Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/637

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of XII-363d; doubt V-141a; 141c; Dualism V-169d; Du- hamel V-187c; Duns Scotus V-194b; 1988: Durandus of Saint-Pourçain V-208a: Dy- namism V-222a; XIII-28c; eclecticism V-276b

PHILOSOPHY, in Education: Al- exandrian (pagan) I-761b: in Apostolic Schools XIII-586a; in early Christian Schools XIII-548a; Roman academies I-83c; Roman, ancient I-761d; at Oxford I-758d; Protes- tant I-764b: in Ratio studio- rum I-764b; XII-655a: teach- ing magisterium XV-11d; in trivium I-758b

-Egoism V-328a; emanationism V-397b; empiricism V-407c; Encyclopedists V-41sb; Epi- cureanism V-500b; Episte- mology V-506d; Eriugena V- 519d: essence and existence V-543d: eternity V-551d; eth- ics V-556b; Eucharistic Acci- dents V-582b: evil V-649a; evolution V-654b; experimen- tal (empiric, analytic) method XII-29d: extension V-714c; Faber, P. V-742c; fac- ulties of the soul V-749d; faith V-752c; fatalism V-791d; Ficino VI-67d; Fidcism VI- 681c; Filliucius VI-75d; Fon- seca VI-125d: form VI-137b; Franchi VI-206a; free will VI-259b; fundamental prin- ciples XIII-549d; Galluppi VI-370c; Gassendi VI-391b. and geographical research VI- 449b; Gilbert de la Porrée VI- 555a; Ginoulhiac VI-562a; Gioberti VI-562b; Girard VI- 569d; Godfrey of Fontaines VI-626a; Good VI-636b; Good, Highest VI-640b; Gratry VI- 731b; Greek X-230a; XII- 26d: 31a: Greek and Arabian philosophy I-675c; Greek, and Christianity III-714d; Greek, pre-Aristotelean 1-715b; Greek theosophic teaching XIV-626d; Gregory of Rimini VII-18b: Günther II-132a; VII-85b; habit VII-99d; 102b: happiness VII-131c; Hedonism VII-187d; Hegelianism VII-192b; Hello, Ernest XVI-41b: Herbart VII- 248a; Hermesianism VII-276c; Hervas y Panduro VII-297c; Hindu X-229d; XII-30d; his torical currents XII-30d; his- torical divisions XII-26d; Hon- orius of Autun VII-461c; Hugh of St. Victor VII-522b: Hylozoism VII-594a; idea VII- 630c: Idealism VII-634a; imag- ination VII-672a; immanence VII-682a; immortality VII- 687a; indifferentism VII-759a: individual VII-761a: 762c; induction VII-779d; infinity VIII-4b; insanity VIII-41a; instinct VIII-50c; intellect VIII-66c: interest VIII-75c; intuition VIII-82d; Ionian School VIII-92d: John of Janduno VIII-473d: John of Salisbury VIII-478c; Jouin VIII-527b; Jouvancy VIII- 527d: Justin Martyr VIII- 583b: Kabbala VIII-590a; Kant VIII-603a; Kantianism XII-34a: Kleutgen VIII-667a; knowledge VIII-673a; Laforet VIII-740b; Lamarck VIII- 753d; Lambin VIII-760b; lan- guage of XII-39b: Lasaulx IX-10a; Latini, Brunetto IX- 34d; law, concept of IX-54d; Lefèvre d'Etaples IX-114d; Leibniz IX-134b; Leo XIII I-177a: Liberal Arts I-763b: Liberalism IX-212b; life IX- 238d: 242a: Littré IX-295d; logic IX-321a: Lossada XVI- 56a; Lully XII-671a; Mai- monides, Moses IX-540b; de Maistre IX-554b: Malebranche IX-568b; man IX-580d: ma- terialism X-41c: XII-28c: mat- ter X-53d: Mayor, John X- 90b: Mayr, Beda X-91b: mech- anism X-100a: XII - 28c: medieval XII-27b: 32a; Me- garian school X-146b; Melis- sus of Samos X-165c; memory X-174c; merit X-202c: Mer- senne X-209d; metaphysics X-226a: XI-573d; metem- psychosis X-234d; method XII-29c; Mezzofanti X-270d; Michael Scotus X-275b; mind X-321a; Ming, John X-324d; miracle X-338a; Mirandola X- 351d: 352a; modern XII-27d; 32c: modernism VII-257c; X- 415b; monad X-447c; Monisin X-483b; XII-28b; 34b; morali- ty X-559a: mysticism X-663d; natural XII - 27c; Natural method of Pythagoras I-761a; naturalism X-713b; naturism X-717a; nature X-715c; necessity X-733a; necromancy X-735a; neo-Platonism X- 742b; neo-Pythagorean X- 715b: neo-Scholasticism X- 746b: XII-34b; Newman X- 794d; Nicolas d'Orbellis XI- 275b; nominalism XII-29b; Nourrisson XI-134a; objectiv- ism XII-28b: Occasionalism