Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/214

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factures lll-171d; institutions III-176d; Irish population (1900) VIII - 136a; Italians VIII-204a

California, legidation: affirma- tions | III-17ob: divorce III- 176a: homestead exemption lawl-227c: liquor, sale of III- 177a: marriage III-176a: oaths III-175b; testaments III-177b; wills in-177b

— live stock III-182d; lumber III-172a; mining III-I72a: physical characteristics III- 170d; population III-170C: prisons III-177a; reformatories III-177a; religion III-175a; Russian Orthodox VI-772c; seal (ill.) III-170c; Servian Orthodox VI-773d; Servian population XIV-54b; Slovene population XIV-56c; statistics III-171C: XV-176a: 692d: suf- frage XV-696C; university III- 172c

—LOWER, VICARIATE APOS- TOLIC OF III-177d; X-250C; map X-26S; XII-157b

— Mission Indians. See Mission Indians of California

—MISSIONS III-177d: 173b; X-370a; Caballero y Ocio III- 125c

—California, Lower III-177d; Baegert II~201c; Dominicans III-179d; Franciscans III- 178a; 179b; fruits III-182a; Jesuits III-l 78a; 279a; Konsag, Ferdinand VIII-692a; natives, character of III-17Sd: Palou XI-434b

—California, Upper Ill-lSOa; Franciscans Ill-lSOb; lS2d; VI-300d; XI -434b; (ill.) 1II-1S2; Jesuits, expulsion of III-179b; life III-181a; mis- sion-house Ill-lSOd; Payeras, Mariano XI-o95c; regulations III-lSlc; San Gabriel Mission, chimes (ill.) HI-181d: Sefian XIII-713C; statistics III-182d; United States report III-182b

Californias, Two III-173b

Caligae. See Buskins

Caligari, Gianandrea, Bishop of Bertinoro II-r,23b

Caligarius, Bartholomseus, calen- dar reform IX-249b

Calignon, .istronomer XV-lS5b

Caligula, Caius, Emperor, and Agrippa I VII-291b; chro- nology IV-13c; circus XIII- 369d; Jewish policv I-598b: VIII-3SSd; murder VII-711c; palace, Rome XIH-176c: and Philo Judffius XII-23b; sym- bolized in Apocalypse I-560C; .598b; worship of I-46c

Calimerius, Saint I-401d

Calini, Muzio, Archbishop XIII- 121a

Calipedes, Bishop of Leptis Mag- na lX-lS.3d

Calippus, astronomer XII-47c

Calisto, Piazza. See Piazza

CaUxt, Fr'edrich Ulrich, Svncre- tist XIV-384C

— Georg, Svncretist VI-319d; IX^59a; XI-76d; XIV-383d; on Antichrist I-561c; on Bibli- cal inspiration VIII-4Sd: on ecclesiastical union XV-147b; and Erbermann V-516d; and Valerian Magnus V-524b

Calixtines, sect VII-588a; at Ba.slo ri-3.38b; in Bohemia II- 614a; and Bohemian Brethren II-617a; chalice IV-17Sb; con- cession to III-20b; leader II- 124b; and Taborites VI-49Gd; XIII-78.3b; and Utratiuisra XV-24.ia

Calixto, Pedro Rafael Gonzalez, Bishop of Ibarra Vil-Cl.ic

Calixtus. .SVp Callistus; Calixt

Callaghan, Abbe, and Brisacier,

Jivin .1.- II-7v,»b -J. F.. joiirniiUst XI-69.'-)b

Callahan. M. J. IV-2.-.()d Owen Il-70ld

CaUan.J. J. Xin-294a

Callanan, Eugene Vlll-l.Wd

Callawaert, Emile, Prefect Apos-


Calleja, Felix, general X-S65d;

and Morelos X-566b

Calli, Aztec symbol X-251d

—Aztec .year II-171a

CaUicles, Bishop of Perge XI- ()67b

Caltier, A. J., Bishop of Haarlem MI-97C

— Edmond, journalist XI-68Sa

— Guillaume, founder VII-280d; XI-5SSa

Callieres, Jacques de III-183a

-LOUIS-HECTOR DE III- ISiia; I.X-(i.yib; XV-311b

Callierges, Zacharias, of Crete X- 6.-)9b

Calligarino, II, artist II-490a

Calligraphy, ancient IX-616a; Anglo-Saxon I-511c; Guten- berg VII-91d; monastic IX- 617a; school of IV-83b

