Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/648

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Podesta, palace, Bologna 1 1-64 lb — palace, Gubbio VII-o5b Podesti, Francesco, St. Paul- without-the-Walls XIII-369c; Vatican XV-283d Podiani, Prospero XV-29(;c Podiebrad, Catherine X-U7a — George von, Kiu;z of Bohemia II-lJ17b; 762d; IiI-lS7d; VI- 457b; 49Sa; IX-371ai XII- 74b; 128a; XIII-219c; and Bo- hemian Brethren II-61Gd: ex- communication VII-5S9d; and Gregory of Heimberg VlI-lOc; and Matthias Corvinus X-66d; and Moravia X-562d: and Rokyzana VII-589c; and Ta- borites XV~245a Podio, Aussio Desping de, car- dinal. Archbishop of Moureale X-508b — Francisco di, mission to China

III-070b Podium, in Roman Temple XIV-

49Sb; of tomb XIV-774b Podlachia, Poland XII-lU6d;

ISld Podlaha, Antonin, writer IV-600d Podo, Bishop of Piacenza XII-

70d Podocatro, Ludovico, tomb XIII-

172b Podol, monastery of IX-464b PodoUa, Poland Xll-lSld; Little Russians in XIII-234d; owner- ship XIII-237a; population of Xni-233d Podolski, Edward XI-6S7d — Kamenetz. .See Lutzk, Zhito

niir, and Kamenetz Podpolnoe Slovo, periodical XI-

7oc Podpoma Zveza. See Working- men's Benevolent Union Poe., abbr. I-23a Poehlden, monastery X-49b Poels, Henry, on BibUcal Com-

Poema del Cid. See Cid

Poeraandria. See Tanagra

Pcemen, iiioiik V-352d; VII-342d

Poemenius, Bishop of Satala Xin-4Stia

Poena danini. See Pain of loss

— sensus. See Pain of sense

Poenit., abbr. I-23b

— Ap., abbr. I-25b

Poenitentes, in early church III- .52sa

Poenitentiale Romanum, and Au- gustinus Il-lUUb

— Theodori I-62d; III-494C

Poenitentiaria, and GroUer VIII- 65b; and Palmieri XI-431C

Poenitentiarii, legal deliberations XIII-136b

Poenitentiarius, office XII-632a; qualification V-74a

Poenula IV^63b; vn-464c; li- turgical use XV-389a

Poessneck, Duchy of Saxe- Meiningen XIII-495b

Poete, Marcel, on Paris XI-482b

Poet of Religion, Narsai of Nisibis X1V-40UC

Poetry, and a-sthetics I-175a; 170b; .\utonius I-588C; Arator I-678d; Aristotle on I-717b; 718c; Ava Il-147d; Avempace Il-loOa; Avicebron II-156d; Caedraon III-131d; Caldas- Barbosa III-155d; Calderou III-166a ; and Cicero I-761d ;le- gendsa3l-54b; liturgical, Adam of Saint Victor's I-134a; Nim- bus in XI-80c; painting, Vati- can XV-285d; Petrarch XII- 766a; of Prophetic Books XII- 480b; Raynouard, Francois Juste Marie XII-672d; and re- ligion I-674b; Ronsard, Pierre de XIII-lSOc; Salvatore XIII-183d; .Samaritan XIII- 419b: Sarbiewski XIII-471b; Sedulius XIII-680a; Seidl XIII-6S7b; Selgas y Carrasco XIII-fi91d; Severus Sanctus Endclcchu.s XIII-743C: Vida XV-41.-|d

