Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/611

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32r.c: and Gallitzin. Adele VI-

3l)7c; at Munster X-63eb;

.\V-f.04b Overbrook Seminary, Phiiadel-

phia .\III-l)9Sc; 699d Over-thane I-74d Overton, J. H., church historian

Vll-.iSOa Oveton, Richard, martjT VIII-

ll)7c Ovid, poet IX-33C; 22Sa; on

abortion I-4Sc: birthplace XV-

2C4d; and Chancer III-644a;

Fasti Ill-lSSa; on host VII-

4S9d: and Hvginus II-20c;

statue XIV-775d; at Tomi

XIV-775C Oviedo, province, Spain XIV-

171c; 172b - Andrew, missionary I-76c: III-

!7llc: VI 4r)0d; XIV-94C


ir:ia; .• (877) XV-496c;

map \I\'- facing 200; priests,

confraternity of XII -420c;

Santa Maria Naranco, Church

of (ill.) XI-3M: university

XI~3ti4b; XIV-175b; XV-197d —Matthew d', Archbishop of

nubliii V-17Sb Oviedo-Herrera, Luis Antonio de,

poet XIV-204a -y Valdes Gonzalo Fernandez

de, historian XV-2G5b Ovile, Pietro d*, grammarian

XIII-782b Owe-Augia, monastery. See

Wcis-spnau Owen, Saint. See Ouen — Cloe Case II-2S6C — Davydd ap. Bishop of St. Asaph

XIII-333b — George Xlll-lSb — John XV-.546a —NICHOLAS, martyr XI-364c;

I-776d: V-476C —Richard, anatomist I-i60d; II-

o7.5c —Robert, Socialist VII-742b;

XIV-63a; TOoc; community

IV-182a; XIV-69b; and Hol-

yoake XIII -676a; on Spirit- ualism XIV-222a — Robert Dale, Socialist, and

Brownson Ill-lb; on Malthus

XII-279b — William, writer XV-S36d Ow-Felldorf, Sigismund Felix

von. Bishop of Paasau XI-520c Owl, in Bible I-523d: .524b; 524c:

525b; 526a: symbolism V-152d Ownership, by accession I-95d;

and almsgiving I-328d: Catho- Uc teaching I-228d; Franciscan rule XIV-38oa; and justice VIII-572b; and prescription XII-395b; and property XII- 462b: of property, ecclesiastical XII-471C; Romin law IX-81a; State, Kautskv on IV-lOUb; Thiers on XIV^36b; of wealth XV-571d Owtred. See Uhtred Ox, in Bible I-517b: 517d: S18d: 520a; 525c; 596b: blessing II- 601b; in China XIII-311a; svmbohsm I-5I6C; III-647C: IV-lOSd: in Temple III-647a Oxenedes, chronicler XIV-467d Oxeney. ;ililicv ll-29Sa OXENFORD, JOHN XI-3li4d OXENHAM, HENRY NUT- COMBE XI-3t).5a; on Abelard II-57C; on Atonement Il-oSa Oxenhausen, orphanage X V-71SC Oxenstiem, Axel, statesman XIV-654b; on Christina III- 723d; portrait XlV-ti.'ilc Oxenstjema, Jons Bengtsson, .\rchbi3hi.p"f 1 P-^la .\\ -2(ISa OXFORD, tM«:, X 1 ,<.-,l. ( i.pu- chins III :;-'■- ' ' ■ ■ con- vent III : ■' 1 " ;:.7a: Franciscans I J IJc \ I L.".i|)a; XII-419b; St. Fndcswi.le III- 577d; VI-303C; pilgrimage XIl-94a —Coii'icils: (1197) VII-509a; (1222) XI-633c; VII-678b; XIII-650a; (1407) IX-33.5b; (1408) III-520c: XIII-640b; XV-376a: (1409) V-441d —and Monmouthshire XV-532d; Perpetual .\doration Convent XI-690a: Provisions of IX- 3(;9b; XV-214a —Anglican Diocese of IX-2fi7b: XI-3f..-.c; cathedral VI-675d: —UNIVERSITY OF XI-3fi.5d; Xlll-eooa: Absolutism XV- 75c: Alfred the Great I-310b: ante-chapels III-577a; archi- tecture Vl-675d; arts, faculty of I-758d: arts, master of I- 759d; baccalaureate (1267) I- 757b; BalUol College (ill.) XI- facing 368; Beaufort, Mar- garet II-376b: Benedictines II- 457c: Bianchini II-541b: Bod- leian Library I -394c; IX- 232b: Boniface IX II-671b; Brasenose College (ill.) XI- facing 368; Bruno III-17a:

