San Felice, Padua XI-385d; Santa Gius- tina, Padua XI-3S5d; Treviso XV-38c; Vatican, Rome XV- 283c Calices literati 111.5028 — ministeriales III-562b; XI-

541 c Calicut, India. Cabral in III- 12,Sb: destruction I-270c; Gama, Vasco da VI-374b; massacre IV-76d; Portugal acduires (1513) VI-603a CALIFORNIA III-170C; XV- 174b: agriculture III-171C; I.s2a: Bohemians II-621a; Chi- nese IIH74a —Church in III-174b; Arch- bishop Alemany I-2S2a; Broth- ers of Christian Schools VIII- 61a; Catholics, distinguished III-174C; cemeteries III-177C; charitable bequests III-177b: confession, law III-175C; Diego y Moreno IV-785a; dioceses III-174b; Dominican tertiaries XIV-t>40a; education III- 17.3a; Pious Fund II-236b: XII-106a: population. Catholic in-174b: property, ecclesiasti- cal l-2,s.3a: III-175d; VII- 720c; publications. Catholic XM.'iL'c; relicuuis work III- IT.-.d, ., .! ,.i ,,„,v -.:■.„ XIII- l.M.l ' ..I, I II -1.82c;

f-M- . ! 1, M\ -103b;

jtMl I- 11' - I II I . Ill t.riiiierancc movemonf XlV-4tllc

. — commerce III-172b: education III - 172b; 17ed; emblem III-173C; geography III-170c

— history ni-173b; aborigines I-409d: ".v. P. A." I-126d; Argucllo I-70r,b; Australian ballot in-174b: discovered III 12Sc; exploration VI-)5Id: Trenrli Americans VI-273b: Cierinan sfttlements VI-476b: Gnaiciiri Indians VII-44d; immigration IIl-17.3d; 174c; independence lll-l.sid; lari- guage, ahorii'inal I-411b; mi- gration X-2y2d: United States acquires XV-lti6d

—Hollanders VII -394b; (ills.) III-174; industries and manu-

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, e, d, quarter of page.