Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/496

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Leobgyth, Saint. See Lioba Leobinus, Bishop of Chartres.

Sec Lubin. Saiat LEOCADIA, SAINT, virgin, and martyr IX-173d; XIV-I77b; 75oc: at Perpiguan XI-700c; XIV-179a Leodebaldus, Abbot of St-Aig-

nan, Fleurv abbev VI-102d LEODEGAR, SAINT, Bishop of Autun IX-174a; II-144b; III- 562c; VI-240d; lX-174a; and St. Bathilde II-348d and Eb- roin VI-240d; feast, Gallican Rite VI-360b ;and Genesius VI- 413c; Missale Gothicum VI- 359a; at Poitiers XII-181a; relics XV-445b —Abbot of St. Gall VI-34Sa — Count, and Benedictineg V-

3G5d Leodegarius. See Leodegar Leodegisius, Bishop of Braga II-

729d Leoden, gymnasium of I-145d Leodovaldus, Saint, Bishop of

Avrauches IV-4o6a Leofdag, Saint, Bishop of Ribe

XVI-70C Leofgar, Bishop of Hereford VII-

25.5d —Bishop of Lichfield IX-232d Leofrana, Queen' of the East An- gles V-553b Leofric, Bishop of Exeter V-708d — Earl of Mercia, and Chester XV-588d; and Our Lady of Coventry, shrines of XIII- 760c — Missal X-356C; deaconesses IV-652C; dead, prayer for IV- 657b ; Mass of the Virgin Mary XV-4B2d Leofsige, Bishop of Worcester

XV-704a Leofwin, Abbot of Ely II^29a —Bishop of Lichfield IX-232d Leoggenthal. See Leukenthal Leoghaire, Irish King. See

Laoghaire Leoguntius, Saint, Bishop of

Clermont IV-54a ^ Leominster, priory VII-255c Leon, Saint, patronage. United

.'States XI-565a —DIOCESE AND CIVIL PROV- INCE, Spain IX-17,5a; XIV- 171d; 172d; and Castile III- 411a;G7b;XIV-lSlc — Cathedral, architecture VI- 678d; cathedral cloister (ill.) IX-facing 176; facade V-747c; tomb (ill.) IX-facing 176 — civil division IX-176c; eccle- siastical division IX-176c; .St. Isidore (ill.) IX-facing 176; Jews VIII-392d; map (ill.) XlV-facing 200; San Marco, Church of XlV-facing 190; San Marco, Convent of (ill.) IX-facing 176; Moorish con- quest XIV-179b; palimpsest IX-618a; XV-519b; religious communities IX-176d; St. James of Coinpostela, Order of Xni :i.'):!a; statistics IX-176b. Sr' St Till (!'■ Loon, Diocese of LEON, DIOCESE OF, Mexico

IX- 177c: map X-facing 268 — Alonzo de, missionary XIII-

424c — ^Andres de, missionary XIII—

404b — Francisco, Ponce de. See Ponci- fit' I.o6n. Fra Francisco Leon, Jose de Xll-291a LEON, LUIS DE !X-177d; XIV- 199c; XVI-71b; on Canticle of Canticles III-303b; and Car- melites IX-318d; and Monte- mayor II-247d Leonard Chimura, Blessed, mar- tyr XIV lU)a —John, \icar Apostolic VI-646a;

VIIJ l.ild Leonardi, Bishop of Trieste XV-

45b — Jean, at Louvain XII-6G7b — John, Blessed. See John Leon- ardi Leonardo da Pisa, "Fibonacci"

XI-3S3b — da Vinci. Sec Vinci, Leonardo

cli .Sit I'ifTO da LEONARD OF CHIOS IX-178b — of Dunois, Saint XI-319a


178c; XI-4S9a: at Le .Mans IX-144b; as monk XI-319a; patronage, Australia XI-560a: at Reims XII-729b —OF PORT MAURICE, SAINT IX-178d; patronage of United States XI-565a; on "Spiritual Exercises" XIV-228c; tomb XIII-170d — of Vendoeuvre, Saint XI-319a Leonardo Mattel of Udine, Bol- sena miracle XI-332d

Leonardos Senensis, Benvogli- enti n-507b

Leonardtown, Maryland, mis- sion XIV-95C

Leonas, at Council of Seleucius I-Sld

Leon Bible .\V-.517b

Leonberg, Conrad of. See Con- rad of I.fonlicrg

Leon de los Aldamas. See Le6n, Diocese of, Mexico

Leone, Evasio, Canticle of Can- ticles XIII-27C

— Fra. See Leo, Brother

— Giovanni, Bishop of Larino IX^b

— Marco, Bishop of Gerace VI- 464b

-Pier, schism XIII-168d

— Palatini, Blessed, Bishop of Todi IX-323a

Leonfaard, Johann Michael, Bish- op of Sankt Polten II-129a; XIII-44Sa

— of Kentschach, Archbishop of Salzburg XIII-413d

Leoni, Bussa De. See Frances of Rome, Saint

— Gian Francesco, Bishop of Telese XIV-i76d

— Lesne, medallist X-114b

— Paolo, Bishop of Ferrara VI- 47a

— Pietro de, antipope Xl-lOlb

— Pompeo, statues V-535b

Leonianum Seminary, India Ill- Sola; VIII-597a; XIII-700a

Leonianus, Saint, at Vienne VII- 27b

Leoniceno, Nicolo, Padua, at University of XI-387d; as physician IX-265c; X-129b; and Trissino XV-61b

