Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/427

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la* Saint, English churches XI-

563c; mission III^94d — divine name I-319c labroud, archiepiscopal residence

V-I02d; VII-121a lahenhouton, Huron town VII-

571a lamblichus, philosopher, emana- tionisra V - 398b : immanence, theory of VX[-683a; on Mount Carmel III-353d: mysticLsm Xll-aid; neo - Platonism X- 743d; and PorphjTy IV-J4C Iambs, in Hebrew poetry XI-

473c lami', poet XI-720C

lamush Pisheren sou (Therma) XIV-629C

lamutbala, and Hammurabi VII- 125b

I'ans, Charlotte VII-156a

lapygians, in Italy VIII-224a

lar-Cne II-7o4b

lashuhilehem. See Lahem

lasaigi, Sarah C. XVI-37c

latrochemists II-573C: X-131d

latromathematicians II-24d

latrophysicists II-.573c; X-131d

Ibach, Coru-ad C von. Abbot of Weingarten XV-576d

Ibad I-66Sd

Ibadan, mission II— 480c

IBAGUE, DIOCESE OF VII- fil.3a; IV-123C; VI-390b

Ibanags, triho Xll-llb

Ibanez. Bonaventura, missionary VI-2rt3d

— Domingo. See BAnez

— Pedro, and St. Teresa of Jesua XIV-.-ilGa

— de Echavarri XII-699d

IBAR, SAINT VII-fil3a: I-6d

Ibara Saikwaku Vnl-314b


—Francisco de .KI Id; and Dur- rango V-208d

— Gonzales, canonist IX-66a

— y Gonz^ez, Ramon, Arch- bishop of Puebla XIV-74Sd: at Chilapa III-6.i9b

IBAS, Bishop of Edessa VII- 614a; III-.5.57C: V-19a; 20a; 49.5d; Vl^iaa; X-21Sc; 7.58b; XV -112a; Constantinople, council of (553) IV-i25b; and Maris of Hardaschir I V-309a ; and Nestorianism XIV-708b; and Nestorius X-757d; and Philoxenus of MabboEh XII- 40b; and Rabbulas XII-619b; and Theodore, Bishop of Mopsuestia XIV-573a; and Three Chapters XIV-707c; 707d; trial V-19d; writings XIV-l09b

Ibbenbiirea, Bemhard U von, Bishop of Padcrborn XI -384b

Ibbur, metempsychosis X-236a

Ibdon III-2.50b

IbeUn, family, and Episkopi IV- 572d

— Balian d'. Lord of Sidon, regent of Jerusalem VIII-3fi2d

— ^Tean d'. Lord of Beirut, chronicler Il-la; VI-625d; VIII-268d; and Filangieri IV- .551a

Ibembo, Premonstratcnsian ab- br-v-i XII-3'IOc

Iberia, fh.irch of VI-7.54C

Iberian Pdadorma, chapel, Mos- cow X .59.5d

Iberians XIV-176a; in Andalusia I— 16.5c; and Armenian Church I-7.38a; in Asia Minor I-784b; in Wales XV-534a

Iberius, Saint. See Ihar

IBERVILLE, PIERRE L E MOYNE, SIEUR D' Vll-fillc; I-240c; IX-37sd; X-lIOd; 709d; DouayI-242b; missions X-388C; in Missiasippi X- 396d; and Tonica Indians XIV- 777d

Ibeum, burial-place VII-289b

Ibex, in Bible I-S23C

Ibi, mission XI-74b Ibilao, tribe Xll-lOd Ibiragaras, tribe VIII-1.56b Ibis, in Bible I-524b; 525b; wor- ship of VIl-C3Sa Ibleam. See leblaam Iblis, in Mohammedanism X-

426c — Kadim, in Manichceism IX-

592b Ibmel, deity Vni-797d Ibn-Abitur, and Mishna VIII-

392d Ibn-Abu-Sufyan, and Jerusalem

VIII-3fiOb Ibn Achmed, Abul Walld Mahom-

med. See .\verroes — Ahmad Asadi, Ali, poet XI-

720a — al-Assal, AbO Ishaq, and John

of SemenQd V-362d Ibn-al-Athlr, historian I-670d;

X-o99a; on Prester, John XII-

401a Ibn Al-Haitam. See Alhazen — Amr ibn Hujr, Harith, Queen

of Hira I-669c — Arabi, cmanationism V-398d — Athamir, Abdallah, martyr I-

671c: mi3.sion I-671a — BAdja (Badsha). .See Averapace — Batriq, Isa V-039c — Batriq Sa' id. See Eutychius — Chiqitilla, Moses ben Samuel