—HEBREW, OF THE OLD TES- TAMENT XII-I74d; Antiphon \II-17.5b; metrical .-ivstem XII-176d; parallelism in XII- 17.5b; passion XII-lT.'ic: proph- ecies XII-176C; rhymes XII- 177c; in Scripture XII-175c;

simiUtude in XII -175b; strophes XII - 177b; vision XII-175C

Poets* Academy, Vienna III-493b

— Corner, Westminster Abbey IX-342b

Pofi, Angelo da XV-282d

Poggendorfif, Johann, encyclo- pedia V-il8a

Poggesi, mosaicist X-590C

Poggetto, Bertrando del, cardinal, embassy V-751b; and Ferran- tino XIII-58b: and Piacenza XII-70C

Poggi, Alfonso XII-112C

— Francesco, Bishop of Perugia XI-736d

— Giovanni, cardinal, and Ti- baldi XIV-716a

— Giulio, and Roman Missal IX- 300d; V-79c; X-357a; XIII- 121a

— Jacopo, Bishop of Sorca XIH- 4Sob

Poggibonzi XIII-780b

Poggio, Juan, and Avila L'niver- sitv Il-Uila

— ViUa, built XlII-443d

— BRACCIOLINI, GIOVANNI FRANCESCO XII-177d; 768a; and Bruni Ill-Ilb; geograph- ical research VI-450c; as hu- manist VIII-249a; 539a; and Leonard of Chios IX-17SC; and Leonardo of Arezzo IV-292d; and Nicholas V XI-59a; papal nuncio XI-163a; portrait XII- 178b; as Renaissance poet XII- 767a; and University of Rome XIII-177C; and Salutati XIII- 405d; and Valla XV-257c


— Montereale, Italy VIll-210d


Pogoiana VI-738c

Pogonatus, Constantine. See Constantino IV, Pogonatus, Emperor

Pohlde, Council (1029) I-712a; Council (1001) XV-646a; Prc- monstratensian foundation at VII-129a

Pohoi, Coptic manuscript XVI- 29b

PoilleviUain de Clemanges. See Cl^manges

Poilly, Frangois de, and Edelinck V-281a

—John of. See John of Poliaco

Poincare, Jules Henri, planetary theory XV-187b

— Lucien, on conservation of en- ergy V-424b; on Mayer, J. R. V-423C: and Pragmatism XII- 333a

Poinsot, John, See John of St. Thomas

—Louis XV-lS6a

Poinsset, Joel R., in Mexico X- 266c

Point, Saint, Monk of Condat XIII-341C

—Nicholas II-623d; IX-690b; X-390b: and Blackfeet Indians X-517C; and Cceur d'AWnes IV-93b; VII-629C; and De Smet IV-752b; Sacred Heart Mission. Idaho XII-662a

— Arabe, lace VI 11-73 Id

— Conception XI-665b

— d'Angleterre, lace VIII-732a

— de Flandre, lace VIII-732a

— de France, lace VIII-729d: (ill.) VIII-731a

— de gaze, lace vni-729d

— de Neige, lace VIII-731a

— d'OrvUle, New Guinea X-7S3d

Pointe-aux-Trembles, and Bour- don II-720a

— ^Bleue, Indian settlement X- 512b

Pointed arch, ili-siripiinn I-6S8b:

(i'.lllh r.|iiil:,i. r:,l .ill i I IIV.IC; l-UH. i 111 1 ..VI, ,,. (ill. I

I (.S'M ..TMI. 1 ..-S,l, „ m,||.„-

tal ..ill.,. 1 l.>'ja, tnl..,h:itL..i (ill.)

I 6,s'.id — Architecture VI-666b; spire

XIV-220b Point Elliott, Treaty of 1855 IX-

431c Pointis, Jean Bernard, Baron de,

and Cartegeua Colombia IV-

122d Points, Massoretic. origin X-3GC

Pointz, Mary VIII-54b

Poirier, Rene - Marie - Charles, Bishop of Roseau XIlI-191b

Poirot, Louis de III-U74b

Poison, alcohol as I-276a; Ber- nard. Claude II-197c; fetishism VI-37b; Fontana VI-127b; and Greeks XII-o66b; natural law against III-527a; patron of XI-566C; and psychosis XI- 542b; and Roman law XII- 566c

