Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/419

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Hooker, Richard, author V-464a; oa Angl.can Rite . I-49od; on Apostolic succession l-4MdD, on confession XIII-655C; Eras- tiani3mV-516b;XI-370d

Hoonacker, Albin August van. Biblical Commission II-557C; on Esdras and Nehemias V-

Ho-on-Ko, Buddhist feast VIII- 305c ,. _. , ,

Hooper, John, Anglican Bishop of Worcester XV-704b; on Anti- christ I-oOlc; curfew I-4Sbb; and Feclienham VI-2oc: and Holyman II-790d; and Mary Tudor IX-767a; Prcsbyterian- ism XII-393b; Reformation 1- sn2c

—WiUiam Vin-13>vd

Mrmr-Cou;t"fr-371b; V-32Sa Hoornaer, Joannes van, martyr



Hoornbeck, Johannes MI-371a Hooydonk, Jan van. Bishop ot

Breda II-752C

HOPE, SAINT V-766b HOPE tvirtue) VII-465c: XV- 474b- Amalricians I-3(9d; and charity XV-474C; and Deca- logue I-768C; heroic virtue VII-293b; and justihcatiqn VI-701d; 707b; and mortal sin VI-709b; passion I-656c; XI- 534c; XIV-616a; and presump- tion XII-403b-, Quesnel XV- 129b; Quietism XII-610b; and religion XII-740d; Sansovino s statue XIII-454a; symbol I- 462a; Thomism XIV;f67d —Indian reservation XIV-431a —periodical VII-395b -Sir Alexander yil-te^l . —James, adnairal IIl-6S>3d.

Vnl-634b ^. ,.„

—James, physician X-140a -jtSes^itzalan VII-4fi8b^ —James Robert. See Hope-i?cott —John, 2d Earl of Hopetoun VII-167d . .

—Our Lady of, shrine XII-72Jd -Sisters of II-6S4a; MI-40ia;

— CoUege, Michigan XII-/lla Hopedale, socialistic community XIV-69b . ...^

Hope-Jones, R., organ builder

HOPE-^COTT, JAMES ROB- ERT VII-t67d; and BellMis 11— 113d; conversion XI-3/7b, and Manning IX-606C

Hopetoun, Earl of. See Hope, .lohn 2d Earl of Hopetoun

HopeweU, school II-28pa

Hopfl, Biblical Commission ir

.^ Pentateuch XI-654d

Hophni. .^'c Ophni

IoPi'IhOMTAUNDIANS VII- 46Sc; XII-o55a; oo.a; XV 84d- dancers (ill.) Vll-facing %t-. maiden (ilM Vll-469a; missions VI - 47Sa ; P^aver- sticks XV-709d; Pueblo (ill.) VII-468d „^

hopital, guillaume


—Michel del'. ■S" I- H"'!""' Hopkins, Edward Washburn,

Orientalist VII-3.59b — Esek, naval officer II-205b, 310d . . 1-

—Frederick C, Vicar Apostolic

of Honduras VII-449d —GERARD MANLEY XVI-15d —John, p'lfi Xlll-27a — Matthew V11-701C —Samuel XUlHUd Hoppe, author V-503C Hoppenwalde, parish X 11-2 Jba Hoppe-Seyler, Ernst Felix Josef,

chemist X-1.3?b Hop-pickers, imssion Ill-.52bD Hoppner, John, portrait of Haydn

Vll-facing 158 Hopps. officials III-fi83b Hopton, John,, Bishop of Nor- W1.1, XI l2-'b

Sir Owen \' 2'.Ub

Hopwood, Charles H. XIIl-O.^Sc Hot., abbr. l-24c Hor. Mount Vl-I40c; Aaron a d^ath I-»d; VIII-196a

Hora Aurea (Terce) XIV-515c Horace, poet XV-342d; Amer- bach on I-409b; on Acerenza I-lOla; and Ampere I-437d; and Chiabrera III-652b; Da- cier on IV-t;02a; on flagella- tion VI-92b; on force II-141a: on libraries IX-228b; medieval study of IX-33c; necromancy X-735d; on Patriotism Vl- 148a; on poetry \ l-.iU(D, Schifaldo on XII-3(i7b; and Torres Naharro XIV-7S4a; on witchcraft XV-674d

Hora duodecima (Vespers) XV- 3SIc

Horse. See Primer .

DiurnsE. See Hours, Canonical

Hora incensi (Vespers) Xv- 3S1C „. , ,

Horan, Edward J., Bishop of Kini-^ton VIlI-6.Wb; XII-508C

Hora sacra (Terce) XI V-oloc

Horatian Academy Xlll-74bc

Horayoth XIV-437b

Horbeit (Pharbaetus) XI-789C

Horde, Friedrich von. Vicar -Apos- tolic of Northern Germany VI- 529b „,-,

Hore, Edmimd, martyr Vlii-

— Matthew, martjT VIII-167b — Thomas, priest XIII-50d; XV-

457c .