Callimachus, philosopher IV- 591d

—See Buonaccorsi, Filippo

Calling. See A'ocation

Callini, Bernardino, Bishop of Segni XIII-684a

Callinice, martyr II-329C

Callinicum (C'allinicus), battle (.331) III-183b; VIII-578d


— commander VI-401b

—Bishop of Colonia IV-125C

— Patriarch of Constantinople VI-763d

—Bishop of Heraclea Vn-243a

—Bishop of Pelusium XI-611a

—exarch of Ravenna, and Greg- orv the Great VI-784d; Parma Xl-.'JOob

— Peter, Patriarch V-i6b; and Tetraditos V-636a

—of Heliopolis, Greek fire III- 10.3c

— See Lcontopolis

Calliopas, Theodore, exarch IX- 724b


CalUpus, and Dion of S>Tacuse XIV-396C

Callirrhoe, Palestine, springs VII-290b

Calliste (Thera) XIV-629a

Callisthenes, and Alexander I- 714a

— Pseudo. Byzantine version III-123C

Callistratus, Bishop of Isaura Nova VIII-l,S4d

— the Athenian XII-7d

Callistus, Saint, mart\T IV-592d; I.\-179d

CALLISTUS I, SAINT, Pope III-lS3d; XII-273a; 364d; at An tium X V-40Sb ; catacombs of III-194b; cemeteries, superin- tendent of II I-50.5b; Christolo- gy X-450C; " De .Meatoribus" VI-376a; Ember week decree I- 69c; and Hippolytus VII-361a; XIII-167c;(ill.)III-lS4b; mar- riage legislation I V-207c; Mon- archians X-449d; penance, de- cree I-62b; penitents XI-63Gd; S. Maria in Trastevere XIII- 170b; schismatics XIII-53.3b; on sins, remission of XI-621c; andTertullian XIV-520d; 523c; atTodi XIV-754C; tomb III- 512d; and Zephvrinus XV-7.36C

CALLISTUS IKGijIDO OF BUR- GUNDY), r.,|.c III-ls:,a;XIl- 274a; and A.hill.i-rt I I-127b; in Angers I-4S9C; in Clermont IV-54b; council (1119) XII- 728a; (1123) IX-16d; decretal XII-221d; Fontevrault min- ster VI-131a; and Geoffrey of Vend5me VI-t28c; Grottafer- rata Vll^lb; and Henry I of England XI-10,'>b; and Henry V of Germany IV-203a; VII- 233a; 4.56c; ii'ivr-stituros VIII- 87d; Jews, Bull on XIV- 702a; in I.e Vm- IX isfic; lit- erary worlro HI ls6d; and St. \...' . r) XI 'M,!,:: ,„ Porto XII J'-l. :■ I \ ■ M,T ,

XII 1 ■ ,.iL.i,v. AMh-v

of .\i;; l^Jt. .iii.l .Segovia XIIlHi.S.3b; and Vionne. Arch- bishop of VII-27b; Worms, concordat of IV-203a; VI- 490c; VII-23.3a

— ni, Antipope. See John, Ab- bot of .Stnima

CALLISTUS ni, Pope III-187a: XI-57Sd; XII-274C; "Ad ea

3tue" III-446a; and Alexan- er VI I-289b; and Biondo II- 675d; "Bulla Concordise" VI- 285c; Byzantine policy VI- 770a; and Capranica Ill-313b; and Carvajal, Juan III-394a; census III-533d; Coetivy, Car- dinal XII-772b; crusade XII- 158d; Freiburg, University of VI-267c; Greifswaid, Univer- sity of VII-25a; XIl-226a; Halley's comet XII-15Sd; (ill.) XII-126; and Lippi, Filippo IX-278d; medal (Ul.) III-187a; and Pecock XI-600c; on rites XVI-4a; Subiaco XIV-321C; Transfiguration, feast of XV- 19d ; union of Christendom XV- 146c; and Valla XV-257C; Va- lencia, cathedral XV-252d

Callistus, missionary III-373a

— Patriarch of Constantinople II-48c; VII-302C

— Bishop of Leros IX-1S9C

— Nicephonis X-63d

CaUium (CagU) III-140a

Callo, Saint. See Gall




Calm, Maria, suffragist XV-693b

Calmar, town, Nebraska, Pres- entation Sisters in XII-39Sa

— town. Sweden, Dominicans in XVI-.54b

—Union of (1097) II-17Sd; (1397) IV-727d; IX-459d; XIV-352a

Calmedia, Diocese of II-689c

Calmes, Biblical commentator IV-li;ia

CALMET, DOM AUGUSTIN II-lu2b; ln-lS9b; IV-160d; on Alleluia l-319d; on Ark of Covenant I-721d; dictionary V-417b ; on Gonnelieu VI-634c; on introduction. Biblical VIII- 80d ; on M icheas prophecy XV— 464Da; and Pez XI-785c; as Senones Abbot VII-527a; sev- enty weeks, interpretation of XV-625C; version of the Bible XV-372a

Calminius, Saint, IX-187b; XV- 80c

Calmonotti. iS^e Chaxmionot

Calne, VVitan at V-201b

Calneh. .Sff Calano

Calo, Peter, hagiographer VII- 107a; Xn-364d; Thomism XIV-702C

Calocerus, Saint, I-25Sd; XV- 210a

CALOE, See of III-I89d

Caloen, Gerard van, at Bahia II- 401d; as editor XI-072a; at Santa Maria de Monserrato XIII-458a

