Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/649

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POLAND, Religion VII-473C; and ail hmina visits Il-oSSd; and Adoration, Perpetual, in Konic I-153d; and American sym- pathy II-240C: Dasilians XII- 192c; Benedictines Xll-192d; Bcrnardines XII-193a; bishops, auxiliary II-146a; Bohemian Brethren II-617d: Brothers of Mercy XII-193a-, CamaUlolese XII-i93b; Capuchins XII- 193b; Carmelites XII-193b; Carthusians XII-193C; cate- chism V-87d; and Catholics in XIII-258d; Charity, Sisters of Ill-OOOb; and Cistercians III- 784b; XII-193C; concordats IV-203d: condition (1540) XII- lS4d; and Counter-Reforma- tion IV-4.3SC; Diocese XII- 196a; diocese of Culm IV-5(56c; Domiaicans XII-194a: 35Sd; Felician Nuns XII-194a; Fran- ciscans XII-194a; 195b; _Ho- sius, Stanislaus VII-474d; Jewa in XII-205b; Lazarists in X-3Glc; XII-194c; Luther- anism in IX-460b; Metropol- itan XIV-372a; mixed mar- riages V-193a: monasticism XII - 184a; nunciatures XI- 160d; XV -289a; and Oliva Abbey XI-242d; Partitions of, and Diocese of Plock XII- 166d; patronage III -402c; IV-569b; XIV-246d; Paulites XII - 194d; Piarists XII- 195a; Pilgrimage of Czen- tochowa XII-194d; present posili.m of church XII-19.5d; Presentation of Mary, Sisters of \ll:i99a; Protestantism VIII iWSb; reform XII-184d; Urvular Clerks of the Pious Schools XIII-588C; Religious Orders in XII-192C; Retreat, Houses .)f XII-79i;c; and Rus- sia Vll-Sd; Sacred Heart So- ciety II-2S3d ; St. John Lateran, Canons Regular of XII-193b; Society of Jesus XII-194b; XIV-90d; Society for Prop- agation of Faith Xn-462a; Socinianism XIV-113d; Ta- metsi, decree IV-2b; Templars XII - 195b; Theatines XII- 195b; Trappists XII - 195c; Trinitarians XII-195c; Uniat Church, persecution III-645d: Unitarians in XV-155b; Ur- sulines XII-195d; Valerianua Magnus, Apostolic Missionary for IX-537b; VincentianSistera XII-195d; Visitation Nuns in XV-482C; Waldenses in XV- 530a —Patrick, in Ohio III-775d — WiUiam F. XIII-364b Polano, Pietro Soave. See Sarpi,

Paolo Polanski, Thomas XII-533c Polarization, and Biot II-576b: of Coulomb XII-63d; and Fresnel XII-65C; and Huygens XII-61b Polar Star, periodical XI-74d Polata. .See Pulati Pol de LSon, Saint XV-5S3c; in

Brittany XV-584b; ,Wfia Pol de Limbourg. S'U' I.imbourg POLDXNG, JOHN B£DE, Arch- bishop of Svdnev XII-201b: II-ll()d; IX-555d; XIV-365b: XV-121d; as Vicar Apostolic of Australia IX-2S4a; as Bene- dictine II-463a; at Madras IX-515C; and Vaughan, Roger XV-315b; and Viard XV-.580C Pole. Edward V-477b — Henry, Lord Montague I-727d;

V-477d —John de la II-376a — Mrs. Geoffrey, and Pormort

XII-282a — Margaret. .Sf Margaret Pole,


-REGINALD, cardinal XIT- 2nld; 20.3c; IX-fwfic; XIV- .i93b; and .\nelican Orders I- f>44d: and AuEustinus ll-lOfia; and BriEittines II 78f.d; and Buoncompaeni Vll-ld; at Can- tertmn,- III-3()i)a: XV-.W3a; and Carranza, Bartolom^ III- 376c; celebration for XV-.592b; and Cervini, Marcello IX-

641d; and Cole IV-97b; and Colonna, Vittoria IV-12Sc: and consecrations I— 49od; cor- respondence XII-G14d; and Cortese IV-401a; diocesan arti- cles of XIII-655b; and English ecclesiastical seminaries XIII- 695d: and Goldwell, Thomas VI-631C; and Cropper VII- 36d; on Henry VIII XII-202b; and Hervetus VII-298a; li- brary of XV-296C; S. Maria in Cosmedin XIII-170b; and Mary Tudor IX-766b; and Moronc, Giovanni X-.iTx; or-


VIll SSlc 202

XIV-,;oll., ,: 1 ,. ;,t \\ :ilc; and \"n. -K" \\ (ssc: U :,lsh, William W ."ilJb,:,iiil Walshp, Patrick XV-.5Wla; Wimborne XV-l34Sa

