Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/328

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Exeter, John of. See John of

Exeter — Marquess of. See Courtney Ex hac augusta, Bull of Leo XIII

II-2.52b Exhaustions, superseded III-

4GSa Exhibita nobis. Bull of Honorius

III Vll-^oSd Exhileratus, and Pope Gregorj'

II X-0S5a Exigente debito. Bull of John

XXII VI-72Ga Exiit qui seminat, Bull of Nicho-

1.13 III Vl-l>I2c; 246b: 24ed;

2S3a; X-274d; XI-57ai 245c;

XIV-3S.5b Exilarch VIII-392a Exile, Jewish. See Babylonian

captivity Ex iUa die. Bull of Clement XI

ni-672a; .XIII-39b Eximiam tuam. Brief of Pius IX

IX-.581C Eximino, Bishop of Oca X-612a;

and St. Dominic of Silos X-

cud Ex imposita nobis. Bull of Pius

VII II-794C; XIII-437a; XV-

Sood; G81a — incumbenti. Apostolic brief

X-86d — injuncto. Bull of Piua IV VI-

54.3a — injuncto nobis. Brief of Clem- ent X X-35yc — injuncto nobis. Bull of Pius

IV VII-95a EXISTENCE V-.543d; VI-137c;

actus et potentia I-124C; and angels I-125d: and being X- 227c; Duns Scotus V-196a; and essence V-543d

—of God 1-eOc; 126b; 21Sb; VI- 614b; XIV-323a; 584a; a pos- teriori proofs VI-609d; onto- logical argument VI-612C; the- istic proofs VI-609d; theodicy XIV- 569b; Theophilanthro- pism XIV-624b; and time XIV-726d; Vasquez XV-275b

— positive. Spencer on I-61a; and Scotism XIII-611a; Spin- oza XIV-218d; Suirez XIV- 319d; substance XIV-322d; and truth VII-86a; See Es-

Exit., abbr. I-23a

Exivi de Paradiso, Bull of Clem- ent V V 1-2 12c; 246b; 2S3c; XIV-232a; XV-116d

— de Paradiso, Bull of Clement II X-274d

Exmew, William. See William Exmew. Blessed

Exmouth, Lord, and Algiers XV- S9c

Exner, Johann Julius, painter lV-732b

— Sigmund, physiologist X-139C

Ex nihilo nihil fit, Aristotle I- 716a

Exodus VIII-194b; X-o96d; an- gel I-479d; date I-542d; III- 73?b; desert of IV-749b; ju- dicial system II-554a; Pharaoh III-733c; Philo Juda!U3 on XII-23d

— Book of XI-048C: Barradas on II-307c; canouicity III-270d; and embroidery V-401a: i in Septuagint XIII-722b

Exogamy, origin XIV-793d; and Totcmism XIV-790a; 793c

Exokamelaukion, vestment XV- 3SSC

Exomis X\'-S7c

Ex omnibus. Bull of Benedict XIV in-l,!Mc

— omnibus afflictionibus, Bull of St. Piu« V 11 21Ua; 21 Id; IV- 2lisd; ,\Il-r,i',7c

— omnibus christiani orbis. En- cyclical of Benedict XIV II- 4'33d

Exomologesis IX-2c; XI-630c; XIV-523d; Antiochtis of Pales- lino I-.^,74c; Miiuudy Thursday; S,e Penance

Ex operc operantis I— 190b

— opere operate I— 49Gb

EXORCISM \ -709c; Apostles I- 627d

—iKtiiii.'^mal II-273b; V-710d; Celtic 1II-502C; 503a; Galilean VI-364C; 365c


—Beelzebub II-389a; Beirttt amulet I-443c; bell, blessing of II-t20c; catechumens III- 431b; Celtic III-503c;byChrist I-142d; IV-711b: consecration service I-365a ; defined V-709c; early church I-196d; ecclesias- tical V-710a; English mission XV-601b; Gassner VI-392b; indirect V-711b; Jewish V- 709d; pagan V-709c; prayers I-408b; Roman Ritual I-143a; saints, litany of the IX-292a; sign of the Cross XIII-787a; symbolism XIV-374d; New Testament V-710b

EXORCIST V-711b; X-333a; XI-279d; and acolytes I-107d; .ige I-206d; defined V-711b; fUscipline V-712a; early church I-196C; V-711C; in hierarchy VII-323C; ordination V-711c; VI-365b; present office V- 711d; Western Church X-333b

