Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/518

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and Slovaks in United States XIV-55d; in South Dakota, statistics XIV-162b; statistics IX^63b; Strergriis XVI-77a; Syncretistic Strife XIV-384a; in Switzerland XIV-364d; teachings IX-458a; in Tennes- see XlV-olOd; in Texas XIV- 550b; in^Transylvama XII- 708a; in Trondhjem ,^V-6_4d. and Union of Christendom XV- 141b- and union with Calvin- ism XV-147b; in United States XIV-280a; andVehes. attitude XV-321b; vestments XV-390C; in Virginia XV-451d; at Wal- kenreid Abbey XV -537c; m Washington XV-oOld; in West- phalia XV-603b; in Wisconsin XV-663d; in Wladislaw XV- 6S2b: at Worms XV-708b; worship IX-462C Lutherans, American, African

missions I-lS7d Luthem, Hermit-Brothers of II-

340d „ ,^.

Luther of Hungary II-12oa Lutici (Veltae), of Lusatian Serbs

XIV -49b Lutka, John, Bishop of « ioc-

Lnvek XV-GSlc .

Luto, Juan de, Mercedarian X-

LUTOLF, ALOYS IX-4G3C Lutpert, Abbot of Hirschau Vll-

3l)3a Lutre, Abbey of. Aec Lure LutreU, Robert, and Semprmg-

ham Hall III-295b Lutsk. See Lutzk „ , • „

Lutte, La, periodical, Belgium

XI-672a Lutter, monasteryfoundedIII-19c

—am Barenberge, battle C162b)

IV-72SC; VI-41C Lutterworth, town, England XV-

723a _,,.,

LuU-Johann, Freihen von XV 1-

— Johann Jacob de, in Munich

X-632d —Joseph A., in Kansas vlll-

OOlb' in Missouri X-401d Lutz amendment, in Hungary

— Marcus, of Senfelingen VII~61b Lutzelburg (Luxemburg) \ 11-

LuUelkob, Gerhard, murdered

IV-260b ,,, .„ „

Lutzen, battle (1632) \ I-12a; X-

76c; 698a; XV-539a; death of

Gustavus Adolphus \ I-.>03d



IX-4rad; Vl-.mid; X-129a;

Xin-2o7b; 2.i9d; map XIII-

facing 264; Kuthenlan Kite


Lutzow, Louis Adolph Gudlaume,

and Eichendorf V -364a Luweiza, Monastery of St. Mary of. See St. Mary of Luweiza, Monastery of Luweiziyek. See Bethel Lux, physician X-134C Luxan Martinez, Jose, and Ooya

v Lucientes VI-6S6d Liixembourg, Louis of, .\rchbish- op of Rouen XIII-209d; at Ely Diocese I 1-7 10c Luxemburg, town, Carmelite ter- tiaries III - 369d; cathedra (ill.) IX-466b; and Chaptal IU-5S2b; pilgrimage XII-93b LUXEMBURG, Grand Duchy IX-46.5C; and Bismarck v 1- 5120; and Burgundy III-09a; VI-497d: Church in IX-lb.M; X-679b; ecclesiastical organi- zation I-342a; education IX- 406a; as French possession XIV-650a; geography IX- 4e5c; Gcsellenvcreine VI-53Sc; government IX-400b; and Guise VII-74b; history IX- 460c; institutions IX-466a; Jews in VIII-.399C; Masonic Council in IX-776d; and Metz X-248d; papal representatives XI-161d; Poor Child Jesus, Sisters of Xn-251a; 25Ib; and Propaganda XIII -143a; reli- gious statistics XIV-278a

^Bernard von, Dominican VII-



periodical S6a

— Fran?ois-Henri de-Montmor- ency. Due de, general IX-372d —House of II-123d; and Bran- denburg XII-520b; and Henry II VII-227d; palace II-71d; power XIII-784C — John of. King of Bohemia. See

John of Luxemburg — John of. Patriarch. See John

of Luxemburg — Raphael de, in Louisiana XI-


— BuUarium III-49C

Luxemburger Wort

IX-HjOb. X-2T(ic


II-525C; VI-3.59b; Adso at I-

leic; and St. Ansegisus I-545d;

St. Attala at II-60b; and St.

Columbanus IV-138b; \III-

lOOd; and St. Deicolus I\ -

678d; founded III-I95d; IX-

363a; XIII-589d; St. Gall at

VI-346d; Irish illuminations

IX-623d: and perpetual psalm-

odv I-206a

— ^Lectionary VI-359b

Luxieu, ordinance of (1464) IX-

Lux'or, Temple XIV-497a: S03b

— Diocese of IX-408a

— and Esneh, Jacobite diocese

V-35.5d Luynes, Cardinal de, as Bishop

of Sena XIII-717d — Albert de, and Maria de Medici

Luypen, Vicar Apostolic of Ba- tavia II-346d

Luz, in India XIII-3S3b

Luza, town, Palestine I I-532C ; VI- 441d; name XII-150d; ongm of name X-678a; vision of Jacob VIII-261a; See Bethel

Luzan, Ignacio de, writer XI v- 200b „ ^

Luzancy, Amauld de, at fort Royal I-745b , „ „ ,

Luzarches, Robert of. See Rob- ert of Luzarches .

