Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/350

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FREDERICK in, emperor VI- 497b- X1II-219C; and Ber- thold lof Henneberg II- 520d; anrl bishops XV- 419b; and Callistus III III- 187b; 187c; and Celtes III- 492d; and Charlea VII VI- 169a; and Charles the Bold III-69d; coronatioQ of, by Balletti IX-436b; and Corvi- nus X-67a; death Vl-oUb; and Ebendorfer V-241d; and Eugene IV II-338a; XV-417d; St. George. Order of XIII- 350d; and Golden Rose VI- 630d: and Holstein XIII-543c; and Humanism VII-540b; and Jews VIII-39.5C; and Bishop Johann III V-365a; and Ladis- laus III-394a; Laibach, Diocese of VIII-743d: and Lang II- 75a; on Masons IX-775a; at Neusa VI-61b; and Nicholas V Vll-lOb; Order of Knights X- 306b; and Pius II XII-127b: 128c; prediction on XIV-477d; and Sisters of St. Elizabeth V- 3S8d; and Vienna II-123d; XV- 417d; 419b; and Zurich XIV- 359d

— IV, emperor, crowned II-123d

— in, Duke of Gottorp, and primogeniture XIII-544a

— Landgrave of Hesse. See Fred- erick, cardinal, Prince-Bishop of Breslau

— n. Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel VII-300b

— I, Duke of Lorraine, and Bene- dictines of St. Di§ XIII-345a

— Duke of Mantua, and Golden Rose VI-630d

— n. King of Naples 1-29 Id; 292c; X-686b

— n. King of Poland. See Au- gustus II, King of Poland

— I, Elector Palatine XI-ll5d

— n, Elector Palatine XI-116a; and Luther VII-197a; and the Reformation IX— 443a

— m, Elector Palatine XI-416b; Bucer III-26a; catechism III- 203d; V-763a; religious policy V-514d

—IV, Elector Palatine XI-416b; and Protestant League X-76b

—V, Elector Palatine XI-416b; King of Bohemia II-126a; IV- 600a; IX-lOlb; XII-341a; de- feat III-20d; VI-502b; X-76b; and Ferdinand II VI-41a: Thirty Years War XIV-&4SC; 649b; 649c

— I, King of Prussia XII-522b; XIII-SOlc; and Berlin II- 493d; and Pietism XII-Slc; and Lehnin IX-134b; and Philipp Spener XII-81b; and Wolf II-765d

—II, King of Prussia XII-522d; and American Revolution XV-163d; battle (1757) IX- 664d; and Berlin II-494a; and Brief VI-136d; and Church II^94b; church history VI- 104d; and duelling V-185b; and England VI-172C; and Felbiger VI-27b; and Cresset, Jean-Baptiste VII-29b; and Jesuits XIII-791b; XIV-99b; and Joseph II VIII-509a; and Lehnin IX-l34b; on Maria Theresa IX-665d; and Punc- tation of Ems V-410b; reli- gious policy II-763d; V-522d; rule of VI-507a; and Seven Years War IX-664d; and Sile- sia IX-663b; and torture XIV- 769a

— IV, of Prussia, and Peter Cor- nelius IV-370C

— IV, King of the Romans. See Frederick III, emperor

—IV, Duke of Saxe<Jotha XIII- 494c

— I, Duke of Saxony, Landgrave of Thuringia, Leipzig univer- sity IX -140c

— n, KIcrtor of Saxony, and

Church iu Poland XII-IOlc —III, Elector of Saxony, and George the Henrded Vl-ir)7b; and Ijuinanism VII-S4()c; and Luther 1 1 Hi.Wd ; XII -702c; 704b; XIII-499c; Protestant XII-495d; and the Reforma-

tion IX-445a; and Scotus XIII-612b; Wittenberg, pos- session of XV-678d; Witten- berg, University of XIII-499c; XV-679a

— I, King of Sicily. See Frederick II, emperor

— n. King of Sicily X-685c; 685d; and Arduino II of Cefalil III- 476b, and Carbonell XII-234a; and Pacificus XI-382c; and Villanovanus XV-430a

— m. King ol Sicily X-6S5d; XIII-776a: and Colonnas II- 664a; and Thebes XIV-562d

