Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/662

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Greek formula II-3Sqd; me- diate and immediate XV-54a; and Ragusa VI-113a; St. Thomas Aquinas XIV-666d; 700b; in Trinity XV-S6C

PROCESSIONAL, ROMAN XII- 44fic: in Dominican Rite XIII- Tod; 70a

— ad usum Sarum XII-446d

—BANNERS XII-44Sd; blessing of Il-eOIb; Bologna (ill.) XII- 447d; of medieval knights III- 691b: on Ascension Dayl-767d; in heraldn- VII -243b; of Manchu armv IX-5S6a


—CROSS XII-448b; IV-533C; Abyssinian (ill.) I-7Sd; armori- al use VII-247a; bearer IV- 539a; at funerals of children III-76a; (ill.) IV-facing 536;

XI 1^48

Processionale, and Vexilla Regis XV-396C


— Lights, and Ritualists XIII- 9Id

Procession of Candles, Purifica- tion of Our Lady XII-447C

— of Palms, on Palm Sunday XIH47C

PROCESSIONS, ecclesiastical XII-446d; Anglican, Corpus Christi XIII-92a; and Articles, Organic I-7oCb: on Ascension Day I-767d; of the Blessed Sacrament XII-447c: canopy XII-448d; in Carmelite Rite XIII-73d; in early Church XII^46d; extraordinary XII- 447d:'of herrings, Reims XII- 728c; hymns XII-449a; in Lamaism XII -409c; litanies IX-2S7a; liturgical rite XII- 447b; Middle Ages XII^47b; on Feast of the Purification III-246b; religious XII-742d: in Rituale Romanum XIII- 89d; Rogation Days XIII- nia; in Spain XIV-191d; sta- tional XII-447a; and surplice XIV-344a; vestments IV-539a

PROCESSUS, SAINT XlI-l4Ua; martvnl.iii, lU-.-.llic; ;innc; III-144a; on St. Philip XI-799b

— Neoplatonist X-492b; 744a; XII-31d; and Arabian philos- ophy I-675b; and Bcethius II- 611c; cmanationism V-398b: Plethon, Georgius XII-166d; Pseudo-Arcopagite V-15b; 18a

— ItoiiKin emperor, at Lyona

XII 4ll',c

-Bishop of Colonia IV-12.5C — of Cyzieus. See Proclus, Saint



scniusiu I-754b; marble ni-9fia

Procopius, Saint, military patron X-276b

— usurper XV-2S3d

— Orthodox Patriarch of Jeru- salem VIII-36Sa

—Saint, Bishop of Ruvo XIII-

— Saint, Abbot of Sazawa XIII-

339a; canonized VIII-16d — Saint, martyr, of Scythopolis

XIII-648d; Delehaye on VI-

454a —Bishop of Svnnada XIV-387d —Andrew, T:ilH,rile II-124b;

l.ll.c: Vl-49i'.d; Vll-5S8d —OF CffiSAREA XII-4.30a; III-

llCa; 134d; VII-103b; 375a;

and Agatbius I-204c; Alamanni

edits I-245c; on Mosiccus X-

412b: on Theodora, empress

in-102b —of Gaza IV-lOOa; X-492d; on

earth's shape VI-449b; on

Hexaemeron VII-315c — the Great. See Procopius, An- drew — the Little. See Prokupek — the Shaven. See Procopius,


Xll-loOb; portrait XII-450C — A. C, sculptor XlIl-04Sa —Sir Stephen VI-l(ilb Proctors, of Cambridge Univer- sity III-213a; 214b Procula, Claudia XII-84a Proculphus, lejrendarv Bishop of

Cracow IV-4fi4c Proculus, Saint, martyr, Bologna

II-U4Ua: X-704b — Saint, martyr Pozzuoli II-

47Sa; VIII-295a; XII-331d — Montanist XV-7S6d — Bishop of Clermont VI-413b — Bishop of Marseilles VI-397a;

IX-716a — Bishop of Nicotera XI-72a —Bishop of Segorbe XIII-684b —Bishop of Verona XV-361d — See Aproculus; Proclus Procuratio IX-20Sd Procuration, episcopal right XIV-

