Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/315

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Encleistra, monastery IV-590C

Encloitre, monastery III-190d

Enclosure. See Cloister

—Holy, in Hebron VII-lS5d

Eacoeoia, Jewish feast III-15Sc; IV-532a; XII-53r,c

— Creed of the I-Sld

ENCOLPION V-412b; IV-316b: o24d: \n-7lV2c; in early Church Xn-73Gc; use X-lUd

Encolpius, Dunatist antipope V- 125a; XI-2(.2b

Encomienda, system XV-768c; in Mexico X-254c: in Paraguay XII-6S9a; in Spanish colonies ni-39Sc

Encoutre, Daniel VII-535C

ENCRATITES V^12d; I-660d; VI-.59Sa; VII-2.)Sa; 260c; Acts of Paul and Thecla I-612b; abstinence I-67a; 72b; apo- tactics I-650a; asceticism I- 772a; divisions I-*347a; Gnos- ticism VI-o9Sa: Manichieans IX-595C; See Bogomili

Encratius, father of John the Silent Vni-49oa

Encumbered Estates Act, Irish VI 11- 109a

Encyclia X— ls9d

ENCYCLICAL V-413c; IV-321C: Ab Apostolici IX-7S6d; Ad Anglos IX-171b; .Eterni Patris IX-172b; Annum ingresi IX- 786d; A. P. A. forgery I-427a; Arcanum I-687c; Aspera rerum conditio XV-99C; Borromean XIV-766d; De conditione opifi- cum XII-4()5d; defined III- 53a; De unitate I-304b; Diu- turnum illud IX-172c; Ed- it» X-417d; Etsi mulla IX- 786d; Etsi nos IX-786d; Ex omnibus Christiani orbis II- 433d; form V-413d; Grande munus IV-592C: Graves de communi IX-172c: Gravis- Bimo officii lV-206b; Hu- manum genus IX-172c; Im- mortale Dei IX-172C; Inscru- tabili XIV-674a; Inter multi- plices XII-424a; Inter prseci-

Euas machinationes Vll-Sb; ibentissime IV-192a; Liber- tas IX-172c; Longinqua oceani spatia IX-171C; Mirari IX- 786d; nature IX-203c; Non arabigimus IV-191C; Nullis certe XV-395b; Orientalium dignitas ni-561c; Pascendi dominici gregis X-415c: Pra- clara IX-786d; Providentis- simus Deus IX-172b; Quam- primum pluries XV-42a; Quamquam pluries X-542c; Quanta cura XII-466c; Quia vir reprobus X-275a; Qui pluribus IX-78Gd; Rerum no- varum XII-7S3b; Romanos pontifices IX-171b; Sancta Dei civitaa VII-4()0a; Singu- lare presidium II-324a; Si qua est XVI-38a; Testem be- DcvolentiK XIV-537b; Traditi IX-7S<id; Trans oceanum IV- 449d; l"bi L'rbaniano XIII- 2.-Ad; Vohementer nos XIV- 771 )b: Vix pervenit XV-236b

ENCYCLOPEDLA V-414C: of Albert us Magrius I-205d; of antiquities. Christian III-.518a; of A\ncenna II-l-57c; of Bar- tholomffius Anglicus II-313C; of Beyerlinck H-540d; of Biondo II-575d; Byzantine III-117C; of Comenius I-764b; of St. Isidore of Seville VIII- 187a; of Rabanus Maurus I- 7r,2c; special V-415b; of Suidas XIV-32Sb; theological V^15c; word, origin of I-761a

ENCYCLOPEDISTS V-418b; atheism II-42a; Berthier II- .■iigc: and Biblical inspiration VIII-49a; Buffier III-40a; and Christianity IV-32b; good, highest VI-64]b; influence V- 419b; XIV-.595C; 610c; Lib- eralism, development of IX- 212c; .Manai IX-609C

End (phil.). See Cause, final

Enda, Saint, and St. Ciaran IV- «.-.d; and St. Jarlath VIII- 323d; monastic school I-677b

Endarahy, Huron town VII- ■ 1 at VII-580a

Endavianus, Peter, rector of Dil-

lingen lV-795d Endeiechius. .See Severua Sanc-

tus Eiidi-lrc'lms Endemusa Synod, of Orthodox

Chwrrli VII -429b Enden, Franz van den XIV-217C Endicott, John X-24d; 293c End justifies the means I-47d;

lll-.s7b: XlV-104d ENDHCHER, STEPHAN LA-

DISLAUS V-421a End of Religious Controversy

(Mihier) l.\-235b; 321d; X-

31.5b Endor VI-43SC —Witch of X-736b; St. Euata-

thius, theory of V-627d; and

Saul XIII-4S7b Endorf, Christopher, humanist


ENDOWMENT V-421c; of a cathedral III-440c; medieval IIl-599b; papal VII-48b; 49a; schools. Apostolic XIII-5S6d

