Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/651

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Ponce, Porto Rico, Lazarist.9 in .\-:ii;rd -Alonso X-18fib —JOHN XII-227C; XIV-594b; and Sellings II-416b; and Mas- trius X-JOc ; portrait XI I-227d ; St. Isidore's College XV-523d; and Scotism XIV-594b; Scotus XV-.-i2:!b — de Leao, Claoudi Jose Gon- falves, Arrhhishop of Porto Alcsre XIN2Sfld -de Leon, Francisco I-fiSlb -DE LEON, JUAN XII 22Sa; \I-Uf,b; in riorida VI-115b; llljb: at i'ortu Rico XII-292a

— de Leon, Luis, and Cort^a IV- .ilWd; VII-2s:id

— de Leon, Pedro, bishop XII- l.Wa

— de Leon, Pedro, monk, deaf, education of V-316C; 320a

Poncelet, Albert IX-llOd; on " Le;;;enda Sanctorutn" XII- 364d; and Vatican MSS. XV- 292b

Poncelet's problem III— 400a

Poncet, Aime du, conversion of XIV-4:i9c

— Charles-Jacques, explorations VH-,2a

—JOSEPH ANTHONY DE LA RIVIERE XII _'jNd; X-3S7a,- 391a; at Aurirsvill.- II-lUc: and liurons XII-STTb; and Mohanks I-2.56d; at Sault Sainte Marie XIII-lS7c

Ponce y Carasco, Auxiliarj- of Santiago de Cuba VI-lISc

Poncher, Etienne VII-o2Sa; and Lefe\Te IX-Iloa

Poncio, Bishop of Barbastro II- 2s5d

Poncius, Saint, inartvr. Spain XIV-177b: Scolist XIlI-612d

Pon^onnas, Mother de II-5U7C

Pond, in Bibk- XII-23oa

— Gideon, Concrogationalist mis- sionary XI\'-19b

— Samuel, Concregationalist mia- sinnan- XI\ - 19b

PONDICHERRY, ARCHDIO- CESE OF XIi-2_'sd; VII- 7211c; n.-(larati,in (.f H.-ncdict XIV I\' 2b; sl;itistios VI-17tib; \U-7;i(lb; Xll-229b

Pondo, South African tribe VIII- .'.91c

Ponens, for beatification II-367d

Pongracz, Stephen See Stephen

Poniatowski, Michael XIII-437a

— Stanislaus Augustus, King of

Poland IV-10."ia; VIII-694d;

XII-2(17c; and Church XII-

191d: and missions X-393d

Poniropolis. See Philippopolis in

Ponlevoy, .lesuit. and Montalem- luTt X~.51.3b

Pons, Antoinette de, Marchioness de Guercheville IX-54GC

— Pierre de, on Saint-Cvran V-

> 219c

— n, BLshop of Marseilles IX- 716b

Pons .ffiUus XV-276C

Ponscarmes, Herbert, medallist XI-l.J9a

Pons de Cimiez, Saint X-.54r»c

Ponsonby, famiU-. and r'atholic l;manr-ipation\III-12rc

Ponsonby, George, patri<jt \'III-lil7c

Ponsoni, Enrico, Bishop of Sa- vona XIII-490b

Ponsot, \'irar .\postoiic of Yun- nan .\V-73Sc

Pont., ahlir. I-2.3b

Pont, Jean du XV-l34b

— Notre-Dame-du. .See Notrc- Darno-flu-I'ont

— Raimundo de, of Valen- cia XV-2.i2a

— Robert XIII 27a

—Timothy Mil (144d

Pontadera, Andrea da. See An-

— Thomas I -470a

Pont -^- Mousson, rollege III- 144a; V l:i9a; VII-2d; X-r,.Sla; .\IV--^^c; XV-197d; Abraln I .-.--a; B;iltM.'.II-241b; Barclay 1 1-29 Id; Movf X-<i09b

— Margravate of IX-3(14c

Pontannief, Abbe XII-399a

Pontanova, Bernardino, Bishop

of Quilon Xll-lilla Pontanus, Jovianus XIII— 4.50a — Ludovicus, at Basle II-335b;

epithet V-75a Pontaz, missionary XII-f)04b Pontbriand, Henri - Marie du Beauil de. Bishop of Quebec III-234a; VII-50Sa: X-548b; XI-7d; XII-7Ra; S94d; and Briand II-77.Sb; and Madam d'Youville VII-31C Pontcarre, Jacques Cannes de

IX-<).55c Pontcharra, school VII-26d Pont Chartrain (Detroit) III-

131b Pontchateau, seminary VII-115b Pontchatoula, seminary XI-15a Ponte, Albrado, jurisconsult XI-

3S7b Ponte, Lorenzo da. Bishop of

Ceneda III-.->19b Ponte, Luigi da. Prefect Apos- tolic of Tripoli XV-GOb — Luis de. Venerable. .See La-

puente —Miguel de XV-329b Pontecorvo, town, Bernadottc XIV-265a; Napoleon X-690a; H91d — Diocese of I-nri2d Pontefici, Sala del, \'atican XV-