Horeb, name X-fi7Sa —Mount XI V-1 Id Horem VI-t40d Horen, name X-678a Horger, Gebhard Abbot of Al-

dershach I-279d — Matthew, Abbot of Aldersbach

I-279d . „

Horgny, John d', Lazanst X-

357d ^ , .

Horhagigad. See Gagdad Horitei VI-432b; VII-638b;

XIII-70Sa Horitz, Passion Play XI-o34a Honna, nnnif X-fi78b — (Rameh) VH40d — (Sephaath) Vl-t40d; battle

IH-130b; Vnl-195c Hormaneto, papal nuncio, Car- melite reform III-361C; and Gratian VI-730a Hormannseder, Anselm, theolo- gian IV-128a Hormayr, Josef, Freiherr von VII-3S2b; and Dollinger V- 9fid , . , t

Hormaz, Elias, Archbishop ot Diarbekir. .See Hormizd-Elias .\mas.\bid Hormiga de Ora, periodical, Bar- celona II-290C; XI-690d HORMISDAS, SAINT, Pope VIH70a; XII-273b; Aries Monastery III-136d; on St. Augustine II-102d; communi- catio idiomatum IV-169c; and Dioscurus V-18c; and St. Kleu- therius V-379d; and Epipha- nius of Constantinople V-otMb; on Fathers of the Church VI- 4a- formula IV-311a; 434b; VII-219a; 79Sa; XIII-533d; and Justin I I-83b; and_ Leon- tius Byzantinus lIX-lSOc; (Ecumenical VI-759d; and Kt: Remi XII-725d; Scythlali monks X-73c; XIII-706b; and St. Silverius XIII-793a —Magi IX-.528C

(Hormizes), Bishop of Comana

IV-151b ,. „„

—Bishop of Phihppopohs Xll-

Hormizdas (Hormuz) I, King of

Persia I-fil"iHd; XI-715b — (Hormuz) H, King of Persia

XI-71.^b -(Hormuz) IV, King of Persia

XI-717C: death ni-102d; Jcw-

■|h pol.rv Vlll-3;il

— musical instrument X-657a;

pilgrim sign XII-97C —WiUiam XIV-214C ^ ^ , . Hornau, Baron von. See Gebert,

Martin ,, , „

— Liesch von. Coadjutor of Bres-

lau II-763C , ,.

Horn dance, Wichita Indiana

XV-(il7a ,, ■ • Y

Home, Johann van, physician A-

— John, ,\bbot of Jedburgh VIII-

328d „. , ,

— Robert, Anglican Bishop ot

Winchester I-167b; and Bodey

II-60Sd; and Bonner II-676b;

and Fcckenham VI-2od; and

Plowden XII-lfi7d

—Thomas Hartwell V-54Sb

Horneby, John, poet, disputation

III-3.^>4d; XIll-29b Horneck, Pietist Il-fUCa Home jus, Conrad XI-76d Horner, missionarv X\ -751b —priest (Richmond) XIII-50d — George, Coptic version of the

Bible 'xlV-533b; XVI-79a; 79b; 80b

—NICHOLAS VIH71C; martyr- dom ll-222d; V-I70b

—Richard, marlyr V-476C

-WilUam Edmonds, physician I-


William George, mathemati- cian XIII-220C

Hornet in Bible I-524a

Homig, Charles, Bishop of Vesz- pr^m XV-392d; XVI-lSa

Horn Island, Mississippi a-39I>(1

— Island, OceanicB, mission 111-

Horiiklofi, Thorbjom, poet Vil- li ISb

Hormizd-Elias Amas Abid, Arch- bishop of Diarbekir III-560a; .5tilb; XIV-fi8.3d

Hormuz, church I-670C

—Kings of Persia. See Hormiz-

Horn", of altar I-35Jb; 360c; 3fild; 362a

—(of animal), in Bible. Apoca- lypse I-.59fid; 597a; .598d; Dan- iel I-.560d

in chalice III-563a

Horns of Hattin. See Beatitudes,

Mount of J TTi

Horasey (Oronsay), island 111-

-91 . , I.U- u

Homstein, Xavenus, Archbishop

of Bukarest HI-45d Homyold, family VI-377b; chap- lain VI-94b —Alfonso Otto Gandolfi Vl-3/ ib — John VlI-47Id —JOHN JOSEPH VII-471d;

and Talbot XIV-434b —Teresa VI-377b —Thomas VI-377b Horogi Indians XV-657d Horologion IV-315d; IX-3(^3a; ■intiohons 1-57 5d; Guardian Angels. Office of VII-50d Horologv. Alexandre I-299C;

Hautefeuille VII-151C Horonaim, name X-67Sa — See Oronaim Horontius, Bishop of Vicenza

