Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/463

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551d: on music, religious X- 631b; on Onias II XI-254a; on paradise XIV-519d; on patri- archs I-552b; on Pentateuch XI-652b; on philosophy IV- 132a; on pretorium of Antonia XII-«Mb; on Psalms, metre of XII-541a; Pseudo-Hegesippus VII-19oc: on Sanhedrin XIII- 445b; on Scripture XIV-528b: on Septuagint XIII-722d; 723d; Serpent's Pool XII-235c; on Solomon. Gate of XIV- 504b; on synagogue XIV-498d; Tabernacle, curtains of XIV- 425a: Tabernacles, Feast of XIV-i25d; on Temple of Herod XIV-502d; 503d; on Temple of Jerusalem XIV-499b; on Tem- ple of Solomon XIV-199d; on Temple of Zorobabe! XIV- 502a; 502c; on Temple, riches of IV-776a; on ten tribes III- 316a; on Theocracy XIV-S68a; and Theodore of Antioch XIV- 572b; at Tiberias XIV-716b Josephus Iscanus. See Joseph of

Exeter Joseph Vaz, Venerable xni-3S5c Joses, brother of the Lord. See

Joseph Joset, missionary II-623d; XV- 56.3d; and De Smet IV-752C; in Wyoming XV-727b Josetsu, artist VIII-314C Jose Vincent, Huron chief VII-

582d Joshua, form of Jesus VIII-

374b —tribe XIII-791d — See Josue Josi, Paul, Vicar-Apostolic of

Patna I-316d JOSIAS (JOSIAH). KING OF JUDA VIII-52.ic; 200b: 347d; 654b; 655c; 6.36c; 657d; and Ahicam I-232d; and Ark I- 723d: at Bethel II-.532d; date VIII-658b: death VIII-65.5C: defeat III-316b; genealogy VI-410b; .and high place I- 432d: human sacrifice XIII- 312c: and idolatr>- II-176d: X- 443d: impurities, destruction of III-476b: reform II-31b Josika, Miklos VII-.561C Joskeha, in Iroquois cosmogony

IV-412d Josquinus Pratensis. See Depr^s,

Josquin _ '

Jossakeed, medicine men. See

Med^ Josselin, pilgrimage XV-272a Josse of Ghent See Justus of

Ghent Jost, Margrave of Moravia X- 562c: as Emperor of Germany VI-496b: XIII-784d; and No- bles and Clergy XIII-784d: and Wenceslaus of Germany VI-196a —Bishop of Sion XIV-15b — Hildebrand, Bishop of Sion

XIV-15C Josua, Rab, in Targum of Onke-

los XIV-I.5.5C Josue, name X-677b; 677d JOSITE. K.nhsamite VIII-524a:

and Ark I -723b JOSUE, son of Hercm VIII-524a JOSUE, high-priest VIII-S24b JOSUE, (lovernor of Jerusalem

VIIl-.->24a JOSUE, son of Josedec VIII- 524a; .-iSttb: expedition III- 318c JOSDE, son of Nun VIII-524b; and .\malecites I-378a; and Amorrhites i-».34b: and .Vrk I-721d: 722c; XIV-424d —in Arl: Fuhrich VI-312b: (ill.)

VIII-.i2.5d; mosaic XI-.396b —and Asor IV-t4.ic; and Caleb III-137b; in Chanaan III- 571a: IX-207a; and Chronicle. Samaritan Xni-419c; and Eleajar V-373d: in Gaza VI- 399d; and hands, imposition of VII-698b; at .lericho VIII- 339d: and King of Dora V- 13.3a: as leader of Israelites VIII-196b: in liturg\' IX-.309b: Messiaa. type of Vin-.52.5d; and Moses Vni-524b; X- 597b; in Moses, Assumption of l-603b

JOSDE, of Phahath Moab VIII- 524b

JOSUE, priestly family VIII- 524b

—BOOK OF VIII-524C: author- ship VIII-525b; canonicity III-267d; 270d: VIII-524d; Chronicle. Samaritan XIII- 419c; coiit.:-iitsVIir-.")24c: criti- cism IV-4y:ic. Il.xatcuch VII- 31Sb; hi^toriritj \III-525d; as literature Vll-lwla; Mount Thabor XIV-552a: and Penta- teuch XI-655b; Sahidic version XVI-79C; Targum. Jerusalem XIV--457b; unity VIII-524d

—Roll of IX-620C; XI-396a

— the Stylite, chronicler X-493b; XIV-»12b

— See Jason

Jota. See Jeta

Jotabe, Island of, Arabian bishop- ric I-66SC

Jotbah. .See Jeteba

Jotbath. .See Jetebatha

Jotham, King of Judah. See Joatham

Joti. See Zoater

Jotram, St. Ladislaus. statue VII- 40b

Jou, on massacre of St. Bartholo- mew XIII-337b

Jouanine privilege, Reims XII- 728c

Jouarre, double monastery at X- 452c

Jouaud, Jean, Abbot of Pridres




Joubert, Barthelemy-Catherine, and Xapolcou Bonaparte X- cissb; in T.vrol VII-147d

