Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/216

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Caminha, Pero Vaz de, navigator

III-12Sa CAMISARDS III-21Sb Camisia (alb) I-2olb; (rochet)

XIII-104d Camlan, legendary battle IX-

123d CammeUi, Antonio, poet VIII-

249c Cammin, See of IX-435a Camo, Cielo dal, poet VIII-246d Camoens, Luis Vas de. See

Camoes — ^Vasco Peres de, bard XII-30(C Camoes, Bento de III-219a —LUIS VAZ DE in-218d; XII- 30Sb; Lusiad VI-374C: por- trait III-219a; XII-309b Camon, Asia Minor VI^36c — France Maurist monastery X-

71c Camp, monastery. See Alfeld — See of. See Paremibolai — Maxime du, publicist XIII-

37Sb Campa Indians xn-109c; Sara- yacu mission XIII-470d; up- rising (1742) XIV-2.5b Campag (sandals) XIII-434C Campagna, Diocese of IV-350b — GIROLAMO nl-220b — di Roma vni-212d Campagnola, Andrea, wood-car- ver XV-7illb — DOMENICO in-220b — Taurino, w. .. M-iarver XV-701b Campaldino, l.^ittlc (12S9) IV-

r)2sa; \"I-l(li)d CAMPAN. JEANNE-LOUISE-

HENRIETTE III-22UC Campana (bell) II-419b — Francesco, version of Bible


painter III-221a Campanari, Secundino, archjeol-

CAMPANELLA, TO MM A SO III-221b; atheism II-42a; com- munism IV-180d: 182d: im- prisonment XII-76Sd:_ insur- rection instigated X-686b ; naturalism XII-32b; Sun State and Jesuit Reductions XII-6S9C; theological system III-221d; Utopian scheme XV- 244a- writings XII-3tlsGc Campanelli, CamiUo, Bishop "f


X\I-34d CAMPANI, GIUSEPPE III-222b Campania, See of VI-73SC Campani - Alimensis, Matteo,

scientist III-222b Campania Plain VIII-213a Campanile, Florence VI-567d; Xlll-nsb; Florence (ill.) VI- 56«c; Gaeta (ill.) VI-333d; Gir- genti (ill.) VI-571; Pisa XII- 110b; Pisa (ill.) II-il9b; Ratis- bon V-406C; Saragossa (ill.) Il-facing 418; Seville (ill.) II- facing 418; Sorrento (ill.) XIV- facing 150; Spalato (ill.) XIV- facing 206; Valencia (ill.) II- facing 418; Viterbo (ill.) XV- 4S7d; Westminster Cathedral XV-lillOb. See Belfry Campanna di Corneto, swastika

IV~.-)lsa Campano, Giovanni Antonio,

Bishop of Teraiuo XIV-514d Campanora, Peter. See John

XIV Campanus, J. A., writer II-22d — John, mathematician, calendar reform IX-24Sb: and William nf MniTlickc- XV-034a Campas (Chunchos) Indians I-

O.sla; f.tish ll-32d Campau, Theodore J. X-2S2C Campbell, Alexander II-2SIa; niH<ii)l.-s of Christ founded V- 2(lc: and I'ur.cll III-S3C; III- 774c; Xll-.i71d — Andrew, Bishop of Kilmore

VIII-ll4:!b —Anthony XVI-16d — B. U., cnloiul II-233C —Douglas, writer VIII-138b — George, M|,i.liicist I-622a —JAMES Wl Kid —John II silld —John H. lV-2.->ob —Patrick II-704d

— R. XI-442C

— R. A., Lieutenant-Governor of

Missouri XIV-,539a — Reginald John V-759C — Samuel, catechism V-81b — Thomas, Baptist leader II-

2Sla — Thomas, poet VI-579a; and

Pope XII-260C Campbellites. See Disciples of

Christ CampbeU-Prestons I-700b Campe, Felicien, Josephite supe- rior VIII-.">20a — Joachim Heinrich, writer XI-

7'JGd Campecbe, state X-250C — (CAMPEACHY),DIOCESEOF

III-222C; map X-facing 268 Campeggio, Giovanni, jurist III-

223a —LORENZO, cardinal III-223a; divorce commission IV-26b; Xin-44c; at Feltre II^24d; and Nausea X-719d; at Pales- trina XI-421d; as papal legate XI-160d; 163a; XV-30c; portrait III-223a; at Sabina Xni-291c; at Salisbury XIII- 401b; and Wolsey XV-686C — Marcantonlo, Bishop of Gros-

seto VII-40a — Tommaso, Bishop of Feltre II- 424d; at Trent XV-32b; at Worms \'-3.->d Campello, Filippo di, architect I-

.siild: I\-ilb Camper, Peter, anatomist X-

l:i2c; Li.-.c: X!I-(;23b Campero, Juan XIII-<;8od Camphire, in Bible XII-152b_ Camphoric acid, discovered XV-