XI-195c; Ollé Laprune XI- 246c; Omnipotence XI-251c; Ontologism XI-257a; ontology XI-258c; optimism XI-263b; oratory VII-444d: Oresme XI- 296b: pagan 1-762a; III-700a; XIII-555a; Panpsychism XI- 446a: Pantænus XI-416d; pas- sions XI-534c; patristic XII- 31d: Pereira XI-664c: Peripa- tetic I-713d; person XI-726b; personality XI-727c; Pesch XI-739d; Pessimism XI-740c; Peter of Auvergne XI-772d; Petit-Didier, Jean Joseph XI- 776d: Petit-Didier, Matthieu X1-776c; Phenomenalism XI- 791b; XII-2Sc: Photius of Constantinople XII-43d; Plato XII-159d; Plato's division XII- 26d: 160c; Plato's educational system I-761b: Plethon XII- 166b; poetic XII-27a; Pom- ponazzi XII-227a; Ponce XII- 227c; Positivism XII-33d:312d; practical XII-27a; problems XII-33a; progress XII-34c; Psellus XII-545a; psycho- logical assimilation 1-800d; psychology XII-545c: psycho- physical parallelism XI-474b; psychotherapy XII-549d: Pul- lus XIII-98b; Pyrrhonism XII- 587a; Pythagoreanism XII- 587b; quality XII-589c; quan- tity XII-591b; Quaresmius XII-593b: Quesnel X11-601d; Ramus, Peter XII-638c; Rass XII-650c; rational XII-27c; Rationalism XII-28d; 652a: Raulica, Ventura di XV-343d; realism XII-29b; reason XII- 673d; Regis XII-721b; rela- tivism XII-731d; religion XII- 36b; Remigius of Auxerre XII- 7648: Reuchlin XII-798a; rev- elation XIV-369c: Riccardi XIII-32d; Ricci XIII-33a: Riccioli XIII-40a; right XIII- 55b: Ripalda XIII-62b: Rob- ert of Melun XIII-97c; Rosati XIII-360b; Roscelin XIII- 189d; Roskoványi XIII-194b; Rosmini - Serbati XIII- 194c; Rostock XIII-205b; Royer- Collard XIII-213d: Ruiz de Montoya XIII-224b; Salman- ticenses and Complutenses XIII-401d; Salmeron XIII- 402d: Salutati XIII-405c; San- severino XIII-453a; Savon- arola XIII 490c Scaliger XIII- 506a; Schedel XIII-525a; Scep- ticism V-112a; XII-29a; XIII- 516; sceptics III-541a; Schmalzgrueber XIII-545c; Schneemann XIII-546c: Scho- lastic I-60c; 449c; Scholastic- ism XIII-548a; 549c; sciences XII-34d; scientific method- ology XII-37b: Scotism XIII- 610b: 611c; and Scripture VII- 274d; secularism XIII-676a; self-defence XIII-691b; Seña XIII-712d: sensualism XII- 2Sd: separation from science I-759a; Siger of Brabant XIII- 784a; Simon of Tournai XIII- 799d; sin XIV-7a: society XIV-74b: sociology XIV-116d; Socrates XIV-119c: Sophists XIV-145d: soul XIV-153a; space XIV-167a; species XIV- 210b; Spinoza XIV-217a; 218a; spirit XIV-220d: Spiritualism XII-28c; 28d; XIV-229b; Statt- ler XIV-282a; Stöckl XIV- 298a; Stoicism XIV-299b; sub- jectivism XII-28b; substance XIV-322d:substantialism XII- 28c; Sulpicians XIII-380a; Sylvester XIV-372b; synder- esis XIV-384d: Synesius of Cyrene XIV-386c; systematic solutions XII-28a; Taoism XIV-446d; Taparelli XIV- 449a: teaching of XII-38d; 39d; teleology XIV - 474b; Telesio XIV 477a; Theism VI-608c; XII-37c; theodicy XIV-569a; theological prob- leins XII-36b: theology I- 676b: XIII-549c; XIV-582b; 583b; theoretic XII-27a; and theory on ideas VII-632b; theosophy XIV - 626b; Thomas Aquinas XIV-663c; XIV-668d; Thomism XIV- 698b; 699c; 700d; Tiele I-528d; Thierry of Freiburg XIV- 635b; time XIV-726b; Toledo, Francisco XIV-760c; Tongiorgi XIV-776b; Traditionalism XV- 13c; Traducianism XV-14d; Transcendentalism XV - 17c; truth XV-73c; tyrannicide XV-108d; Ubaghs XV-114a; unity and duality of being V- 170a; unreason 1-21tic; Utili- tarianism XII-29c; XV-241c; da Vinci XV-441c; Vives XV- 492d: Voluntarism XV-505d; voluntary XV-506b: Walter of Mortagne XV-544b; Walter of St. Victor XV-544c; Walter of Winterburn XV-544d; Wer- ner, Karl II-131d; will XV- 624a: William of Auvergne XV-631c: William of Cham- peaux XV-632b; William of Conches XV-632b; William of Moerbeke XV-634a: William of Ockham XV-636a; wisdom XV-472d; Wolff XII-27d: Zeno of Elea XV-756b; Zigliara XV-759a: Zimmer XV-759d

