Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/434

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413c: November X-543a: no- venas XI-143c; nuncio3 XI- 162b; obtaining VII-7S4b; October X-o43a: origin VII- 788b; Pardons of Brittany XI- 477b; partial VII-783d; Pas- chal XII— 431b; and penance VII-7S6a; XI-629b; peniten- tial canons XI-636c; perpetual adoration I-154d; pilgrimages VII-786b; St. Pius V V-689c; plenary VII-783d; pope XII- 269b; Portiuncula VII-loSc; prselatus nuUius XII-332d;

f)rayer books XII-352a: pre- ates II-587C; Protestants XII- 496b; quarantines XII-593a; Raccolta XII-620a; redemp- tions, penitential XII-682c; and Reformation XI 1-7 02a; religious exercises XII-276a; Rites, Congregation of XIII- 145a; Rome IV-774d; Sabba- tine Privilege XIII-289d; Saint Benedict, Medal of XIII-338d; sale VII-787a; XIV-2b; and satisfaction VII-784C; scapular XIII-509C; Schools, Apostolic XIII-586d; September X- 542d; and sin VII-783b; Sixtus V VII-788C; station churches XIV-268d; syndics, Apostolic XIV-385b; and Tetzef XIV- 539c; 540b; third orders XIV- 637c; and St. Thomas VII- 7S3c: and treasury of the Church VII-784C; Tridentine decrees VII-787c; XV-35b; Viaticum XV-399c; Vicar Cap- itular XV^02a; Virgin Mary VII-784d; Waldenses XV- 528d; Way of the Cross XV- 569d; 570d; 571a; and Wessel XV-590b; and Wimpina XV- 649d; works on, forbidden III-524a; and Wvclif VII- 7S4b; and Zwingli XV-773C

INDULGENCES, APOSTOLIC VII-7S8a; I-640a; Angelus I-48yb; crosses IV-536a; Little Office of Our Lady IX-295a

— Congregation of VII-787d; heroic act VII-292b; Pius X XII-13Sd; Sabbatine privilege XIII-290b

Indulgentiam IV-222d

INDULT, PONTIFICAL VII- 7S9c; faculties, canonical V- 44b; 748b; Lenten I-69d; IX- 154a; and Litanv of the Saints IX-292a; pontificalia XII- 232a; of secularization XIII- 678b

Industrial, periodical IX-683a

—Arts, College of, Texas XIV- 545b

— Commission, LTnited States, on arbitration I-6S3c; 6S4c; on conciliation I -683b; report (1900) I-6S4C

— Courts, in Germany I-685C

Industrialism, and Saint-Simon Mil .iTTd

Industrial Schools, in United Stat.nXII-l>46a; 248a; Catho- lic XIII -.'..S4b

—Workers of the World, and symlicaliaiii XIV-386C

Industries, .\labama, statistics I- 240b; .Silesia Xni-790c; State ownership IV-106b

Industriosi, Accademia degli, Imola Vn-693a

Industry, arbitration I-682b; association II-3a; collectivism IV-lOfib; conciliation IV-190d; guilds II-2b; Labour and La- bour Legislation VIII-719b; and Leo XIII XII-783b; and Quoanav XII-68a; and Saint- Sininn XIlI-37Sa; and Theodo- siiis-.\I\' :i70b; United States panii- of IS'.I.! XV-177a

INE, SAINT, King of the West Saxuiis Vll-7,Si)d; and St. Aid- helm I-280b; laws XII-470b; resignation I-509d; and school in Home I-642d

Ineboli (lonopolis) VIII-93C

Inebriation, spiritual IV-325d

InefTablis Amor, Bull of Boniface VIII II-llli.-)d

Ineffabilis Dei benigaitas, Bull of Pius VI IX-550d

— Deus, Bull of Pius IX IV-737a; VII-674d; IX-198C; XIII-71d; XV-464Bb; XVI-12a

In eligendis. Bull of Pius IV III- 312b; 33Sd; IV-192d; V-667C

— eminenti. Bull of Clement XII IX-786C

— eminenti, Bull of Urban VIII IV-20Sd; Vni-287d; X-104d; XV-219b

Inertia IX-53b; XII-51d; and Descartes XII-58d; and Gali- leo XII-57b; matter X-42a

Ines de la Cruz, Sor. See Asbaje, Juana Ines de

Ine Sin, King of Sumer and Ak- kad II-lSlc

In excelso throno. Bull of Boni- face VIII II-664a

InfallibiUsts, schism XV-145a

INFALLIBILITY VII-790b; and d'Ailly I-236a; and Apostles I- 628b; IV-113a; bishops VII- 795b; and censures III-533a