V-702b —el Aghlab, Ibrahim XV-S8d Ibn-el-Arabi, and Charlemagne

III-613b Ibn Ezra. Sec Aben Ezra — Hisham, on Mohammed X-

424c — Imru*ul Oais, Mundhir, Prince

of Hira, and Christians I-669b Ibn-Ishaq, historian 1-67 la; on

Mohammed X— 424c Ibn Ismail, doctrine in Druze V-

167a — Jakub, Ibrahim, on Pentateuch

XIII-419a — Khaldun, historian I-186a ;6fi9b — Khallikan, historian I-fi70d ;

X-599a — Kibr, encyclopedia V-36.3a — Mundhir, Amr, King of Hyra

I-fi69c — Mundhir, Nu*man, King of

Hyra I-669d — Nu'man, Mundhir, opposes

Mohammed I-669d — ibn Qabus, Nu'man, King of

H\Ta I-669C — Rahib, Peter, on Alexandrian

episcopate V-352b; 3.54a — Roschd, Ibn Mohammed. See

Averroes — Roshd. See Averroes — Sa'd, on Mohammed X-424C — Said, Yahya, chronicler X-

22.5c — Sina, Abo Ali Al Hosain Ibn

AbdaUah. .See Avicenna — Thamir. .See Ibn Athamir — TofaU. See .\bubacer — Tureik, Gabriel, Patriarch of

Alexandria V-3fi2d — Ubai Abdallah, chief, and Mo- hammed viimnsd — 'Dthmin al-Juliabi, 'Ali, poet

XI-720b — Zayd, 'Adi, poet I-669d Ibo, tribe I-lS2d IBORA VII-615a Ibra* amO. .Sec Jeblaam Ibrahim (Cutha) VI-437d — Adil Shah I, King of Bijapur

VII-.592C —ben Faray, Orientalist XIII-

42na — Eddem, sultan, tomb VI -328a — Pasha XI-.84d; and Angora I-

51.3a; and Damascus IV-<il2c:

and Dikaios VI-739d; in

Hebron VII-185d; and Joppe

VIII-269a - — See Abraham Ibreez VII-30.5b

Ibrihm, See of XI-148a; church, apse I-689d

Ibsele, mission XI-74b

Ibsen, Henrik VI-528a; XII- 201a

Iburg, monaster>' II-482a

Ibzan. .See Abesan

Ic, adbr. I-24C

Icabicici, language X-606c

Icanhoe, monastery II-709d

Icard, J. H, .Sulpician IX-66a; XIII-379a; 380d

Icaria, community IV-lSlb; XIV-69C

Icarus, legend I-790cJ

Icazbalceta, Joaquin Garcia XI- 6S7b

I. C. B. U. Journal XVI-42d

Ice, and baptism II-261C

—physics Xn-60d

ICELAND VH-61.5b; agriculture and industries VII-615c; area VII 615b

—Church in I-417a; VII-616a; 616c; and Ami I-74Cc; Bene- dictines II-446C; Irish monks VI-448b; Joseph of Chamb^ry, Sisters of St. VIII-516c; parish churches XVI-lOa; Peters- pence XI-774d;vicar Apostolic, residence XVI-72b

— climate VII-615c; education VII-617C; equal suffrage XV- 692c; flora and fauna VII-615c; government VII-615d

—History I-417a; 418d; and America XV-386a; and Den- mark IV-722d; discovery I- 416d; and Greenland I-422c; and Norway XI-119c; Refor- mation I-678C; VII-617a; XII- 706b- Vikings XI-116d

—Literature VII-618a; Edda V- 280b; sagas VII-618C: skalds VII-618a; Sturiuson, Snorri XIV-60d; Voluspd XV-507a

— names IV-lOa; politics VII- 615b; population VII-ei.5d: researches I-419d; statistics XIV-484a; temperance move- ment XIV-485b; topography VII -6 1.5c

—spar, XII-61b

I-ch*ang, vicar Apostolic at III- 678a

I Ching. See Y-King

Ichneumon, in Bible I-526C

Ichthus, symbolism VI-395C

Ichthys, acrostic I-516b; VI-83b

— Zonton in-512b

ICONIUM, titular see VII-619c; VI^40d; Assumptionists II- 105c; council (c. 2.30-5) II- 264d; VI-81a; XII-164d; St. Paul at XI-570a; St. Thecla at XIV-.564b