31.1C Campi, Alphonse XV-591d —BERNARDINO nl"224b — GALEAZZO 111 224c — GIULIO in-224d, 224b; Lodi,

works IX-322d — Pietro, goldsmith III-224b Campidoglio, Rome, Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei I-8.5a; astro- nomical observatory XIII-179a Campi Gothici. .See Tierra de

Caim.os Campillo. El XV-489C Campin. Robert XV-270a CAMPINAS, DIOCESE

XVI-3.-.a Campins y Barcelo, Pedro, Bishop of .Majorca and Iviza IX-o56d Campion, Edmund. Blessed. -See

Ktiiiiund Campion. Blessed —Edward III-92a; XV-621a Campione, Giovanni da, architect

n-!9(ia Campli, battle (1557) VII-74d Camp-meeting, in Alabama I-

243b Campo, monk V-786b — Alexander de. Vicar Apostolic

of Verapoly XV-345d — Andres de, soldier XI-385b — Aguero. Francisco de, architect

Xlll-lisiia Campo-Formio, Treaty of (1797) Vl-.'iOSb; X-OSSc; XIV-710d; XV-339C; Breisgau VI-264d; Dalmatia IV-607d; Ionian Is- lands Vlll-Old; Mainz V- 410d; 526b; IX-552C; Trier XV-44b Campofranco, palace, Palermo

XI-419d Campo Malo, battle (1035) X-

299a Campomanes, Jose Hevia, Bishop

of Nueva Segovia XI-150a Campo de Marte, Havana VII-

l.i4b — Marzio, battle (1084) vn-73d — Morto, battle (1482) IX-566d —Regie, caslleVI-12Sc Camporesi. Giuseppe di, architect

XV-2Sld Campos, missionary XI-451d — Arsenio Martinez de, general XIV-lS(ia; in Cuba XV-178a; and .Sclga-s y Capra.sco XIII- 69 Id — Gregorio Francisco de. Bishop

of La Piiz Vni-796a Camposanpiero, St. Anthony of




Campo Santo, Genoa VI-420d —Santo, Pisa III-.508c; anibul.a- tory I— t06d; decoration of

XII-368Aa; frescoes XI-399a; Gozzoli's tomb VI-689b; Goz- zoU's works VI-689a;XI-399b; (ill.) Ill-facing 504; Mino di Giovanni's work XVI-63d

— Santo, .Santiago de Chile (ill.) Ill-facing 504

—SANTO DE' TEDESCHI, Rome III-224d; XIII-164d; archconfraternity XII-574a; XIV-124a; college XIII-133d; devotions, monthly IV-774a; Diekamp's tomb IV-7S5c; Mu- seum, Christian X-647b; sar- cophagus (ill.) III-426; Schola Francorum XIII-133d; Swiss Guards' burial-place XV-300a

Campos Goticos. See Tierra de

Campo Vaccino, Grillparzer's

poem VII-34a — y Monasterio, Arsenio, Bishop

of Nueva Cdceres VII-286a Camps, Peter, missionary IV-

221d Campulus, revolt III-614d Campus Legionis IX-526C — Mageddon IX-526c — Maldoli. See Camaldoli -Martins, Rome XIII-167a CamuUa, Antonio, Bishop of

Sarzana IX-436b Camulogenus XI-480d Camus, Bishop of Belley IWlSc; on Spiritual Exercises XIV- 228d — Emile-Paul-Constant-Ange,Le.

.See Le Camus — Etienne Le. See Le Camus — de Pont-Carre, Jean-Pierre

III-225d; portrait III-226C Can., abbr. I-23d CANA, town. Palestine III-226c; miracle V-205a; X-346c; 347a; 347b; XV^67b; wedding feast in early art V-592b — Thoma, Syrian XIV-681d; and St. Thomas Christians XIV- 680a Canaan. .See Chanaan Canaan-Daher-Shhedid, martyr

