Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/322

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Este, Margarita d' ni-44Ga

— Niccolo d'. Marquess ol l-er-

rara and Guarino da Verona

VII-53b: Venice XV-338a — Obizzo n d", Duke of Modena

X-413c; and Reggio XU-71»a —Obizzo lU d', Duke of Modena

X-413c; and Parma XI-5Uoc Renaud d', cardinal, and Tam-

hurini XIV-S6a; 440d —Villa d', Tivoli XIII-3MC;

XIV-747b; (ill.) Vin-22, Esteban, Bishop of Granada.

Sec Stephanus -Bishop of Vich XV-406a —Bishop of Zamora XV-748d Jose, Bishop of Orihuela XI-

Sl-M , ,.,, „-„.

— CoUantes, Agustin XV -2o9d Estebanez Calderon, writer XIV-

— y Seminario, Juan, Bishop ol Puno XII-569d

Esteiras, trihe VI-329a .

Estella, Didacus de, theologian VI-293a , . .

EsteUes, Miguel, missionary XIV-547a „ . ^

Esteney, .'^bbot of Westminster XV-59Sd .

Estenmure (Anemunum) 1^4(00

Esterhazy, Emmerich, primate V-131d , „ ,

— Nicolaus, Prince, and Beet- hoven XV-266b; and Conner

Estero, Santiago del. See Santi-

aao del Estero, Diocese ot Esteva, Jacques XII-725a Estevam, Padre, .see Stephens,

Thomas „ ,

Estevanez,Grand Master of Cala-

trava III-l51b „

Estevanico, missionary XV-iwa Esteyans, Bishop of Oporto XI-

261 a

—John d'. See Zambuja, John de Esteyao, Padre. See Stephens.

Thomas . „

Esteve, Eugene-Martm-Fransois,

mission lll-674b Esthamo VI-439a Esthaol VI-439a Esthemo. See Esthatno , ESTHER V-549b; adoption 1- 147b: and Aman y-549d

,■„ art: Burckmair III-65a;

Caliari (ill.) V-549; Lippi. Filippino IX-2i7c -Book of V-550a; authorship V- 650c; canonicity lli.-'='l»°' 270d; 271d; 272b; cnticiam IV- 494b; Hebrew version V U- 175a; Luther V-550b; Sahidic version XVI-79C; Midrash X- 287b; Targum XI\-45(C, translations XIIIr723c —fast I-67d; manage V-S49c, Purim n-556c; Xll-oSOd; Virgin Mary, type of XV- 464Ea Esthonia, education Xlll-.iJ4a, ethnology XII-626d; govern- ment XIII-237a: language ifturgical use XIII-69C;, and Poland XII-181d; and W aide- mar 11 IV-727b Estienne, Henry, printer, con- cordance IV-196b —Robert, printer VII-542a; VIII-791d; XII-768a; con- cordance IV-195C; verses, Bib- lical IV-195b; Xin-639a; New Testament IV-503a; XIV- 532b; and Vatable XV-276b ESTIENNOT DE LA SERRE, CLAUDE V-551b; II-462C; X-

Estissac, Geoffrey d'. Bishop of M'liUczd^ IX-247b; 314c; and ii;',h(l:iis XII-6I9C Estius. Src Est (, ri ■

Esto Mihi, Sunday. See CJuin-

Estouteville, Guillaume d', car- dinal 1V-793C; X-4.S.3a; MOb; XI-59C; 83a; XII-290d; XIII- 170b: 209d: 3.')4b

Estovers I-313d

Estrada, Pedro Gonzalez, Biahop of Havana yil-l.-).la

— Peter de, missionary X\-l.i.)C

Estrada-Palma, TomSs, Pn«i- ,l,nt ol C-uba IV-.WOb

Eslramadura, monastery, Spain VII-345a

Estrees, d'. Bishop of Laon, in

Clementine Peace VIII-2S9d — Angelique d', Abbess of Mau-

buisson I-744b ,,,^, ^.^

—Cesar d', cardinal XIII-342a; XIV-131b; and Louis XIV IX- 375d; Molinos X-441C — Gabrielle d' I-744c: VII-227b Estreicher, writer XII-200C Estrella, Luiz Paulo de. Bishop

of Mylapur XIII-3,84a Estrella, periodical I-592d — Polar, periodical IV-773a Estremadura I-271d; II-194a; Xn-297b; modern organiza- tion XIV-171d Estria, Henry de IX-231b Estridsen, Svend. See hwcjTi 11 Estrifs, King of Denmark XIV-

Estudios Franciscanos, periodical XIV-lSSc

Estuy, vessel VII-423b

Es-Zor. See Tyre

Esztergom. See Gran

Et., abbr. I-24b

Eta VIII-312b

Etablissements de St. Louis IX- 370a

Etain, legend VIII-llSc

—Pierre d'. Bishop of Ostia and Velletri XI-346d

Etalapasse, deity XV-563b

Etam (Juda) VI-439a

—(Simeon) VH39a

—Cave of VI^39a ^ ^.,,

Etampes, Council (1091) XV- 366c; (1099) XV-366C; (1130) XV-366C; (1147) XV-366C; priory XI-486C .