Poisson, Paul du X-3S8d; 391c; murder of X-3S9a

— Simon-Denis XII-84a; equilib- rium XII-65a

Poissy, Saint Louis in XV-366d

—Colloquy I-7o9d; 797a; III- 443c; V-36c; 542a; VII-75b; 531b; IX-210a: XII-710b; XV-366d; Este Hippolvte d' XIII-354C; and Jesuits XIV- 8,8c; Lainez at Vni-74Sa;XIV- 84d; Sainctes at XIII-329a

— Priory XH86c

Poitevin, Armand Ill-675c

Poitier, Mile., foundress VII- 418b

Poitiers, Council of (."iflO) XII- ISOc; (1027) XII -IMlc: llll74) XII-lSOc; (1071- l'...n liL-:,riu3

IV-322C; (10751 11 1^7d, XII- ISOc; (107.S) abbotd onliualion l-18d; and Gosfrcd of Aqui- taine IX-92d; on Simony XII- 180c; on slaves, ordination of V-399b; (1100) IX-602b; XII- 180c; and Robert of Arbrissel XIlI-96b; (1106) on ordination II-580a; (1280) on confession to deacons XI-624b; (1560) on Lord's Supper I-67a; (1868) IX-749d; XII-180C

—town, battle (732) XII-180c; XIV-178C; battle (1356) VI- 168d; XI-306b; 483a; XII- ISOd; Edict of (1577) VII- 532b; (1569) Guise. Henri de at VII-77a; and Knights Tem- plars XIV-194d; peace of 1307 and Philip the Fair IV-21a

—DIOCESE OF XII-178d; Ap- ostolic School XIII-586a; Bab- inct II-178C; Baptistery of St. Jean (ill.) XII-179; Benedic- tine convent II— 454b; cathedral (ill.) XII-180a;chevetV-260b; church XV-462C; convent III- 190d; church of St. Hilaire VI- 304a; Holv Cross. Abbey of the IV-537a; S31d; VI-149b; Irish College VIII-161d; Laz- arist seminary X-361c; map Vl-facing 188; Notre Dame La Grande, Church of (ill.) XII- 179; Oblates I-405C; Cathedral of St. Pierre (ill.) XII-180a; Pilgrimage of CrjT)t of St. Radegunde Xll-lSla; Pilgrim- age of Notre-Dame de Piti6 XII-181a; Pilgrimage of Notre- Dame-La-Grande XII-181a: Rouen, establishments XI- 106a; Rule III-137a; Sacred Heart Convent XI V - 1 1 2a ; statistics XII-181b

— University of XII-179b; char- ter XII-7ti6a

— Diane de, and Catherine de Medici lll-143b

— Hilary of. See Hilary of Poi- tiers

— Peter of. Scholasticism XIV- 5fl0c

Poitou, and Philip II of France XII-2b

Pojoaque, Pueblo inhabitants (1910) Xn-554d

Pokagan, Indian chief XII-320C

— Simon, missionary XII-320C

Pokfulum, China, printing office III-675d

Pokonchi, Indians XII-604a

Pokrov, Borgorodicy, in Ruthen- iaii Cliurrh XI-56Ub

Pokrovski, monastery, Russia XIlI-217d

Pol. See Beans

—Vincent, poet XII-199d

Pola, battle (1379) XV-337d; VI- 420b

Parenzo. .See Parenzo-Pola. Diocese of

Polaillon, Marie, Daughters of Providence X11-.507C; Sisters of Christian Union IX-413d

Polak, Aloys, author XII-687a Polak-katolik, periodical, Poland


— w Ameryce newspaper, Buffalo XII-212a

Polanco, de, Jesuit, and Ignatius Loyola VII-643a; XI-317d

— John de, Dominican XIII-38b


— Education Wll-2ZiSL; Cracow, University of n'-4t)oc; lan- guage and Angiolini I— 190d

