Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/656

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fKJtifUSl I U S — fKiiAV^llJiKO

Propositus, John, theologian XIV-594C

— Nicolaus, piiysician X-126b; XIII-39Sb

Praapunctis X-767b

Praesepio, crib VI-225d

Presidium (Hebron) Vll-iSob

Prasidius, Saint, Bishop of Sufetula XIV-325d

Praetextata V-t)29a

Prstexutus I-4S4ai III-743a

—Pagan XIII-167d

—Bishop of Assur V-I27b

—SAINT, Bishop of Rouen XIII- 209b

—Catacomb of III-514d; VIII- 7o6d; XV-209C; Saint Balbina, tomb of II-216a; Saint Quiri- nus, tomb of II-216a; Sixtus II, martyrdom of XIV-31d; Valerianus and companions, tomb III-472C

Praetorium. See Pretorium

Prators IX-i26b

Prasvalitana, province VI-73Sb: 738d

Prager Groschen. See Groschen of Prague

Pragmatic I-219c


—ofBourges II-337C; 720c: VI- 354c; XII-333b; and Bour- deiUes II-719d; and Pius II XU-127d: revocation IX-165a; terms VIII-746b

—of Charles V III-70c: of Charles VI IV-512c; VI-169b; o07a; IX-662d; X-763b; XII- 333c; XV-418C; of Charles VII IX-369C; of Charles III of Spain XII-333C; in France I- 6olb; German (1439) XII- 333c; of Justinian XIV-258b; Louis IX IX-369b: XII-333a; of Louis XI II-241d; IX- 370d; Louis XI, and Gallican liberties VI-353a

PRAGMATISM XII-333d; V- 142c; 560c: in ecclesiastical his- tory VII-366d: doubt, element of V-142C: estimate of XII- 337c: and evil V-G.52b; knowl- edge, theory of XII-335a; and metaphysics X-232b; monastic teaching X^SSc; origins of XII-333d: Pragmatists XII- 334b: reaUty, theory of XII- 336c; reason, theory of XII- 674d: and reUgion XII-337b: scepticism of XIV-765c: sig- nification XII-333d; truth, theory of XV-76a; and Volun- tarism XV-506b

PRAGUE, ARCHDIOCESE OF XII -338b; II - 122c; 125b; Archiepiscopal and roval palace (ill.) Xll-facing 340; battle IX-lOlc; 664d; XIV-661a: Benedictines II - 122c; 451b; Bohemian Brethren, Confer- ence of II-617b; bombarded (1842) XIV - 312c: captured IX-663C; XIV- 653d; G56d: cathedral I-104d; II -123d: 613d: cathedral (ill.) XII-338; Catholic Imperial Institute I- 10b; Cistercian monastery I- 390b: coinage XI-154d; com- pact of II-338b; VI-496d; XIII-785b: congress X-698a; conservatory I-3S3b; council (1:389) VIII - 284b; council (I860) decrees on estates of ecclesiastics IX-118a: Defene- stration, First II-124b: De- fenestration, Second II-126a; Diet at VII-589b: Four Articles of II-124C; Friars Minor, mar- tyrdom XV-523a; Freemasons II-127d: Groschen (ill.) XI- facing 152: Holv Nails X-672d; Hussites II-124a; VII-5.S7a; Interdict VII-584d; .58fib; .les- uits II-125c;XII-6o4a; St. John Nepomucene, tomb of VIII- 467d: Karl Ferdinand Univer- sity II-133c: and Mainz IV- 24a: monastery VII-2S4a; Natural History Museum II- 308a: peace bell I-487b: press XI-670b: reformation II-12fia: St. Ambrose. Church of, Rito I-395d: seminaries II - 127c: VII-2d:VIII-511a; Xlll-.'iOIc: siege of (1648) III-.329d: .\IV- 90c; staef of St. Peter V-.")94c

— Statistics XII-342a; of clergy II-til4b: of Church livings II- 614b: of denominations II- 614c: of religious orders II- 130d

— Tenykirche II-124a: Tepl .\b- bey XIV-ol4a; treaty (1635) VI-503d; XIII-500b; X-324b; XIV -655a; (1866) VI -512a; Visitation, Feast of the XV- 481a; Weber Karl von, at XV- S74d

— Agnes of. See Agnes of Prague

— John of, cardinal. See John of Prague

—UNIVERSITY OF II-123d; VI- 495c; XII-342b: XIII-600a: XV-19Sa; Balbus at II-217b: Bolzano II - 644a; dissec- tions I-459c: effect on Czech literature IV-599b; history XII-342b; Hus at II-124a; M. S. on the Council of Con- stance (ill.) III-245d: 246a: present condition XII-344a: primary object of colleges IV- 109d: students IV-108a; Utra- quism at VII-586b: Wenzel II- 124a: and Wycliffism VII-5S4d

—Articles VII-oS7d

Praha, settlement XIII— 125c

Prairial, month III-740C

Prairie Band (Potawatomi In- dians) XII-320a

— de la Magdeleine X-548a: XII-SOc

— du Chien, Cathohc mission VII-U,:i7c; XV-663b: Jesuit CollegeXIV-102b:Notre Dame Sisters XI-131b: treaty XIV- 19b: Van der Brock at XV- 269c