buildings XI-368a: and Cam- bridge III-214C; Campion II- 78Sc; V-293d: Carranza III- 376d; CathoHcs XI-369c; XIV-91C; XV-314C; chancellor VII-37b: Chichele III-657b; Christ Church (ill.) Xl-facing 368: clerics XIII-695c: collegi- ate system IV-108a; XI-366d: constitution XI-366c; degrees XI-367c; dialectics XIII-504d; diplomas XI-367d; doctorate V-73a; Dominicans XII-361b: and Douai V-138b; examina- tions XI-367b: expense XI- 368a: Franciscans VII-38b; government I-758d; grammar school XIII-557b: Grosseteste on VII-37C; Harding VII- 13Sa; on Immaculate Con- ception VII-680b: Irish at Vlll-lolb: Islip VIII-19Id: James II V-151d; law school IX-SSc: Lincoln College VI- 101a; manuscripts IX-620a: and Queen Mary I-764b; med- ieval IV-108a: and mendicants X-lS4b; music, doctorate in V-72d; New College XVI-47d: origin III-211c; Powell XIV- 660a; PuUen XII-563a; Shel- donian Theatre (ill.) Xl-faring 368: Tell -el -A mama Tablets XIV-477d; St. Thomas Aquinas XIV-673d: Thomism XIV- 69Sc; titles I-7.59d: tuition XI- 367a; Wolsev XV-686d; Wyclif VII-.584d; XV-722d -MOVEMENT XI-370a; I- 503d: V-154c: Allies I-324d; Anglican Orders I-494b; appre- ciation XI-377b; St. Augustine II-92a: Beste II-529c; XI-371a: conclusion XI-376d; conversions XI-377b: Convo- cation (184.5) XI-376C; De Lisle IV-699c: Drane, Augusta Theodosia V-153c: Dublin Re- view XI-673d: Faber V-740c; Foley XVUlc; Froude XI- 371c; Gorham case I-500d: XI-377a; Griffiths VII-33C; Hampden X I-372d ; 373c: 376d ; and High Church IX-400c; KebleXI-371b; Manning IX- 605c ; XI-377b ; Morris X-577b ; Newman X-795a: XI-371C: 375a: 376d; Oriel College XI- 369b: 371b; origin XI-371d; and Pre-Raphaelites V-256a; progress XI-374a; Pusey XI- 373b; 375d; XII-582c: and

Reformation XI-373d: Ritual- ism XI-371d; XIII-90c; Rose XI-371d: schism XIII-532c; Scotland XIII-621c; the "Test" XI-37Gb: Tracts XI- 371d; 372a; 373a: 374d: United States II-213b: XII-495a: Ward XI-374C: 375d: XV- 553a: Williams XI-375c: Wise- man XV-671a: 671c: 672a

Oxolotlan, Dominicans at XIV- 423b

Oxoma, See of Xiy-75od

Oxomuco, in Mexican cosmogony IV-413b

Oxon, abbr. I-25a

Oxygen, Lavoi.sierIX-o2b: Priest- lev X-i:i:sd

OXYRYNCHUS, ARCHDIO- CESE OF XI-377d; Agrapha in I-226C; Bibhcal MSS. IX- 629b; 631a; and Nilopolis XI- 79b

Gya, mission II-6S7C

Cyan (Oyand), Saint. See Eu- gendus

Oyent, Saint, Abbot of Condat XIII-341b

Oyte, and Munster X-636d

Oyun. .sVf Shaman

Oza, l.<vitc I-72.3C

OZANAM, ANTOINE - FRED- ERIC XI-378a; and Meignan X-147c; reading circle XIV- 334c: on Speciosa XIV-240b: tomb XI-486b: St. Vincent de Paul Society III-602c: XIII- 3S9b: and Wigley XV-620a

— JACQUES, mathematician XI- 378d

Czensara VI-44.3b

Ozeroff (Ozerov), Vladislav, poet XIII-271C

OZIAS, Son of Harim XI-379C

OZIAS, King of Juda XI-379C: III-734d; VIII-199a; 199c; 654b; 6o6c; 657c: 658b: and Arabians I-664d; and Azotus II-169b: in genealog>' of Christ VI-410b; in Jerusalem VIII- 347b

OZIAS, Father of Jonathan XI- 379c

OZIAS, Ancestor of Judith XI- 379c

OZIAS, Son of Misha XI-379c

OZIAS, Son of Uriel XI-379c

Ozieri, Episcopal residence II- 581a

Ozniensis, John, Catholicos of Armenia. See John IV (Otz- netzi)

Roman ntimeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.