Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/659

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Constantine. basitica of III- 513b

Presbytery, Calvinistic ni-202c

— Presbyterian IV-15Sa; XII- 392c; 5Sld

— See Sanrtuarv

Prescott, Cuthbert V-47Sb

—William HickUng II - 171c; 74M: VII-7.-.i;c; 757c

PRESCRIPTION XII-395b; Siti'ia: ir,i;b; i-anonical rcKula- ti.jn Xn-:w.jc; in English Law XII-39lic: in Roman law IX-67c; S2b; XII-39Ba; XIV- 522a

Presence, Anjels of the VIII- S3(;b: circnmsfTiiitive V-oS3c; definitivo V-5s;ic

Presence-bread IX-317d


Presentacion, mission IX-541C

— de Ntra. Senora, Colegio de la XV-252b

Presentandines. Chinese Con- gregation VII-2I3C. See Pres- entation Order.

Presentation (in process of elec- ti<;nl V-;i74d

— College of the XV-90c

— Confraternity of \II-420d


— Filles de Ste-Marie de la XIII- 341a

—Fort of the XI-222C

—Mission of the X-3S0d

—ORDER OF THE XII-3n7b; in Australia VI-4(i4d; VIII- 147a; in Canada III-239d; and Irish Christian Brothers XIII- 40d; Xano N'agle XII-39Sb

— ORDER OF THE, in America Xn-397d

—RIGHT OF XII-399b; VIII- 7olb: XI-.">; devolution IV-7(;Sc; crrksiastioal XII- 399b; m Saxon England I- lH9b

—BROTHERS XII-399C: 123c; 243a; XIII-41a

—Monastery, College XI II- 578b

—of Christ XIII-794d; and Anna I-530d; in Greek Church I- 70d

— in art: Bellini II~417c; Bor- gognone II-G86a; Carpaccio Ill-facing 372; Cima da Coneg- liano (iU.) Xll-facing 400; Lochner, Stephan IX-320b; Master of Liesbom IX-238b; Veit XV-322C

— feast. .See Candlemaa

—of Mary XV-464Fc

— in art: Holbein the Elder (ill.) Vll-facing 3S4; Tintoretto XIV-737C; Titian XIV-743d; Titian (ill.) XIV-744b

—in Greek Church I-70d: Churches dedicated to. United States XI-564d; Novena XI- 14.3d; in Russian Church I-7IC

—OF MARY, CONGREGATION OF XII MWd: :i9',ia; .\V 494d


— of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Belgian Congregation of VII-



400a; Ill-l>i-'b; — of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

Sisters of the tl'oli.^h) XII-

210a; .\IV-i-.17c — of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

Sisters of the iSt. Hvacinthe)

VI-27."ib; Xlll-.Vi.ib' —OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN


(Sainvillfi XII Vl9a: XV-4C —School, C:ili .XVl-Klc Present Position of Catholics

(Wi.wman) .\V-G7.3a —Synod, Orthodox Church VII-

429a — Testimony, periodical XII-

173c Preservates VI-f>47c Preservation XIV-ISIC — of the Faith, Society for the

VIl-7l7a; Xin-.iS4d Presidency X-573d President i celebrant of Mass) l-

408c —Queen's CoUege III-213b

— United States XV-164C: elec- tion XV-165b; Thanksgiving proclamation XIV-555d

Presidential Succession Act XV- 175b

Presidents, New Testament I- ti2Sc

Presidios X-,'-.74d

Presidius X 1-51. id

Preslau IX-i;45d

Presles, Raoul de .\V-371d

Pres-Montpezat, Jacques des. Bishop of -Montauban X-524d

Prespa, town, Bulgaria, inscrip- tion XI-405d

Press, censorship III-519d; Eng- lish, and Wiseman XV-G72d; 674b; and faith III-526d; in Ireland Vlll-lISa

— Ubertv of the III-519d; XIII- 214a; abuse of III-o27c; in Chile III-661b; in France XI- 676b; in Russia XIII-251b;

— printing (ill.) VII-90C

—regulation in RussiaXIII-250c; in Wales XV-.").36d; 537a

— Catholic XI-609b; St. .\ugus- tine Association for the de- velopment of IV-247c; Ba- varian .Association XII-657c: in Croatia IV-513b; German VI^S.3c; See Periodical Litera- ture, Catholic

Pressburg, cathedral II-217b; Peace of 11-19.50; seminary II- 127c; universitv II-124d

Press Club, Catholic IV-248C

Presse, periodical X-700d; XI- (■.76b

Pressense, Edmond de IV-496a: VII-.379d; 53.5d

Presse Regionale, periodical VI- ISSa; XI-677a

Pressigny, Gabriele-Cortois II- (>47c

Pressl, Jan IV-fiOOd

Pressova (Eperies) V-485a

Pressus X-7(>^d

Pressy, de, Bishop of Boulogno II1-C.94C

Presta, Giovanni \'I-3n7a

PRESTER JOHN XII - 400c; I-18Sd; IV-555b: Abyssinian tradition II-164a; Grail legends VI-720d; Kingdom of IV- 775b; legend of XII-401a; 401b; 401c; 402a; portrait XII- 401; and Ung Khan III-669C

