Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/416

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XIII-485d; Steinle XIV-285d; Van der Wevden XV-269b; Zaieski XII-199C

Holy Family devotion X-543b; feast I-235C; IX-172a; XIII- 292c

— Family, church, Chicago III- 654c

— Family, church, Kansas City VIII-697b

— Family, missions, Montana X- 518d

— Family, church, Nashville X- 703c

—FAMILY, ARCHCONFRA- TERNITY OF THE \'n-407c; IV -665c; XII -683b: XIV- 126c; statistics X1I-686C

—FAMILY, ASSOCIATION OF THE VII-407d: 6Sld; II-6S3d; V-743c: Xl-is9b

—FAMILY, BROTHERS OF THE VII-40Sb; II-413d; 416a; VI-175d

— Family, Confraternity of the, Canada I-235c; III-e45b

— Family, Daughters of the. See Sisters of the Holy Family

— Family, Franciscan Sisters of the IX-717d; XIV-643b

— Family, House of the. New York V-52a


—Family, Master of the XI-399d

— Family, Religious of the IX- 476c

— Family, Sisters of the (Carcas- sonne) III-332b

—FAMILY, SISTERS OF THE (New Orleans) VII-40Sd; XII- 62Sc; 629d


— Family, Sisters of the (San Francisco) Vll—iOSd

— Family, Sisters of the (Ville- franche) Xni-109a

— Family, Dnited Sisters of the X-180d

— Family Juniorate XIII-570c

—FAMILY OF NAZARETH, SISTERS OF THE VII-40Sd; XII-209d; 210a; and Barzynaki XVI-7d; in Pittsburg XU-125d

— Family. See Sainte Famille

— Father. See Pope

— Field of the Germans. See Campo Santo de' Tedeschi

— Friday. See Good Friday

—GHOST VII-409a; XIV-221a; Acts of the Apostles I-119d; adelophagi I-141c; Albigenses I-268a; Amalricians I-379d; St. Ambrose I-387c; Vll-llla; Anglicanism XIII-93b; St. An- aelm I-549a; Argyropulos I- 707b; in art, Jouvenet VIII- 529a; in art, Medulif X-145c; Athanasian Creed II-33d; St. Athanasius VII-410d; 4Ub; Athenagoras VII— 410b; attrib- utes I-658c; St. Augustine VII- 411b; 4Uc; 412a; St. Basil II- 333a; VII-411a; 411d; 412a; Bogomili 1 1-6 12a; Bohemian Brethren II-618d; Cal- vinists I-741d; Cerinthus III-539b; charismata III-589c; VII-413d; Christ, birth of XV- 44Sb; Christ, conception of VII-676C; Clementines IV^lc; Clement of .Alexandria IV-47c: St. Clement of Rome I-631d; VII-410a; confirmation IV- 215c; Constantinople, Creed of Vll^Ua; Corinthians, Epistle to IV-366d; St. Cyril of Alex- andria Vll-lllc; St. Cyril of .Inniaaliiii IV-.Wnc; descent uf Xl\ .M."iC; r.'i-^b; Didymus tho BImd IV rsib; VII-411a; dog- ma of VII lOOa; Dukhobors XII-r,,-,()b; Duns Scotus V- 197b; .Xlll r.lla; Epiklc.aia I- l.'}7b; V-.".l)i;a; St. Epiphanius Vll-llla; II Id; .St. Epipodiua VII nub: Mugi-ne IV VII- 412b; I'llioMur VI-7.3a; VII- 41.'rt;Nln (i.-.d; Fruits of VII- 414b; I'ruiljj of, St. Thomaa on VII-4l4b —Gifts of VII-»13b; Thomiatio t«achinKXIV-r)67d;and virtues Vll-ll.ic; XV-173a — Gnosticism II-327d; VI-,595c;

grace VI-691d; 705a; Greek heresy VII-409b; St. Gregory of Nazianzus VII-14d; 411a; St. Gregory of NeocEesarea VII-16C; 410c; St. Gregory of Nyssa VII-411a; Gunther VII- 86b; Harnack I-631d; heresies VII^09a; St. Hilary VII-412a; St. Hippolytus VII-410C; and the Incarnation I-542b; in- dwelling I-147b; 149b; VI- 707d; XIV-5S6a; and infalli- bility of Church VII-792d; and inspiration VIII-46a; St. tren- a>us VII-410C; St. John Chry- soatom VII-412a; St. Justin MartvT VIII-582d; 585c; Leo XIirxIV-671b; Macedonius, heresy of VII^09b; and man XV-.55a: miracles, gift of X- 3.50d, in Naaorsean ffionology X-707a; novena XI-143d; Or- dera, Holy XIV-587c; Para- clete XI-469b: patristic teach- ing Vll^lOb; 411d; Paul of Samoaata XI-5S9C; Photinus XII^3c; Photiua XII-46b; Plvmouth Brethren XII-172d; Pneumatomachi VII-409b; XII-174a; St. Polvcarp VII- 410b; and the pope XV-308d — Procession of the VII-411a; St. Ambroae of Camaldoli on I- 38Sb: Anastaaius Bibliothe- carius XVI-2d; Anthimus of Aclirida I-104a: Armenian be- lief I-739a: Eastern dispute XIII-65d; Epiphanius XIII- 394c; Florence, Council of VII- 412b; Lyons, Council of VII- 412b; Orthodox Church XIII- 538d ; patristic teaching VI-73d

