Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/265

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352d; and Ptolemaic system n-26a; and Riccioli Xlll-SOa; at Rome, University of XIII- 177d; and Scholastics XIV- I'i99b; system. See Copernican System Copford, Bonner's tomb II-676C Copiatse. in early Church VII-


Copila, Juan de, Franciscan VI-


COPIN, and St. Hugh VII-5I5b Copleston, Edward XI-371b Copley, Helen XIV-24Sb — ^John, apostate \'I-84a — ^John Singleton, artist VIII-

I42b — ^John Singleton, Lord L,\'nd- hurst. See Lj-ndhurst, John Singleton Copley. Lord — ^Lionel, Governor of Maryland

II-228b; IX-758b — Thomas. See Fisher, Philip —William VI-83d Copmann, artist I\^-732b Coponius, Procurator of Judea

Vni-?,.nlla COPPfiE, FRANCOIS-fiD- OUARD-JOACHIM IV-3.i4a; I-S9b; VI-203b; portrait IV- 3.54a Coppel, F. E., Bishop of Nagpur

X-36SC; 669b Coppens, Charles XIII-.364b; on Mother Gu6rin VII-60a; as neo-Scholastic X-749b — Prosper, Bollandist II-637c Copper, as adulterant I-U)2d; California III-172a: Canada III-228b; chalice I-357b; III- 563a; ciborium I-358a; mon- strance I-3.58b: painting on I- 318d; Russia XIII-240a; Uni- ted States XV-l.'>7b — Indians. See Y'ellow Knives Coppi, A. I-86d — Elia. See Elias of Cortona Coppieters, Biblical commentator

X-r>2a Coppinger, Richard, raartjT V-

47Sb —William, Bishop of Cloyne and

Rosa IV-72d Copoola, Gian Carlo, Bishop of Muro-Lucano VI-367a: X- 646b — Giovanni Andrea, painter VI-

367a Coppoli, Fortunatus, Franciscan

Il-snid; X-.^i:i.')b Copronymus, Constantine. See

Con.'^tantine V Copronymus Coptic-Arabic Church, New Tes- tament canon III-279a Coptic Church V-233b: 350d; VI- 7.58d; absolution I-65a: 66a: abstinence I-72b: Alexandria I-3(K)a; ama I-375c: .\postolic Constitutions I-133b; Arsinoe I-754d; Cairo. Council of (1898) XIV-3S9d; Capuchin missions III-324d; celibacy III-488b: 48Sc; church (ill.) V-569d; Clement XII IV-31d; crux ansata IV-.518b: dead, commemoration of IV-6.5.5a: discipline V-3.59a; Egypt XV-138d: Ethiopian Chris- tians XI-147d; Eucharistic host VII-490b: icons VII- 669c; Immaculate Conception, feast Vll-eSOd; and Jacobites r-302c: V-234b; 33.5d: Jerusa- lem VIII-371a; St. Joseph's feast VlII-50.5d: judgment, particular VIII -.5.51b; litur- gical books IX-303C; map V- facing 362; marriage IX-709d; monasteries X— 472a; monks I- 15.5d; Nativity of Virgin Mary, feast X-713a; patriarchs XI- 5.50c; present state V-355d; Propaganda XII-4.57b; Purifi- cation, feasit III-264a —RUe I-.30.Td; 3nnb: V-36Ia; VI-7.53a;775d; I.\-311d; 313b; XIH-S6b: amen HOSb; bap- tism IV-79b; creed IV-179c; and Ethiopian RiteV-.570c; go.s- pels VI-66l)b; kiss VIII-684d; language XIIl-70d; Lavabo IX^4c; le9.sons VII-19.!d: IX- 196b; Office, Divine IV-479C; Psalms XII-.54.3b; .source VI- 763c; 77.5d; stole XIV-301C; United States XIII-.86b

— Schenute XIII-.527b; statistics XIV-277b: Trisagion XIII- 66a; I'niat V-236c; 356a; Vir- gin Marv in-166c

— Fragment II-35b

— Language I-306b; V-336d; al- phabet V-3o7a; Biblical Manu- scripts IX -633b; catacomb inscriptions VIII-43b; litur- gical use XIII-69b; 70d; script Xi-405d

—LITERATURE XVI-27d; V- 3.56d

Coptic Versions of the Bible. See Versions of the Bible. Coptic

Copton, Agnes III-642b

COPTOS titular see. Upper Egypt IV-354C

Copus, John E., author XIII- 364b

— Martin, editor III-53.5a

— Wilhehn, physician X-129b

Coqset, Auguste, Lazarist. Vicar Apostolic of Southern Kiang-si III-67Sa

COCJUART, CLAUDE-GODE- FROI IV-3,54d; X-3S0c; and LavSrendrve IX-50c; in Mon- tana X-518d