Luzato, Giacomo de, emendation of Pontifical I-262C

Luzerne, Cesar-Guillaume de la. See La Luzerne. C63ar-GuU-

Luzz"atti, Leo, and Play XII-162d Luzzemon. See Lucerne Lwihohrod. See Lemberg Lwow, Archbishopric of. See

Lemberg Lyad, tribe I-668c

LYDDA IX-468b;VI-441d; 453d; VIII-370b; St. Peter at XI- 747b; and Rama XII-637b

— .S,,,K»; 0/ (A.D. 415) VI-690b; XI-006a; XIII-416d; and St. Augustine II-90a; and Pela- gianism I-600c; II-88d; M- 690b; VIII-12a

LYDGATE, JOHN IX-468d; V- 461d; and Dance of Death IV-017C; facsimile of old man- uscript IX-468; and Occleve XI-197c; as poet II-462b; III-

Lydia, conversion of IX— I21b — province. Asia Minor I ~"

— Linus, Franciscan XIV-647d — Patrick N., Bishop of Charles- ton, and American College, Rome I-423c; and Corcoran IV-3.50b; and Hewit VII-309d; Irish American XI-693b —Richard, Jesuit XIV-93b — Thomas, Jesuit XIV-93b — Thomas, martyr V— 47Sb — Thomas, \'icar General of

Burlington XV-357a — Thomas, Jr. signer Declaration

of Independence VIII-13SC — William, Irish martjT VIII-

— William, F. I-466c; travels II- 9a; XI-30.-ia

Lynchburg, town. Virginia XV- 451d; foundation Vni-139b

Lyndhurst, Lord Copley, John Singleton XlII-735b; at Cam- bridge in-212b

Lyndsay, Sir David, poet Xlli-

Lyaeus, Saint XV-68b

Lvall, Sir Charles, on primitive

religions IV-683d; 6S5d Lybians, tribe, and Merneptah I

X-20SC Lybo, town. S™a XIV-399C Lycabas Sozon, deity XIV -566c Lycanthrophy, negro belief in V 1-

Lycaonia, See of I-43Sd; 789a;

and Galatia VI-336d; and St.

Paul XI-570d .

Lycee, of France, curriculum 1-

— Saint-Louis, and Babinet II-

Lycerius, Saint, Bishop of Lirida

IX-188C Lyceum, of Aristotle 1-7 13d —periodical, Ireland XI-682d Lyceum Hosianum, Braunsberg

V-523b Lych Gate III-507c Lychnic, prayers of I-l()bb Lychnidus. See Achrida Lycia, province, Asia Minor 1-

789a" confederacy XIV~/4Sd;

and Merneptah V-340c; mon-

umenta I-784b; and Pricnc

Xn-405d; Swastika, on coins

IV-517d Lycidas iMiltnni V-40.5C

LYCOPOLIS, "s," of IX-468a;

Mcl.-tms, scliism of X-164a —Alexander of. See Alexander

of Lycopolis Lycostomium, See of VI - /,5»c,

XIV-629d , , .

Lycurgus, Greek lawyer, ana

Aubignac II-07b; communism

in Sparta IV-179d; on infanti-

ciile VI-159b; on lending of

wives I-103d Lyda. See Lydda

xfiwlod; 472a; as Greek Colony I-784C; and Nicsea I- 7S5b; origin, money I-784C; patronageXI-566c; tithes, pay- ing in XIV-741C — of Thyatira, in Philippi XII-7c Lydius Lapis I-232a Lydus. See Laurentius, Johannes Lye, Saint XI-319a Lyell, Sir Charles, on age of nian XV-707a; and biolog>- II- 575b; on Niagara Falls XV- 705c; 707a; and Woods. Juan E. T. XV-703a Lyell V. Kennedy, trial XIII-

657d Lyflng, Bishop of Worcester XV-

704a Lygin, tribe XIII-790C Lygos, IV -301d Lyhart, Walter Bishop of Nor-

wi.k XI-122b LYING IX-t(;;ia; XV-77b; Aris- totle's theory IX -469b; St. Augustine's theory II - 90d ; IX-t69c; 470a; Caasian's the- ory IX-169C; St. Chrysostom's theory IX^69c; forms of IX- 469b; and hypocrisy VII-OlOc; injurious IX-469b; Kant's the- ory IX-469b; Laymann's the- ory IX— 470c; Mazdeism con- demns II -156c; and mental reservations IX-470d; Origen's theory IX^69c; Paulsen s theory rx-169b; Plato's theory IX -'469b; St. Raymund of ^-^ --■-