—Doctorate I-760a; V-73c

—Faculty of I-759b; 764a

Philostorgius, church historian VII-373b: IX-220a; on statues of emperors VII-667d: Theo- doret XIV-575c; Theophilus the Indian XIV-679a; Ülfilas XV-121a; Virginity of the Blessed Virgin XV-448c Philostratus X-745c; 7463 Philotheos, monastery II-48a Philotheus, martyr XIII-422b —heretic VII-348d —Patriarch of Constantinople VII-243a; 302d —Bishop of Dodona II-609d —Bishop of Selymbria XIII- 693a

-Bishop of Sozopolis XIV- 166d Philoxenian Syriac MS. IX- 633b: XIV-533a Philoxens, Metropolitan of Hierapolis XV-112a

Philoxenus, priest XIII-473a —Bishop of Doliche V-94a —OF MABBOGH XII-40b; V- 635c; VII-322b: IX-635c; X- 493c: 758b: XII-40b; XIV- 410b; and Anastasius I II- 385a; and Elias of Jerusalem V-385b: and Stephen bar Soudaili X-493d: Version of the Bible XV-369a —of Manbidj. See Philoxenus of Mabbogh Philpot, John, heretil-561c; III- 450a; V1-631d; XIII-122b Philpott, Clement, martyr II- 787d; V-475d Philpotts, Henry, Bishop of Ex- eter XI-3778 Philtres 1-184b Philumena, Saint. See Philomena Philumenus V-624b Phinees, son of Eleazar V-373c; VII-204c; XI-659d

—son of Heli VII-204c; VIII- 648a Phinehas. See Phinees Phinias, Bishop of Harpasa VII- 141d Phinon. See Phûnon Phi-pet VII-774c Phi-pop VII-774c Phipps (Phips), William, at Que- bec III-183a; 233c; XV-311b; and Port Royal I-91c; XI-136a Phis VII-774b Phithom, Egypt VI-443d: VIII- 194c Ph. M., abbr. I-25b Phobos II-26d PHOCÆA XII-40d; XV-339b Phocæans II-15Sc Phocas, emperor III-102d: 105a; III 11-660d; and Boniface column of XIII-176b; corona- tion IV-381d; and Gregory the Great VI-785c; at Mopsuestia X-555b Saint, Bishop of Sinope XIV- 14b —Bishop of Sora XIV-148d —John III-355b Phocians I-238d; IV-396d Phocidians XIV-629c Phocion XII-734b Phocis, See of VI-740d; church III-95c; XI-397a; monastery V-101a: VI-767c Phœbadius, Saint I-209b; IX- 25b Phœbammon, Bishop of Coptos IV-354d Phoebe, moon II-26c; 27a Phoebus I-762b —periodical X-626d Phoebus, Uri II-47c Phædimus VII-15c Phoenice Tenedos) XIV-506d Phoenices. See of VI-738d PHŒNICIA XII-41b; VIII- 368c: XIV-400a: Alalis I- 245b; Alphabet XIV-529b; Arcæ 1-687c; architecture XII- 42c: XIV-500a; and Assyria II-16c; 17a; Beirut 11-392b: Bothrys II-70sb: Christian Arabs in I-668c; Christianity XIV-402c; 403a: commerce XII-42b; cosmogony IV-410b; glass-making XIV-241c; his- tory XII-41c; 42b; and Israel VIII-197c; language of XII- 42c; religion XII-42d; slavery VIII-719d; and Syria XIV- 399b; vegetation XII-41b Phoenicia ad Libanum. See Phoenicia Secunda Phoenician disease IX-182b —Inscriptions XIII-709d: 710a Phoenicia Prima XIV-400a Phoenicians XIII-708a; in Af- rica. Northern XV-88d; in Andalusia 1-465c; and Azores II-168c; and Chanaanites III- 569c; colonization IV-396d; XIV-176c; at Dora V-133b; and Egypt V-339c; and the Flood IV-705d: in Gibraltar VI-550b; Grecian influence VI-735c; human sacrifice XIII- 311d: 31sc; and Malta IX- 575a; and Marseilles IX-715b; Movers, Franz Karl, on X- 606b: oblations among XI- 216b; and Sargon II II-14b; and Semites VIII-193b; and Sennacherib II-14c; in Sicily XIII-772d; at Thera XIV- 629a Phoenicia Secunda IV-616d: XIV-400a Phoenicus (Mount Olympus) XI- 249c Phoenix, in Bible I-525c; in Chris- tian symbolism II-577a; in Physiologus XII-68d Phoenix, Arizona I-719d Phoenix, battle V-598c —Greek see VI-738d —Park, Dublin VIII-112c Phogor, mountain II-215a; 388b; VI-443d —town VI-443d —See Bethphogor Phoibanon, Coptic manuscript XVI-29b Phonology I-760c Phoshilaron IV-315a; 319c: VII- 597b Phosilampes, prophet VI-600c

Roman numeral indicates volume: arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.