— du Rbcher, Catholic mission I-367C; VII-6S7C; church II- 230a: Tametsi decree IV-2a

Prairies, African I-181d

— Riviere desXV-416d

Prairie Sioux XV-658c

— States, United States XV-157a

— View, Normal School XIV- .545b

Praise, Sacrifice of XIII-315a: 319a

Praisers of Mary. See Laudesi

Prajapati, deitv II-732C: IV-410b

Prakana { Diocaesarea) IV-798d

Prakramabahu, Sinhalese King in-.54.Sa

Prana, tlieosophical term XIV- 627c

Prance, Miles VI-622a

Prandearia, prison IX-724C

Prandotha, Jofm, Bishop of Cra- cow I\'-4(.4d

Prangui (Portuguese) IX-55Sd

Prasidenskonferenz, periodical XV-,)03b

Praslin, Seychelles Island XII- 312c

—Cesar Gabriel III-694d

— Choiseul du Pies sis. See Choiseul du Plessis-PrasUn

Prat, Armand du XII-367a

— Ferdinando II~557c

— Guillaume du. Bishop of Cler- mont l\-.>lb; XlV-88b

Prata, Pileo de. Bishop of Ra- veniiH Xll-tiiilid

Pratensis, Felix V-287b: XV- 370d

— Josquinus. See Depr6s, Jos- quin

Prati, Christoforo XII-112b

— di Castello, college I-126b; XIII-132d; latia

Pratis, Peter de. Bishop of Prie- neste II-4S6C

Prato, Diocese of. See Pistoia and Prato

— Convenevole da XI-778d

-Guide da XI I- 11 2b

—Nicholas de XV-.544d

— Pietro di XIV-233d

— William a. Sec Dupr(^

— da Chieri, Bernardino VI-285d

Pratorecchi, Bartolommeo da XII 112b

Pratt, Ambrose Il-lSOa; 120c

— Bela L. .XIIl ii47d

— Josiah IX-lOOb

— Parley P. X-57Ic

Pratum monstratum XII-392a Prausus (Brcnnust VI-336b Pravaz, Charles Gabriel X-142a Pravda, VI-749d

— Frantisek lV-r.(K)c

Pravoslavnoe Obshchestvo Vzai- mopomoschi. Society of VI- 773b

Pravoslavnyi Sobesiednik, peri- odical XIII-264a

Praxagorasof CosI-458b:X-123d

Praxapostoli, manuscript IX- 032a

PRAXEAS XII-344C; X-449c: XV-J09a: in Rome I-642a: and Tcrtullian VI-6Uld. VII-410c: X-4i9c;4.'.lb:Xn"-.'.2:jc;Trin- itv thrc.rv \'ll-4inia

PRAXEDES, SAINT Xn-344d: XI-141d: XV-21Ud: confession of IV-214d: reUo XIII-173C; tomb III-516b

Prajddis. See Praxedes

Praxis Catechismi XIII-121b

PRAY, GEORGE XII-345a; Vll-4()b: 5Ulb

Praya Mitop, Siamese general VII-767C

Pray-codex XII-345b

PRAYER XII-345b: 748c; Aerius of Pontus on I-174c; affective XII~608b: in African religion I-183c; and almsgiving I-330b; Alvarez on I-373c; .\men I- 407c: Anglo-Saxon I-509c: and ApostoUci 1-64 7c; Arias on I- 711a: attention in XII-347a; attitudes for VI-J23d; XII- o4Sa: in Baader's system II- 174c: beads II-361c; bede II- 3S3d; St. Benedict on II-469c; in Benedictine Rule II-438b; Book of Common Prayer II- 681b; in Breviary II -773b: in Christian life III-595a; com- munion of XIV-639a: condi- tions of XII-346C; in Confucian system IV-225d: contemplative IV-324d; for the dead IV- 653a; Decalogue I-708c; depri- vation of III-52Sa: distractions V-47b; and Divine Providence XII-514a: of early Christians I-194d; 19(jd; 197a; among Easterns XI-467b; effects of XII-346b; Elcesaites, custom V-372c: in English coronation ceremonies IV-383c: in fetish- ism VI-56c: general XIII-676d; and grace VI-695d; 698c: Hail Mary VII-112a: illuminative XIV-255b; and incense I-362a; in Indian religion I-410d: in Jewish worship XV-710d: litur- gical IV-241b: VI-424d; Litur- gy. African I-19Sd: Manassesl- 605c: in Manichffiis7n IX-594a; meditation XII-348b; St. Mark. Liturgy of I-304C; men- tal IV-325a: XII-348b; Messa- lian teaching X-212b: Mith- raic X— 104a; Mohammedans X-427a; monastic X-462b: Moses Bar-Kepha on II-296c: and mystical theology XIV- 621a; 621b: necessity for XII- 347c: neglect of XII-748c: ob- ject XII-345C; 346b: Orange, Council of XI-267a; Origen on XI-307d; as penance X-203d; in Penitential redemptions XII-6,s2c: and perfection XIV- 61 5b: in Presbyterian ser\'ice XII-393a: and primitive relig- ions IV-6S7a: private XII- 3.50a: public XII-3.50a: XIII- 293b: purgative XIV-254d; Quietistic teaching VII - 92d; 93a: XII-34Sa; in Raccolta XII -620a; do Ravignan on XII - 66Sd; for remission of sin XIV -lOd: in Requiem Mass XII - 777a; in Roman catechism Xin-121b; in Sac- ramentals XIII -293c: in sac- rifice XIII - 319a: ,320b; to s.aints VIII-70C: as satisfaction XI-62SC; prc-.Sc!iolastic teach- ing XIV-617C; .sitrii of tlio cross XIII-785C: and silence XUI- 790a: special providence X- 347c: in spiritual direction V- 24c; subject XII-346a; .346b; and supernatural states XIV- 254d: symbolism XI-269a; XIV-374a: synagogal XIV- 381c; in Syncretic system VI- 713d: and temptation XIV- SWc; 505a; in "Testament of Adam" I-132c; Thomistio teaching XIV - 602c; unitive