— Emigration XIV-52C: Bohem- ians in XIV-49d; Canada III- 229b; causes XII-204C; 205a; and migration X-297c; Prus- sian XII-20.5a; Revolution of (1863) XII-205c: Russian XII- 205a; statistics Xll-210b; United States XII-204b

— Geography: Great XII-181c; Little, location of XII-181c; in 1911, map Xll-facing 194; population of XIII-233C —History VI-44,Sa; 496b; AI- bertrandi I-2fi3d: and .Alexan- der I of Russia XIl-ls7c; and Austria XII-Is7b; XIV-710d; Barzyuski XVI-7c; and Bran- denburg XII-520C; and Chris- tianity XIII-498d; and Clem- ent X IV-29b; Confederation of Bar Xn-186c; Counter- Reform.itinn in IV-444C: XII- lS5b; d.-ilinc Xll-l.Sllb; Diet of (1674) IX-71UC; diplomatic documents XV-28Sa; XIII- 248c; and DIugosz V-69d; Ecclesiastical History XII- 189a; German domination XII- 182c: Germ.anization of XII- lS7d: and German territory on Baltic \'I-.'iiti)d: independence VI-4-isb: Xll-l,s2d: and Inno- cent III \TII-16a: insurrection I-585a: XII-136a; lS7d; XV- 432b: and Ivan the Terrible XIII-246b: Kings of, and Teu- tonic Orders XIV-541d: and Leo XIII IX-171a: .and Lithu- ania XII-1S4C; XVI-54b: and Little Russia and Lithuania XII-lSoc: and Litta, Lorenzo IX-293d: .M,-.licviil Xll-18.3a; National SmhmI (I.",:,.-,) IV- 43Sc; own.r.-hip Mll-237a; Partition (1772! VI-.30S; 591b; IX-665b; XII-186d; 524a; XIII-24SC; map Xll-facing 194: Partition (1793) VI-508C; XII-187a: 526a: map Xll-fac- ing 194; Partition (1795) VI- 508c: XII-lS7a: 526a; map Xll-facing 194; and Pistorius, Johann XII-118d; pohtical XII-182b: and Pomerania XII-22oc: and Prussia VI- 497d: XII-l.S7b; Reformation XII - 185a: 708a: Republic of. meaning of XII-lS2a: revo- lution XII-18.8a; 204c: and Rome VI-746C: and Rumania XIII-22.5C: and Russia XII- lS7b; 18Sc; .Mil _M,-.b; 243d; 246c; 250d: \\ 7i..;t s.l.i.-ski, John Xl\ 1. ! ! -».den VI-505b: .,U --' .\1\ ' i-M: in Thirty Years War Xl\-649c: Unification XII-18:!d: wars XII-185d:ZolkiewskiXV-763c

— Legislation, on tciration XIV- 761c

—Literature II-560b; XII-196d; Bielskl n-560b; Catholic pe- riodical XI-687C; Drama, early Christian XIV-56(ld: Drui- bicki V-lOOc: Klaczko VIII- 66.'ic: Kozmian VIII-695b; Kra.siiiski V111-69SC: Mickic- wuv. .\ Js;,, |.,„,rvXII-199a; an. I 1 \ i I -I'lic: and Re- bur . ., : \ 1 1 is,"ia: Romantic p.-n.-l \ll I'sd, .~iarbiewski Xlll-471h. ,-kiirc:i XlV-34d; Starowolsk i M V-2.')lla : Sznjski, Joseph XIV-421b; Szymono- wicz XIV-421d: rj.jski XV- 120a; Blessed Vincent Kad- lubek XV-438d — Muisions X-393d: and St. Adal- bert I-127c: and Blessed An- drew Hobiila I-472C; St. Bruno of (luiTliin; Congrega- tiuii of ilu- Mission in X-361c; Jesuits I-472d; La Salette in IX-9b

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^ illuatrations.