Coquerel, Athanase, the Younger VII-53r,b

Coqui, Angelo, missionary III-

Coquillart, Guillaume XII-728c Coquille, Guy. cnmpilcr VI-352b —Indians Xni-701d Cora, John of. See John of Cora Corabecan Indians VII-758a CORACESIUM IV-355a Cora Indians XI-667d Corais, Adamantios III-689d Coral, in Bible I-521a; XIV-

306d —Pierre IX-264b Corancy, pilgrimage X-778d Coras, Jacques de XIII-47d Corax, in Mithraism X-403d Corazzo, .\bbev of VIII-406d Corban, Coptic Rite VII^90a;

492b Corbario, Pietro. See Rainal-

ducci Corbavia, See of XV-754d; map

Vll-facing 560 Corbeiensis Codex. See Codex

Corbeiensis Corbeil, town. Abelard at I-37a;

priorv XI-486C; treaty (1258)

IX-369b — William de, .\rchbishop of

Canterbury V-434d Corbel (arch.) I-688d; Xin-182a Corbeny, St. Marconi's tomb

Xll-727d; XIV-132b

gascar IX-512b

— James Francis, Bishop of Sale XIII-39.5d

Corbett, Timothy, Bishop of (■nH,k.^t..n XVI-35C

Corbeuil, WilUam de. See Cor- hfil, William de

Corbey Abbey. See Corbie, -Monastery of

Corbiau, J., editor XI-672a

Corbie, town, church I-430a; St. Str-phcn's Church (ill.) IV- 3.-..-)d; sfuliiturc Xni-643d


— Arnold of. See Arnold of Corbie

—Gerard lV-3.5.5b

—MONASTERY OF IV-.3.5.5C; X-71a: St. Adahard I-126b: ropvists II-4.58a; Gerberon VI-!69d; M.ibillon I.X-479d: library II-4,58a; IX-34a; 230a; papal grants III-729C; St. Paschasius Radbertus XI- Sl.Sa; school XIH-499a; uni- vcr-sitv XI 1-4 1 9a

— Pierre de, bishop I-1.5.3b


3.-|.-|C; V-lS3b Corbigny. monastery VI-99c: X-

71b; 77Nd Corbin, Jacques, version of the \V-:i72a Corbington. .S... Corbie CORBINIAN. SAINT IV-3.56a:

VI ls.-,d: 7ssb: at Freising X-

i;31a: .shrine .\-633d Corbiniana IV-3.56a Corbishley, Joseph XV-234a Corblet, Jules I-1.53C Corbona. See Vims-box

Corbulo, Domitius, general IX-

42Sb; .\-752d Corby Abbey. See Corbie, Monas- tery of — WiUiam VIII-140c; XI-132C Core, King of Cashel Ill^Ola Corfa, Juan X-332c Corca-Laighde, tribe XI-343a Corchado, Andres, missionary

XV-769a Corchan of China. See Korkhan Corcoran, A., Viatorian XV-400d — Edward, priest Il-SOOb —JAMES ANDREW IV-356b; aa editor VIIl-142c; XI-696C; and Hewit VII-309d; at Vati- can III-631a; and Wolf XV- 6S2c —MICHAEL IV-356d; VIII-

140b; 140c — Art Gallery, Washington. D. C.

III-29.8d Corcumcrae, monastery VI-324b Corcyra. See Corfu CORD, CONFRATERNITIES OF THE IV-357a; XIV-121b Cordano, Gerolamo, scientist XI-

594a CORDARA, GIULIO CESARE IN'-35Sb; Jesuits, suppression of IV-36d; and Riccardi XIII- 33d; on Ricci XIII-33b Cordatus, reformer IX-455a;

456d Corday, Charlotte XI-107a;XIII-

13d Cordeiro, Luciano XII-311a Cordeliers. Sn- Recollects CORDELL, CHARLES IV-358d Cordelia, Martino, Bishop of Bag-

norca II-2u:ic Cordemans, Elise V-735b Corden, Hubert Anthony, Vicar Apostolic of Trier .\V-44b; at Limburg IX-260b; XV-20.5d Corderius, Balthasar. See Cordier — Mathurin III-195d Cordero, Luis, author XIV-205a Cordiani, Antonio da. See San Gallo, Antonio da. the Younger CORDIER, BALTHASAR IV-

359a; III-434b —Henri, Orientalist IV-22.5b Cordieri. .sculpt,, r XIII-171d Cord Indians Vll-.574b; IX-300C Cordoba, .s,, Cinlova — Diego Fernandez de. See Fer- nandez de Cordova, Diego — Francisco Hernandez de. See

