Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/359

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Gamerius. See Irnerius

Garnet, Brian VI-386C

Garnet, George. See Korner.

—HENRY VI-3Sr,c; and Gun- powder plot VI-387b; VII-S3a- S4a; S4b; Xni-Go3b; portrait VI-3.S()C

— Richard \"I-3VNa

—THOMAS, VENERABLE VI- 3SSa; and Barkwurlh 11-29(5(1

Garnet's Straw (ill.) VI-3S7d

Gamett, Ann XII-55Sd

— Elisa U- 114b

—Thomas, iiuirtyr XI-179a

Gamier, Madame XI-J91c

— chronicler XIV-()77a

—Anthony, Sulpician II-230b;


--_ „j, UUi[71MUU n— ^JUO

IX-2U4d; XIII-379a: XIV- 329d: 330b — Baudr; X-S90c —CHARLES VI-388C; mission- ?,"?; I-235b; III-232d; 551b: VII-575c;577b; VIII-170a: X- 379b; and Chaatellain III- 637d; and Jogues VIII^20b —Francis, explorer VII-776d; 765c . — Guillemette XI-127a — JTEAN VI-388d: on Honorius I

VI-3.SSC; VII^55d — JULIEN, missionary VI-3S9b: 16b; II-462C; VII-582b; X- 387b; 387c; XIII-714C — Valentine, Vicar Apostolic of

Kiang-nan VIII-634C Gamysz, Mathias, Bishop Wloc-

lawck XV-682a Garofalo. See Tisio Garonhiagne, Indian chief X-

3SUa Garonmana (Auhu vahishta), in

Zoroastrianism Il-loUb Garreau, Leonard, II-751d- V- Hi4c; VII-.377b; 5S2b; XIII- 4!>7c Garrelon, Marie-Ephrem, bishop

IX-5s9b; Xll-iilla Garret, hpntu- XIII-44d — Almeida. .Sr, Alniciila Gurrolt Garrett Biblical Institute X-241d GaiTigan, Philip Joseph, Bishop of Sioux City VIII-96b; XII- 398a;XIV-16c Garrighy, Hugh, martjT VIII-

I67d Garrigues, Jules, martyr III-

671c: IX-748a Garrison, J. H., Disciples of Christ V-30a

WilUam Lloyd, and abolitionist XV-l(J9c Garrod, Alfred Henry, physio- logical research X-138(r Garrotte XII-5t;9d GARRUCCI, RAFFAELE VI- 389d; on catacombs III-51Sa- 707a; and Chair of Peter III- o53d Garry, Indian chief XIV-232C Garry-Owen. See Finn G^sendonio, Bishop of Mantua

IX-eilc; 612d Garshin, B. XHI-274a Garsignies, de, and Abbey of

Prfmontr^ XII-.392b Garson, Justine Vlll-.ionb Garsten, Abbey of -X- 11.7b Garter, Order of the III-OQc- VI-4.-,4d: X-30i-,c: XIII-.i.50d' Garthe, astronomer XV-l,S.5c Gartlan, Ignatius, missionary

XV-7ir,d Gartlano, Francis Xavier, Bishop of Savannah II-312a; XIII-

G^rtnaidh, Pictish King XIII-

Gartner, Joseph, botanist VIII-

•i71a Gartz. mona.stery XII-22.M Garveloch, mona,stery XIII-63Ic Garyey, Eugene A., Bishop of

Altoona I-36Sd: XIV-647d Garzia, Gonsalvo. See Garcfa,


3nnb: rathwlral of IV-123C- VI-.-)90b; XII-2.i8c

Gas, in altar-lamp I-354d; anips- thctic I-448b; Belmont in- vestieations of VII-212d;'nat- uralXV-157c: illuminating in- vented IX-.393a; X-326c

°^Z':'{?,3,%.':- "^ionary

X-612d; XI-733b'

Gasco, Bernardo, Bishop of Maz- zara X-94c

Gascoigne, Anne XIV-713c

— Catherine, Benedictine X- 564b: XIV-244C

—Sir Thomas II-386d; and plot

, ^','3'^' °° libraries, at Ox-

ford IX-231b

Gascoin, Leocadie, and Moreau V II-403b

Gascon, missionary X-382d

Gaselee, S., Bible edition XVI-

Gases, compressibility of XII- 60c: Despretz IV-755d: Fon- tana on VI-127c; Laplace the- ory XII-66b; laws II-53d;

• xir-^i^b'" '-"" ^^^■"'""

Gashmu. See Gossem

Gasindi IX-338b

GaskeU, trial of. See Greenough

V. GaskeU Gasnier, Edouard, Bishop of

Malacca IX-562d Gasotti, Agostino, Bishop of

Lucera IX-406C Gaspar, Abbot of Melk X-167b — one of the Magi IX-528b — missionary IV-76d — Alvares, Blessed, martyr XIV-