Ex parte vestra. Brief of Clement VII III-321b

Expectador Portuguez, periodical XI-<isSd

Expectants I-4.^3a


— of St. John the Baptist, feast V-712C



Experience, Agnosticism I-216b; .\ristotle I-714d; Cartesianism IV-745C; Duns Scotus V-197a; empiricism V— 407c; and faith I-219a; Hegelianism VII-192d; Hume I-216C; materialism V- 407d; objects I-21Sa; Plato XII-160d; Positivism XII- 313b; and pragmatic truth XV-76d; and relations XII- 733d; religious I-219b; 496b; III-542b; Spencer I-369d; The- odiceanism XIV-569b; and thought XII-733b; and Trans- cendentalism XV-17d; 18b; Utilitarianism XV-241C

Experimental method XII-60a; Albertus Magnus I-265b

Expiation, Zoroastrianism II- 155d; See Reparation

— Feast of. See Atonement, Day of

Expiatores III-52Sa

Explanation, Act of. See .\ct of Explanation

Exploration, Alvarado I-372d; Balboa, Cabellode III-126b; Balboa. Vasco Nufiez de II- 216c; Belzoni II-42od; Cabeza de^Vaca III-126b; Cabot, John III-126d; Cabot, Sebastian III -127b; Cabral III -128a; Cabrillo III -128c; Cadillac III -131a; Cartier III -392c; Columbus IV-140d; Corona- do IV-379d; Cortes IV-397d; Cosa IV^02c; Cosmas Indico- pleustes IV-404b; De Soto IV- 753c; Dias IV-775b; Diaz de Soils IV -777b; Du Lhut V- 188a; Enciso V-412a; Espojo V-541a; Ferrer VH9c; Gama VI -374b; Grueber VII -41c; Hennepin VII-215b; Henry the Navigator VII - 239d; Joliet VIII^96a; La Salle IX-9b; Magellan IX-526d; Marquette IX-690C; Mendafla de Nej-ra X-179C; Pinzon XII-104b; Polo XII-217a; Ponce de Le6n XII-228a; Talon XIV^39d; I'lloa XV-122d; Verrazano XV-364a; Vespucci XV-384C

Exponi, Bull of Gregory XIII 1II-S2C

— Nobis, Brief of Clement VII XIV-557b

— nobis fecisti. Bull of Adrian VI XV 7(isb

Exposcit debitum, H\ill of Gregory -Mil 1-sb; XI liifjd

—debitum, Bull of Julius III VII-I142C

Exposcittuae devotionist. Bull of Innocent VIII I-19b

Exposition, Irvingite Church VIII-175a

—OF THE BLESSED SACRA- MENT V-713a; I-153b; II- 466a ;altar cards I-351b ;candle3 I-.348b; III-247c; and Cenacle Society III-518d; Ferno III- 324b; Forty Hours' Devotion VI-151c; genuflexion VI-425a; 426a; host VII^95b; and Joseph II II-127C; perpetual XIII-170d; Rome IV-773C

Expositio Symboli, Galilean Rite VI-359b; 364c

Expositor, periodical X-572b

Expositum nobis nuper. Brief of Pius IX IV-357d

Express de Lyon, periodical XI- 677a

Expulsion, of religious, and secu- larization XIII-677d

Expurgation, of books III-521a

Ex qua die Arcano, Brief of Pius IX II-752C; VII-9Gd; XV- 247c

— qua singulari, Bull of Benedict XIV II-J34C; III-672a; XIII- 39c

— quo divina. Bull of Benedict XIII XII-440d

— quo divina majestas. Brief of Clement VIII IV-5.3a

—quo in Ecclesia Dei, Constitu- tion of Clement VIII XIII- 217b; XII-231d

Exsecrabilis, Bull of Pius II IV-789b

Exsequiee. See Burial

Exsufflation. See Breathing

Exsultabunt Domino, burial anti- phon III-73b

Exsultet. See Exultet

Exsuperius, Saint. See Ex- uperius

Ex supemse dispositionis. Bull of Sixtus V IV-357C

— supremo apostolatus apice. Bull of Leo XIII I-42a: V-194a; VIII-154a; XIII-021d

Exsurge. .See Sexagesima

— Domine, Bull of Leo X. See Exurge Domine

EXTENSION V-714C; absolute accident V-715a; Cartesian- ism IV-414b; 747a; Catho- Uc philosophy V-714d; con- tinuous V-714d; Descartes XII-59C; dynamistic V-223b; and Eucharist V-715b: Kant V-222d; local and material substance II-56Sb; Locke I- 97a; and matter XI-195d; and quantity XII-591d; space XIV-167b; Spinoza III-463d; XIV-219a

Extension, periodical XI-696b

Exterior Graces. See Grace, exterior

External Schools, monastic XIII- 555c

Extinction, Buddhist I-772d

Eitraits des Assertions IV-33a; XIV-97d

Extra-judicial processes, canoni- cal precept XII-372C

Extra-liturgical Functions IX- 305b

Extraordinaires, periodical XI- fi75c

EXTRAORDINARY ECCLE- SIASTICAL AFFAIRS, CON- GREGATION OF; appeals I-654b; duiuiiients I- 124a; judge IV-202d; Vatican archive XV-290b

