Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/646

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Place du Trone, Paris XI-489d

Placenta VII-489d

Placentia, town, Italy. See Pia-

— church, Newfoundland X-7S2c Placentina, town, Spain. See

Plasencia Placentinus, jurist IX-88c; X-

547a: XII-71b —Bishop of Madaurus IX-.512d Placentulae orbiculares VII-489d Place Royale, Brussels III-23C — Royale, Montreal III-568a PlacerviUe, church II-623d Places, Notre-Dame-des. See

Notre-Dame-des-PIaces Placet. See Exequatur Plachy, George, Jesuit XII-

343b; XIV-90C Placiard, Claude, Vincentian X-

302d Placid, Saint. See Placidus, St. Placideius, proconsul V-153a Placidi, Giovanni, Bishop of

S,.^.i-\urunoa XIII-738a PLACIDIA, GALLA XII-142a; Vll-4lilb; 441c, Ii92d; IX- tj>>b- XIV-.'i7sd; XV-255C; and .\etius I-177c; chalice III- 562a; and St. Germain of Auxerre VI-473b; and Leo I IX-156C -^mausoleum V-262b; XI-396a; dome V-lOOd; "Good Shep- herd" (ill.) XII-664; (ills.) XII-142; facing 142; mosaics I-333C; V-250d; X-586C — and St. Peter Chrysologus XI- 763a; and St. Fulcheria XII- 562b; religious policy III— 177d; S. Croce, Church of IV-o25c; S. Stefano, Church of XIII-

Placido, Blessed XII-676a

— poet. See Vald^s, Gabriel de la Concepcion

PLACIDUS, SAINT XII-142d; II-468c; V-47a; IX-507b; Cop- tic MS. XVI-29d; Correggio's painting XII-142; legend II- 442c; in Messina XIII-774d; at Monte Cassino II-472b; X- 526d; Passion XI-783d

— general under Traian. See Eustachius .

— general under Vespasian XIV- 552b

— of Nonantola XI-95a

Placing-out, of orphans XI-324b

Placitum Regium. See Exequa-

Placitus, martyr XII-143a Plagam, Henricus ad. See Henry

of Ghent Plague XII-276C; Apocalypse 1-

S97a; Ireland IV-74d; London

XV-71od; medals X-114b;

XI-157a; Vienna XV-418b —of Milan (Pucet) XII-558a — of the Philistines (Poussin)

plagues'^ of EGYPT XII- 143b; Aaron I-3c; and Apoca- lypse 1-596C

Plagulse I-252b

Plaien, Gebhard von. Bishop of Pas.sau Xl-519d

Plain and Perspicuous Doctor (Burliiah) 111-sla

PLAIN CHANT XII-144a; »s- thetic value XII-148a; Agnus Dei I-223a; Alfieri I-309a; Ambrosian I-389c; Byzantine Rite IV-316d; Cassiodorus III-407a; choir III-693d; Cis- tercians XII-145d; commission XV-396C; DescKe XVI-33a; Formby VI-139b; forms XII- 147c; and Gallican chant VI- 358c; Gregorian VI-779d; St. Gregory XII-145C; history XII-144a; Latin XIII-70c; Lauda Sion IX-37b; at Mass X-la; XII-14Sa; neums X- 765d; Pangp Lingua XI— 142b; Pius X I-.Wga; XII-14fic; XVI-33b: r.vivc.l XII-146b; rhythniXIl M7a;inseminaries I-370d;'H XIV-134b; Tc Deum XIV 4711b; tone sys- tem XII-14.-)C; 146d

— Cree Indians III-229d

— of the Tombs, Indo-China VII- 770b

Plains of Abraham, battle XV- 311d

Plainsong. See Plain Chant

Plain Song and Medieval Music Society I-57Sd

Plaisance, cardinal Vll-22tic

—mission III-233C; IV-722C

— Americ de. See .\meric de Plaisance

Plaisians, Guillaume de II-668a; IV-22a

Plajberg, town Vni-007a

Plaka, town X-lti<ld

Plamondon, C. A. X1V-7SC

—Simon XIlI-lJG.Ja: XV-.563d

Plancarte y Navarrete, Francisco, Bishop of Cucrnavaca IV- 502d; VII-5(l.'.c

Planci, Milon de VIlI-302b

Planck, Gottlieb Jakob, Church historian vn-379b: on Luther IX-452d; and .Mohlcr .X-430a; on svmholisni X-130d