—I, King of Sweden VII-300b

— Iving of Trinacria. See Fred- erick II, King of Sicily

— n, Duke of Urbino, biography by Baldi II-219b

—Prince of Waldeck XV-527b

— I, King of Wurtemberg XV- 716d; university V-160a

— cardinal, and Leo IX IX-162a

— I, Bishop of Augsburg II-74c; statues II-78C

— n, Prince-Bishop of Bamberg II-244a

—in, Prince-Bishop of Bamberg I I -244a

— cardinal, Prince-Bishop of Breslau II-76.3c; VII-299c

— I, Archbishop of Cologne IV- n8a. andSt. NorbertXI-lOOb

— m, .Archbishop of Cologne IV- n8b

— IV, Archbishop of Cologne IV- 118d

— cardinal, Archbishop of Gnesen III-402a

— B i s h o p of Hamburg-Bremen VII-121d

— Venerable, Abbot of Hirschau VII-363b; XV-629C

— Count of laenberg. and St. Engelbert of Cologne V-430b

— Archbishop of Mainz, and Council of Augsburg II-78c; and Leo VII IX-160a

—Archbishop of Milan X-301b

— Abbot of Monte Cassino, and Victor II XV-410a

— I, Bishop of Munster X-637a

— n. Count of Are, Bishop of Munster X-637b

— ni. Bishop of Munster X-636a; 637d

— Duke of York, Bishop of Osna- bruck XI-342a

— .\bbot of St. Paul without the Walls IX-477d

— I, Bishop of Salzburg XIII- 229d; 41 Id

— Bishop of San Marco and Bi- signano XIII— 449a

— Count of Toggenburg, and Swiss League XIV-359d

— Bishop of Worms XV-70Sb

— Anton Ulrich, Prince of Wal- deck XV-527C

— Augustus I, Elector of Saxony. See Augustus II, King of Po- land

— Augustus I, King of Saxony Xlll-SOla; 500d; and Church in Poland XII-191d; and Schneider XIII-501c; and Vol- tor Xin-501c; and Warsaw Xn-lS7b

— Augustus n. Elector of Saxony. See .\ugustus III, King of Poland

— Augustus n. King of Saxony, and Dresden V-157d: and Tischendorf IV-85d; and Zin- zendorf II-618C

— Augustus m. Elector of Sax- ony. See Frederick Augustus I, King of Saxony

— Augustus, Prince-Bishop of Liibeck, possession of Olden- burg XI-238a

— Charles, Prince of Prussia, and Mctz X-248a

— Christian, Elector of Sasony

(171)4) XIII-501C — Eugene, Duke of Wilrtemberg XV-71Gd

— Francis I, Duke of Mecklen- burg-Scluverin X-lOOc

— Francis IV, Duke of Mecklcn-

Inirg-Schwerin X-109d — Giinther, Prince of Sehwarz- burg-R\idol8ta<lt, and German Confederation XIir-.)94b

— Henry, Prince of Orange, and Bois-le-Duo 1 1 - 625b ; and Breda II-752b; Thirty Years War XIV-652C

— Hohenzoilem, and Sigismund ot Hungary XIII-785a

— Maurice, Prince of S^dan II- 711c

— of Aiagon, and Lorenzo de* Medici X-120d; and Patti Xl-567a;and SannazaroXIII- 45aa

— of Aufsess. See Frederick III, Prince-Bishop of Bamberg

— of Baden, Bishop of L'trecht XV-246C

— of Blankenheim, Bishop of Utrecht XV-24ac

— of Ghyvelde and Franciscan tertiaries XIV-644d

— of Hesse, King of Sweden. See Frederick I. King of Sweden

— of Hohenstaufen. See Fred- erick II. Emperor of Germany

— of Holstein, Duke, Lutheran Bishop of Hildesheim VII- 353d

— of Luxemburg, count. Duke of Lower Lorraine IX-363d

— of Normandy, in Scandinavian literature XIV-.354d

— of Saarwerden. See Frederick III, Archbishop of Cologne

— of Saxony, son of George the Bearded VM58a

— of Sicily. See Roger of Sicily

— of Suabia, emperor VI-252C; and Mosvnoupolis X-600c; and succession VI-491a; Teu- tonic Order XIV-541b

— of the Rhine, Prince-Bishop of Basle H-339b; and books 1 1 1-52 lb

— of Thuringia, landgrave, death X-350b

— of Truhendingen. See Frederick II, Prince-Bishop of Bamberg

— of Weid. See Frederick IV, Archbishop of Cologne

Fredericksborg, Denmark, castle of, Copenhagen (ill ) IV-727c; Catholic population IV-723d