—Richard IX-656c; XII-201d

Polecat in Bible I-520C

Polemics, and Montalembert X- 516a; and theology XIV-5Sld; and truth XIV-76Sd

Polemius in-742b

— Silvius, almanac III-511d

Polemon, King of Pontus Vlll- 794b; XII-204a

—philosopher XIV-299b; I- 61.5d

— M. Antoninus, dynast of Olbe VII-019C

Polemoniacus VIII-794b

POLEMONIUM .\ll-204a: I- 7 via: XI 1-23 ic

Polena, Gualtiero da. Bishop of Palr-rnio X1-42I1C

POLENI, GIOVANNI XII-204a; astronomical experiments XV- ISob

— Jacopo XII-204a

Polenius, Robert. .Sec Pullen, Roht-rt

Polenta, church II-523b

— Bernardino da VI-o59a; XII- r)i;.ia

— Chiara da XII-C65a

— Francesca da IX-566b

— Guide Lucio XII-66.5a

— Guido Novello da XII-664d; and Dante IV-630a; in Raven- na XH-G65a; submission of VI-559a

— Lamberto XII-c.Md

— Ostasio .\ll-i;i;.'ia

— Ostasio IV Xll i.i;:,a

—Ostasio V XII-iit;ob

— Rinaldo da. Bishop of Ravenna XII-6Gfid

Polenz, Wilhelm von, novelist VI-52SC

Poles XIV-4ta i .

mythology 1 Barzynski's Austria-Hurir sus (1900) \ I logical classilli \ 1 I ' _■ ,

in Hungar.v VII i

.sia XII-52iia. " . i r ::■ i 'ri- i ,. and Biflinar.k \ I ".IM

—IN THE UNITED STATES .XII-2illb: Xl\-.-.2c; agricul- ture Xil -2iir.c; characteristics XII-20(ia; charitable institu- tions ,\II-207b; and Civil War XII-207d: clergy, statis- tics XII-209d; customs XII- 200d; education XII-209a: XIII-584a; distribution XII- 20.->c; in Illinois VII-6.56a; XI- 662a; immigration XII-204b; 206a; immigration, political XII-207C; in Massachusetts .\- 24d; in Michigan X-2X2b; in New Hampshire X-789b; Par- ish organizations XII-208b; press in L'nited States XII- 211c; in Rhode Island XIII- 22b; St. Joseph's Society V-404a; in Sandwich Islands XIII-439b: .societies XII-20.Sa; statistics ,\II-20.'>c: in Texas XIII-12.">b; and Toledo XIV- 700a

Polesia, Poland XII-I81d

Poletti, arcliitcrt .\III-<;32b

Polevoi, Nicholas XIII-272b; 272c

PoIeymieux-les-Mont-d'Or, Am- pdre at I-437d

Poll, Faustus, cardinal, and

Claude de Lorrain IX-362a Poliaco, John of. .See John of

Poliaco Poliana, See of VI-738C Poliani I.X-4l}4c; XIII-233C PoUantea oratoria, periodical.



.\Il-212b; .statistics XII-212b Police, Papal, .Stc Gendarmes,

Papal Polich, Martin, and Wimpina XV-649d; at Wittenberg Uni- versity XV-679a Polichronius, Zachary XV-743d Polidoro da Caravaggio. .Sec



.ardmal XII-212C; at Auch

ll-liSa; and Montesquieu X-


PoIignano,and Monopoli X— 497b

Poligny, and St. Colette XIII-

342b Polimartium XV-744a Polinari, artist XIV-754b Poliorcetes, Demetrius XIII-24C Poiiphiie. .S.'c Colonna. Francis Polls iLampa) VIII-768C Polish Brethren. See Socinian-

— College, Rome Xin-!35b —Congress, in Buffalo (1896)

XII-209a; (1901) XII-2l)9a;

in Pittsburg (1904) XII-209a;

in Washington (1910) ,\II-

209a — Franciscan School Sisters, St.

Louis. Missouri XIV-647c — House of Studies, Catholic

University, Washington. D. C.

XV-559d — Legions, and Napoleon I XII-

lS7b — Military Societies, Alliance of,

in America XII-20SC — Nation, periodical XII-20Sb — National Alliance, in the United

States XII-208C; XVI-7d — National Committee in the

United States XII-204d —News, periodical XII-21Id —Review XIV-421C — Roman Catholic Union, in

Anir rif a XII 2l)sb; XVI-.Sa —Succession, War of VI-.507a;

an.l Sar.lniia XIII-476a —Union XII jnsd —Women, Alliance for XII-20Sd Polit, Manuel Maria, Bishop of

Cucnca, Ecuador IV-.-,ll2b Politarchs, in Thcs.salonica IX-

42lib Politeia, of Aristotle. MS. I-718b POLITI, LANCELOT XII-212d;

.ii.sGa. \I\ .-.oab; 7il2c; and

III' I:. II III 1 :rc, I inklrsis on

\ 111 '.'Id: XIII-30.3d: on sal- 'I \I-708b; and Spina

\I\ JiCiC O.loruo .W-I19a POLITIAN, ANGIOLO XII- 2i:ib: 767a; .X-.532a; and Fi- cino VI-fi7d; and Leo X IX- lt»2c; and I.ipj.i. lihiijio IX- 279b; and \I' !i i I ' nzo do