Hernandez. Francisco Cordobes, Alvar, Mozarabic wri- ter XIV- 179a —Paulo, mart.N r XIV-17Sd Cord of Saint Francis, Archcon- fraternity of the IV-357c; XIV- 124c — of Saint Monica. See Black Leathern Belt, Archconfrater- nity of — of Saint Joseph, Archconfra- ternity of the IV-3.57d; XIV- 124c — of Saint Thomas, Confraternity

of the IV-35Sa; XIV-124d Cordoso de Paiva, Marcos, Bish- op of Diamantina IV-772d Cordova, town. Spain, caliphate I-465d; XIV-17Sd; 179a; con- quest (1235) III-150d; XII- 1.57d; (ill.) XIV-179d; library IX-616C; mosque XIV-178d; school VI-724a; treaty (1821) X-266b —DIOCESE OF, Argentina IV- .360c; college I-7l)3d; Jesuits XII-6S9b; Reductions of Para- guay XII-697a; and San Juan XIII-447a;andTucum&n XV- 85a; university I-705C; XV- 202b —DIOCESE OF, Spain IV- 3.59a: .^IV-173c: cathedral I- 237c: cathedral (ill.) IV-facing 360; XIV-173d: St. Columba, devotion to XIII-71Sd: council (839) IV-360b: XIV-17,Xd; XVI -43c; council f.s.52) IV- 360c; XIV-178d; Dominican friary, stations XV-.569d; Guardian Angels' feast VII- .50b; map XlV-facing 200; pil- grimages XII -90b; priests, confraternity of XII-420c; St. Eulalia, monastery of V-603C --Francisco de, Dominican XII- 29Ia


— Francisco Hernandez de, ex- plorer IV-398b; Campeche III-222C; in Costa Rica IV- 418c; and de Soto IV -753c; and Diaz del Castillo IV-777a; in Yucatan XV-737C

— Gomez Fernandez de. Bishop of Guatemala VII-54a

— Gonsalvo de, general V-134b: X-686b; Gaeta VI-333c; Ostia I-291C; Ruvo XIII-2S0C; Ta- ranto XIV-451a

— Hosius of. See Hosius of C6r-

Cordus, JEKus Junius IX-672b

— Enricius, humanist VII-541a

—Valerius, physic, an X-136a

Cordwainers Guild, London IX- 346d

Core, name X-676d

—temple. Gaza VI~t01b

CORE, rebel IV -361a; and Aaer I -77.5b; in Gnosticism VI- 59Sb; revolt I-4b: X-597b; Xl-IVigc

COREA, VICARIATE APOS- TOLIC OF IV-361C: Buddhism I-779a; III-31d; and China III-684d; 685d; and Japan III-685a; VIII-313b; 313c; 317b; map III-69Sa; missions XIV-SOc; Mohammedans X- 425d ; persecution 1 1 1-67 la; IV- 362a; population I-777d; re- ligious statistics I-782b; XIV- 279a; Seoul. Vicariate Apostol- ic of XVI-82d; Taiku. Vicari- ate Apostolic of XVI-85a

Corean race .\ I I-626a

Corella (Gracuris), town, Spain XIV-t.-.2b

— Jeronimo de. Bishop of Comay- agua IV-151C

Corelli, rationalist X-343b

Corentinus, Saint, Bishop of (Juimper XII-6nd

Corese, See of XIV-.324b

Coresios, George, theologian III- 6S9d; VI-771d

Coresmier \'II-423b

Corfinium (Italia), town XV- 2(>4c

Corfu, battle (1084) XV-336d; captured (lOSl) VI I-7.3c; (1149) Ill-lUa: (12671 III-112C

—ARCHDIOCESE OF IV-362d; VI-74(ld: 742d; 743a; 743b; school VI-741d

Corgna, palaces I-2S4b

CORLA, DIOCESE OF IV-363c; XIV-174a: map XlV-facing 200

Coriander seed, in Bible XII- 1.53a

Corianus, Ambrose. See Am-


of Ci

Corigliano, Vittoria XIV-788C Corindon, jew,-! XIV-.307b Corinna.Gn^ck poet XIV~442b Corinth, t,..wn, Greece, and Achaia I-lOld; coins lV-517d; Roger of Sicily captures III- llOd; Romans capture XIII- 166d: and S\ XIV-396C —DIOCESE OF IV-363d; VI- 738d: Christianity in VI-737b; St. Clement I I-628d; 639d; IV-15a: 321a: 449a: St. Dion.v- aius' episcopate V-lOb; organi- zation IV-16a: St. Paul IV- 364b: VII-329C; XI-571a; schism XIII-.5.33a; status VI- 738a; synod (c. 195) II-189d; tongues, gift of XIV-777b Corinthian architecture XIV-

49,'*a: acanlhua I-92b CORINTHIANS, EPISTLES TO THE IV :(iilb; 4;M;b; Xl-.571d: in .\rt,i,ni,,n <MTi,,n ni-279a: auth.'nticilv IV-36.5b; in canon XIII-638c; and Church of Corinth IV-369d — Fir.ll Ephltr IV-36.5b: Baptism for the dead II-271C; Christol- ogy IV-366C; Clement I IV- 15c; divisions IV-.366b; grace IV-307b; Holy Eucharist IV- 367d; Holy Ghost IV-366d; importance IV-366a; marriage IV-367d; purpose IV-365b; Resurrection IV-367c: teach- ing IV-366C; Unity of Church IV-367a; virginity IV-367d

Roman ntimeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.