—of Church ni-754d; VII-790d; and Anglicans XIII-532c; .\poatoIic teaching VII-793a; and beatification VII-799d; and canonization VII-799d; and Chatel XIII-534d; Christ's promise VII-791c; St. Cyprian VII-793C; disciplinary V-31c; and dogma V-89d; dogmatic facts V-92b; and Holy Ghost VII-792d; St. Irenaeus VII- 793c; Jansenist I-742d; VIII- 290d; and St. Leo the Great VII-796a; objections VII- 793d; proof in Scripture VII- 791b; and scientific freedom XlV-oSla; teaching VII-260a; Tertullian VII-793C; and the- ology XIV-580d; and Tradi- tion XV-8b; lOd; Tradition, proof from VII-793b; Vatican Council VII-791a

— 0/ Councils; tBcumencial IV- 4.33c; VII-795C; and Anglicans VIt-796a; matter IV-434C

— and doctrinal development VII-795b: and ecclesia docens XIII-605a; and Holy Office, decrees of XIII-138d; and in- spiration VII-790C; XIII- 637b; intolerance VII-794d; matter VII-799d: meaning VII-790b; objects and the church IV-676b; organs VII- 795b; 798d

—Papal IV-433d; VII-796b; Lord Acton I-114b; and Ar- gentr^ I-706a; and St. .Augus- tine II-94a; VII-797d; and beatification II-367b; and can- onization II-366d; and cen- sorship laws ni-527a: and Ccelestius VII-797d; and Cul- len IV-566a; definition IV- 675d; delegation of I-123b; and Dieringer IV-787a; and Dollinger V-98c; and Dupan- loup V-203a; and England, Church of XIII-93b; and Eu- ropean countries XV-303C; ex cathedra V-677a; Fathers of the Church VH-798a; and Febronius VI-24a; and Fe-ssler VI-52a; Galilee VII-798d; and Gallicanism VI-356a; Ger- many VI-513a; XVI-20d; and Gerson VI-532a; and Gratrv VI-731C; and Gregory of Va- lencia VII-22C: and Honorius VII-798C; and Ignatius of An- tioch VII-797d; and impecca- bility VII-797a; and St. Ire- naeus VII-797d; and Kenrick, Peter Richard VIII-619d; and Kettelcr VIII-631a; Liberius VII-79Sb; and Marcion VII- 797d; McCloskey, Archbishop IX-487C; and Mdrode X-209c; and Newman X-799b; objec- tions VII-798b; Old Catholics XI-235b; XIIl-,')01d; and Or- thodox Church VI-7.53b; XIII- .5.3Sd; and Pava v Rico XIV- 757c; and Pcfagiila Vn-797d; and St. Peter IV-113C; VII- 790d; Pctit-niilier Xl-77r,d; and Pius IX XII I3i;c: iiii.l Rilss XII-05lld; and Uaiischcr XII-661c;ati.l \ I II- 92d; and Rv.l.-r XI 11 L'Mb, in Scripture V 1 I - 7 9 i; d ; ami XrV-3(;6b; and

Theiner XIV-566a; Tradition Vn-797c; and Ultramontanism XV-125c; and Universe XI- 677b; Utrecht, Church VIII- 293d; Vatican Council I-641b; IV-426a; VII-796b; XIV- 537c; XV-304a; 305a; 305d; 308c; and Vigilius VII-798d; and Ward XIII-284b; and Wessel XV-590b — Protestants VII-794a; and Rationalism Vn-794c; and Revelation VII-790c; XIII- Ib; scope and object VII-799b; and Scriptuie XIII-639b; Syl- labus of Pius IX XIV-368d; 370b; Vatican Council VII-

Infame IV-32b

Infamia juris XI-697a

INFAMY Vlll-la; and apostasy I-625b; apostasy ab ordine I- 625d; and irregularity VIII- 172a; penalty IX-244c

Infancy, and age, canonical I- 206d; and minority X-331C; term I-206d

— Gospel, Arabic I-607b

— Gospel, of James. See Proto- evangelium Jacobi

— Holy, Brothers of the. See Holy Inf.incy, Brothers of the

Infant Asylums, United States, statistics XII-247a

Infante, Joao, explorer IV-775b

Infantes I— 19a

— Colegio de XIV-756d

—of Spain XIV-lS8a; by Velas- (|ucz XV-323C

INFANTICIDE Vlll-lb; abor- tion VIII-2a; and African savages I-lS2d; in ancient Rome V-298b; and Australian aborigines II-118d; craniotomy VIII-2a; Mataco Indians X- 41b; and Mohammedans X- 427c; and pagans VI-159b; XIV-521b; pre-natal Vlll-ld; reasons Vlll-lb; repression Vlll-ld; and Sikhism XIII- 789c; in Sparta V-297b

Infantium Tortor VII-18c

Infant Jesus, Daughters of the lll-211b

— Jesus, Dominican Sisters of the Xll-241b

—Jesus, Sisters of the III-609c

— Jesus, Sisters of the, of Chauf- failes, in Japan Vin-30Sc

Infantry, German Vl-499b; mili- tary orders I-272b; revival lll- 692d

Infants, baptism of, in earlv church I-195d; burial III-75d; Communion III-20d; IV-170d; confirmation IV-216b; expo- sure VI-lo9b; Vni-588d; ex- treme unction V-726b; un- baptized II-266d; VI-317C witnesses XV-678a