— and the sacraments Xlil-296a; sacrifice of the Cross XIII- 317a; Scripture references VI- 73c; Seleucia. Council of VII- 411d; .Semiarians XIII-694a; sign of the Cross XIII-785c; Simon Magus XIII-798C

— sin against VII— 414b; St. Au- gustine on VII^14d; 415a; patristic teaching VII^14d; St. Thomaa on VII-414d

— spiration VII-412C; XIV-5S4c; svmbolism II-576C; V-144c; SyTian Rite XIV-115d ; temples of XIIH07d; Tertullian VII- 410c; 412a; in the New Testa- ment VII-409C; Teatem Bene- volentiffi XIV-537d; Theophil- us of .\ntioch VII-410b ; Thom- istic teaching VII— 412c; XIV- 700b; Tongues, Gift of XIV- 776d; 777a; and Tradition VII- 410a; and the Trinity VII- 409b; XIV-584b; Universalist teaching XV-181c; St. Vincent VII-410d; and Virgin Mary XV^69a; worship of XV- 710d; 711b; 711c

— Ghost, hospital, Boston II- 706d

— Ghost, hospital, Breslau VII- 189b

— Ghost, church, Knoxviile X- 703c

— Ghost, asylum, Naples VI- 219b

— Ghost, hospital, Nuremberg XI-169d

— Ghost, college, Oaxaca XI- ISlc

—Ghost, hospital. Paris XI-491b

— Ghost, college, Pittsburg XII- 124d

— Ghost, seminary, Rome XIII- 376b

■ — Ghost, church, Sandomir XIII- 437c

—Ghost, abbey, Sulmona XVI- 20a

— Ghost, churches. United States XI-564C

— Ghost, hospital, Viborg XVI- 81d

— Ghost, hospital, Vienna X- 125d

— Ghost, Archconfraternity of the I-l().".d

— Ghost, Brothers of the (Con- gregations of the). See Holy (Ihoat and the Immaculate II<'!irt of Marv. Congregation .)f the

— Ghost, Confraternity of the XIV-121C


— Ghost, Fathers of the. See Holy Ghost and the Immacu- late Heart of Mary, Congrega- tion of the

—Ghost, Guild of the III-577d

— Ghost, Knights of the VII- 416c; X-272d; 306c

—GHOST, ORDER OF THE VII-415b; III-296a; 598c; X- 305c; and Guy of Montpellier VII-482d; and Innocent III VIII-16C; S. Spirito in Sassia XIII-175b; Sisters Hospitallers VIlHl77b

— Ghost, Royal Order of the. .See Holv Ghost, Knights of the


—GHOST, SISTERS OF THE (San Antonio, Texas) VII- 41Sa

—GHOST, SISTER-SERVANTS OF THE VII-41Sa; V-54c, Arnold Janssen XVI— 47b: Ja- pan \'III-308d

— Ghost, Society of the Servants of the. .See Hol.\- Ghust. Si.-tcr Servants of the

—GHOST AND THE IMMACU- LATE HEART OF MARY, CONGREGATION OF THE Vll-llfid; X-:fT3b; in Africa I-lsOb; 191a; XVI-,S4b; Apos- tolic school XIII-586d; 587b: Canada III - 239b; Congo I V - 2 3 5 b ; Damaraland IV- 611c; Doaquet V-137c; France VI -175b; 175d; in Gren- oble V 1 1 - 2 6 d ; Guadaloupe VII-44C; Haiti VII-115b; Ire- land VIII-113d: Liberia IX- 217b: Libermann IX-223a: Martinique IX-731C: Mayotte X-91a; Nigeria XI-74b; pat- ronal feast X-600b; Philadel- phia XIII-283b; Pittsburg XII-124d: poor, care of XII- 239b: Seminario Franceae XIII-135b: and slavery XIV- 39b: Southern Katarga XVI- 68c; TeffS XVI-69c; Tiberi XIII-376b: Le Tournoux XIII-376b: Zanzibar XV- 751b; XVI-S5b