322b PROCURATOR X!I-4.-,la: lienti-

liiatiun II-:>t;7d: at Councils,

Ceiieral IV-4L>7a: nf Cmirt, V-713a; ecclesiastical

Vni-545d; monastic XI-184a;

power, cessation of Xll^Slb — Fiscalis. See Fiscal Procurator Procurator-general, in religious

institutes XIl-7.59a; in reUg-

ious orders Xll-754d Pro-Datario, oflicial III-57d Prodho, Syrian at Malabar XIV-

68Id: at Quilon XIV-681a Prodicians, Gnostic sect VI-599a Prodicus, disciple of Hippocrates

XlII-692d — of Ceos, Sophist XIV-146a — the Moralist. .See Prodicus of

Ceos Prodigal, Sunday of the. See

Septuagesima Sunday —Son XI-4U6C -^in art: (Brill II-787b; (Durer)

V-210a; (Fiihrich) n-131a;

(Murillo) X-045a; (Valdiviel-

sii) II-14.3C Prodromus, Theodorus, poet III-

119d; calendar XlV-382d Producteur, periodical XIII-378a Production, political economy

XIl-2:4b; and poverty XII-

329c: Ricardo's theory I-228a;

Socialism XIV-fi3a Productive Class, Qucsnay XII-

6Sa Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, papal

decoration IV-6«9d; (ill.) IV- facing 668 — excellent praeeminentiS, Bull of

Pius IV IV-76C Prof., abbr. I-2.5C Pro Familia, periodical, It.aly XI-

6S4d Profanation of the Host (UcccUo)

XV-221C Profane and Sacred Love (Titian)

XlV-742d Profesa. See San JosC- el Real,



.\ll-451c: I-312C: and abdica- tion I-31b: age I-2()8a; and be- trothal II-.538a; Carmelite ter-

tiaries XrV-637d; crucifix IV- 537b; "Cum Singute" XII- 452b; in danger of death XII- 453a; definition XII-452a; dis- pensation XII-452b; division XII-452a; effects XII-4.52d; existing law XII^52a; form XII-J.52d; habit XII-lolc; Leo XIII's decree I-129a: mo- nastic I-651b; nuns XI-166b; origin XII— 451c: Passionists XI-522d; Pius IX's decree I- 128c; seculars XIII-675d; sim- ple XII-452b: 452c; solemn XII-452b; validity XII-452d; veil XV-321d; vows XII-451d; 452a

—of Faith IV-478b; Pius IV- XII-129d

— of religion, and State XIV- 765b

Professions, and women XV- 694b; 696d

Professores, early Roman col- lege VII-71b

Professors, of Dominican "Stu- dia generalia" XII-361b; un- paid 1-3 i 5a

Profit, and arbitration I-682c; and migration X-294c; and monopoly X-497d; political economy XII-214C

Profuturus, Bishop of Braga IX- 3Ud; X-611c; XV-427d

—Bishop of Cirta Il-Sllb

— Bishop of Lamego Vlll-701d

Prognathous, skull XIl-621b

Programma del modernisti X- 41.5d: 416a: 417b

Progres, periodical VI-275d

Progress, scientific, and rational- ism V-419d; tbeosophic law XIV-628a

Progressista, army II-168d

Progressives XV-91a

Progressive system, in prisons XII-433b

Prohseresios, Bishop of Sinope XIV- 14b

Prohaeresius, philosopher II-43d; and St. Basil the Great II-330d

Prohaszka, Ottokar, Bishop of Stuhlweissenburg VII - 562a; XIV-317C

Prohibition of books. See Cen- sorship of Books; Index of Prohibited Books

— of liquor XlV-4s:ia: legislative acti^.ii \lV-4siib: Maine XIV- 4SSd, Tnited States XV-17Sa

Proistamenos \'H-334d

Projectiles, motion XII-51d; Gahleo's theory VI-34.3b; XH- 57b; Parisian theory XII-56b; Torricelli's work XIV- 784b

Projectinus, Bishop of Narni X- 704b

Projection system, of cerebral cortex XI-542a

Projectus, bishop, and St. Hilary IX-155C

—lector V-122b

— papal legate, at Ephesus III- 47Sb: V-492a; 493d

Prokeimenon, in Greek Office I- 106b; in Byzantine Rite IX- 196b

Proklos. See Proclus

Prokop, Maximilian, Bishop of Frcisint; .\-(j32b

Prokopovitch, Theophanus, .Arch- bishop of Novgorod XIII-270C; and Peter the Great XIII- 256c; and Russian Church Xin-263b