— Joseph, director of petit s^m- inaire XIII-570C

^JOSEPH, philosopher VIII- .i26a; on Bourdal.iue II-71Sd

— Laurent, ph.\'si(i;i!i .\ l;i(lc

— de la Muraille, Jacques-Hec- tor-Nicolas II-2:i:id; .\I-lstb; XIV-332C

Jouen, missionary IX-51 la

Jouet, Victor, director of confra- trrnitv XII-57.-)b



—Theodore Simon. XII .-.tild: XIV- Halni.s II-21>,-,c: !iii,l Bautain Il-:f,-|:ia; and Unver-Collard XIlI-214b

JOUIN, LOUIS Vin-.-)27b

—Sister, m.irtyr XV-669b

— Saint, of Marne, at Poitiers XII-179b

Joulain, Henri, Bishop of Ja6fna Vin-269c

Joule, James Prescott, physicist y-J2.3c: XII-67b; on conserva- tion of energ^■ V-424C

Jourdain, and Patrioto XI-671C

— Charles - Marie - Gabriel - Br6- chillet, on .\lbertus .Magnus I- 265b

— Madame, and Blessed Marie de rincarnation IX-667d

Jourdan, Venerable, of Saint- Victor XIII-38,Sd

— Alphonse, Count of Toulouse, founds Montauban X-524C

— Anthony J., President of St. Charles College, New Orleans XI-13b

Jour de bures XII-589a

Jourdie, P., missionary XIII-


Journal Asiatique X-777d -d'Amiens XI -677a

— de Bruxelles XI-67Ia

— de I'Ain .\V-i:iiib

I'Ecole polytechnique X-


I'instruction publique III- i.i.-)c: VII-219d: XI-672C

— de Paris ou la Poste du soir XI-<-.7.-.d

— de Rome ,\I r.s4b

— de Roubaix XI-«77a

— des cures .X-tlOla

— des Debats VI - l.i6d; XI- 67,id: 134b

— des gens des lettres beiges XI-

— des villes et des campagnes


— de Tr^voux II-415d: III-l,56c; XI-67.5C; and Brumov iII-,Sc; and Huffier III-40a; on Ency- clopedia V-420C

— de Waterloo XI-672d

— Ecclesiastique, and Barruel II- 310a

— historique et litteraire VI- .34c

Journalism. See Periodical Liter- ature

Journal of Commerce XIV-512b

— of Theological Studies VI-16d; XI-3S1C

Journeymen, in guilds VII-67c; 6,Sc

Journeymen's Association, Frei- burg .XI\-302c

Jousse, Daniel, and Pothier XII- 321c

Jousts, and Second Lateran

Council IX-17b Joutel, Henry, explorer, and

C.tMo Indiana IIl-I2!ld JOUVANCY, JOSEPH DE VIII- .527d;on Acquaviva I-Ullb

Jouvenceau, A., missionary I- 592c


— Laurent Vin-528c

—Noel VIII-52.Sc

Jouviond, Matthieu, .Abbot of St. .Martial IX-264b

Jovain, .\bbcv of Langres, and Dalgairns IV-604C

Jovanovic, Stephan, Freiherr von.

in Herzegovina II-696C Jovellanos Francisco Javier des Cienfuegos y. See Cienfuegos y Jovellanos. Francisco Javier de

— GASPAR MELCHOR DE VIII-529b; XIV-200C; and Leandro Fernandez de Mo- ratfn X-561a: and Melfndcz Vald^s X-lOlb

Jovian, Roman emperor, and St. Athanasius I-300d: II-40a; and Jews VIII-391a: and Mele- tius of Antioch X-162d: in Per.^ia .XI-7I5d; and Semiari- ans Xlll-ii'.Ua

JOVIANUS, FLAVTUS CLAU- DIUS, Roman emperor VIII- 529d; \'-49Sb

Jovinian of Auxerre, Saint, mar- tyr XIlI-719d

JOVINIANUS \III-.->.30b; here- tic .X-Slc; .XlV-i'6c; and St. Jerome Vin-iUiia; and St. Pamma.luu.' XI 436d: on sin XI\-10b; and .-^iricius. Pope I\'-2S,-)a; on virtue and vice VI-7(ISc

