Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/466

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Jur., abbr. I-24c

Jura, department, France, map

Vl-facing 188 — Barthelemy de. Bishop of Laon

XIV-131a Jurak, canon of Agram IV-512b Juramentum calumnifs. See Oath



-litis decisoriutn, and appeals


-malitijB. See Oath of malice Juraschek, statistician XIV-276d Jurassic formation XV-lSGc Jura stolae. 6"tt- .Stole fees Jurgens, Hermaim, Archbishop

1,1 Bombay II-li4oa -Karl Heinrich, on Luther IX-

441b: 441c Jijrgensen, Theodor, physician

X-14Ua Jurieu, Pierre, Calvinist VII- 534a; IX-375d; on Antichrist I-561C; Camisards III-218b; on Communion I-67b: on fun- damental articles VI-319d; Millenarian views X-309d Jurin, James, physicist XH-(>4d Juris-consults, Idol of. See Ac-

cursius. Frederick the Elder Jurisdiction IV-696b —Civil XIV-251b; England I-

500b — ECCLESUSTICAL VIII-567b; III - 75.5a: IV - 572c; XIV- 251c; abbess I-Sc; 9c; abbot I- 16c; 18c; abdiction I-31c; ab- solution III-531C; XI-624C; administrator I-143b; d'.\illy on I-236a; Apostles I-628b; III-747C; IV-113a; and Apos- tolicity I-649d; archdeacon I- 693c; Arches. Court of I-695a; archbishop I-691b; Bombay II-644C; Chalcedon decree III- 558a; chorepiscopi IV-426d; courts IV-448b; XIlI-6o2b; crosier IV - 515c; deacon IV- 648c; degrees VIII-567c; del- egated n - 585d; 587d; IV- 696b; Vin-567d; depriva- tion III-529b; development VIII-568a; Xll^Ub; early Church VIII-568b; episcopal I-144a; II-585C; XIII-652c; excommunication V-683b: ex- ternal forum VIII-567C: hier- archy VII-322d; 324b; in- ternal forum VIII-567b; judge. See Judge, ecclesiastical; and keys, power of VIII-632C; laity VIII-751a; Middle .\ges VIII- 568c; non-Catholics V-38b; VII-261C; ordinary XI-284a; papal XII-266b; and Penance, Sacrament of XII-417a; pres- ent scope VIII-569b; Roman congregationsXni-lSBb; 136d; secular judges IV-448b; secu- larized VIII-746C; and State VIII-568a; suspension XIV- 346a; Tanucci XIV-446a; Var- gas y Meia on XV-273d; Vienna conference XIII-59GC; women XV-697c; Wyclif on Il-lOOd Jurisprudence IX-58c: Alciati I-273c; Bude III-34C; pre- scription XII-396a Jurors, in France XIII-534C Jurt, Mgr. of Ba,sle XI-692b Jury, Alabama I-243d; and Al- fred the Great I-310b; England I-802d Jus accrescendi IX-82d —ad Rem I~94b — cfiBiireum lX-57a — compatronatus XI-560d — deportus. See Regale, Droit de — ecciesiasticum. See Law, Ec- clesiastical — exclusivae. .See Exclusion,

Right of — externum IX -57b — exuviarum. See Jus spolii —in re 1 94b — internum I X-.57b — non scriptum IX-57a — patrium lll-597b — patronatus Xl-500b — Piseti .\1 234c — pontiflcium. See Ponti6cal

— possessionis IX-81a

— primse noctis. See Droit du

seigneur — primarum precum IV-30a

— privatum IX-57a

— prffisentandi XI-SGOc

— publicum IX-57a

— Reformandi. See Reformation, Right of

— Regalffi (regale). See Regale, Droit de

— retentionis IX-81b

— scriptum IX-57a

— spiritual! annexum XI-560C

— SPOLn VIII-571a; IX-117c; and Otto IV, of Germany VIII- 14c

Jussef, Patriarch of Antioch XV- 305b

Jusselin, palseographer XI-407a

JUSSIEU, ADRIEN-HENRI DE VlII-.')71a; XV-.-^iJb; and .Mes- mcr VII -liO.".b


— ANTOINE - LAURENT DE- VIII-570C; classification II- 575b

—BERNARD DE VIII-509d; and Lavoisier I.X-52b

—JOSEPH DE Vlll-570b

Jussoila, Jons, niart\T VI-77a

Jussuf ben Tashfin XII-224a

Just, and grace II-377d; VI- 700b; in heaven VII-170C

— Book of the XI-655c; and Kings VIII-649d

— See Justus

Justa, Saint, martyr, Rome XIV- 564c

— Saint, martyr, Sardinia XI- 316d

— Saint, martyr, Se\Tlle XIII- 221b; XIV-177a; Murillo's painting (ill.) XIII-221C