Leonicenus. See Leoniceno, Ni- colo

Leonid, meteors II-27b


— martyr XI-306C; 324d; 707b

— martyr II— 13c

—Bishop of Bageis 1 1 -203a

— King of Sparta XIV-629c

Leonides. See Leonidas

Leonilla, Saint, at Langres VIII- 790b

Leonina, coin X-335d

Leonine Apostolic College XIII- 136a

— City XIV-261d; and Alexander VI I-290a; and Henry IV VII- 73c; VIII-86a: Leo IV IX- 1.59a; XIII-370a; and Nicholas V XI-58d

—Code, Index III-523b

— Fortress, Vatican observatory XV-310C

— Sacramentary IX-796c; ordi- nation I— 191c; Postcommunion XH-318c; Prefaces XII-3S4d; Roman Rite IX-297d; St. Michael, Feast of X-276C

• — Seminary, Athens XII-230c; 231b; latest legislation XVI- 71b

— Tower, Vatican gardens (ill.) XV-277d

— WaU, Rome XV-277b

Leonini, Angelo, .\rchbi3h0p of Sassari Xlll-lSob; in Venice Xl-lOOd

Leoninum Collegium, Germany


Leonis, John. See Leunis Leonistfie. .See Waldenses Leonius, Saint, at Poitiers XII-

isod —John. Sre Lcuiiis Leon of Westminster, Saint, pat-

rona^-c, ('ana<ia XI-.'>65d

Leonora of England \'II-512d

—See Eleanor

Leonor de Milan, Condesa de

Gelvcs Vll-295a

Leonorius, Gallic chieftain VI-

33l.a Leonor of Castile, and Jaime the

Conqueror XIV— 4o2d Leonrod, Franz Leopold von, of Eichstatt V-365C Leontes, river. See Litfiny Leonteion, .\thens II-47b Leontianus, Biyhop of Coutances

IV-4.-..0d Leontieff, Maxim, at Peking III-

fi79d Leontini, and Dionvsius XIII-

773c; in Sicily XIII-772d Leontios, Basilian archimandrite

X-217C LEONTIUS, SAINT, Bishop of Frlijus IX - 179d; VI-269d; VI 1-4,5 lb — Saint, Bishop of Tripolis X-

490d; .\V-60d

—Bishop of Antioch IV-649a;

X-161d; and .A.etius V-605b;

and Diodorus of Tarsus V-Sa

— Bishop of Aries, and Hilarius,

Pope VII-348C; IX-S80b — Bishop of Bari II-295d — Archbishop of Bordeaux, and

Fortunatus VI-150a — n. Archbishop of Bordeaux II-

682c — Byzantine emperor III-104a — Archbishop of Csesarea I-737a —Bishop of CabTida lll-204b — Bishop of Camerino, martyr

III-216d —Bishop of Comana IV-lSlb —Archbishop of Cyprus III-122a —Bishop of Cyrene IV-S92a —Bishop of Kieff II-172d; IX-

464c — Bishop of Magnesia ad Msean-

drum IX-533C — Bishop of Musti X-659a — Bishop of Reggio de Calabria

XI 1-7 17c —Prefect of Rome IX-218d — Saint, Bishop of Saintes IX-6c — Bishop of Salamis. See Leon-

tius Bvzantinus —Bishop of Serraj XIII-731c —Bishop of Soli XIV-134d —Bishop of Sozusa XIV-167a —Bishop of Urbino XV-222b — Arabian martyr IV-403d — rhetorician, Athens, and Eudo-

cia V-597b — Russian Metropolitan XIII-

254c; and .•Vrians XIII-267d — Sc>'thian monk. ,See Leontius

Bvzantinus — BYZANTINUS IX-180b; V- 15d; at Mount Sinai II-323a; and Nestorianism X-758b; and Theodore of Mopsuestia II- 321c — of Byzantium. See Leontius