XV-60d Canaanites. .See Chanaanites Canabes, Notre-Dame de, shrine

III-332b CANADA III-227b; agriculture

III-227d —Chureh in III-23IC; VIII- 149b; abbots, mitred I-20d; abstinence I-70b; Act of 1851 III-236a; address, ecclesiasti- cal I-139c; age, canonical I- 207b; St. Anne devotion I- 539c; Apostleship of Prayer I- 633b; banns of marriage II- 258a; Benedict XIV's declara- tion IV-2b; benefices II-474b; bishoprics, incorporation of III-230a; bishops, election of II-585a; British rule ni-229d; 234b; VHI-149b; Capuchins III-327b; first cardinal XIV- 462c; cathedraticum III-442a; Charity. Brothers of III-605a; Charity of Providence. Sisters of III-609b; Christian Instruc- tion. Brothers of III-712a; Church Extension Society XIV-79c; Cistercians III- 786b; clergj'. maintenance of 313b; durectorv V-27d; Domin- ican Pro\nnce XII-368Hd; edu- cation III-235C; fasts V-790a; Franciscans VI-301d; Fran- ciscan tertiaries XIV-644b; French rule III-231c; hier- archy III-232d; Holy Cross Congregation VII-lWc; Hos- pitaf Sisters of the Mercy of Jesus VII-489a; Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools Vlll-fiOd; institutions III-2.30C; Xll-241b; 241c; Jesus Marv. Religious of VIII- 3S5d; St. Joseph. Sisters of VIII-51.5C; first jubilee V-93b; Lorctto nuns VIII-55d; St. Louis. Sisters of III-fiMd; maintenance III-705c; Man- tellate XIII-737b; first Mass VIII-275a; Masses, bequests for X-:iOc; Oblates of Mary Immaculate XI-185c; pam b6nit I-562c; parish priests III-2.3SC; Paschal Tide XI- 517d; patron V-220a; XI-

565b; patroness XI-566b; Poor Clares XII-254b; poor-relief XII-241a; 241d; Premonstra- tensian Abbey XII-390d; Pres- entation Brothers XII-399d; Presentation of Mary Sisters XII-399a; 400a; present con- ditions III-238a; Priests' Eu- charistic League XII-123b; Propaganda Xni-143a; Propa- gations of the Faith XII-462a; property, ecclesiastical VII- 721b; protectories XII-493a; Redemptoristines XII-683a; religious orders and congrega- tions III-239a; retreat houses XII-796d: Romanes Ponti- fices XIII-154d; seal of con- fession XIII-660d; seminaries XIII-697d; 700a: Servants of the Most Blessed .Sacrament XIII-731d; Society of Jesus XIV-102C; 103b; .Society of the Blessed Sacrament XI\"-llla; Society of the Sacred Heart XIV-112C; statistics III-236b; 238a; 241b; 242a; XIV-272b; Sulpicians XIII-379b; temper- ance movement XIV-491C; tithes III-238d; XIV-742a; Ursulines XV-228d; 229c; Via- torians XV-400a; St. Vincent de Paul Society XIII-390C —Commerce III-229a; China III-

6S5d; statistic3_III-228a — currency XI-156b -^Education III-231b; 240a; XIII-563a; Mountain's scheme XIII-235a; school question III-237b; statistics (1908) XII-o99d; universities and col- leges III-240a — emblem V-220b — Ethnology: Algonquins I-312b; aborigines I-411b; III-229c; 690a; Iroquois VIII-170d; Sioux XIV-21a; 23c; 24b —fisheries III-228c; ^forests III-

228b — Geography III-227b; Alberta XIII-4S2a; Alexandria I-302d; XVI-34b; Athabasca II-33b; British Columbia II-791b; Cal- g.iry XVI-34d; Edmonton XVI -35d: Hamilton VH-123a; Joliette VIII-496C; Keewatin XVI-49b: Kingston VIII- 658d; Mackenzie IX-504a; Manitoba IX-602d; map Ill- following 238; Mont Laurier XVI-36b; Montreal X- 547c; Ontario XI-254b; Ot- tawa XI-352a; Pembroke XI- 611a; Peterborough XI-756b; Prince Albert XII-427b; Que- bec XII-.593d; 59Sb; Raffeix's maps XII-633b; Regina XII- 718b; Rimouski XIII-58d; Saint Albert XIII-329d; Saint Boniface XIII-339b; Saint John. N. B. XIII-355a; Sas- katchewan XIII-482a; Sault Sainte Marie XIII-SS7c; Sher- brooke XIII-756d; Temiskam- ing XIV^79b; Three Rivers XIV-708d; Toronto XIV- 781d; Ungava XV-127b; Val- leyfield XV-261a; Vancouver X'V-267b; Victoria XV-412c; Vinland I-119b; Yukon XV-

— History: Acadia I-90d; Acad- ians I-92a; III-237a; Act of 1791 III-234d; d'.\rgenson I- 702c; Aubery documents II-67a; d'Avagour's II-148d; Barre II-308C; Belmont II- 425a; British rule III-232a; 234b: Calli^res III-lS3a; Car- tier. Georges III-392b; Carrier. Jacques III-392c; Champlain III-567b; colonization III- 237d; confederation I-504d; Continental Congress III- 3S0c; Druillettes V-164b; Du Lhut V-18Sa; emigration \I- 271d; Fenian invasion \ III- 1119b; Ferland \ I 43c: Irench rule I-414b; lUKilc; Vron- tenac VI-311'b;

iS6b: Hcnn.rin





XVI-.V,'c Im.:u. .'.; v\n\\UM (1838) .\I ---i. I'alon XI\- 43Sd; Tracy X\-Ob

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.