Endura, Albigensian practice I — 26sb; Catharist teaching III- 437a; VIII-29d

Endyton, in Greek Church I- 359d

Eneglaim. See Engallim

Enemesar. .See Sargon

Enemodus, .\bbot of Agaunum I- 201)3

Enen, Johann, .\uxiliary Bishop of Trier VII-401b

Energumeni. See Demoniacs

Energy, in .\ristotle I-124d; and cosmodvsic extinction theory XV-188a; and food I-275a; life, origin of II-571b; material, transformation of I-800d; mat- ter as V-223a; and substance XIV-324a: unconscious God, conr.'pti,.,! ,if I-217d

—LAW OF THE CONSER- VATION OF V-422c; char- acter V-424a; consequences V- 426a; constancy, law of V- 424d; discovery X-43c; dissi- pation, law of V-424c: history V-423a; and materialism X- 43c; materialistic mechanical theory V-425b; organisms, liv- ing V-423d; philosophical de- ductions V— 425a; proof V- 424b; and the soul V-42Bb: transformation, law of V-424c; da Vinci on XII-52d

Enet, Spain, St. Valerius at XIII- 469a

Enetoi, tribe XIV^4c

Enfant Jesus, Sceurs de 1* XIII- 34 sd

Enf antin, Barthelemy - Prosper, Saint-Simonian .\lII-37Sa

Enfants de Marie Inunaculee. .See .Mary Immaculate, Sons of

— sans souci. .See Sots

Enfeoffment VI-61b

Enfide, Italv. St. Benedict of Nursia at II-467d

Engaddi, name X-078b

ENGADDI V-428C; IV-7S0a; VI-»3,8c; XV-58IC

Engagement, Act of IV-460C

—and betrothal II-.538a

Engagers I\'-4,0c

Engallim \'I-43Sc

Engannim (Isaachar) VI-342a; 435d

— (Juda) VI-438C

— spring XV-581C

Engedi. .See Engaddi

ENGEL, LUDWIG V-429a; IX- 6.5c

Engelberg, mi,ssion VIII-.590b

—ABBEY OF V-429b; 11-4.503; X-fi4.3d; ni. Frovvin VI-311a; (ill.) V-429c; nilo II-4Sf.d

Engelberga, empress VIII-424a; embassv to VI-139d

ENGELBERT, Abbot of Admont V-4.30C; I-14.5C; VIII-432b

— of Olmutz XI-247C; XII 3.39c

— n, Abbot of St. Gall VI-347d

— Ulrich I-2r,4a

—OF COLOGNE, SAINT V- 429d; IV-118b; Ciesariua of Heisterbach's life of III-137d; rule VI-492d; shrine X-22.5a; as vice-regent VI-25.5b

— n of Falkenburg, Archbishop of Cologne IV-118b; XIII- 557a

— of Isenburg, Bishop of Osna-

bruck .\I-341c — of Ortenburg, Archbishop of

Trier XV-43a — of Saint-Riquier. See Angil-

bert Engelberts. .See Engelbreehtsen Engelbertsen, Olaf, Archbishop

of Trondhjcm XI-120C; XV-

04d Engelbrecht, Cornells. See En-


—Philip \1 2r,7d

engelbrechtsen, corne-

LIS, the Elder V-431a

— CorneUs, the Younger V-431a

—Luke V-431b

Engelbrechtsson, Swedish regent XIV-3o2b; in literature XIV- 35.5a

Engelhardt, Zephyrin, historian VI1-379C; Menominee collec- tions .X-193d

Engellsechtssen, Olaf. 5ee Engel- bertsen

Engelman, Theodore Wilhelm, physician X-139C

Engels, Friedrich, socialist XIV- 63b; matriarchy, theory of XV- 689b; on population XII-279d; work V-782b

Engelszell, monastery XV-624a

Engelthal, monastery V-366a

Engeltrude, anathematized I- 456b

Engern, monasterv X-49b

—Saxon tribe Xin-497d

Enghien, Louis-Antoine-Henri, Due d', death X-690b; funeral

, oration Il-"23b

Engine governor, Foucault's in- vention VI-157a


— Archilectnre: abbey I-14a choir VI-673C; flambovant XV-6.54b; Gothic VI-67.3b; 674c; CSOa; medieval VI-666a; . monasteries I-12b; Norman VI-670b

— Art: Dovie, John V-151c; Doyle. Richard V-151d; em- broiderv V— 400c; glass-paint- ing XIV-243a; Herbert VII- 249d; Jones VIII-500d; lace- making Vni-732a; painters V-2.56a; sculpture Xni-644d; 646d; Stanfield .XlV-24.5a; tapestrTr'-making X1V-4 4 9C; tombs XIV-773d; windows, rose XV-653C; windows in churches X V-654a ; wood- carving XV-69nd; 700c