— Duchesse d', and Catherine de Medici III-443b; and Mont- morency X-544b

Etaples, Jacques Lefevre d . bee

LefJvre <l'Etaples Etaqqama, Hethite VII-306b

liiaqqama, iic-iiift • -- ","7 j Etchaeue, Ethiopian prelate l-

77a- II-lfi3b; V-571a Etcheinin Indians. See Maliseet

Etchen,Bi3hopofClonfadIV-136a Etchigeh. .See EtchaguS Etchimin Indians. See Maliseet

Indians Etelkoz. Sec Atelkuzu Etemenanki, tower, Babylon

XV-5d Etendard, periodical XI-672c Etenna, ancient See of IV-421d Etenneis IV-421d Eterei, Accadenua degh VJ-WaD Eterius, Bishop of 9™;?;> vtit Eternal Gospel I\-719d; VIII-

4n7a; XIV-r,65a . — Wisdom, Confratermty of 1-

ETERNITY V-551c: Boetius definition V-551d; of creatures V-552d; of God I-332d; 6o8d: II-64b- VI-617d; symbolism II-577a; and time, „Y;?^^*i Vasqucz defines XV -2 (5b; ot world. Aristotle III-4610

Etemus, Saint, Bishop of Evreux

Ethai (Ittai), and Absalom I-60a Etham VI-439a; Israelites at

VIII-194d . . „

Ethan the Ezrahite, musician 11-

551d; XII-53Sd Ethandfln, battle l-31pa Ethanim, month Ill-Ui7c; Taber- nacles, feast of XIV-125d Etharita, town. See St.-Jean Ethbaal (Ithobaal), King of Tyre VIII-199a; 404d: XII- 41d; XV-UOb; Bothrys II- 7nsb: and Nabuchodonosor II II-lS4b Ethebric of Bernicia V-323d Ethei \-711b Ethelbald. See .ICthelbald Ethelberga. .See EthclburKn ETHELBERT, SAINT, King of East Angles V-.'-..>3b; _I_-310c; XI 21.-)C; shrine \ n-2.i.)b —SAINT, King of Kent V-.i.5.ic; XII-467C; 468b; and ht. Au- CTstine Il-Sld; and Boniface IV II - (>6Ia: Canterbury shrine Xin-760b; church cjls I'.l.r and Paul Ill-.Wda; ' ;„. V; right of sanctu- Nin-4:il)d; Hocheater, \,<;h:i\ Xlll-lOld; woman, legislation concerning XV-695b

Ethelbert, King of Wesses I-

3()9d ETHELBERT, Archbishop of

York V-554a; IX-415a; XV-

734b; and Alcuin I-276b; and

Egbert V-326C; and Paulinus

II XI-.586b , „ , J

Ethelbert, Bishop of Hereford

VII-255C; 255d Ethelburga, Saint, Abbess of

Barking V-517b .

— Queen of Northumbria V-

323d; XI-349b; and Boniface

V II-661C — Oueen of Wessex VII-790a ETHELDREDA, SAINT, Queen

of Northumbria V-554c; XIH-

747a; shrine XII-91a — Sec Alfrida, Saint Ethelfrid, Bishop of Elmham XI-

— King of Northumbria V-323d; monks, massacre of II-S4a; 251b; XV-583d: 586b

Ethelfrith, of Northumbria. See Ethelfrid

Ethelgar, Archbishop of Canter- Inirv Ill-2'.Hid

ETHELHARD (ETHEL- HEARD), Archbishop of Can- terbury V-555a; III-299d; IX-57'2d; council IV-69b; and Leo III IX-158b

Ethelmund, King of the Southern Angles, and St. Botulph II-

Ethelnoth, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury III-299d; con- secration II— 429a Ethelred, Saint. See ^Ired, St. — n. See Ethelred the Unready — Archbishop of Canterbury III-

299d , „ ,.

— King of Mercia, and Benedic- tines V-648b; and St. Egwm V-329b — King of Northumbria XI-334d;


—the Mickle I-309d

— the Unready (the Redeless)

King of England V~323b; VI-

61a; confession, laws Xlll-

649d; coronation V-201b; ancl

Croyland Abbey VI-626d: and

Richard of Normandy VIII-

428a ,-,

Ethelwald, bishop, regency 111-

537b T ■ J- <

Ethelwin, Saint, at Lindisfarne

IX-269a -Earl of East Anglia XI-34Sd Ethelwold, Saint, Bishop of Lin- disfarne V-211C; V-555d; IX- 269c; Lindisfarne Gospels IV- 579b: IX-269d; XV-518c — SAINT, Bishop of Winchester V-555C; I-43a; Benedictional I-511c; Benedictional (ill.) II- facing 464; St. Birinus, relics II-578a; and St. Dunstan V- 201a; ecclesiastical reforms I- 507b; and St. Edith XV-647d; and Ely Abbey V-396c; and Peterborough XI-756a; Thor- ney Abbey XIV-706a — Saint, monk of Ripon ¥-5550 Ethelwulf, King of Wessex I- 309d; 509d; St. Aldhclm s shrine I-280c; gift to Rome I- 507a: V-252a; XI-774b: Bene- dict III II-428a: marriage IX- 705c; XIII-60d —Bishop of Carlisle III-349b —Bishop of Elmham XI-121d Ether, anasthetic I-448b; Aris- totle I-716c; astrological theory II-23C; atomic theory II-54a; Fresnel XII-65d; Fizeau VI- 88d —plain, .Tuda VW39a . Etheria, pilgrim. See Silvia of