Prestitz, town, church III-3oc

Prestol (altar) I-3.59b

Preston, England VII-67d; char- ters IX-272C; 3I4b

— familv VIII-fi44a

—Eleanor II-34Sb

—Mary Howard IV-463a

—THOMAS XII-402C; VIII- in.3c; XI-17.8b; 178d; death V-17sb


— Thomas Stanislaus V-52a: XI-2lb

—William I\-772a

—College XI II -.573b

—Kirk IU22()a

—Park Seminary I-36Sa: IX- 4S9a

—School of Industry III-177b

PRESUMPTION (moral theol.) XII-4()3b; Newman en II- 4fKlc; and pride XII-40.JC; and sin Vt-7llf(c; VII-41.5a

PRESUMPTION (canon law) Xll-tOilc; division XII-403d; .as proof .Xll-4.55b; r.ash XH- 404a; temcrarioua XII-J04a; vehement .XII-403d

Presumptive Marriage. See Mar- riage. Presumptive

Presupposition XIII-.599c

Pretendus reformes VII-527d

Preternatural XIV-337a

—gift Vl-5-,la

Pretextatus. .SVe Pra:textatua

Pretiosa Vll-2ir,a

Pretiosus, Bull IV-3.58b

Pretis, Johannes de XV-287b

- Petrus Donninus de XV-2S7b

Pretoria, S.iiili Africa XI-268a

PRETORIUM XII-404a; (ill.) XII fariii- Idl

Pretorius, Andreas XI-267d

Pretres Adorateurs, Aimales des. S.T .\nnalcs des Pretres Adora- teurs

I'Association des Pretres Ador- ateurs

— seculiers de la doctrine chre- tienne X-393b

— seculiers du Sacre-Cceur, As- sociation des XII-421C

Preudentures X\'-(ifWa

Preuitly, Notre Dame du Chene de V-2(Jla; X-99b

Preuss, Arthur XI-fi96b

—Edward, editor VI-4S3d; XI- 690c

Preux, Peter Joseph von. Bishop of Sion XIV-1.3d

Prevenient Grace. See Grace, Prevenient

PrevBsa, battle XV-.3,3.Sd

Previtali, Andrea II-49t)a

Prevoost, bi^hop .\III-739b

Prevorst, Seeress of. See Hauffe, Frederica

Prevost, Antoine-Francois X- 540b; XI-4S6C

Prevost, Benedict V-47b

Prevost,GeorgeII-383c; III-325b

—J. V-189b

Prevost-Paradol, Lucien-Anatole XV-395b

Prevostin, of Cremona. See Pra^positinus

Prevosto, title I-13Sd

Preyer, Wilhelm Thierry II- .571b; 674a

Preyssac, Gaillard de. Bishop of Toulouse XIV-79Bb

Prex III-256b; 499b; VI-361d

Prezeau, Vicar Apostolic of Shire XlII-7.'>9a

Prezziner, Joannes VII-378d

Prian, Saint XI-563C

Priapus VIII-771a

Priber, Christian lll-646b

Pribilof, Gerassim I-246C

— Islands I-247b

Pribislav, Wcndish Prince II— 512c; 7.iSd

Pribislaw I, X-lOSa

— n, X-lOSa

Price, Biel's teaching II-5.59c: in Middle .\gcs XII-2I4d; and moral sense XI-191C

— C. C. Xin-27c

—Edward V-9 ic

— Ignatius \' 17sb

— (ap Ricel, John VII-224d

— Richard V-470d

—Sterling VIII-.59.8d

Prichard, Evan XV-536a

— Humphrey, martyr II-425b: XI-6.5d

Prickartz, Joseph VI-627d

Pricket I-3.5()b

PRIDE Xn-40.5b; and covetous- ncss IV-462b; and heresy VII- 257c; and modesty XIV-4Sld; Pharisaic XIV-764c; and sin XIV-Sc; symbolism II-577a; St. Thomas on XII-40.5b

