Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/250

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on None XI-97c; orientation I-365C; Orphic hymn XI-464b; Psedagogus XIV-605a; and Pantaenus XI-446d; Pauline epistles XIV-733b; penance XI-622a

CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, on St. Peter XI-744d; T4yd; apocalypse I-<il4b; I Epistle XI-752d; mart>Tdom 1-64 Ic

— on prayer XIV-51oa: purga- tory Xn-577a: Quia dives I- 787d; on religion and philos- ophy XII-36C; rings XIII- S9b; Scripture XIII-636d; School IV-4oc; XI-707a; XII- 31d; on Sext XUI-747c; and sibyls XIII-770b; in Sicily XIII-774b; Stromata XIV- 605a; on symbols I-443b teaching IV^i7a; New Testa ment III-276c; XIV-533b Old Testament XIV -526b. Theodotus's writings preserved by VI-598d; theology XIV- 589d; Tobias, Book of XIV- 751c; on Trinity XV-50c; 51d; Unity of the Church XV-181a; works IV~45c

—OF IRELAND, SAINT IV- 47d; and Charlemagne III- 351b

— of Osimo VII-284a; and Bl. Agostino Novello I-224d

— of Rome, Saint. «See Clement I, St.. Pope

— Pseudo. See Clement I, St., Pope

ClemJQS, sculpture IV-732b

CLENOCK (CLYNOG), MAU- RICE I V-48b: in Rome V-472d

Cleobius, Gnostic XI-567c; Di- dascalia IV-7Sld

Cleodemus XIII-420C

Cleomenes, Monarchian VII- 361a; X-449c: XV-7o6d

Cleon, Athenian demagogue XIV- 7Slc

—Apostle of Toulon VI-270a

Cleonicus, Bishop of Thebes, Greece XIV-5U2d

Cleonymus, King of Sparta XI- 36,Sa; XIV-450d

Cleopas. See Cleophas

Cleopatra, name IV-48d

— queen, and .\ntony II-107b: library IX-227d; and Lysanias IX-426d; Samaria XIII-41GC; at Samos I-791a; at Tarsus XIV-461b

CLEOPHAS ( CLEOPATROS ) IV^8c; I-538d; IX-749a

— Mary of. See Mary of Cleophas

Clerc, Alexis, martyr XI-244a; 490b

— Guillaume le. See William the Clerk

— Jean-Marie, Bishop of Viza- gapatam .X-SGSc; XV~496c

— Laurent II-liT'.te: V-317d

Cleree, John III-Mila

Clerel de Tocqueville, Charles- Ale xi s-Henri- Maurice. See T.)c,|ui-vill.'

CLERESTORY IV-49a; I-237b; V-2i,lc; 21,3a; of basilica I-

issd; in Frankish architecture

VI-6G7d: Greek IV-49a

Clerge frangais, year-book XIV- 272b

Clergy. See Cleric

— Assemblies of the French. See Assemblies (.1 the French Clergy

— Association for the persever- ance of the, Austria XII-421b

— Association of the Secular Po- lish X!I-421d

— Examiners of. See Examiners,


—Sword of the XII-714b — Venerable Brotherhood of the

Poor, l'..rlun;il Xll-121a CLERIC 1 V-l'.lb; abhC-, title I-7a; abduction i - 34d ; address, forma I-137d; admonitions I-144d; in African Church I- 190d; almsgiving I-329b; X- 187b; altarage I-359a; amo- vibility I-437a; apostasy I- G24c; 625c; in Apostolic Con- stitutions I-637a; and arch- deacon I-693c; 694a; Balti- more decrees II-237a; 23Sc; 240c; 241b; beard II-363a; benefices 11^730 ; bigamy II- 563c; birctta II-577b; and

bishop II-.5S7b; Black, in Russia XIII-263d; blasphemy II -596a; burial III-72d; celebret III-477a; celibacy III-481a; XII-496b; censure I-653d; and Centre Party VIII-706a; Chalcedon, canons of III-557d; 558a; chantv, early Christian III - 695'c; Charlemagne's regulations I- 277c; children of, disabilities II-5S0b; III-t8ea; citizenship I-11.5b; collections IV-104C; competency IV-186d; concu- binage Ill^Seb; 487c; con- tumacious, and Celestine III I-456b; costume IV -50a; Counter-Reformation, Poland XII -185b; and courts I- 651d; V-436b; XII^3.Sb; as cross bearer IV-539a; and dea- coness IV-652b; degradation IV-677d; as delegate IV-696c; deposition IV-737d; desertion IV-750b; discipline XV-591b; duties, St. Ambrose on I-387b; education XV-595b; 71Sa; e.\- eardination VII-704b; excom- munication III-528a; extern, and vicar capitular XV-402b; in Greek Church VI-741C; head-dress VII-113b; heretical VII-261b; in Hungary VII- 553b; immumty V-688d; VII- 691a; incardination VII-704b; income IV-251b; inferior XII- 406a; influence III-703c; In- quisition Vin-32c; 38b; in- violability, personal XII-437c; and laitv VIII-748c; 749c; lay commuiiion IX-93d; Lollards IX-334b; maintenance I-312c; 362a; XIV-296b; in Maronite Chturch IX-684C; marriage II- S62c; III-184d;487d; V-690b; meaning IV-49c; medicine X- 142d ; medieval 1 1 1-487a ; in New Testament IV-49b; obligations IV-50a; Office, Divine VII- .501a; 501c; parochial, in Rome III-343b; in Poland XII-192b; in Pontificale Romanum IV- 49b; prebend XII-371b; prece- dence, order of XII-371d; pres- entation, right of XII-399b: primitive, self-supporting III- 595c; privileges IV-50b;promo- tion IV-197c; Protestant con- ception I-491a; punishment, capital XII-567d; reconcilia- tion H5b; reform VI-799d; XIII-413C; 545a; regionary IV-49d; and religion XI-144c; Renaissance XII-766d; resig- nation XV-248b; restrictions, pecuniary III-7G4d; Ritualists XIII-93d; Roman, third cen- tury I-106d; Rome XVI-19a; Russian XIII-263d; secular XIII-67.5d: secular pursuits I- G4Gd; III-5,57d; 558a; of servile origin XIV-36d: and state authority XIV-771d; sub- introductse I-202c; subsidies I-342d; II -406a; surgery, practice of VII-173a; suspen- sion III-529C; XIV-345d; tem- perance movements X I V-483a; as testator IX-117b; tonsure XI V-779a ; training X V-32d ; at universities XV-193d; un- worthy I-749b; upper, inGreek Church XV-lOlb; usury XV- 236a; White, in Russia XIII- 263d; witchcraft XV-675C; as witnesses X V-67Sa ; and women I V-50b; XV-691a: 698a; world- Hness of, and Reformation XII- 700d; Vatican Council on XV- 304d; W,\c-lif X\--723b

Clerical Associations, Liberal,'iTiTii-.i Xl\' 3G9a

Clericalism \\ \2r7a

—John, Saint. .S,,-. lohn Climacus


Clinamen V-792a

Clinch, Brian J., architect XIII- 294c

Clinch, John, martyr VIII-166a

Clinical baptism II-262a

Clinton, De Witt, Governor of New York Vin-139b: XI-33a; XI 11-66 Ic

—Lord Edward, Croyland Abbey IV-.541d

— George, Governor of New York VIII-139b; XI-33c

— Sir Henry, general XV-162d

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.