229c Ponte Rotto, Rome XIII-165a — Sanguinario, Spoleto XIV-

233d — Vecchio, Florence VI-332d — y Aguirre, Josefa Melchora de

XV-329b Pontgrave, Baron de Poutrin- court I-91a: and Champlain III-.5G7d; and Lescarbot IX- 190b Ponthion, Council (S,'">3) XI- 4.5.3d; (.S76) I-545C; VII-357c; XIII-717b; Stephen IlatXIV- 259d Pontiac, Indian chief XII-320C; cnnspirarv IV-.5.5b; X-193a; XV-Oi;:<a; and Ka.skaskia In- diana VII-ll(.lld — Vicariate Apostolic of XIV-


229d -Cemcfcrj/ III-420a; 421a;. 521d; amphoriB I— 4.39a; baptistery II-274C; 276d; bust of Christ (ill.) Ill-facing 420 — epitaph VIII-13d; exile VII- 360c; XIII-47oa; Hippolytus of Rome VII-361b; Xlf-272b; relics V-742d; schism XIII- .533b Pontianus, .\frican bishop XIV-

708b — Bishop of Thtenffi XIV-553b Ponticus, martyr VI-395b — Evagrius IV-7S4b Pontida, League of. .See Lom- bard League Pontifex Maximus, and Byzan- tine Empire VI-762a; Gratian VI-729d; piipal title .XII-27Ua; Tertullian III-1S4C — Romanus, Bull of Julius II

.XII-292b; XIII-4r,3c Pontiffs, College of III-.50.5a Pontifical, Egbert. .Sec Egbert

Ponlifiral PONTIFICAL COLLEGES XII- 230b; .loscphinum, Columbus, Ohio XII-231a — Decorations. .See Decorations,

Pontifical — documents, abbreviation in I-

22b PONTIFICALE XII-231d: III- .538a; I,\-301d; Abraham in I-5oc; Albert of Castile I-262c; and Anglican Prayer-Book I- 503b; Clement VIII IV-27c; consecration of cemeteries III- 50.Sa; crosses, blessing of IV- o35d; and Crusaders IV-537C: on Liber Pontificalia I-532a; ^Iaronites IX-304a; ordination rite I-491C; and f)rdincs Ro- mani XI-287d: on ostiaries XII-28.5b; and Ritual XIII- 89a Pontifical Hymnographer I-70]d — Romanum. .Sec Pontificale

PONTIFICALIA XII-23Id; 233b; abbots I-17c; 19c; 43d; of auxiliaries II-140d; Bene- diction of Blessed Sacrament II-463C; buskins m-87d; can- ons III-.583b; cardinals III- 339b; Crosiers IV-517a; fald- stool V-770b

Pontifical Law IX-57a

—MASS XII-232d; abbot cele- brant I-19d; Amalarius of Metz on I-376d: by .auxiliary II-146d; candles I-348a; cere'- monies XU-233a; duty of as- sisting I-698d; gloves VI-oS9b; humeral veil VII-542c; Lavabo XV-S57d; V Ordo XI-2S6b; VI Ordo XI-2S6b

— Papal XII-233b; acclamationa I-98c; acolytes I-107c; Amen I-40Sd; fistula III-562b

— solemn XI-285d: vesture XII- 232d

Pontificals. See Pontificalia

Pontifical Services, in Greek Rite I-695b

— States. .See States of the Church

Pontifices, office IV-685a

Pontigny, shrine, France V-295b ; Xn-94b

—ABBEY OF XII-233d; IV- 79.->b: .\

Pontine Marshes VIII-212d; drailiod ll-i;92c

Pontissara, John de. Bishop of

Wiiirh.slrr XV-650C

Pontius, Saint, Pope. 6'ee Pon-

tian. .Saint, Pope —deacon IV-583b — martyr XI-4SC — Archbishop of Aix XV— 410a —Abbot of Clunv VII^57a; X-

525d; at V^zeLay XIII-719b — Basilius, theologian VII-285a;

on affinity I-179a — Joaimes. See Ponce — Paulus, engraver IV-469C — CARBONELL XII-234a; IX-

3s.5d — de Cimiez, Saint. See Pons de

Cimiez. Saint — Meropius Anicius Paulinus,

Bishop of Nola. See Paulinus,

Saint, of Nola —Pilate. See Pilate Pontlevoy, Benedictine mona.s-

tcrv II-602C; X-71b; shrine

II-602d Pontlieu, France. t\-phloconiium

V-306d Pontmain, Notre Dame de. See

Notrc-Dame de Pontmain Pontmartin, Armand de Xl-fi7(jb Pont. Max., abl>r. I 2.5b Pontoise, .l.suit II-.3;52b;

Hohfrt thf Divil Xl-lOoa;