I09d; 110a —da Madre de Deus. and Pinna

da EncarnafSo XII-103a Gaspare da Firenze, Blessed, and

Maffei IX-522b — BUFALO, BLESSED VI-390b- X-542d; XII-373d; The Most Precious Blood Congregation X-393b: XII-107b: 373d: XIV-123b Gasparin, AgSnor de, count, on

Spiritism XIV-222b Gasparina, Princess of Rohan-

Roohefort XII-799d Gaspar of the Holy Cross, mis-

aionarv- Xn-368Ha Gasparolo, on Vatican Archives

XV-290a Gasparri, A., and Breviary re- form XVI-14C — Pietro, cardinal XVI-18a; An- glican orders XV-314d; clan- destinity IV-2a; Pius X XII- I38c; subdiaconate XIV-320C Gaspar Sandamatzu, Blessed

XIV- 110a Gaspe, mission III-232b; X-


— Basin, expedition of Jacques

Cartier III-392d Gaspesian Indians IX-109b;

570c: X-284b Gasquet, Aidan, abbot II-462b- y-149d: and Anglican orders XV-314d; Bacon's letter XIII- 112d; on Book of Common Prayer II-679b; on English Catholicism V-4S8b; on manu- script-repairing XV-292d; on English monastic life I-9a; on pre-Reformation times V-78c- on Wyclifite Bible II-141d; V- 44 Id: XV-724a Gassend, Pierre. See Gaasendi GASSENDI, PIERRE VI-39?b IV-794a: XII-57a; 73c; por- trait VI-.391C; on atomism II- 53d; logic of IX-327d: and motion of projectiles, theory XII-.57b: on time XIV-720(i Gasser, Lorenz, anatomist X-

137b — Vincenz, of Brixen II- 13Ib:794c:VI-51d;XV-305b; 306d —VON VALHORN, JOSEPH

Gassin Xl-4n2b


—Michael, Doan of Brixen I-51.5c

Gastaldi IX-.33sb

~?no!i"P °' S'alu^zo XV-305b;

—Archbishop of Turin. Ros-

minian Xfll-201b: 201c Gastaldo, cardinal XIII-174d Gast«, missionary X-383a Gastebled, Francois. See Vata-

ble. Francois <'«^teiger, Joseph, miaaionary

Gastel, Lambert, and Barthol-

omites VII-440a ^\^^^^J ¥• S-' "" Ecclesiasticus

750d '='"=8ete XIV-750b;

Gaston, martyr X-3S9a; 391c

—Alexander VI-392d

Gaston, Guillermo, Bishop of

Pamplona XI-43Sa — Ra™undo, Bishop of Valencia

GASTOnI Wn-LIAM VI-392d: and Georgetown Univeraitv VI-459b: Xl-109d '"""""y VI-34 *°™°" Brand duke Gaston Hall, Georgetown Uni- versity VI-460a Gastonia, Maria VIII-518d Gaston of Dauphine I-555d "$* °'i?,%°^- '" Thirty Years

War XIV-654a Gate, of church V-746b Gate-house Chapels III-577d Gate of Nicanor, temple, Jeru- salem XIV-503d of Solomon, temple, Jerusalem XIV-.W4b — of the Saviour X-595b Gates, Horatio XV-163b — John, and Venerable Robert

Thorpe XIV-706C — Sir Thomas XV^56a — of Cilicia I-783b Gath. See Geth Gatha-dialect II-152d Gathas II-154c; monotheism in IV-686a; spirits in II-155a; Zoroastrian hymns II-152C R^^i'SS?."- ^" Gathremmon GATIANUS, SAINT, Bishop of Tours VI-392d; 395d: IX- 721d: XV-2b; illuminated MS. of IX-624a Gating, at Cambridge III-214C Gatomaquia (Lope de Vega) IX-

3.54d Gatschet, Albert, ethnologist XI-

403b; XIV-73.5d: 778a7 778d Gatta, Bartolomeo della, paint-

mg. Vatican XV-279d: 28.5a Gattamelata, Erasmo, birthplace '^,':lif';^°'"^t'-no, statue by (ill.) V-farmg 116 Gatlerer, Christian. See Hilarius

of Sexten G*tti' Angelo, at University of

Pisa XII-112C — Giovanni XV-488c — Giuseppe, archaeologist I-690c

1 V-740d — Gugliehno XV-488c — Lando XV-4S8b — Princivalle XA'-4SSc — Silvestro XV-4SSb Gatulia. See Mc.n.cco GAU, FRANZ CHRISTIAN VI-

— John, writings XIII-625C Gaubald, Blessed, nishop of Rat-

isbon. .See Gawibaki

Gaubert, in Reunion XIII-.344b


III-673d; 6S0a: IV-22.'.b: XII-

656c: map of China XII-720d-

on R^gis XII-721a

Gaucerannus, Lord of Baug« 

XIV-291a Gauchos XV-232C Gaud, Saint IV-».5r,b Gaude, L6onard, a-qiiiprobilist

XII-44.3a: fiSTa: XlV-filob Oaude, Pisani^de la. Bishop of


—Bishop of Salerno XIU-397d -Bishop of Squillace XIV-239b — Bishop of Verona XV-361d -OF BRESCIA, Franciscan theologian VI-394a; XIV-

Gaudericus, Bishop of Velletri.