X-120c::.Ii ! Ml loIII-

59c; on M : 111 .">:i9d;

X-352C: at \|.'ii ' I'll!' laiio X- 532a; poenis \ III jnb: por- trait \1II-L'tsd: XII 213c POLITICAL ECONOMY, SCIENCE OF XII 213d; d'- -Agoult I-224d: arbitration I- 6,S2b; Austrian School XII- 215c; .wicenna II-l.j7d; Ban- deau II-:!51a; and bankruptcy II-2.5.3d; B.a.sliat II-.34.5c; Biel Il-a.Wc; Bodin II-609a; Ron- ald II-fi47a; Charics V III- 626a: Christian Domocrac.v XII-2l.5d: and Christianity XIV-117C; Classical .School XII-214a; clerg>-, work of XII-llUc; Cochin IV-7.8d; co- education IV-90C; Collectivism n'-IOOa: compensation IV"- 18.')b; Contract, .Social IV- 335c; definition .XII-2l.3d: De- va« IV-762C; division XII- 214b: Dupin V-20.')b; ethics V-.^.Wd; XII-214b; Fischer


XVI-41a; Historical School XH-21oc:history, ancient XII- 214c; history, medieval XII- 214d; Holyoake XIII-676b; interest VI II-77a; labour unions VIII-724b; land-tenure I-228a; VIII-775a; Le Play XII-162b; and liberty, natural XII-215b; mercantile system XII-215a; method XII-214a; monopoly X-497b; papal mint X-334a; Parabolani XI-467d; patristic writers XII-214d; Physiocrats XII-67c: 67d; poor-re"lief III- 603a; population XII-276C; progress XII-214C; property XII— 462b; punishment, capital XII-565d; Ratzinger XII- 660b; Rcnaudot XII-770b; Saint-Simon .\1 1 1-377a;.Sa vary family .Xlll-lVia; scope XII- 214a: Sihsia XIII Ttllc: S.icial- ism XIl-21.-,d: XlV-f.2c: so- cialistic communities XIV-69a; sociology IX-693d; XIV-lloc; State, obligations of V-564d; system of XII-214a; theocracy XIV-568a; theology, moral XIV-602d; Turgot XV-92b; Villeneuve - Barcement XV- 431a: Villerm6 XV-431C; Wo- lowski XV-6S4d

— Polish News, periodical VIII- 593c

— Sciences, Academy of Moral and. .See Moral and Political Sciences, Academy of

Politics, and Albertus Magnus I- 264d; ancient II-.552b; of Aristotle 1-7 17b; 718c; V-297d; and Avicenna II-157d; Catho- lics in XIII-519C; and Cicero I-761d; Confucius IV-227c; and ecclesiastical right XIII- 537a: and emigration II-620C; and Holyoake XIII-676b: and Reformation XII-704b: and religion XIII-67oc: in Sanhe- drin appointments XIII— 445c: and Schaepman XIII-519C: in Scholasticism .\III-552a:social XII-236d; social, of Leo XIII I-228d; and sociology XIV- llSc; and theology XIV-602d; St. Vincent de Paul Society XIII-.389C

Politieke en Sociale studien, pe- riodical, Holland XI-681b

Pohtiko, Cyprus XIV-440b

Politiques, and Henry IV VII- 79b

Politische Wochenblatt, periodi- cal V-9.")d; VI-510C; VIII- 323a; and Von Radowitz XII- 63 Id

Polius, Jacobus, and Wadding XV-522d

Poliutus, Patriarch XIII-254a

PoUziano, Bishop of Boiano II-

— Angelo. .See Politian

Polk, James Knox, President of the United States VIII-142d; and Cuba I\'-5G0a; and Hughes \II-5I7b: and Mexi- can hoiindary XV-lliSb

Polku Igorevie, in Russian litera- ture XIII-2liNb

POLLAJUOLO, ANTONIO XII- 216c; Xl-4llllb; XIlI-173b; and Botticlli II 7( Inno- cent VIll. t, mil. of XIII-372d; and Lijjiii, Filippino IX-277d; portrait XII -216: and Sig- norcUi XIII-787b; Sixtus IV, tomb of (iU.) XII-216; XIII- 372b

— PIERO BENCI XII-21i;c: XI- 4(Nlb: and Boticelli 11 7IISd: and Innocent Mil. lonil. of XIII-37.'d. an.l Signorelli XIII-7s7b: Tobias (ill.) XII- facing 216

Pollard, Albert Frederick, on Elizabethan Catholics .W- 27b; on Elizabethan executions XV-26d: on moralities X-558a; on Tunstall, Cuthbert XV- 9!d

— James. .See Sharpe. James

PoUaroio, Antonio, musician IX- 307a

Pollen, John Hungerford, "Acta of English .Martyrs" XIV- 711b; on Morgan, Edward X- 568c

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.