— Ghost, See Espiritu Santo; Holy Spirit: Santo Spirito: Spirito Santo

— God we praise Thy Name XIV- 470d

— GraU. See Grail. Holy

— Heart, seminary, Halifax XIII- 700a

— Heart, Congregations of. See Heart of Marj'. Congregations of the

— Helpers, St. Christopher III- 729b; St. Euatachiua V-627c

— Hermitage, Camaldolese III- 204d

— Hermitage, Congregation of the III-203a

— Hermitage and San Michele di Murano, Congregation of the III-205C

— Hill, convent, Wisconsin III- 365c: X-320C

— Horn, in East Syrian Rite XIV-417a

-Hour I-fi33a; IX-64:?c

— Hour, Archconfraternity of the XI-477a; XIV-123b

—House, Walsingham X\'-464a

— House of Australia, Sydney II- llfia

— House of Loreto. See Santa Casa



—Infancy, Feast of the 11 -601 a

— Infant Jesus, Sisters of the XII-73na

Holyinger, Conradus. See Con- r;iil ,if S.ixoiiv


— in art: Bonvicino II-678d; Karinato V-78Sb; Matteo da Siena X-5.3a

—feast Ill-lfiSc: Alleluia I- 319d; Bobhio Misiial III-502a:

boy-bishop II-725c: Epistle

IX-195d: Galilean Rite VI-

360a: Gloria VI-584b; hymna

XII-607b: post-Nicene Church

I-197C — frescoes X-477d; patronage

XI-566C: in prophecy XIV-

.5970 — limocents, churches, England

XI-563b — Innocents, hospital, England

IX-lS4d — Innocents, church, Paris XVI-

53b — limocents, home, Portland

XII-2S8C — Island, Lindisfarne IX-269a — Land. See Palestine except as

below — Land, college, Washington III-

45Gb — Land, Commissariat of. See

Commissariat of the Holy Land —Land, Medal of the IV-070a — Land, Society of the X-37oc —League (of 1511) VIII-o63c:

XIV-264C; XV-338C; Henry

VIII VII-222C: and Maximil- ian I VI-499a — League (of 1571) Granvelle VI-

727c; Philip II XII-3d — League (of 1576). See League

of l.">76 — Leaven, Nestorian sacrament

XIV-417a Holyman, John, Bishop of Bristol

Il-790d Holy Mandylion V-2S3a — Meeting, Feast of the IV-315C — Mother of God, church, Con- stantinople III-95b — Mountain (Mount Athos) II-

4Sc — Name, church, Bombay II-

645b; Vn-734b; (ill.) II-644C — Name, cathedral, Chicago III-

655b; (ill.) Ill-facing 654 — Name, churches. United States

XI-564C — Name, chapel, Washington


420a; Ambrosian Rite I-39Sa;

Meissen BreWary XI-526d;

.Sarum Use XIII-}81a — Name, Litany of the. See

Litany of the Holv Name —NAME, SOCIETY OF THE

VII-42nb; XIV-121C; 783a — Name Journal VII-421a; XIV-

121d — Name of God, college, Bassein

II-344a — Name of God, Society of the

VI 1 -420c '

— Name of God and Jesus, Con- fraternity of the Most. See

Holy Name. Society of the —NAME OF JESUS VII-

421a; VIII-374b; Xni-41b:

St. Bernardine's devotion II-

50.3d; in Hail Mary Vll-llld;

on host I-350b: month of X-

542b; office of the XVI-47b:

power of III-390C: votive mass,

Durham V-214b — Name of Jesus, church, Ebens-

hurcXII-123b — Name of Jesus, Sisters of the

IX-717d — Names of Jesus and Mary,

Sisters of the. See Names of

Joaua and Marv. Sisters of the

Iloh- — Name of Mary, parish, .Algiers,

Louisiana XI-13a — Name of Mary, Sisters of the

IX-7.->0d — Names, convent, Oakland

XIII-142d — Night (Correggio) I - 31Sd;

(Muller) X-629d Holyoake, George Jacob, free- thinker VI-239b; Scculanam XIII-676a; 677a Holy Office, Congregation of the VIl-2H0d; VUI-37c; XIII- 137a; 137b: 13Sc; on adoption I-147d: assessor I-799c; and boycotting XVI-13a; decrees Xl'lI-13Sd; I39a; fiscal VI- S2d: and Index. Congregation of the XIII-143C: jurisdiction XIl-75,5d;XlII-13Sa:Lament- abiliXIV-369d;asinntrimonial court IX-701b; XIII-UOc;

Large type indicates titles of articles; other typos, topics treated; (ill.) = illustratioBs,