Extra tempora XIII-141b

EXTRA VAG ANTES V-715c; IV- 392d: IX-62d; communes IV- 393a

Extremes, party XlV-lS.ib

EXTREMi! 0NCTION V-716a; XIII-299d; abuse V-721b; 726c; 727a; administration IV- 661d; V-716a; ago I-208b; 209a; Amalarius of Metz V- 723a; St. Ambrose V-720d; Ambrosian Rite I-403b; Amen I-408b; Anglo-Saxon Church IV-662d; St. Aphraates V-720a; Armenian Rite XIII- 80a; .\thanasius V-720d: St. Augustine V-720c; St. Bcde V- 722d: Beirftt amulet I-443c; Carmelite Rite XIII-73b; Cus- aian V-719d; Cassiodorus \*- 720d ; Cistercian Rite XI I I-74c ; conditional IV-43Sa; develop- ment V-719a; effects V-718a;

727b; 728a; St. Ephraem Synig V-720b; forms V-716a; 725a; Greek Church IV-320b; holy oils VII-422b; St. Hypatius V-721a; and imposition of hands VII-69Sc; Innocent I V-722a; insane, administration to VIII^2d; during interdict VIII-74c;St. James, text of V- 717c; St. John Chrvsostom V-721c; Mandakuni V-722a; St. Mark, text V-717b; matter, proximate V-724c; matter, re- mote V-724a; matter and form V-724a; minister V-725c; XII- 417c; Miserere X-353c; name V-716b; necessity, V-729a; Or- igen on V-719b;parish churches XI-503a; and pastors XI-538b; and penance XIV-o87b; pray- er book, first II-6Sla; priests, administration to IV - 571c; Puller on V-718a; and punish- ment, temporal V-728a; Rad- bertus on V-723b; and Re- formers V-717a; repetition V- 729b; reviviscence V-730b; XIII-304d; sacramental effi- cacy V-716c; sacramentarj' of Serapion V-720a; sacraments XIII-301a; Scripture V-717b; TertuUian V-719d; sign of the cross XIII-785d; and sins V- 721b; V-727c; subject V-726a; theology, dogmatic XIV-587c; Tradition V-718d; Trent V- 716c; XV-33d; universality V-723b; use V-718d; Viati- cum XV-397c; Victor of An- tioch V-721d; York XV- 733d

Exucontians, sect I-708a; VII- 2.5Sb


Exultantes in Domino, Bull of Martin IV VI-122b: 2S3b

Exultate Deo, Bull of Eugenius IV I-739b; III-69Gd; baptism II-25Sd; chrism III-696d; V- 716c

Exultation, hosanna VII-472d

EXULTET V-730d; VII-438a; XI-515C; deacon IV-650a

— RoU IX-620C

Exuperantia, Saint XV-68b

Exuperantius, Saint, Bishop of Cingoli XI-339b

— Saint, Bishop of Como IV-lS3d

— Saint, Bishop of Tortona VIII- 24a; XIV-785b

Exuperatus, Saint, Bishop of Cou- tances IV— 45od

Exuperius, Saint, Bishop of Ba- veux II-3S8C

—Saint, Bishop of Die XV-250C

—SAINT, Bishop of Toulouse V- 731c; VIII-llc; XI-631d; XIV-79.5d; XV-397d; and St. Jerome XIV-4o3d; relics XIII- 7S3d; and St. Sernin XIV-797a

Exurge Domine, Bull of Leo X II-75b; III~521c; IV-338b; V- 272b; G79a; VII-784b; IX- 44,5c; XI-623C; 62Sb; XII-


3G5a; VI-.120C

— Gabriel von, Prince-Bishop of Eiclistiitt V-365b

Eybel, Johann Valentin II-I27d; VI -25a

Eybler, Joseph I-270b

Eycheil, pilgrimage XI-436C

EYCK, HUBERT VAN V-732b; XI-399C; altar-piece. Ghent (ill.) Vll-facing 112; VIII- facing 756; Xl-facing 39S; and Van der Wcyden XV-270a

—JAN VAN "V-732b; III-6d; XI-399C; altar piece, Ghent (ill.) Vll-facing 112; VIII- facing 756; Xl-facing 398

— Margaret van V-732b


Eye, in Apocalypse I-ri9r)b; Ber- enger of Carpi, study of I- 4 59d; colour, in Men.lclism XVI-39b; Fallopio V-772b; Fontana VI-127b; patronesses XI-566C; and race Xll-622a

Eyiguayegi Indians X-95d

Eylau, Germany, battle (1S07) X"l'>92b; XII-52Gb; XlII-249a

Eyler, Joseph, missionary X- 51Sd

Largo type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.