Prideaux, Humphrey I-494b; X- 42 Id

Prie, Hercule-Joseph-Louis Tu- rinetti. Marquis de X-763b

Prie, Rene de lll-.393b

PRIENE \II-40.->d

Prierias, Sylvester. See Mazzo- hni. Sylve^trr

Priessnitz, Vincenz X-140d

PRIEST XII-40r.a; abbot I-18d; Abyssinian (ill.) I-78d; as administrator I-143b; d'Ailly's teaching I-236a; and alms- giving I-329b; amovabilitv I- 437d; Anglican view I-495d; Anglo-Saxon I-.'.d.Sd; lll-486d; in Apoat.ili.' i..- -i' ;', .us I- 637a; Ap"s' I ■ '.neh-

ingof I-C..;r \ i . XII-

421a; auth.r:' i Mil '.aOd; Babylonian XlII-3llc; be- of veil XV-.32IC; and bishop VII-342a; XII-406c; 415b; and bishop. Primitive Church II-.5S2b; in Bohemia II-Rl.-ib; burial of III-72d; 73b; 77a; burial, ch.alice III- .564b ; burial . Greek Church III- 78a; in Byzantine Churches VI- 760c; as 'celebrant of Mass X- 7c; 18d; 22b; celebration of Mass .\II-406d; celibacy III- 484c; 4SSa; Celtic. Druidism: XII-410b; censures III-.531c; Christ aa.\II-6Sla;inChri.stian law Xn-40fib; in Clementines IV-41d; communication of IV- 649b; Communion, administra-


tion of VIH02d; confirmation, as minister of IV-21.5d; oonse- crator of altar I-3.'>9d ; as cnnae-


i\ 1.; \ 1 1


c.alia I\ 7s|, ,. , . . . ,., I,

I-19(;c, 1 , • - : '. \ l\ I I7h: !., ■ ; \ II . r,c ;

and Edward \ I \\ IJ'.l ni.l extreme unctii>n \ 7JH1 -■ 'u

I-313b; fees I ; 'i.i, ;,,, f

addressing I liila. Iranre XII-421b; fundamental idea XII-406a; Germany XII- 421d; Gloria, recitation of VI- 5S3d; in Greek Church I-(i95b; VI-741C; use of gremiale VII- 26b; and Holy Eucharist XIV- .586d; and humeral veil VII- 542c; indulgences VII-7.S4b; institution Xll-742a; in Irish Order of .'^aints !II-49.ia; in Irvingitc Church VIII 17.ia; in Jacoliite Church XIV-419a: Jesus Christ as XIII-407c; Jewish II-.5.53C; 554c; 555c; 600a; IX-649a; 6.59d; XII- 40Gb; maintenance I-312c; in Maronite church I.\-685a; _ and marriage ceremony IX- 700c; marriage of IV-438c: Mass for III-502b; Messias as XIV-.597d; minister of bless- ings II-GOOb; as minister of penance XI-623C: as monk X- 469d; in New Testament I- 628c; object XII-422C; obla- tions of the, Jewish rites XI- 217a; official powers of XII- 417b;ordinationVII-242c;XV- 34a; ordination. Galliean Rite VI-36ob; organization XII-406C

— parish: in Austro-Hungar.y II- 130c; confession to I-657d; aa dean I-698C; dispensation, pow- er of V-42b; faculties given by I-657b: form of addressing I- 138d; German I-139c; 342b; 342c; and marriage banns II- 236a; V-44d; removal of XV- 248c; right of funeral dues VI- 321a; Pistoia, teaching of II- 68d; as witness XV-677d

— and Passion, recitation of XI- 525d: in pastoral theology XIV-61.3a; 613b; and paten XI-541d; penance. Sacrament of XIV-587a; permission to edit III - 526a; as physician X-12.5b; and Pope II-69c; in Portugal MI l.'Ia, powers of _ I-6.5i;d: \II .'I h Hii.d; 417c;

and jirii 1' I \ I 1 1 14a; and

property .\ \ f._'7ii I'rotestant conception of I-491b; punish- ment for false witness against IV-691d; rights XII-407a; Rome XII-421C; rural XV- 401b; and in sacrifice of Cross XIlI-317a; sacrificing XII- 409a; sanctuary lamp. Care of XIII-741c;in.Sanhe(lrin XIII- 445b; Sarum Rite XIII-480d; savage I-410d; second XII- 408b; secular I-140a; secular- ization of XIII-678a; and se- delia XIII-679b; singing XII- 409a; in Spain XII - 420c; 421a; Spanish America XII- 421d; stole, use of XIV-301b; superannuated I-31.3b; and surgery IX-18c; X-125d; United States XII-421c; term, use of XII-415b; vestments of XV-38,8b; vesture in Pontifical Mass XII-232d; and Viatieum XV-397d; vocation XV-499b; and vows XII-2(i9c; in Wash- ington State .\V-.562b

—ASSISTANT XII-407b; XI- 499d; .5.3Sd; <lutieg of XII- 407c; ve-tments of XIl-107b

—Head. .See Priest. High

—HIGH XII -407c; Aaron XII-4n7d; anointing of XII- 407d; brcasti.lair XI-GOOd; V-497C; and lii-. 1:. -.nn-,. XII-40fia;epl:' •■ II i l-.l ■ .- riage lI-.M9b: M I ■ ■■ h,

numherofXIl li'^a .Mi'i.n^ XI-217a; privileges l-17oa; vestments V-401b; XIl-413a

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.