Prokupek, leader of Bohemian "Orplians" Vll-588d

Prolegomena IX-321a

Proles, Andreas, .\ugustinian Vll-2s.ia

Proletarec, periodical XIV-57a

Proletariat, in Socialism XIV-63b

Promatius, Saint IV-7S3d

Promessi Sposi (Manzoni) IX- 634d

Prometheus, myth XIII-320a: Gasser von Valhorn's statue VI-392a

Promiscuity V-782b; primitive IX-694a

Promise, .Mbigensian I-209c; secret Xlll-lwSb

—DIVINE XIl-l.Mb; to Peter XII-261C

Promised Land, and Aaron I- 4c; division XIV -552a; and

Moses X-597b; in Numbers XI-li49c

Promissory Oaths BUI Xl-lSOb; XV-12Sb

Promnitz, Balthasar von. Bishop of Breslau ll-763a

Promoter, Fiscal. See Fiscal Froiiinter

— of the Faith. S>^e Promotor Fidel

PROMOTOR FIDEI XII-454a; beatification Il-369b; prece- dence XIll-144b

Promotus, Bishop of Vi\iers XV- 493d

Prompta, Saint XII-729b

Promptuarium Canonico-Littirgi- cum, periodical XVI-3sd

Promulgandi, Constitution of Puis X I.\-i;4d: Xll-4.i4c

PROMULGATION Xll-4,i4b: of constituti.ins, papal IV-322a; of laws IX-54b: 56b; by Ro- man Congregations I-123C; of "Tametsi" IV-ld

Pronaos, of Greek Temple XIV- 497d

Prone, homily VII-449a

Pronimus, Bishop of Synaus XIV-3S2b

Prontinus, heretic VIII-530b

PROOF Xll-454d: analogy I- 449b; analytical I-4olb; con- fession Xll-455a; evidence, documentary XII-455b; evi- dence of the fact XII-455d; evidence, introduction of XII- 455d; imperfect XII-455a: in- direct XV-756b; oaths XII- 455c; perfect XII— 454d: pre- sumption XII-455b; report, public XII-455C; rules XII- 45.5d

Propaga^ao de Fe, periodical, Portugal XI-6S9a




—SACRED CONGREGATION OF XII-4.->i.a: Vll-.Jb: XI- 777c; XIIl-142d; and Ameri- can College, Louvain I-425b; and American College, Rome I— 424a; and appeals I-651d; 6.54b: BuUarium III-oOc; and Capuchins III-324b; censor- ship of books III-525C; clergy, mainten.ince of I-313a; on cloister IV-60b: and collections IV-105d; and consanguinity IV-266d; and Consistory, Con- gregation of XIII-139d: on cor- respondence, ecclesiastical I- 137d; customs XII-460C; divi- sions XIII-136C; documents I- 124a; educational houses under XII-230b: establishment XIV- 661a; exi.rn-is .\11 -4i;0b; fac- ulties -\11 l.vid: lea>l. titular IV-771C: 1 1,1.1,- ,.t Sigmarin- gen VI 7(la; l.i-t..ry Xll-456b; institution XllI-3S4a; XIV- 660c; jurisdiction XII-457b; XIII-143a; on marriages, mixed, in England IX-699b; and matrimonial cases XII- 460a; members XII^60d; and missions XII-269a; museum X-647b; XII-460b; organiza- tion, external XII-4.57d; or- ganization, internal Xn-458c; origin Xll-456b; palace. Rome (ill.) XII-4.59: and papal au- thority I-144b; and Pius X Xll-isSd; and pontifical in- stitutions XII-230d; on prece- dence in I'nited States XII- 371d; prefect, general XII- 4S,">c: and 1' ro paga t i o n of Faith, Society for XlUljld; on properly, ecclesiastical XII- 472d;aml I'roteetorate of .Mis- sions, French .\Il-191c; and religiou.'i hfe Xll 7."i.")d; and San LeJn del Aiiiaz,.na,s XIII- 44Sb; and schools, L'nitcd States XIIl-.">Mld: seal .XII- 457c; statistics XlV-271b: and Thomas of Je.^us HI 3ii4a; titular sees II-14.5b

^Catolica, periodical XV-766b

— College, Rome. See Urban College

—College, Smyrna l-791b

—Library Ill-14.->d

— of Lyons V I- 1 75c

—Press XlHOOb; Molloy X- 442c

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^ illustrations.