Inferno, by Dante IV-630b

— Valle deir, Rome XV-279a

Infemus VII-207b

INFESSURA, STEFANO VIII- 2b; and .Alcxan.lrr VI I-2S9d; and Sixtiis W Xl\-:i3b

InfideUty, and hcresv Vll-256b

INFIDELS VIII-2C; and St. Au- gustine II-96b; and Catholics VIII-3C; children II-271b; Christian burial III-72a: di- vorce V-60a: and ecclesiastical legislation VIII-3c; grace VI- 700b; VIII-2d

— marriage: and converts I-179a; Catholics IX-698b; Pauline privilege VIII-3c

— missions VIII-3a; redemption Il-lOld; works I-116d

Infinite VIII-4b; Agnostics VI- 613d; Cousin IV-212b; Ham- ilton I-217a; and religion XII- 745a; Spencer I-217C. See In- finity

Infinitesimals, geometrical VI- 343b

INFINITY VIII-4b; and Bolzano n-(i44a; creatures VIII-6c: <lcfinition VIII-4b; division VIII-4d: .and essence V-544b; nf God ll-(>3b; 64a; VI-6I2d; \III 5a; history Vlll-lib; tnallicrnatics VIlJ-6d; in Mi<l- .llc A.;.'sVIII-4b; and Monism \'III-5c; Scholastic teaching VIII-6c; soul VIII-4d; space

XIV-167b; 168a; and Spinoza XIV-219a Infirmarian, monastic I-14c Infirmarians, Poor. S-e Obre-

gonians Infirmary, monastic I-13d Infiussi, periodical XI-683b INFRALAPSARIANS VIII-7a; in Holland XII-378c; Koom- hert I-741b; of redemption VI-699c; teaching Xn-3Sld Infraptum., abbr. I-23a Infula Vn-246a; (ill.) X-406 Infusion, and baptism II-262a; 275a; 277a; and Baptists II- 279a; on catacomb painting III-708d Infusorians, and Leeuwenhoek

II-574d Ingalete, tube IX-3C7d Ingathering, Feast of. See Taber- nacles, least of Inge I, the Old, King of Sweden

XlV-351b — H, the Younger, King of Swe- den XIV-3.Jlb; XVI-76d — WiUiam Ralph XIV-630b Ingeberge. .Sec Ingeburg Ingeborg, sister of Erik XI of

Sweden XIV-351C Ingeburg, Queen of France, VII- lS9a; VIII-15a; Xll-lb; XV- 633a; divorce III-479a; XI- 762b; Psalter IX-625c Ingegneri, composer X-53SC Ingelheim, Anselm Franz von. Archbishop of Mainz IX-552b — Archdiocese of, Cochem at IV- 76a; council (94S) XVI-70C; palace V-367a Ingelmunster, Apostolic Schools

Xlll-.WUd Ingeltrude, daughter of Clotaire

I XV-3a

Ingemann, Bemhard Severin,

writer IV-73Ib Ingemundi, Ragvald, Canon XV-


X-13(id Ingeniosus, heretic VIII-530b Ingentius, forgery V-124b Ingenuin, Bishop of Saben II-

793d Ingenuus, general VI-366C —martyr V-llc Ingersoll, Robert, atheist II-42b;

VI-259b; and Lambert XVI-

51a Ingewrthe, Richard of. .See Ing-

worth, Richard of Ingham, Charles C, artist VIII-

142b — Mary Francis, religious VIII-

Inghirami, family, Prato XII-

117d — Francesco, archfeologist VIII-


SS8d; Ximonian College XIII-

730a — Pbiedms, portrait by Raphael

XII-647a — Tommaso, humanist VIII-7b;

XV-505b; Vatican collection

XV-296a; as Vatican librarian

IX-164b Ingiltrud, wife of Count Boso

XI-,54c Ingle, Richard, mariner II-228a;

228c; III-194d: IX-756d Ingleborg, Queen of France. See

Ingeburg Ingleboum. .'>cc Malmeshur>' INGLEBY, FRANCIS, VENER- ABLE VIlI-Tc; and Hicker-

dikc II ,-,.-.^c. ami .Mush X-

li4Sa; murlvrduiu \'— 176a —John, Bishop of Llandafl IX-

316b —Sir William VIII -7c Inglesi, A.bbi V-179a; XII-461a Inglethorp, Thomas, Bishop of

Rochester, England XIII-102b Inglis, version of the Bible XV-

374a Ingo, Slovene Prince VIII-607C Ingoberga, Queen of the Franks

11 -519a Ingobert, Bishop of Urgel XV-

2L':ic Ingofroid, Saint, Abbot of Luxeuil

II .")25c

Ingoldsby, John, pioneer priest Xni-441c

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.