— mother of Sylvester I XIV- 370d

— Syro-Phcenicianwoman IV-40a

— causa IV-334a

— Grata Honoria XII-142C

JUSTE, family Vni-571b

—Andrea, the Elder VlII-.571b

— Andrea, the Younger VIII- 571b

—Anthony VIII-.571b

—John Vlll-571b

Justi, Karl Wilhelm, Biblical commentator IV-162a

JUSTICE VIII-571d; III-343d; and accession VIII-573C: and adultery I-164b; and anger I- 489b; and arbitration I-662b; .\ristotle VIII-572d; and brib- ery II-779b; cardinal virtue III-343d; and charity III- 593b; and concordat IV-201a; defined VII-292d; XV-473c; Divine Attribute II-64b; IV- 200d; XII-792b; and eugenics XVI-39C; and heretics, burn- ing of XIV-769a; heroicity of VII-293C; and honour VII- 462c; and immortality VII- 689c; and infusion VI-707c; Kabbalistic system VIII-590b; law, interpretation of XV- 704c; in IV Machabees I-605d; in ManichEean cosmogony IX- 593a; and merit X-202c; orig- inal, Blessed Virgin VII-675a; and ownership VIII-572b; papal rescripts XII-783C; Saint Paul on XI-576b; penal, Church administrates XIV- 768b; personal VIII-573a; Plato on V-558a; XII-160c; and poor XII-237a; and prop- erty VIII-573C; in restitution XII-78Sd; and right VIII- 572a; XIII-5oc; 56a; and sanc- tifying grace XIV-585d; secret XIII-673b; social virtue II- 138c; Spencer on VIII-573d: of State VIII-572C; and tem- perance XIV-482a; and theft XIV-.565a; Thomistic teach- ing XIV-667d; and tolerance XIV-761d; 764d; and usury XV-2.36C; violation VIII-lOc; and will XV-472d; and worship XV-710d Justice, periodical, Biddeford,

Me. VI-275d — periodical. Central Falls, R. I.

^1-27.^ — periodical, Holyokc, Mass. II-

707c; VI-27.')d — Courts of, Philippines XII-14C;

Vatican XV-299a —Signature of XII-700b; XIII- 14ga

— sociale, newspaper X - 421a JUSTIFICATION V 1 1 1 - 573d ; and adoption I-149c; .\iiglican- ism I-643c; Antinomianism I- 564d; 567b; Apostolic Fathers on I-639b; and atonement II- 58b; and attrition II-66a; St. Augustine on VIII-576d; St. Augustine and Lutheran con- trasted III-2U3a; Baius on II- 211a; and baptism VIII-S76d; Bohemian Brethren II-616d; Calvinism III-201a; VIII- 574d; Catholic teaching VIII- 576b; XIV-767a; and charity VIII-577a; Clementine Epistle IV-15d; and concupiscence VIII-574C; Denifle on IV- 721a; disposition XIII-407d; dogmatic XIV-583a; effects VIII-577d; and faith VI-701d; 702c; 703a; VIII-574a; 575a; XIV-585d; formal cause VIII- 577a; Cropper on VII-36d; 37a; St. James on l-53a; VIII- 574a; XIII-162C; Jansenism VIII-287b; St. Jerome on VIII-343c; Lutheran VIII- 574b; 574d; Melanchthon on VIII-575d; and merit X-203b; Methodism X-237c; Morone on X-o75c; Nominalism VIII- 574b; Orange, Council of XI- 267a; and original sin XI-312c; Osiander on VIII-575d; and the Paraclete XH69c: St. Paul on I-53a; XI-576C; XIII-161b; Pelagianism XI- 604d; and Penance, Sacrament of VIII-577a; Plymouth Breth- ren I-565d; XII-173a; Pole on XII-203a: and predestina- tion XII-379b; 380b; process VI-697b; 705c; VIII-576b; Protestant doctrine VI-704a; VIII-574a; XI-576b; XII- 496b; 49Sb; 702c; and Com- munion of Saints IV-174b; purgative way XIV-254d; in "Ratisbon Book" V-36c; and regenerationXII-714b: Ritsch- lianism Xni-87a; 87b; Ros- minianism VIII-577d; and salvation XIV-767a; and sanc- tifying grace VI-701C; VIII- 577b; XIV-586a; of schism XIII-532a; Semipelagianism XIII-704C; Seripandoon XIII- 398a; 729c; Socinianism XIV- 114b; Sola Fides on VIII- 575b; Swedenborgians XIV- 356a; Theodore of Antioch on XIV-572c; Trent, Council of I- 566a;II-211d;VIII-577c;747c; XI-580c; XIII-403a; 408a; XV-32d; and venial sin XIV- lOd; and virtues XIV-616b; Vitalis of Carthage on XIII- 703c; Wessel on XV-590b

Justin I, Byzantine emperor III- lOld; VII-219a; 471a; VIII- 578d; X-491a; and Acacian heresy I-83b; XIII-533d; and Al-Mimdhir I-671d; and Ari- ans VIII-421a; and Philoxenus X-493C; Xll-iOc; religious policv V-504a; and Rome VII-219a; and Vitalian III- 103c