See Gaudiosus Gaudes of the Blessed Virgin.

Gaude Si'on et tetare, III-294C Gaudete Sunday I-I66a: colour

liturcical IV-134d GAUDIER, ANTOINE LE VI-

394d: XIV-620a Gaudin, missionary XII-287d

— Tuliette_ fi-iiiT..In«i'.,.. t:it .nr.



VI-478a Gastein, treaty of XIII-544d

Gaudel, Abbe, and Donoso Cortes

V-132d Gaude Maria Virgo III-246c:

XV-463b: Taverner XIV-466d Gaudens. .See Gaudentius, Saint Gaudentianus X-674b; medal

I1I-248C; X-112a Gaudenti of Our Lady, associa-

tion. at Rologna X-.306a Gaudentius, Saint, martyr XIV-

— Bishop of Bolsena XI-.332c —SAINT, Bishop of Brescia VI-

393c; II-760C; VI-1.53b — of Constance lV-287a — Saint, Archbishop of Gnesen

Iv —464c — Saint, Bishop of Novara XI-

— Bishop of Pisa Xll-lUb — Saint, Bishop of Rimini XIII- SSc; XIV-1.3d

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, PageTaTb^dTquarter of page.

— — — ;— I "..ojiviidi J -.^.ii— zo/a

-Juliette, foundation VII-40Sd Gaudmus, Samt, Bishop of Sois-

sonsXIV-lSla Gaudiosus, Saint, Bishop of

Brescia II-760c —Bishop of Gubbio VII-55d —Bishop of Messina X-217b — Bishop of Pozzuoli XII-331d — foTrf ^'*'^°P °f Salerno XIII-

~Sil'i°P °f Velletri VI-139d:

VIII-491C; X-346d -f.AINT. Bishpp of Tarazona

\I-395a; XIV-178b; 452b Gaudium in Domino XIll-384c GAUDK, DIOCESE OF XVI-

43a Gaudri^ Bishop of Laon VI-539d;

Gauffridi, Louis Vn-701b Gaufredi, Raimondo, Franciscan

VI-245b; 2S3b: X-63b

  • ^\'HV,'^"5' Bishop of Tortoea

Al V-7o5c — Arturas. See Geoffrey of Mon- mouth Gaugain, Leopold, Abbot of Li-

gug/- IX-247C Gaugericus. .See G^ry Gaughren, Anthony, Vicar Apos- tolic of Kimberlcy in Orange VIII-646a —Matthew, Vicar Apostolic of Kimberley in Orange VIII- lS5b; 646a; XI-268a; XV-20b Gaul, Britons in X V-584a : Franks in VI-238d; Druidism V-162d- XII-410b — CHRISTLAN VI-395b; VII- 348b; acolytes I- 108b; an- cient ordination rite I-491c- Assumption, feast of II-6c- and barbarians VI-397b: bi.shops \7?P^,V IV-671a; VI-397?' VII-19C; and St. Ca-sarius III- 135b; canonical collection.s III- 284b; IX-61c: celibacy, clerical III^85a; and Christian Era III-738C; establishment of Christianity VI-39.5c; and Clo- vis iy-70b; VI-239a; Apostles- Creed I-630a: creeds I-631C- and St. Denis IV-721C; ec- clesiastical organization I-l 10c- heresies VI-396d; and Holy See I-380c; III-135C; lauras in IX-39c; leprosy IX-182b; Lit- urgy of. See Galilean Rite; mo- nasticism II-80d; VI-396c: X- 473a; and Northmen XI-lI6b- paganism VI-396a; and Pela- gianism XI-60Sa; first persecu- tion VI-39ob; and popes I- ??^,i„Y'-397a: and Postumus Il-lOSb; privileges VI-352c: Psalter II-770b; rite VI-357a: early sees V-115b; VI-39.5c- (314) VI-396a; social VII-19a- superstition VII-20a; and Val- entinian XV-255C; and Van- dal8VII-461a; vestments.sym- hohsm XV-391C; washing of feet XV-5.57C Gaulanitis VI-432d Gaulin, Alphonse, United States

consul VI-277b — Anthony, missionar}- IX-.'Ufid — Remigius, Bishop of Kingston

VIII-6.59b: XlII-.563d GAULLI, GIOVANNI BATTIS- TA VI-3n7d: painting in Gesd XIII-171C Gaulon Vl--I39c: XII-712a Gauls, duelling V-1S4C: in Italy VIII-224b: 231b; monastery founded I-267b; race classi- fication XII-626C; and Romans XIII-16r,c; in "Themisonium XIV-566C; and Tivoli XIV- 747b