Ryzantinus —Valerius, Saint, Bishop of

Hippo Regius VII-360b Leonto. See Leontopolis LEONTOPOLIS IX-181c; III- 25b; 183b; Jewish Temple IV- 776b; VIII-388b; XV-465b Leontorius, Conrad of. See Con- rad of Leonberg Leon y Cardenas, Martin de, as Bishop of Palermo X 1-4 20c; as Bishop of Pozzuoli Xll-331d Leopard, in Bible I-524d Leopardi, Giacomo VIII-220a; 252b; birthplace XIl-676a; and Mai Angelo IX-53SC Leopardo, Alessandro, sculptor XV-,340c; 36.5b; St. Mark's. Venice XV-334b Leopardus, Saint, Bishop of Osi-

mo XI-338d Leophardo, Gilbert de S. III-

657d Leopol. See I.cmberg Leopold, Saint. S,r Leopold III,

Margrave "i Austria —I, Margrav ..f Au.slrin, [..uii- dation ll-122d; I2:ia; at Mclk X-167a — m. Saint, Margrave of .\ustria, canonized VIII-20a; at Heili- genkreuz VII-19SC; Kloster- neuburg. Abbev of XV-420b; at Melk X-107a — V, Duke of Austria II-12.3b; and Richard Coeur de Lion III- 479a; XIII-42b —VI, Duke of Austria II-123b; IX-247C; XV-^ll9b; treaty.

and Charles I VIII-432a; and San Germano, Peace of XIII- 412d; and Swiss League XIV- 359b; in Vienna XV-417b; and Wilhering XV-623d — ni, of Hapsburg, Duke of Aus- tria IX-6t)8d; and Swiss League XIV-359C; at Treriso XV-38d

— I, King of the Belgians II-400a; and Conscience IV-273d; and Leo XIII IX-169d; as Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha XIII-494C

— n. King of the Belgians IV- 228c; X-764b; and Catholic party II-401C; 402c; 4030' in Congo IV-232C

— I, Emperor of Germany VI- 50Sa; VII-664b; and Anima college I-515a; and Apostolic Majesty I-640b; and Balkans XIII-733d; Clement XI IV- 30a; duelling V-lS5b; in Ham- burg Vll-122b: and Innocent XII VIII-23b: Jews, treatment of VIII-397b; and Lorrain IX- 3Gld; Muii abbey X-643d; and nuncio lV-31a; and Sobi- eski XI V-62a ; in Transylvania XV-21d; at Vienna XV-418b

— n. Emperor of Germany II— 12Sb; VI-508b; and Belgium X-764b; Cherubini III-648c; ecclesiastical policy XII-S41d: as King of Hungary Vn-556d; Innsbruck university VIII- 24d; Lilienfeld, Abbey of IX- 247d; Pillnitz, Declaration of IX-666C; Premonstratensian Canons XII-390b; and Reich- enbach convention XII-525d

— Prince of HohenzoUem and Spain VI-512c; X-702d

— I, Bishop of Passau and of Strasburg XI-520a

— I, Grand Duke of Tuscany X- 2S9a; XIII-782b; XV-l()4c

— n, (jrand Duke of Tuscany XII-131d; XV-lWd; ecclesi- astical policy II-6Sd

— Grand Duke of Baden II-19oc; requiem II-196d

— Margrave of Bavaria 1-75 lb; II-354C

— Friedrich Franz, of Anhalt-Des- sau, Prince, and Philanthropin- ism XI-796C

— Joseph, Duke of Lorraine IX- 364b

— Karl Joseph Wilhelm Ludwig, Regent of Bavaria II-355b; and Sistine chapel XV-279C

Leopolder, Stephan, historian XV-591d

Leopoldina, Empress of Brazil XVI-.52b

— University of. See Breslau,



Leopoldine Association, Vienna II-3o9d; IV-7.J9c; .\VI-o2a

—Diploma, treaty XV-21d

Leopoldinen-Stiftung. See Leo- poldine .\ssociation

Leopoldinische Stiftung. See Leopoldine .Association

Leopold the Glorious. .See Leo- pold \'l. Duke of Austria

— the Handsome. See Leopold II, Margrave of .\ustria

— the Illustrious. See Leopold I, Margrave of .\ustria

— the Valiant. See Leopold V, Margrave of -Austria

— Wilhelm, as Bishop of Breslau II-763C: .as BLshop of Halber- stadt X1V-6.50C; .as Bishop of Olmutz XI-24Sb: as Bishop of Passau XI-520a; as Bishop of Strasburg XlV-314b

— WiUiam, Governor General of the Netherlands VII-4S9b

Leopolis (Lemberg) II-13tib

Leosindus, Bishop of Iria IV-


Leotadius, Saint, Abbot of Mon- t.-iuban X-52.5a

Leotardus, impostor, at ChAlons VIl-l)99d

Leotistemia XlII-3l0b

Leovigild, Saint, Bishop of Gra- nada VI-723C

— Visigoth King VII-276a; XIV- 177d: XV-477a; in Andalusia I— 165d; and John of Biclaro VIII-470b; and Sucvi V- 671a

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.