Etheridge, Targum edit ions X 1 V -

•InOb; 457a Etherius. So- .TJthenus Ethical Culture, Society for, New

York City V-r>61a movement, United States V-

ET HICS V-5.56b; xn-27c; Abel-

ard I-3SC; abortion I-46d; nets, human 1-11.')C; Albertus Mag- nus 1 'JiVld; .Mbigcnsian I- 2GSb; Alcuin I-27Sb: Alcxan

der of Hales I-298d: altruism I-369a; Amort I^34c; animals, Cathohc attitude IV-542C; animals, pagan attitude IV- 542a: Antinomian theory I- 564d; Aristotle I-707a: 717a: 718c: III-M2a; V-328d; 558a; VII-131d; St. Augustine V- 559a: A-vicenna II-157d; Baad- er II-173a: 174c; Babylon- ian II-187C: Bentham II-482d: St. Bonaventure I-763c; Boss- uet II-700C: Brahmin II-731C: Buddhist III-30C; 33c; 34a: Calvin I-565C: cardinal virtues III -343d; Catholic V-561a: character I n-584d :586b: Chris- tian I-620d; 768b; V-558d: Christian influence V-563b; Cicero I-761d: civil authority II-137C: Comcnius I-764b; compensation, occult IV-180b; correction, fraternal IV-394b; Cynics IV-.'i82c: V-558c; debt IV-663d; definition V-556b: Democritus V-558b; despair IV-755b; division V-556b; Druze V-167b; Duns Scotus V-197d; duty V-215a: educa- tion V-564d; egoism V-328a: Epicurean V-500d: ethical so- cieties V-561a: evolutionary V-560a; and the family V- 563d; fear VI-21a: Fichte V- 559d; florilegia VI-121c; good VI-638a: governments, civil V-564d: and habits VII-lOlc; hedonism V - 558b: Herbart VII - 248b: historical view V- 5o7d: homicide VII-441d: ig- norance VII-648b; immortahty VII-689C: imperative, categor- ical III-432b: indifferentism, VII-759C: individualism VU- 761b; individuality VII-762C; 764c; intuitional VIII-83a: jus- tice VIII-571d; Kant III- 432b; V-559d: VIII-605a: 605c; la-w, concept of IX-55b; law international V-565b; Leibniz IX-13Sa: marriage V- 563d: Marx Xn-215d: merit X-202c;methodsV-557a: Mon- ism X-486b; and morality X- 559a; moral sense, theory V-5.59d- and moral theology XlV-eOlc; 602d; 604a; and X-714d; Nietzscl.e V-5G0c: object, formal X- 226d; perfection XI-663C; and phvsics XII-161a; Plato V- 55Sa; XII-26d: 161b; and poli- tical economy XII-214b; Prob- abilism XII-441a; Protestant V-559b; punishment, capital V-565b; and reason XIV-580C; Reiseh I-764a; and religion V-560d: 563a; XII-743a; re- ligious XII-748b; reservation, mental X - 195c; rights and duties V-563a; Roger Bacon on XIII - 115a;. . Ro'™™ XIII-196d; scepticism V-5bUc. Schleiermacher V - 539d; in Scholastic phUosophy V-559tt: Xlll-oold; and science XIU- 600b; secularism XIII-676d; self-defense XIII-691b; Social- ists V-560b; sooiolog>- V-563d: XIV-115C; 118a; Socrates V-- 558a: sources V-557a; special V-563a; Spencer I-369c; V- 660a: Spinoza XIV - 219b and Sp ritualism XIV-230b. and the State V-564b: St.rner V-560c; Stoics V-5oSc: subject matter V-5o6c.; St Thomas V-559a; toleration Xiy-7blB. 763b; Tridentine teaching 1- 566b: Utilitarianism V-559C: XV -241c; vice XV -403d, violence XV-44fic: virtue XV- 472c; voluntary XV - S06b.

Werner n-"I,'»:,'^?JSf' "J^^ TI l.^ Wundt V-o59d; See

ETHioPIA V-566a; IV-57.';c; X I- 147d ; <l'-\bbadic's cxplor- auons I-6c:_in Acts III-244d:

-rtrc/. ii, I-76b; V-56SC; Aze- vedo's apostolatc II - 167d. cvangelizntioi; I-7(.a; and I|- him I-186b; law-code, missions I -76c; vicariates l-76d

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (Ul.) = iUuBtrations.