Pennafort'3 theory IX-470b; Lyons, town, Fran Scholastic teaching IX-170a; »,.H i„a™n 11-, 1

St. Thomas' theory IX-4(J9b; and truth IX-469d; and Van der Velden's theory IX-J71a; Waldenses on XV-528d; in Zoroastrianism II-156a Lyke. See Loccum Lykins, David, missionary X-

Lykus (Nahr el-Kelb) IX-104d

Lyly, John V-464a

Lyman, Dwight, scholarships 111-

LYNDWOOD, 'WILLIAM, Bish- op of St. David's IX-471C; XIII-650b; on confession XIII- 649c; 650c; "Provinciale" III-

Lyne, Aime, Venerable, See


— S. M., writer XI-6S3a

— Mrs. Stephen, and Catholic Church. Cambridge XI-107C

Lyns, Academy of. See Lincei, Accademia dei

Lynette. Sec Elined

Lvtm, town, Massachusetts, Ar- menian Catholics XIII-82a

— William, Bishop of Worcester

Lyra, m°d1cal writer Xni-364b — Archange de. See Archange de


Lymphathics, discovery l-458b; Il-573b ^ ,,, ,,^

Lynally, Monastery of IV-USc

Lynch, missionary, in Canada XI-611a

—Alexander IX^71b

—Anne Charlotte, and Brown- s.,n, O. A. III-lc

—Charles, Colonel, founder Lynchburg. Va. VIII-139b

Q M Vicar General of Sacra- mento XIII-294a . ^ „ „

. Dominic, student, Irish College,

Seville VIII-159C ^ , ,.

— Dominick, as pioneer Catholic XIV — 398b; and Trinity Church, New York XI-21a; and Washington III-3S3a

Edward, at Cincinnati 111-

— James, Archbishop of Tuam, at Irish College. Madrid V 111-

— James, Lazarist X-365c; 360b;

community life X-365C — James, pioneer Catholic XIV-

39Sb „ ,

—JOHN IX-471b; "Cambrensis

Eversis" VI-374a; on Giraldus

Cambrensis VI-569b; on U

Dugan XI-212C —John A., and Church Extension

Society XIV-79b —John Joseph, Archbishop of

Toronl o XI V -7S2a : seminary

X-367b; in Texn.s XIV-549a;

in Virginia XV-t.")7d —Joseph Patrick, Bishop of Dal- iXIV-549d

— H W., on sect Xin-674d —J. D., orientalist Xl-304b — L. C, artist XI-13Sd — Matthew, publisher V III-142C — William, artist XI-15Sd Lyonne, Artus de. Vicar Apos- tolic of N. W Sze-ch'w-an III- 675c- XIV-420b; and Le Sage IX-lS9d . ,

rons, town, France, Academy, andAudran II-71b; .\cademy. Baron at ll-.303d; Adoration. Perpetual I-153c; annexed 111- 68dT Antipas in VII-291b; Au- ger in II-73a; and Austnans X-698c; Bernard's statue II- 497d- St. Bonaventure's relics II-050d; cathedral III.-138c; VII -435b; character V l-9bc; Chilperic reigns at IV-66d —Church in: acolytes I- 107b, Adoration, Perpetual I-153C; Children of M"5V,S°?^chS: tion of II-287a; XII-30SHd; 369a; and Gallican Rite IX- 311b; Holy Agony, Confra- ternitv of XIV-123b; Perpet- ual Psalmody I-20ba; bacred Heart, Brothers of the X1U- 30.5c; and Virgin Mary X\-

-tndstColumba XIII-718d: Church of the Cordeliers II- 442a; Herodias in MI-292a: and Huguenots IV-S4a; Jesmt college II-73a; Jesuits, sta-; tistics XlV-103a; legati nati in IX-119a; martyrs IX-/43a, massacre (1572) XIII-336aj nieilieval cathedral school ■KIII-557a Notre-Dame de FourviSres (ill.) lX-475d; Our Lady of Charity, ,',<mvcnt XII-712C; patron I{-«gO»: persecution at (177) VI-39ob, and Philip IV Xn-4c; pil- grimage XII-93b; population VI-107a; Society for Propaga- tion of Faith XII-161a; rcUc of Crown of Thorns IV-a41a; St. Martin d'Ainay V-261a; semi- nary of African missions Xll- 5:?0c; 231b; 4.5Sb; 4.5Sc; um- versiiv \V-10<a; Visitation Nuns 111 XV-4>2b; Waldenses,


-kRCHDIOCEsVpF"! .X-47^: VI-:!9(5a: Archbishop (11^7) " exarch of Burgundy V-676d, and Autun II-144a; and De BonaldII-647d;Catliolic Con- gresses (1896) IV-244b; (1897)


typo indicates titlea of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = muatratiom,.