— Amphilochius of. See Amphi-

— Kingdom of I~785b; 790b; and<iers IV-.54Sd

ICONOCLASM VII-r,20a: III- 105d; and .\brahaniite martyrs I-57d; and Acrcmetie I-105d; and .\drian I I-15.5d; Agobard of Lyons VII-62.5d; in Amster- dam I-442a; and Anderton, Thomas I-468a; and St. Angil- bert I-490b; and antimensium I-.563d; and art XI-396b; and Athenians II-45a; and Basil- iana II-322d; and Byzantine art XI-397a; Caroline Books III-371b; VII-62.5a: and Char- lemagne ni-014b; at Chester, England XV-.5S9a; Claudius of Turin VII-62.5C; condemna- tion Vn-622d; and Con.stan- tine V. Copronymus VII-621C; Constantinople, Council of (7.54) VII-62Id; Constanti- nople. Council of (787) VII- 622c; and Coama-s VII-621b; and cross IV-.530C; VII-667a; Edict of 726 III-106c; and Eu- gene II V-599b; Frankfort, Council of (794) VII-62.5b;

and George Hamartolus VI- 456a; and Germanus I VI- 484c; and Greek Church VI- 762c; and Gregory II VII- 620d; and Gregory III VI- 789a; VII-621b; and hymnody VII-599c: and iconostasis I- 364c: and Irene, Empress VII- 622b; Jocelin, Bishop of Bor- deaux VII-625d; ancf St. John Damascene VIII-459c: and Leo III the Isaurian VII-620c; Leo IV, Emperor VII-622b; and Leo V, the Armenian VII- 623b; Maimbourg on IX-540b; and manuscripts, illuminated IX-622b; and Methodius X- 242b; and Michael II. the Stammerer VII-624a; Moslem persecution VII-620b; and Nicene Council I-156a; and Nicephorus, Patriarch of Con- stantinople VII-623C; XI-51a; origin VII-620a; Orthodoxy, Feast of VII-624C; XI-330C; Paris, Council of (825) VII- 625c: and Paschal I XI-514C; and Paulicians VII-620b: XI- 583d; and Rationahsm III- 106d; and Reformation II-75c; 126a; XII-702c; schism XIII- 637b: and Tarasius XIV-451d; and Theodora, Empress VII- 624c; and Theodore of Studium VII-623d; XIV-574b; and St. Theodorus XIV-577a; and Theodotus, Anti-patriarch of Constantinople VII-623d; and St. Theophanes XIV-577a; and Theophilus, Emperor VII- 624b; and Union of Christen- dom XV-137d; in West VII- 624d

Iconoclast. See B r ad laugh, Charles

ICONOGRAPHY, CHRISTIAN VII-625d; animals I-516b; Byzantine XI-395d: and Di- dron IV-783d; St. Gudula VII- 56c; SophoniasXIV-147b;3ym- bolism XIV-376c; writings on X-525C

ICONOSTASIS VII-626b: adorn- ment VII-626d; ambo I-382c; in Greek Church I-359b; IV- 316a: Offertory I-452a; origin I-364b; VII-627a; in Russian Chapel, Pancaldi (ill.) VII-626: St. Sophia III-96b; use VII- 626c

Icons, in Athens II-45b; of By- zantine Christians Vll-668b: domestic use V-251b; Eastern form VII-609C; as godfather VII-66Sc; of Greek throne in-439d; on iconostasis VII- 626c; restoration VII-624C; Virgin Mary XV-682a

Icosium. See Algiers

Ictrus, editor XIV-166C

Id., abbr. I-24c; 26d

Ida, mount, Crete VI-654a

— King of Northumbria XI-348d

— Countess, Abbess of St. Cecilia I-550b

— of Austria 1 1- 123a

— of Eoppa, genealogy III-537b

— of Lorraine VI-624c; legend IX 124c

— Saint. .See Ita

Idacius, Bishop of Emeritu, and Priscillianism XII-429C

—.See Hvdatius

IDAHO Vll-627c; agriculture VII-62Sb: Church in II-623d; education VII-B2Sd

—History VII-629a: French Americans in VI-273b; popu- lation VII-62Sb: and Wyoming XV-727d; Cocur d'Alfine Indi- ans IV-93a

—Legislation VII-629d; divorce VII-630b; equal suffrage XV- 692c; 69ec: marriage VII-63nb; seal of confession XIII-661d

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, (


d, quarter of page.