— n, Byzantine emperor III- lOld; 102a; and St. .-Vnastasius I-454c; Cross, relic of IV-525b; 531d; divorce legislation V- 65a; Edessa V-282d; and Pope John III IV-,531d; and St. Peter's, Rome X-219c; and St. Radegunde V I - I 4 9 c ; XV- 396a; and Simon the Younger XIII-79Ca

— Byzantine general VI-70b

— Roman historian IX-33a

— Saint, of San Severino XIII- 453a

— Saint, martyr, Tivoli XIV- 379b

— Saint, Bishop of Chicti III- 659a

—Saint, Bishop of Tarbes XIV- 4.53b

—Brother XIII-442a

JUSTINA, SAINT, martyr IV- 5S3a; XV-460d; in Ambrosian Mass I-102b; in Coptic MS. XVI-29a

Justina, Roman empress X * - 254d; 255b; and St. Ambrose I-

38Sb; 3S9a; and Arianism XV- 255c; and .\uxentius, Junior II-144d

— of Padua, Saint X-527d; Con- gregation of. See Cassinese Congregation


Justinian II, Byzantine emperor III-103d; 104a; coin (ill.) III- 104c; and Pope Conon IV- 258a; X~507d: and Pope Con- stantine IV-294C; and Pope St. Gregory II VI-788a; Nea Justinianopolis IV-590b; and Paulicians XI-5S4C; Quinisext Council IV-294b; and Pope St. Sergius I XIII-168b; 728c; XIV-25SC

JUSTINIAN I, Roman emperor VIII -57Sc; Ill-lOld; VII- 471a; 663d; X-191a; on ab- breviations I-28c; on abduc- tion I-32d; in Achrida l-103c; and Pope St. .\gapetus I I- 202d; 203b: and Agapetus. deacon I-202c; Agathias' his- tory I-204C: and .Alexandrian hierarchy I-301d: ambo I- 382b: and St. Anastasius I- 454c: St. Anne, church I-538d; Antioch I-567d; and Arab- Roman Kingdom I-667C ; Arian- ismXIV-576d;.\thenian School I-717d: X-745a: on bishops III^84d: Capri XIV-151d: chronological regulation IV- 637c; Cibyra III-768b; Cir- cesium ni-776d; Code of I- 696c: VIII -579b; Constanti- nople VI-757C : Constantinople. Council of IV-308d; 425b; Corycus IV-402b: Cyrus IV- 404a; Dansara IV-627d: on debtors XII-431a; on divorce IX-696b; Dyopbysitism VI- 758d; ecclesiastical courts XII- 43Sb: ecclesiastical legislation I-651C; VI-757C: on endow- ment V— 421d: and Eutychius I, Patriarch of Constantinople V-63SC: on foundlings IV- 299d; VI-159C; Greece VI- 735d; and heretics VII-260b; on the Holy Name VII-421a; hospitals VII-481d; (ill.) VIII -facing 578; on interest XV -235c; Jerusalem VTII- 359b; Jewish policy VIII- 391c; and Pope John II VIII- 421d: as jurist IX-S7c; Leptis Magna IX-185d; Longobards IX-337d; Manichajans XIV- 768d; and Marcellinus Comes IX-639C; on marriage IV-lb; 264d: and Mennas XI-772a; Mocissus X^12b: monasteries, double I-Uc; Monophysitism V-233d; and Nicetius of Trier XI-53b; Nicholas of Myra, church XI-64a; on Office, Di- vine ^■II-502a; Origenism IV- 308d; X-190a; XI-311c; on orphans XI-323a; Ostrogoths XI-348b; Palmyra XI-433d: Pandects I-379b: Pandects (ill.) VIII-579; and papal au- thority I-103c; and Philoponus X-492c; and Pityus XII-126b; policv ni-103a; Pompeiopolis XII-227a; and poor XII-239b; 325b : PorphyTeon, church XII- 2S2c; prescription, law of XII- 396b : on property, ecclesiastical IX-117c; XII-467b: religious \'iews V-fi35c: 637d; Remesiana XII-763C; Rhesa-dra XIII- 19a; Sabrata XIII-292a: Saint Sophia. Church of III-94C; IV-301d; VI-760d: and Sa- maritan synagogue XIII— 417c: Satala XIII-48()a: .Sebastia XIIl-fifi7c: ,Soha-*t„polis XIII- 60Sd; S, rL' \lll-72Sa; 72sb; an. I r-p.- .-^ilv.Tuis .XI- 602b: Mil '"'C. :in.l .Simon the V..UMK' r .Xlll-T'.iiia: Sinai, Mount Ill~442d: XIV-12b; slavery legislation IX-66d: XIV-37d: succession, laws of IX-83c; Tcnedos XIV-i)06d; Thagora XIV-553c; Thelepte XI\'-566b: and Theodore of Antioch XIV-S73a; Theodonas XH34d; ThermopyliB XIV- 629d: thorn, holy IV-540d;

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.