Jovillier, Abbey of VII-526d

Jovinus, Flavins Valens IV-284C: in Gaul VII-461b; at Reims XII-72.5b

Jovita, Saint, martyr VI-19a; I- 258d; II-760c: church, Canada XI-56.5d

— See Faustinus and Jovita, Sainta

Jovius, Bishop of .Sagalassus XIII-324d

JOVIUS, PAULUS VIII -530c; birthplace lV-18.)d ; and Leo X, Pope I.X-KMb: and .MuUer X- 629a: Bishop of Nocera XI- 87b: (ill.) XI-87b

Jowles, Colonel, and Protestant .Association, Marjdand IX- 758a

Joy, as passion I-656c: XI-5,34c; XIV-616a; fruit of contempla- tion XIV-fi21c; fruit of Holy Ghost VII-414b

Joybert, Louise Elizabeth XV- 311b

Joyce, Patrick W., historian, on Irish annalists I-.533C; VIII- 12Sd

—Robert Dwyer, poet XI-682b

—Thomas. See Thomas of Jorz

Joyeuse, Ange de. See Joyeuse,



birthplace XV-494C; and Lou- ise de Bourbon de Lavedan, abbess VI-13()d; in Toulouse XIV-796b — Scipio de VIII-531b Joynt, Thomas P., and Summer School XIV-335b

Joys, of the Blessed Virgin, com- memorated XI-516d; XV- 463c: feast of. in Franciscan Rite XIII-76d: at the Resur- rection, feast of .XI-516d

Joz, Nahr el-, .Sjria lX-lU4d

Jozabad, name .\-i;77d

Jozeau, Jean-Moise, martyr IX- 747c

Juana. See Joanna

Juan Alonso, Bishop of Plasencia XII-1.57d

— a S. Martino, Blessed, martyr XlV-KWd


— Bautista of the Immaculate Conception, Trinitarian XV- 46d

— de Baeza, Blessed, martyr -XIV-lKIa

— de la Annunciacion, philosoph- ical works Xlll-402b

—de la Cruz, missionary XII-555C

— de los Angeles, writer XIV- 20(lb

— deMajorga, Blessed XlV-llOa

— de S. Miguel, missionary XV- 749d

— de Santa Maria XV-769b

— de Zafra, Blessed XlV-llOa

—Diego, apparition VII-43C

Juano, Pedro Antonio, Bishop of

Mil Juan y

l.S9b Juan. Juarez,

.\-3:!2b Santacilia, Jorge XIV-

Juaye-Mondaye, al.bev II-359b Juba, KioK at Thapsus XIV-556b Jubaianus, and .St. Cyprian of

CarthaKc l\--.-,,S6c Jubainvdle, Marie-Henry d'Ar- bois de, and Celtic study VIII- 123b: on ancient Irish litera- ture VIlI-119a; 119c; on reli- quarj' at .Agaunum I-206b Tubal III-143a Jubanian Dynasty X-4Sld Jube, rood-loft XII-564d; XIII-

181d Jubera, Elizabeth XI-512C Jubilatemesse, at Leipzig IX-


Xl-.31iid Jubilation, .^e.iuence XI-125C JUBILEE, HOLY YEAR OF VIII-531d; of 1300 II-665d; 669b; VIII-532b; XIV-284b: and angelus I-4S6c; Apostolic Blessing II-602b: and Boniface VIII. Pope VIII-532C: cere- monial Vni-533c; Clement VI, Pope, decree of IV-23d: extra- ordinar>' ^ III-5;i4a; frequency Vni-53:;b ,::.l '...-.. ^ XIII,


h; Hob- ill 148a: 1 medals y. Pope,


Due de

—Anne de Vll-78a: Vlll-.Wla — Francois de, cardinal VIII- 531a; in Narbonne III-.3.32a: at Notre-Dame de Juillv abbey X-99a; and d'Ossat XI-.342b: in Rouen XIII-210a; in Tou- louse XIV-796b — Guillaume de VIII- 530d

indulgeni' \

of X-113d. .'

proclamation XI-59b: origin',

VIII -532b; prffilatus nullius,

privilege of XII-332d; water,

liturgical use of XV-564d

—YEAR OF (Hebrew) VIII- 5.34b: II-5.57a: and bankruptcy II-254a; legislation VIII-.534C; in Old Testament XlII-289c; reversion of pr..p<Tty XII-682a

JUBILEES, BOOK OF VIII- .-)3.5c; I-I32d: analyzed I-604d; angels in I-477d: christology in X-214a: XIV-598b: on para- dise XI V-519d; use of VI-716c; X-649b; 765c

Jubinus, Saint. .See Gcbuin, Saint

Jucadam, location VI-441C

JuchU Pass (ill.) V-429c

Jucundus, Saint, martyr XII- 725c

—Bishop of Sufetula XIV-325C

—Bishop of Treviso XV-38d

Jud, town of Dan VI-441c

— abbr. I-24C

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d. quarter of page.