Fredericksburg, town, Texas, German settlement VI-4S0d; XIII^25b

— town, Virginia XV^51d;battle (1862) XV-1 72a; cemetery XV- 454c; port XV-453b

Fredericksen, John, writer IV- 731c

Frederick the Degenerate, of Thuringia, and Adolf of Nassau VI-494a

— the Great. See Frederick II, King of Prussia

— the Valiant, of Meissen, Saxonv Xin-499b

— the Victorious. See Frederick I, Elector Palatine

— the Warlike, statue by von Val- horn,VI-392a; and Wittenberg XV-678d

— the Wise. See Frederick II, Elector Palatine

Fredericktown, Missouri, mission X-401d

Frederick WilUam I, Elector of Brandenburg XII-521C: and German history VI-502b; and Leopold I of" Germany VI- SOoa; library IX-232b; and Minden, Germanv X-324C; and Pacca XI-3S0b; and Sweden VI-504a: in Thirty Years War XIV-655d

— WiUiam, Duke of Mecklen- burg-Schwerin X-109b

— WiUiam n, of Brandenburg and Lehnin IX-134b

—William m. Elector of Bran- denburg. See Frederick Will- iam I, King of Prussia

—WilUam I, King of Prussia Xn-521c; and .\frican colo- nies XlI-.V22a; Elector of Hesse VII-.3(X)b; and Jews VIII- .■i97d; and Lehnin IX-l:!4b; policy Vl-506d; svncretiatic strike XIV-384b; toleration II-494b

—William n. King "f Prussia X-623d; XI-17l)d: \II-.")2.^c: administr.'itiitn \'l .^OSc; Mn<l Bavarian nunci^iluic XI ir.Ib; and Berlin II-4!'4a; and IVc- laralion of Pielnitz IX-f.l'idc;

and Fourth Coalition X-692«; and Jesuits IV-37a; and War- saw, Diocese of XV-555d

— William HI, King of Prussia XII-525C; and Bonn Univer- sitv II-674a; and Broglie II- 796b; and Catholics VII-8d; and Droste-Vischering V-162b; and ecclesiastical union XV- 147b; and Holy Alliance VII- 39Sb; and marriages, mixed V-193a; and Pius VII XII- 133d; policy, religious II-764b; V-643a: in temperance move- ment XIV-483C

— William IV, King of Prussia XII-52Sb; and Accademia di Archeologia I-87b; and Becke- dorff II-382a; and Cologne cathedral IV-117c; Conflict of Cologne VI— 465b and Deger IV-677C; and Dunin V-193c; VI -591c; and Evangehcal Johannites VII-480b; German unity VI-510C; policy, religious V-162c; 643d; and von Rado- witz XII-632a; and Reumont XII-79Sc: 799a; and Schleswig XIII-544b: and Swan, Order of rV-346d

Frederiksdal, mission, Greenland VI-779b

Fredesutida. See Frideswide

Fredi, Bertolo di, painter XIII- 779a

FREDOLI, BERENGER (BER- ANGER DE FRfiDOL), car- dinal VI-244b; 2.")7a; at B^z- iers VI-257b: IX-227a; in- quisition prisons, inspection of VIII-34a; Maguelonne X- 545b; as papal penitentiar>- XIII-147C

Fredolo, Bishop of Oviedo XI- 364b

Fredonia, province, Colombia X- 116d

Fredrikshaab, cemetery VI-779C

Fredro, dramatist XII-199a

— the younger, dramatist XII-


Free Baptists, in New Hampshire

X-789b; in Rhode Island

Xin-22b — Christian Church, women in

ministry XV-696a — Church Council, in England

XV-149b — Churchmen, Puritan party


VI-257b; XIII-630b; Otago

V-191C — Church of Scotland, United.

See United Free Church of

Scotland — Communion Baptists II-281b — Communities, Lutheran V-

r,14d — Companies XV-214d; and Ur- ban V XV-215a Freedmen, Bureau of XV-173d;

succession of, in Roman Law

IX-83C Freedom, in Cartesian system

IV-746d; and habit VII-lOIc;

Herbartianism VII-248b; of

woman XV-687d — religious XIV-764a; necessity

XIV-769d; necessary limita- tion XIV-770C; and the State

XIV-7C9b; 770a — of the press, restrictions III-

519d —of thought, and intellect XIV-

764a; and moral order XIV-

7H4a; and toleration XIV-764a Free Enquirer, periodical II I -lb — from Rome, nioM'nient n-134d Freel, James, in Br... .klyn I [-7nOc -Patrick, in Bro,.klyn ll-7;mc Free Love, in AiKirchism I-4.i2c Freeman, periodical, Canutla XI-

673b —family, Maryland II-229b — Daniel, and Bible, Nebraska

X-730d — Edward Augustus, on St. An-

selni l-.547a; .>19c; on Bur-

gundv lll-OSb; on Glaston-



Freeman's Journal, Sydney, .Aus- tralia II-120b, and McEncroe XIV-365d

Large type iudicatca titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = Ulustrations,