—Karl Christian XV-S4a

Planco, Giano l-s.'jb

Planctus ante nescia, sequence .\I-532d

— cygni, sequence XII-4S5d

— sterUis, sequence XII— 185d

Plancus, Greek Bishop of Gerasa VI-469C

— Lucius Munatius '\'I-333b

Planella, Joseph Angelus, Bishop of Toposo I-225C

Planes, church I-G60a

Planeta in-639b; XV-S7d

— plicata IV-608d

Planetoid XII-72d

Plane tree, in Bible XII-lo6a

Planets XV-183d; Alpetragius XII-48d; .\ri3totle I-716c; in astrology II-18d; in Babylon- ian astronomy II-25C: Barde- sanes II-294b; Bode II-26d; and comets II-27b; Copernicus IV-352d; XII-53d; in demon- ology II-24a; in Egyptian mythology V-345a; in Gnosti- cism I-oSc; Kepler II-26b; XII-58c; Mithraistic worship of X -40.3a; motion and attrac- tion of XII-62b; Nicholas of Cusa XII-52C; Ptolemy II- 25d; 26a; Pythagorean teaching XII-588a; Roger Bacon X Hi- ll 5b; rotation ll-27a; in Sa- baism II-24b; in symbolism, ancient XIV-376b; in Old Tes- tament II-30a; and week XIV- 335c

Planitz, Rudolf von der. Bishop of Meissen X-149b

Plankstetten, abbey II-451a; V- 366a

Piano Carpine, John de. See Piano Carpine, Giovanni de

Plan of Campaign, Ireland VIII- 112d; XVI-13a

Planta, Thomas, Bishop of Chur III-743C

Plantagenet, family, tombs I- 489c

— Lady Anne II-716b

-Henry, Prince XIII-41C

—HENRY BEAUFORT, cardinal XII~USc; .hrintrv III-577d; and K.riip \ll-(il6b; at Lin- coln l.X-2i>7b: and Martin V in-6o7b; at Winchester XV- 650c; and Wvkeham XV-642a

—George IX-656C

Plantata, Bull of Urban VIII II- 447b; V-149a

Plantier, Henri, Bishop of Nlmes XI-83b; and .\ssumptionist3 Il-lOod; at Vatican Council XV-305b

PLANTIN, CHRISTOPHE XII- 148d; at Antwerp I-.TOOa; Bib- lical concordance IV-195c; Polyglot Bible I-590b; 711c; V-289d; XII-222d

—Martina XII-149c

Plantin-Moretus, museum 1- .->91a; fills.) XII-149a: 149d

Plantin press XIl-I49b; Acta Sanctorum ll-i;3nb

Plantinus, Christopher. See Plantin

Plants, for altar I-357a; Ameri- can I-413C; XII-169b; Hooke's discovery II-574d: Lamarck on V-656b; souls of I-716c;_ St. Thomas .Aquinas on XIV- fi6Sd; in Totomism XIV-790c; Tournefort's classification

XIV-799d; Zoronstrian teach- ing II-154d

—IN THE BIBLE XII-149d; algum XII-150C; almond tree XII-150d; aloes XII-150d; amomum XII -151a; anise XII-151a; apple tree XII- 151a; ash tree XII-151a; as- palathus XII-151b; astragalus XII-I51b; balm XII-151b barlev XII-151C; bav tree XII- 151c; bdellium XII-lSlc beans XII-151C; borith Xll- 151d; box tree XII-151d bramble Xll-lold: briers XII- 151d; bulrush XII-1.52a; bur XII-152a; bush XII-I52b; cal- amus XII-152b; camphire XII-152b; caper XII-152b; carob XII-152c; cassia XII- 52c; cedar XII-152c; cedrat XII-152d; cinnamon XII- 1.52d; citron XII-lS2d: classi- fication of XII-150b; cockle XII-152d: coloc.vnth .XII- 153a; coriander seed XII- 153a; corn XII-153a; corn, winter XII-153a; cotton XII- 153a; cucumber XII - 153a; cummin XII-153a; cj-press XII-153a; ear of corn XII- 153b; ebony XII-1.5.3b; figs XH-153b; fir XII-153b; fitches XII-153C; flag XII-153c; flax X1I-153C; flower of the field XII-153C; forest XII-153C; frankincense XII-153d; gal- banum Xll-153d; gall XII- 153d; garlic XII-153d; gith XII-153d; gopher-wood XII- I53d; gourd Xn-153d; grass XII-154a; grove XII-154a hay XII-154a; heath XII- 1.54a; hemlock XII-lo4a herbs, bitter XII-154b; holn XII-1.54b; hyssop Vn-612b. Xn-154b; iwXn-154b; juni- per XII-154b; ladanum XII- 154b; leeks XII-154b; lentils XII-1.54b; lilv XII-154C; lotus XII-154C; mad-apple XII- 154c; mallows XII-154c; man- drake XII-154d; manna XII- 154d; mastic tree XII-154d meadow XII-154d; melon XII-154d; mildew XII-154d millet XII-155a; mint XII- 155a; mulberry XII-155a mustard XII-155a; myrrh Xn-155b; myrtle XII-155b nettles XII-15.5b; nut XU 155b; oak XII-155b; oil tree XII-155C; olive, wild XII- 155d; olive tree XII-155C; onion XII-155d; palm tree XII-155d; paper reed XII- 15.5d; pen XII-15.5d; pine tree XII-155d; pistachio XII-156a; plane tree XIl-)56a; pome- granate XII-156a; poplar XII- 1.5fia; pulse XII-156a; reed XII-156a; rose XII-156b; rue XII-1.56b; rve XII-156b; saf- fron XII-156b; sedge XII- 156b; sedge-bush XII-156b; setim wood XII-156c; shrub Xn-156c; spelt XII-156c; spices XII-156C; spices, aro- matical XII-156C; spikenard XII-156C; stacte XII-156c storax XII-15Cd; sycamint XII-15fid; sycamore XII-156d tamarisk X'n-156d; teil tree XII-156d; terebinth XII-156d thistles XII-156d; thorns XII- 157a; thvine wood XII-157a vine XII-157a; vine, wild XII- 157a; vine of Sodom Xn-157b wheat XII-157b; wheel XII- 157b; willow XII-157b; worm- wood XII-157b