—Church in I-499d; IX-70c; abbesses I-lOc; abbeys I-1.5a; abbots I-18d; 20b; ad limina visits II-588d; adoration, per- petual I-1.53b; 153d; Alberic of Ostia I-259b; Allen. John I- 321c; Allen, William I-322a: Angelus bells I-488b; St. Anne, feast of I-539a; St. Anselm V-43.3C; antiphon I-326d: and Antwerp I-590c; Apostleshipof Pravcr I-633b ; .\postle spoons I-C26d; Apostolicity I-642c; appeals I -692b; Archpriest Controversy I-65.8a; XVI-4b; Ascension Dayl-767d; ,St. Au- gustine II-81C; and Basle II- 334d; beard of clergy II-363a; bedes II-3!«d; Bcllarmine II- 412d; bells II-)21d; Bene- dictine nuns II-454b; 45.5b; Benedictines II-208b; 444b; 44.5d; 4-;6d; 448b; 457a; 460b; V-435b; Benediction of the Blessed .Sacrament IH6.5c; benefices II-474b; benefit of elcrgv II-476d: Berington, ChaHcs II-4n0c; Berington, Joseph II-491a: betrothal II- 53Sb; bigamists II-.564b; biret- ta II-577b; bishops II-.584C; boy-bishop II-725C; canonries II^7.5c: canons III-2.54d; 5S.3b; canons regular III-29Id; VI-552C: Canterbur\- 1II-299C; Capuchins III-32.5d; Carmel- ites III-3.5.5d; 3.56c; 364a; Carranza III-376d; Carthus- ians III-391b; catechetical instruction V-78b; catechisms V-79d; cathedraticum III- 442b; Catholic III-4S0a; Catholic Association II-788b; celibacy of clergj- III— 486c;


cemeteries III-50Sc; Cenacle, Religious of the III-518c; Challoner III-5l)4c; chantry III-57:!d: ,l,;ii,rl> 111 ,-,77a; 577c; .-.77il. .h;,,,l,.,,n> \- i.',7a; chaptc'T-lM.ii,rs 111 ;,.stc, ( liap- ters Ill-.'iSIb: (JKUity, liro- thers of Ill-OOoa: Charity. Sisters of III-606C; 609c; 610a; St. Charles III-624d; Charles II V-150b; charterhouses III- 634a; Chichele III -657b; Christian Brothers of Ireland III-71Ud; Christian Instruc- tion. Brothers of III-712a; Christian Retreat, Sisters of III-722a; Christian Schools, Institute of Brothers of the VIII-60C; Cistercians V-435a; Clarendon, Constitutions of V-436c; Clement VI IV-24c; clerical costume, medieval IV- 420a; Cluny, Congregation of V— 434d; commandments of the Church IV-155b; confessors V-474c; confirmation IV-221b; contemplative observance IV- 699b: conversion of. Associa- tion fori V-699b; conversion of. Confraternity for XIV-125b; XV-154b; converts VII-261C; courts I-313c; 802c; IX-69d; 70a ; crosses destroyed I V-537d ; dead, praj-er for IV-657a; di- ocesan chancery IV-799C; di- ocesan system XIV -571b; dioceses after Conquest, map I-.50lld: directories V-25d; 26d; disabilities V-456C; Dominican tertiaries XIV-640a; Douai controversy V-139b; Douai missions I-322d; VI-387a; St. Dunstan V-199a; Edward III V-322a; Elizabeth I-729c; VII- 82d; and English College, Rome V-474a; Eucharistic Congress V-593d: fasts III- 160a; feasts in-166a; VI- 22c; Flagellants VI-90b; under Flemish nunciature XI-161a; Fontevrault houses VI-131b; foundations VI-158C; Fran- ciscan tertiaries XIV-645C; Friars Minor I-212c; VI-290a; Vm-lllb: and Gallican Liber-




XIII .. .'M ^ ... . Mines VI- 557a; CI 1. 1,. til. Ill, \T-579b; Goldwcll \I-(i31c; Good Fri- day custom III-57Sb; Good Shepherd convents VI-648a; Grail, Hoix- VI-720b; Grand-



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72b; hi

arehv restored IV-699d; V- 4.5.5a; XIII-1.54C; XVI-37d; Holy Week VII-436d; Honorius II VII-156d: Hospital.Si-stersof the Mercy of Jesus VII— 189a; Indulgence, Declaration of V- 450d; St. Joseph, Sisters of VIII-515d; I.amrl.,n \III- 791a; Lazarisls X iioic; :iil(;a: Leo XIII HOlic; l.lnrifv II- 679a; maintcnanii- 111 7li:ic; 76.5c; Manning IX-604d; Man- tellate XlII-737b; Marian priests IX-661d; marriage banns II-255d; 2.57a; 257c; marriage ritual IX-704b; mar- riages, mixed lX-699b; martyr, last V-451b; martvrs V--474C; Marv, Institute of VIII-.54b; Mathew X-47d; mendicant orders V-439a ; missal X-356d ; Modernism X-418C; inonas- teries suppressed X-455b; mo- nasticism V-200a; 43.5a; Mo- rone X-575d; music I-580d; New Year's Day XI-20a; Oratorians V-740d; XI-273b; ordination rites I-491d; O Salu- taris XI-334C; Ottoboni con- stitutions II-577b; Oxford Movement V-454c; XI-370a; XV-671a; 671c; pallium in heraldry Vll-247b; Palm .«un- dav Xi-4.32c; Pandulph XI- 44ia; Panziini XI-450d; papal infallibility XV-305b; papal

frimacv V-440a; parish relief II-.599C; Paschal Tide XI-

Roman numeral indicates volume: arable, page: a, b, c, d, quarter of page.