Trinitarians of XV-4(lc Pontoise, Jean de. Abbot of

Citi-aux II-(i(Wb Pontoppidan, Henrik, writer IV'-

731c Pontormo, Giovanni, writer VIII-

249c — Jacopo da, painter, and Bron-

zino I-32.5c; and Buonarotti

III-GOa; Cosimo de' Medici,

portrait by X-120 Pontremoli, town, battle XII-

2:i4b; Charies VIII VI-109b —DIOCESE OF XII-234b; IX-

43lib Ponts et Chaussees, Ecole des

VII-120C Pontus., abbr. I-23a PONTUS, province, Asia Minor

XII-234C; I-784d; 789a; II-

179d; XIV-14b; Arioch I-

441b; civil diocese VI-738b;

7.56b; 75fid; 7.57b; Hellenism

I-790a; XII-234C; kings, tombs

of I-380d; Licinius, persecu- tion of II-330a; religion XII-

234d ; and Rome I-7S5a ; synod

XV^OSc; in Old Testament

VI-443d — Aerius of. See Ai"-rius of

Ponttis Ponzetti, Ferdinand, cardinal,

Bishop of Grosseto VlHOa Ponziani, Gregorio, Bishop of

Mikto X :!i«b — Lorenzo de VI-205d; XI-188C;

death VI-206a Ponziglione, Paul, missionary

IX-102d; XIII-364C


Poobst, Rudolf, politician XVI-

23a Poole, Arthur 'WiUiam VIII-


—Catherine V-471C

— David, Bishop oi Peterborough V-478C

— Imelda, inartvr V-1.5.3d

—Reginald Stuart XII-371b

— Susannah Spencer Ruscombe Xl-lUb


POONA, DIOCESE OF XII- 23.5d; statistics VII - 730a; XII-236b

Poor XII-236C; Bible for II- 547b; Buddhist institutions III-33d; charity III-593d; laws III-591C; Middle Ages XII-239b; municipal relief IXI-602a; objects XII-236d; and pagans III-593c; Pardon of Brittany XI-477c; Renau- dot XII-770C; and rich XV- 572a; Valentinian I XV-2S5b

—CARE OF by the Church XII- 236b; 41Sc; I-768d; 769d; XI- 217d; almsgiving I-328c; Apos- tolic Constitutions I-637a: in Apostolic times XII -238b; Canada XII-24!a; 241d; Chal- cedon ni-.558a; Charity. Sis- ters of III-60.5d; 607b; collec- tions for IV-104C; ecclesiastics I-329b; education, England XV-594C; Great Britain XII- 242a; Ireland XII-242a; mo- nastic I- 1.5a; III-596d; 59Sa; in pagan times X I I-238a ; Proti- estant . riln i-ni XI[-237b; Ref- ormation Xll L':i9c; Roman Empir. Ml L':;sil; St. Vincent deP:on - . I Mil :S90a;and 'h prop-



XIII ; I ii ,~"

tion Xll-2.i,c; Spain XIV- 190d; in sub-Apostolic times XII-238C; United States XII- 247a

—Little Servants of the, in Canada XII-24 lb; VI-240c

—LITTLE SISTERS OF THE .XII-24Sb;Vl-174c:in Balearic Islands II-222b; in France VI- 175b; Great Britain XII-242d; of Maiquetia XV-331d; Pitts- burg XII-12.5d; poor relief III- 602c; Rennes XII-773c: Schools. Scotland XIII-622b; statistics XII-24Sd; Toledo. Spain XIV-7.59b; in United States Il-.SOlb; vow.s XII- 4.52a: Wilminston .\\'-li47b

— Patrimony of 111 .5!tiic


—CATHOLICS XII-249a; XV- 529b

—CHILD JESUS, SISTERS OF THE XII-251a; XIII-346b; Aachen I-2d; Plappeville I- 343c

— Churches, Sisters of the. See Perpetual Adoration. Religious of

—CLARES XII-251C; I-213b; VI-217a; in Balearic Islands II-222b; Bl. Baptisia Varani XVI-Gd; St. Bonaventure II-650a; Capuchines,sns III- 320a; Catherine of Bologna III-446a; Ciudadela. .Minorca X-332d; Clare of Rimini IV- 7a; Coimbra XII-.30Ib; St. Colette IV-99b; XII-253c; communion, medieval custom VI - 279a; Cunegundes IV- 509a; England VI^19a; XII- 253d; foundress IV-4a; habit XII-254a; Howard. Mary VII- .502c; Innocent IV Vlll-l.Sa; Irish abbess I-lOc; Isabel of France VIII-179b; Jerusalem VIII-370a; Bl. Margaret Co- lonna IX G52c; Mexico VI- 299c; X-2G2b; Nantes X-682a; Pirkheimer. C'haritas XII- 108b; in Pittsburg XI-642C; XII-122a; rule VI-225a; XII- 252b; Bl. Seraphina .Sforza XIII-726b; Tarragona XIV- 460d; United .States XII-253d; 254c; St. Veronica, Giuliani

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.