Plant Worship I-528b

Planudes, Maximus, writer III- 117d; llNb

Planum Supraorbitale XII-021d

Plas, Pieter van der, portrait of Milton lill.) V-li;2d

Plasden, Polydore, Venerable. martyr V-47Ub; XV'-5Sla; V- GHd"

PLASENCIA, DIOCESE OF XIl-157d; XlV-174a; bridge lll-,394b; map XlV-facing 200

Plass abbey VlII-789a

Plassey, battle VII-725d

Plata, La, Diocese of. See La Plata

—Rio de la. See Rio de la Plata

Plataci, town VIII-207d Plataa, See of VI-738d Platearius, Joannes, physician

X-12eb — Matthasus, physician X-126c;

Xm-397c; 39Sb Platamon, See of IX-4d Platchi, in Russian literature

Xni-266c Plate, Ludwig XIII-602c —River. See Ri<. de la Plata Plateanus IV-llOa Plat_eau, Felix, naturalist XVI-


Platel, Capuchin. See Parisot, Norbert

— theologian XIV-595a

Platen, August von, poet VI- 526c: and Dollinger V-95b

Plateresque Architecture XIV- 757d

PLATINA,BARTOLOMEO XII- 15Sb; 76Sb; character I-84a: on Bailey's comet XII-159a; and Laetus VIII-738b; Melozzo da Forli's painting X-170b; and Paul II XI-579a; and Sixtus IV (ill.) XlV-facing 32; as Vatican librarian XV-296a

Platinum Xni-240a; XV-157C

Platner, Joharm Zacharias, sur- geon X-133b; 135d; tomb III- 225c

Plato, Saint IX-617a

—Bishop of Poitiers VI-150a

— Abbot of Saccudion II-322d; m-106d; and Nicephorus XI- 50b; and Tarasius XIV-}52a; and Theodore of Studium XIV- 574a

—Bishop of S.lKisIf XIII-667C

—AND PLATONISM Xll-159d; Academy l-s:ic: XII-161d; Alain de Tlsle I-245d; Albertus Magnus I-266c; .Alexandria IV-45C; and Arabian philos- ophy I-675b; Arabian transla- tions I-675b; and .Arianism II- 37b; Aristotle I-713b; 715a; 715b; astrologv II-20b;as- tronomv XII-47C: Atlantis I- 411d; St. Augustine II-85c; 89c; 99c; V-577c; Bessarion I- 83d; II-527b; .52.Sc; on body, human IX-5Slb; XII-792b; on cardinal virtues III-343d; categories III -433c; Celsus III-492a; change, theory of XII-160b; and Christianity XII-162a; in Christian philos- ophy XIlI-54Sb: and Chris- tian writers I-600b : communis- tic ideas IV-180a; concept, theory of XII-160b; cosmo- logical theories X-486a; XII- 161a; on creation IV-^72b; dialectic n-770b; 771a; XII- 160c; Dionysius II XIV-396C; on dreams V-154d; on duality V-170a; education I-761a; 764c; V-297d; XII-161d; and Egj'ptian philosophy X-235a; eschatologv V-531a; ethics V- 55Sa; XI-391C; XII-161b; on evil V-650d; Fathers of the Church XII-161a; XIII-548b; Ficino VI-67C; fortitude VI- 147b; 147c; on freedom VI- 259d; God, conception of I- 220a; 33.3a; VlI-SOlc; on good VI-636d; 63Sb; 640b; 641c; Xll-lOlb; Hamartolus VI- 4.56a: on happiness VII-131d; Hippocrates X-123b; Hobbes II-140b; idea, theory of VII- 630d; Xll-lOOb; idealism VII- 634b; on immanence VII- 682b; 684d; on immortality VII-687d; on intinily Vin-6b; inspiration .\lll-549c: intel- lect, theory of MlHwa; XIII- 516d; on interest XV-235C; Justin Martyr VIII - 5S3b; 5S3c; life, theory of IX-239a; logic IX-325C: on lying IX- 4i;9h: ntaiuiM-rijit 1-701C; mat- {,■!-, iLi i! ' ' .\ 55d; meta- p),v ,, ^, ' 1, on Metem- ,,^, , \ b; Methodius

LtoUiniM,- \ Ji:;b;iuMiddle Ages' ll-'.l'.ld: .Mirandola X- 352b; on monad X-447C; Monism X-lS3d: mysticism X-664a; XIlI-5-19a; optimism XI-263b; on orphans XI-323a;

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) — illustrations.