XIV-25Sd; vesting XV-392 as Viaticum XV-397c: vuc XII-347d; XIII-185b; v.., ship, act of XII-741d; Wv lifites on XII-347d ; Zoroast i ii II-152C

— Apostleship of. See Apostles!, of Prayer

— Brothers of. .See Twelve Brot ers of Prayer

— Lord's. See Lord's Prayer

— Unions of. See Unions Prayer

— and Penance, Archconfrate nity of XIV-12:ja; XV-154b

Prayer-Bands, Jewish. .Set I'L:

PRAYER- BOOKS Xll-S.,')' Cerne, Book of XII -351a; i Charles the Bald XII-3.")! compilations of Alcuin, Fkvii and Verepasus XII-351b: 1( English Cathofics during por.-^ cution XII -353c; facsinil pages of Livre d'Heures (ill Xll-facing 350; 352; Fift O's XII-351d; The Garden the Soul Xn-3.53d; Hora' Primer XII-351c; Hortuli Anima; XII-351d: Leo XIII i III-524a; Manual of Pra\e XII-3.53C ; Nunnaminster, Be c of .\II-351b; Pius V XII-,3.» Prayer Book of 1622XIII-91i Psalter XII-350C; recent legi lation XII-354a; pre-reforni tion edirions XII-3o2b: of Ri formers XII-352d; sixteen! eeuturv editions XII-353a

PRAYER OF CHRIST, FEAS OF THE xn-354b; XI-521 Office ..f XI-527b

— of Quiet. See Quiet. Prayer i

— of Simplicity, Madame Gu\ i on VIl-93a

Prayers and Good Work Archconfratemity of XV-l."i4c

— for the Dead. See Dea. Prayers for the

Prayer-shawl, Jewish. SeeTali

Prayer-Sticks, Zuni Indians X\


Prayer-wheels, Buddhist II!-3: Prayhos, Bishop of Jerusak-

VIII-358a Prazeres, Nossa Senhora do

See Nossa Senhora dos V

Prb., abbr. I-25b

P R B., abbr. I-27a

Pre, Aroaud du, rhythmical fices .\III-29a

Preacher. See Ecclejiastcs


Preachers, examination V-674b

—King of. See Albert Berdu Blessed

—ORDER OFXII-354d:inAby sinia I-76c: activity XII-357 administration XII-35yi 36SFa; Aduarte I-161d: A nus de Rupe I-246b; Alb, I-262d ; Alberlini I-263b: Alli of Castile I-262b: Albcr Magnus I-2ti4a; Alexai Natalis I-L96d: Alcm, Joseph Sadoc I-282a; Alt' of Burgos I-309a: Allcgrai. Joseph I-31Sa; Alvara. Francisco de I-372c: Alvar Diego I-373d: AIvayAstort I-372b; Bl. -Ambrose of S enna I-3S8c; in Amerii- VI— loOd; .Anderson, Lionel .\ bert I-466d; .Andrew of Lor jumeau I-474a; Andrew . Rhodes I-474C; Anfos.^i. li ippo I-47t>a; Fra -Vniielioo 1 483b; Angulo. Pedro l-aVM Annibaldi. .\nnibale d' I-.Mnc Annius of Viterbo I- 54 la Annunciation, octave of 1 543a: .Vnsaldi, Castro Innoct n zio I-544a; .\nsaloni, Giord;ii! I-544C; .Anthony of Sienna I 55Sc: Antoniano. Giovanni 1 S84c; St. .Antoninus I-.5v I apologetics XII-364b; npi ants I-95b; Arnujo, Fran^ de I-OSOb; architecture N 36Sb; art XII-367C: An James I-755b; in Arnn II-314b; Ascelin I-766c; Asia .XII-36Sa; in At hen II-«5d: 46a; Aubermou

Largo type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.