Caloger^, Angelo, author III- 200a; XI-6S.3C

Calojan, Tsar of the Bulgarians X-600c; XIV-633C

Calomio (Calonymus) XIV-623a

Calonne, Abbe de, missionary III-234d; 632c; VIII-1.30a

Calonymus, island, monastery XIV-623a

— Themistius. See Themistius, deacon of Alexandria

Caloric theory V~423b; XII- tif.b; 06d

Calorimeter, invention XII-66a

Calotte. See Zucchetto

Calovius, Abraham, Biblical commentator IV-161a: on in- spiration of the Bible VIII— 4Sc; Lutheranlsm IX-462d; XIV- 384c; Preadamism XII-371b; at Wittenberg University XV- 679b

Caipe, Mount (Gibraltar) VI-550b

Calphumius XI-.3.3-ta

Calpulli. A^tcc [1-170C

Calpurnius Xll 229d

Caltabellotta, Peace of (1.302) X-(,s.3d: Xlll-770a

Caltabillotta, .avorn III-190a

CALTAGIRONE, DIOCESE OF 111 nil la: and Monreale X- .50Sb; and Syracuse Xin-772c

CALTANISETTA, DIOCESE OF Ill-lOOa: and Monreale XIII- 772c

Caltzontzin. See Tangoazan II

Calubi. See Caleb, son of Hesron

Calumet, Michigan, Croatian par- ish IV-SlSc; Slovene settle- ment XIV-56b

—Dance VII-OOOc

Calumniosus, Bishop of Jesi VIII-372C

—Bishop of Ortona VIII-774d

CALUMNY III-190b; decrees against IV-692a: and detrac- tion IV-757b

— Oath of. See Oath of Calumny

—of Apelles (Botticelli) II-709C

Calumpit, parish IX-59Sd

Calusa Indians VI-119b; X-384c

Caluwaert. See Calvaert, Diony- siiis

Calvados, depai^ment. France, Church in II-35»b; map VI- facing 1.S8

CALVAERT, DIONYSIUS (DENIS) III-190C: and Dn- mcnichino V-102c; Messina, w.,rks X-217a; and Reni XII- 771a; Vatican paintings XV- 279d

Calvaria. See Calvary, Mount

Calvarians VII-5d; XI-320d; Xll-lSOd

Calvary (in art) Ferrari VI-48a; Fouquet VI-162c: FranclaVI- 207a; Tintoretto XIV-737d; Vanni XV-273a

—shrine, Canada XII-73d

— shrine, Russia X-59.5d


— Daughters of. See Calvary, Congregation of Our Ladv of

—MOUNT III-191a: authen- ticity III-192b: cathedral III- 439b; chapel III-192a; Hadrian desecrates VIII-357a: Palm Sunday services XI-433a; pil- grimage XV-569d: site IV- 595d; VIII-354C; XII-404d

- — Benedictines. See Calvarians

— Cemetery, Cleveland IV-57c

— Confraternity XIV-29c

— Cross (ill.) IV-facing 538

Calvat, Melanie IX-8b

Calvert, Benedict Leonard, fourth Lord Baltimore II-228a; IX- 75Sc

— CECILIUS, second Lord Balti- more III-193c; Indian mission land IX-757a; Maryland founded II-228a; and Penn XI-640b; portrait III-193d; in Virginia XV-457a

—CHARLES, third Lord Balti- more II-228a; III-195a; 194b; Man-land governor IX-757d

—Charles, fifth Lord Baltimore II-22Sa: IX-758C

—Frederick, sixth Lord Balti- more II-22Sa

—GEORGE, first Lord Baltimore III-192d; 193d; lX-7.55d; Maryland planned by II-228a; Oath of .Supremacy XI-616c

—LEONARD III-194C: expedi- tion in-193d; Marjland pro- I>rietar\' governor IX-750b; XII-114d

—PHILIP III-194d; Mar.vland governor IX-7o7d; and Penn in-194c

—Hall, Baltimore II-233a

Calvi, See of I-238d

—College de XIV-LiOa


Calvin, Gerard in-195c

—JOHN III-19.3b; XV-14.3c; on absolution I-Ofic; and St. Augustine III-203a; and Angli- canism I-502d ; Antichrist theory I-.50Ic; on baptism 11- 261b; 26,5c; 269a; and Baldwin II-221C; and Becan Il-3S0b; and Bolsec II-643b; and Cas- sandor III-403b; catechism V-79a; on Church III-759a; XI-163d; communion of saints IV-173C; V-.577b; 79b; .5.80d; evil III-199b; ex- treme unction V-7I7a; free will VI~201a: 710b; fundamental articles VI-319b: at Geneva III-196c: IX-42b; XI\-30:ib; good works X-2IMb; at Hagen- nu V-3.5d; heretics, execution of XIV-709a; and Htiguenots VII-.528C; humanism XII- 767d; Institutes III-1981»;

Large type indicates titloe of articles; other tj-pcs, topics treated; (ill.) = illuetrations.