XV-405C . „ , „,

Horos, in Gnostic System VI-

HoroscopeII-18d; Africa I-lS4b; China III-687C

Horren, Abbey of XIII-345b

Horror Vacui XII-(i0b

Horsamtui, deity IV-407d

Horse, Andalusian I-4b.)b; &t. Anthony of Padua's miracle 1- 557a; Apocalypse I-596c; 59(b; in Bible I-524a; WossmK II- fiOlb; breeding of XVl-38a; Cappadocian I-786a; evolution V-664d; Greenland I-420b; sacrifice XIII-309C; 318b; da Vinci's statue XV-443a

Horseferry Road Chapel, West- minster XV-597a

Horse Gate, Jerusalem VUl-

Horse-Leech, in Bible I-524d Horsens, town IV-723d; mission IV-725d; religious orders XVI-

HoV'seshoe Arch I-68Sb; 688d;

(ills ) l-fisOa Horsey, Sir John XIII-756C Horsigh, J. van, priest XIII-5Ua Horselev. Samuel, Anglican ^Bisho^.f St. A.,aph V-472b;

Antinomianisni l-.itibO Horseley, Thomas, mart^T v-

Horsky', Rudolf, sociologist IV-

r.iMid Horst exegete XI-658a Horstius, Merlo, priest XII-353b Horstman, Phihp, priest VIU-


Horstmann, Ignatius Frederick Bishop of Cleveland IV-57b; VI-751a; VII-545d; XIV- 760b; at American College, Rome I-424b; and Catholic Federation XIV-71C . — William J., pioneer priest IV-

55d Hort, Fenton John Anthony, exe- gete IV-162d; 163b; 498b; 498c; oOOd; 601c; 503c; V- 291d; XIV-532C; 533c; 534b; Codex Amiatinus XV-518b; Ceolfrid IV-83a; Incarnation VII-710d; Pastorals XIV- 731b Hortensian, Bishop of Lares IX-

3c Horticulturalist, periodical II-

312b Hortig, Church historian VII-

378a . _

Hortola, Cosmas Damian. bee

Hortulanus Horton, Baptist church II-2S0b Hortulana, Blessed l-213a Hortulanus, Cosmas Damian,

theologian VII-2S5a HORTULUS ANIM^ VII- 472b- XII-351d; Passion, pray- ers on I^87b; XI-530a Hortus Conclusus, convent XV-

231c — Eystettensis V-365b Horumley, Bernard, martyr VIII-167C _^^^ „

Horus. deity IV-354c; 685b; V- 334c; 337a; XV-450c; cos- mogony IV-407C; V-34ob; day V-332d; emblem I-5'24b; V- 344a; VII -638a; eschatology V-347a; 347c; and Leontopolis IX-181C — See of X-161a Horvat, Ivan IV-5Ub —Paul, Bishop of Agram IV-

511b Horvath, Michael, Hungarian

minister IV-558d; VII-557b Hos, Stanislaus. See Hosius Hosa (Hosah) VI-440d Hosanna, Blessed n-366c HOSANNA, Liturgical VII-472C, Palm Sunday Xl-432b; 'Taber- nacles, feast of XIV-426b Hosea. See Osee Hosha'na Rabba VII-473a Hoshea. See Osee Hoshi'a na VU-4i2d Hoshovski, George, Bishop of

Przemv.-l XII-533b Hosianuin Collegium, Brauns-

hcrg XII-317d ^„,

Hosius, Bishop of Sparta XIV-

-STANISLAUS VII-473b- IV- .'j66d- XIV-593a; and St. Fran- cis Borgia VI -215b; and Kromer VIII-702d; and Maxi- milian II II-125C; as nuncio XI-163b; and Bl. Peter Canis- ius XI-759b; 760c; Poland XII-185b; 191a; 194b; Refor- mation VI-591b; and Sander XII-436a; tomb XIII-170b, and Torres XIV-783d; at Trent XV-31b; and Vigor XV- 428d —OF C6RD0VA Vll-475a; IV- 359b; and St. A.l,:,na-(us I - 39a: and ConM ' ' "■

at Elvira V- : exile XVI-2,c >

II-37d; and P-l ; _

218a; at Nica?a '-'"-'a; n.t- 484c- IV-425a; at Sardica XTII^73a; Sirmian manifesto I-79c781b IX-220a; on State and Church XI-4.52d Hoskier, and Vulgate revision

HcKkins! ^Mary, Benedictine

Hoskoldsson, Hoskold, Bishop of

Stav.inBer XVl-76b Hosmer, Harriet, sculptress

XIII-647C ,

HOSPICE \II-I75c; poor-law

system .\"I1 2.5.5b Hospitalarius, of chapter lu-

Hos*pital Brothers of St. Anthony. Holipitaritr'dT Travail, society XI-492a

Roman numeral indicates volume; arsbic, pagiT^, b, c, d, quarter of page.